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Unit gt Classification of Matter REVISION NOTE Classification of matter 1, Classification of matter is based on the following steps: — Determine their similarities or differences — Place the objects with similar characteristics in a group — Name the group 2. Classification enables us to find objects easily or ‘study the objects in a more organised manner. Physical properties of material 1. Strength is the ability of an object to support a heavy load without breaking. Hardness is the ability of an object to withstand scratches, is the ability of an object to bend without breaking. Melting point is a fixed temperature whereby a pure substance changes from a solid into a liquid. Boiling point is a fixed temperature whereby a pure substance changes from a liquid into a gas. Electrical conductivity is the ability of a substance to allow electricity to pass through. SP wL Types of material 1. Ceramics: Strong but brittle; Can be mold into different shape 2. Plastics: Strong and durable; Poor conductor of heat and electricity 3. Fibres: Can be spun into thread; Poor conductor of heat and electricity 4. Metals: Strong and hard; Good conductor of heat and electricity 5. Glass: Brittle and can be made into different shape REVISION QUESTIONS Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions 1 Which of the following best explains the meaning of matter? A itis aterm to describe the non-living things. B tis term to describe things that have no mass. tis term to describe things that occupy space but contain no mass. D Itis a term to describe the living things and non-living things which have mass and occupy space. 2 Which of the following examples is not classified as matter? A Vacuum t B Ashes Sand D_ Bacteria ©GLM Me Lid CHEMISTRY BESET ics a Which of the following is not one of the physical quantities of a matter? A Colour B_ Electrical conductivity Cc Brittleness D__ Reaction with oxygen gas The diagram below shows a ball floating in water. cup ball floating on top of water ‘water Which statement cannot be deduced from the diagram shown above? A The ball is less dense than water. B Water has a higher density than the cup. The cup is made of material which has low solubility in water. D_ The ball has a low solubility in water. Which of the following physical properties is not correct about gases? A High compressibility B Does not have fixed shape © Lowdensity D Boiling point higher than room temperature Which of the following substances has the highest compressibility? A Icecream B_ Coffee Cc Balloon Dice cube Which of the following statements is not true for all matter? A The condensation of matter releases heat to the surroundings. B When matter melts, heat energy is taken in from the surroundings. © Matter exists as a liquid if its melting point is higher than the room temperature. D Matter is anything which has mass and occupies space. ©GLM Pre Lid 8* The diagram below shows a solid substance at a temperature of 25 °C being heated, after 30 minutes solid substance Pare . at 25°C liquid at 65 °C. heat heat Which of the following cannot be deduced from the above experiment? A The melting point must be 65 °C. B_ The melting point is below 100 °C. The boiling point must be above 65 °C, D__ The melting point is above 25 °C. 9 Which substance expands the least when it is heated from the 25 oC to 100 oC? A tron bar B Water in a container C Balloon D- Mercury 10 Which combination contain all the materials which are good conductors of electricity? A Zinc, sulfur, magnesium B_ Mercury, potassium, iron C Helium, argon, oxygen D Aluminium, magnesium, iodine 11 Which of the following reasons best explains why tungsten is used in light bulbs? A Ithas high melting point. B tis resistant to corrosion. © Itis cheap. D__ tis a good conductor of electricity. 12 Which of the following physical properties is suitable for making tennis balls? A High density B_ Good conductor of heat © Low compressibility D_ Malleable 13° The scale of hardness for different materials is shown below. A harder object has a higher hardness value. Hardness value 1 3 5 7 10 st 1 —_ Material powder fingernail —_steel quartz diamond Which of the following statements is true? A Quartz is able to scratch only one object. Powder is able to scratch diamond. CHEMISTRY [UES cs B C Steel is unable to scratch quartz. D__ Fingernail is able to scratch quartz but not steel. ©GLM Pte Lid 1 gq 14 15 16 v7 1g Which of the following substances is a liquid at room temperature? A Mercury B_ Candle wax Cc Table sugar D- Helium Which reason best explains the suitability of aluminium for making aircraft body? A __ Itis light. B itis resistance to corrosion. C__ tis malleable. D__ It has a good thermal conductivity. Which physical property can be used to differentiate metals from glass, ceramics and fibres? A High melting point B_ High density C Good conductor of electricity D Can be molded into shape The following diagram shows a pot used for heating perfumery oil. vapour candle fire Which of the following physical properties is the most desirable for making the pot? A Good flexibility B_ High density © Good insulator of heat D High melting point Which of the properties affects the sinking or floating of a substance in a liquid? A Strength B Density Cc Flexibility D Melting point Aload is placed on two rods, X and Y, made from different materials. Rod X sags a little when the load is placed on it but rod Y breaks into two pieces. Which of the following conclusions is correct about the two rods? A Rod X has a greater flexibility than rod Y. B_ Rod X has a greater hardness than rod Y. C_ Rod X has a greater strength than rod Y. D_ Rod X has a greater density than rod Y. ©GLM Pte Lid 20 Asolid Q is heated until a temperature of 80 oC is reached. At that temperature, solid Q starts to melt. The temperature is constant throughout the melting of solid Q. Which of the following statements is correct about solid Q? A Ithas a boiling point of 80 °c, B itis a pure substance, C sIthas a high density. D__ It does not conduct electricity. Section B: Short Answer Questions 1 The table lists the melting and boiling points of some substances. Substance Melting point (°C) Boiling point (°C) Aluminium 660 2470 Bromine -7 59 Caesium 29 690 Potassium 64 774 Zine 420 907 (a) Explain the terms: (i) Melting point (ii) Boiling point (b) From the table, state the substance which has the (i) highest melting point (ii) lowest boiling point. (©) State which substance(s) has/have the melting point lower than potassium. 2 (a) Whatis solubility of a substance? (b) Explain how the solubility of a material affects its application. Give one example in your explanation. ©GLM Pte Lid 1! ° 3 (a) What is dichotomous key? (b)* Study a variety patterns shown below. cD) im) Based on which characteristics would you be able to classify the objects by dichotomous key? () Whatis the advantage for classifying things in our daily lives? The diagram below shows part of an electrical cable. copper wreck “—~ material X (a) State two important physical properties of copper wire. (b) To protect users from getting electric shock, the copper wire must not be exposed. () Suggest a material which is suitable to be X. (ii) Explain how the material you named in (i) protects users from receiving electric shock when touching the electrical cable. Which physical property is the most suitable for making the following applications? Explain your answer. (a) Table spoon ©GLM Pe Lid ay (b) Handle of a cooking pan () Book shelf 6 — Ceramics is one of the materials can be used to make useful objects. Tiles are one of the examples made from ceramics. (a) From which resource is ceramics made? (b) State three physical properties of tiles. (c) State one disadvantage of using ceramics to make tiles. Section C: Free Response Questions 1 (a) Define the term material. (b) Name four classes of materials which are non-metals. (c)_ State two common physical properties for non-metallic materials. z 2 s 2 (a) The heating element in a kettle is used to heat up water. It is made from a metal called 2 nichrome. Describe two possible reasons why nichrome is used as the heating element. 3 s ® (b) State three differences between metallic materials and non-metallic materials. = an = rT) Fs [s} ©GLM me Lid 21

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