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Name of the Teacher K.Ranga Chary
Subject Informatics Practices
Class and Section XII
Name of the Chapter MYSQL Revision Tour
Topic/ Sub-Topics Database Definition, Types of Databases, DDL, DML and TCL commands and Their
applications, MY SQL Single Row functions.
Month June
Learning Objectives  After studying this lesson the students will be able to: Define the terms:
 (i) Data Models
 (ii) SQL Elements Create tables with SQL constraints View a table structure
Insert, modify and delete data from tables
 Add a constraint to a table, remove a constraint from a table, and modify a
column of a table using ALTER TABLE command.
 Delete a table using DROP TABLE
Teaching Explanation, Demonstration on the projector System.
Methodology Procedure
Explaining the various advantage of database system like inconsistency, redundancy,
integrity etc. Showing them table creation by writing command on the board.
Learning out comes Students will be able to create simple applications using the above concepts in the
Teaching aids Projector, Computer System, White Board
Teaching/ learning Create the application in the computer system and execute.
Mode of assessment/ A objective based assessment will be conducted online in Edmodo.Differentiate
Assignments between DDL and DML commands? Differentiate between Char and Varchar
Name of the Teacher K.Ranga Chary
Subject Informatics Practices
Class and Section XII
Name of the Chapter Database Transaction
Topic/ Sub-Topics TCL commands: commit, Roll back, and Save point applications of TCL commands
Month March
Learning Objectives The students will be able to
 Know Concept of database
 Understand Transaction
 Use Transaction Control Commands
Teaching Explanation, Demonstration on the projector System.
Methodology Procedure
Explaining that a database transaction is a logical unit of work. A user views a
transaction as a logical sequence of read and write operations.
Learning out comes After studying this lesson the students will be able to: Define a Transaction Describe
reason why all the tasks in a transaction should be executed fully or not at all. Perform
basic transactions. Commit a transaction. Add Save Points to a transaction. Roll back a
Transaction Roll back a Transaction to a Save point.
Teaching aids Projector, Computer System, White Board
Teaching/ learning Perform the following tasks: Start MySQL session . Create a table named Student
activities with columns RollNumber, Name and Marks.
Start a transaction and insert two rows to the Student table. Verify the inserts by
SELECT statement. Commit the changes. Start another transaction. Delete a row that
was recently inserted. Verify that the row has been deleted. Rollback the changes.
Verify that the delete has been cancelled.
Mode of assessment/ Writing subjective questions answers in a copy. i) What do you mean by ACID
Assignments properties of database transaction? ii) Why do we use ROLLBACK statement>
Explain briefly with the help of an example?
Name of the Teacher K.Ranga Chary
Subject Informatics Practices
Class and Section XII
Name of the Chapter More on SQL
Topic/ Sub-Topics Aggregate (group) Functions, type of SQL functions, Grouping result – Group by joins
Month April
Learning Objectives The students will be able to
 To grouping records and table joining.
Teaching Explanation, Demonstration on the projector System.
Methodology Procedure
Explaining the Group By clause of SQL select statement to join two tables.
In practical class the Group by clause and equi – join will be shown.
Learning out comes After studying this lesson the students will be able to: Define a Transaction Describe
reason why all the tasks in a transaction should be executed fully or not at all. Perform
basic transactions. Commit a transaction. Add Save Points to a transaction. Roll back a
Transaction Roll back a Transaction to a Save point.
Teaching aids Projector, Computer System, White Board
Teaching/ learning Reading the chapter and practicing cross join, left join, natural join and equi-join
activities with the help of clauses
Mode of assessment/ Solving text book questions answers, queries etc.

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