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A brief of Cyber-attack over Ukraine

The Ukrainian cyber attack is a critical issue that interferes with the global
security and international relation. Ukraine government states that the Cyber
attack that occurred in January of 2022 was most probably caused by Russia
[VOA 2022]. The US and EU was very supportive to Ukraine in this security
threatening situation and offered cyberattack- resistance capability (VOA
2022). Diplomatic tools were also offered by the UN, US and EU to decrease
the tensions that had arisen on the border between Russia and Ukraine. A
raised fear of military invasion by Russia after the cyber attack because of
100,000 troops and equipment placed by Russia over its border with Ukraine
(VOA 2022). In this brief, I would like to discuss how much the event of this
cyber attack meant to the regional crises.

The cyber attack is related to high insecurity issues in the region borders
between Ukraine and Russia. Such events had threatened the Ukrainian
governmental ministries and public services but was unable to reach its full
goals as Ukranian cyber defense had reacted fast and stopped further losses.
For the international community, the cyber attack had made most of
international organizations such as the NATO to step ahead and cooperate
with Ukraine (Schmitt 2022). Also, the UN and the IHL [international human
law] finds that such cyber-attack had caused no physical injury to the civilian
population, however such an attack had injured the cyber infrastructure and
affected the services provided to the people (Schmitt 2022). Therefore, we
can say that cyberattack is a type of armed attack and the Ukraine can use
military self-defense because the international law can allow such movement
for country protection. The region crises will grow bigger if Russia will
continue to use similar illegal force such as cyber-attack to add to its power
and the world might face a new invasion of war from Russia into Ukraine.

In conclusion, I would like to summaries my brief by saying that the Cyber

attack had caused an increase in the tension of the relationship between
Ukrainian and Russian. However the cyberattack was able to raise the voice
of Ukraine over Russia and enabled an international cooperation with
Ukraine from the UN, and NATO. Also, the EU and US offered cyber security
cooperation which can be extended further into military cooperation that can
prevent a war.

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