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Statistics Project Checklist

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Project item Description Fulfillment
Yes No
1. Introduction The introduction contains the following points on one page: 1) Explanation of the
importance of statistics; 2) Description of the context of the topic of interest in at
[Due date: 3er parcial] least one paragraph; 3) Description of the objective of the study and the research
questions, 4) Justification of the use of the survey as a data collection instrument
for the project, 5) Presentation of a summary of the analysis and interpretation of
the data obtained in section 5 of the project.
2. Problem formulation and study objective
[Due date: 1er parcial]
2.1 Definition of the topic of interest The selected topic is relevant and a problem can be associated with it.
2.2 Research questions At least four research questions are listed and worded correctly and coherently.
2.3 Selection of the variables
2.3.1 Analysis of the type of data needed for An analysis of the data needed for the study and the definition of the type of
the study and definition of the type of variables
variables are presented. At least four quantitative variables are listed and
classified correctly. At least one qualitative variable is listed and classified
2.3.2 Analysis of how data will be measured An analysis of how the data will be measured is presented, describing the units of
measurement of the study variables.
2.4 Problem description Statistical data from a reliable source of information such as a scientific article,
magazine or newspaper article, the official page of an institution, etc. support the
problem description.
2.5 Goal of the study The writing of the goal of the study answers the following questions: 1) What do
you want to do?, 2) How do you want to achieve it? and 3) What do you want to
do it for?
2.6 Scope of study The scope of the study is described and worded correctly and coherently. The
scope of the study refers to the parameters under which the study will be
2.7 Definition of the target population The target population is described and coherently selected according to all the
other parts presented.
3. Identification of sources of data and problem context
[Due date: 2do parcial]
3.1 Internal and external data source If the team were able to extract information from an internal source related to the
topic of interest, an analysis would be presented. An analysis and interpretation of
two external data sources related to the topic of interest is presented in at least a
3.2 Cross-sectional external data source Description of cross-sectional data regarding the project research questions from
an external data source. The data is presented in table form. An analysis of the
information is presented in at least a paragraph.
3.3 Time-series data Description of time-series data regarding the project research questions from an
external data source. The data is presented in table form. An analysis of the
information is presented in at least a paragraph.
3.4 Justification of the data collection Explanation of why a survey will be used as a data collection instrument to answer
instrument the research questions.
4. Description of the data collection instrument
[Due date: 2do parcial]
4.1 Description of the survey header An explanation of why the survey header contains the spaces the participant
needs to complete is presented. A description of the relevant information the
participant needs to know before answering the survey is also described.
4.2 Description of the 10 survey questions The question is appropriately worded and without spelling mistakes.
The question makes sense, is concrete, uses time periods that are related to the
importance of the research questions, and uses conventional language.
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The response to the question justifies:
1. The use of open or closed option
2. Distinguish among response format that uses qualitative and quantitative
3. For quantitative measurement, the response categories are meaningfully and
logically grouped
The objective of including the question in the survey is presented and the research
question it will help answer is explained.
5. Analysis and interpretation of data
[Due date: 3er parcial]
5.1 Frequency distribution tables and graphs The collected data is presented through statistical tables and graphs. An analysis
and interpretation of the tables and graphs is presented.
5.2 Statistical numerical measures calculation The calculations of numerical measures of central tendency and measures of
dispersion are presented and an interpretation is detailed described.
5.3 Analysis of the answer to the research Based on the analysis and interpretation of the information in 5.1 and 5.2, an
questions. analysis of the answers to the research questions for the project is presented.
6. Conclusion The writing of conclusion states whether the goal of the study was achieved and
[Due date: 3er parcial] how the research questions were answered by describing the relevant insights of
points 3, 4, and 5 of the project.
7. References The references used are listed using APA seventh edition format.

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