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World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education  2004 UICEE

Vol.3, No.1, 2004

The design, implementation and evaluation of the Introduction to Engineering program (Intro
Engineering) for prospective engineering students at the Vaal University of Technology,
South Africa
Noreen McFarlane, Trudy Sutherland & Jacques Vermeulen
Vaal University of Technology (formerly Vaal Triangle Technikon)
P/Bag X021, Vanderbijlpark, 1900, Gauteng, South Africa

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to present findings with regard to the design, implementation and evaluation of the Intro
Engineering program. During the design phase emphasis is on the problems experienced in South Africa with regard to the shortage
of skilled labour within the fields of science and engineering. During the implementation phase, emphasis is placed on the methods
used to enhance hands-on mathematical, science and communication skills in order to increase student throughputs in engineering.
During the evaluation phase emphasis is on the impact of this program on the number of enrolments within the Faculty of
Engineering, as well as the degree of skill enhancement obtained by the students. The paper suggests that the objectives of the Intro
Engineering program have been achieved with minimal changes to the pilot program.

INTRODUCTION of promising but under prepared students [5]. Despite the wide
variety of and many differences between AD initiatives, one
With the rapid advances in technology, the demand for a skilled common purpose runs through them all like a silver thread: the
and educated workforce is on the increase. However, only a need to optimally develop each student’s potential. That is to
small proportion of school graduates obtain university learn and study effectively, to cope with the demands of their
exemption and thus degrees in South Africa. Furthermore, studies and to attain a level of performance that matches their
there is a high failure rate amongst first year students, in abilities and strength of commitment [6]. A need exists at
particular black students [1]. It follows then that only a small Technikon level for some form of upgrading/skills
number of students obtain science-based degrees. The long- enhancement program aimed at enriching those prospective
term need for engineers and scientists is thus not adequately students who do not initially make the admissions list [7].
addressed in South Africa.
Program Design and Development
Many countries, whether industrially developed or newly Based on the above need, the Unit for Lifelong Learning at the
industrialised, recognise the crucial role of an effective system Vaal Triangle Technikon, was approached by the Electronics
of education as part of their national plan for social and Department of the Faculty of Engineering during 2001, to
economic development [2]. Education prepares people, in a design, develop and implement a modular based introductory
general way, for potential future roles and positions, which are technology and skill enhancement program for prospective
not always clearly defined [3]. Education is involved with engineering students. It was decided to name the program Intro
enhancing people’s ability to think for themselves and it thus Engineering, as the aim of the program is to uplift those
provides people with the opportunities needed for personal students that are rejected from the mainstream engineering
enrichment and employment via the acquisition of basic courses as a result of inadequate Grade 12 results.
knowledge and skills.
Potential engineering student’s Grade 12 results are rated, with
A unique feature of the South African Higher Education the emphasis on Mathematics, Physical Science and English, as
Qualifications Framework, referred to in the New Academic requirements for admission to Engineering. Not all applicants
Policy [4], is the Articulation Column, which provides for are successful and it is not ideal for prospective students that do
horizontal and diagonal articulation. Diagonal articulation not qualify for the mainstream admissions list to be referred to
generally means that a learner may be required to undertake other tertiary institutions.
additional enrichment learning in a specific target area prior to
In order to identify the needs of those students that do not
being admitted to a target programme. It has been proposed by
initially qualify for admission to a mainstream engineering
the Council on Higher Education (CHE) that programmes that
course, the initiators of the Intro Engineering program
fall into the Articulation Column be made up of 60 credits (one
approached first year engineering lecturers, as well as Grade 12
semester of full time study) in order to allow training providers
teachers. The lecturers and teachers were then asked to identify
to offer short, focused programmes that meet specific in-service
problems within these subject areas.
or upgrading needs of adult learners.
Based on the discussions held, it was determined that the main
In the Higher Education sector, both the policy makers and the emphasis of the Intro Engineering program should focus on the
academics have come to recognise the need for special enhancement of Mathematics, Physical Science and
Academic Development (AD) programs to facilitate the success Communication Skills of prospective engineering students.
Intro Engineering is structured to run over a ten-week period Program Implementation
during the first and second semester of the academic year. The The first Intro Engineering program was presented during the
program is further split into two modules. Module 1 is first semester of 2002. It is important to note that the pass mark
presented over a four-week period and Module 2 over a six- required in Module 1 for each subject is 60 %. Therefore the
week period. Teaching time is allocated to each subject as student must pass all 3 subjects with a mark of 60% or higher in
follows: order to register for Module 2. Continuous assessment is
utilised in Module 1 in the form of tests, practical, assignments,
Communications 9 hours per week presentations and so forth in order to ascertain the Module
Mathematics 10.5 hours per week mark.
Physical Science 10.5 hours per week
In Module 2 the students require a course mark of 50 % (based
on the same continuous assessment methods) in order to
Communications skills, Module 1, deals with inter- and intra
qualify for the examination, which is ast at the end on Module
personal life skill orientation. The aim of this module is to
2. The pass mark required per subject is 60 %, which is made
enhance the skills identified in research as negative contributing
up of 50 % course work mark and 50 % examination mark.
factors in the failure rate of first year students [8,9].
The student must therefore pass all 3 subjects in Module 2 with
Communications skills, Module 2, deals with basic language
an overall mark of 60 % or higher in order to qualify for
aspects. The aim of this module is to enhance English language
registration for a mainstream engineering program.
proficiency in engineering.
Table 1 below describes the composition of the first enrolment
Mathematics, Module 1, deals with basic algebraic equations, group for Module 1 and Table 2 describes the composition of
solving problems and enhancing hands on mathematical skills. the first enrolment group for Module 2.
Module 2 deals with trigonometry and geometry linked to
Table 1:Composition of first enrolment groups for 1 st Semester
engineering mathematical skills required for first year
2002 – Module 1
No of Students % of students
Physical Science, Module 1, deals with mechanical engineering Enrolments: 113 -
aspects. Module 2 introduces the student to the basics of Cancellations: 1 -
chemistry and electrical engineering, Gender:
Male 65 58%
Teaching Methods Employed Female 47 42%
In terms of the outcome-based approach to education as Age groups:
accepted by the South African Qualification Authority [10], the 16 – 18 years 44 39%
teaching of languages falls under the learning area of Language 19 - 21 years 51 46%
Literacy and Communication. The skills of reading, listening 22 – 24 years 15 13%
and observing are emphasised. Research [11] indicates that it > 24 years 2 2%
is reading that promotes the essential cognitive development
skills one must process in order to succeed in adult life. As can be seen from Table 1, 58 % of the enrolled students for
Comprehension is the focal point of the reading process as it Module 1 were male and 42 % were female. The students
involves relating vocabulary to experience; understanding ranged in age from between 16 and 32 years.
ideas, concepts and processes; recognising relationships;
Table 2:Composition of first enrolment groups for 1st Semester
making comparisons; drawing inferences; reflecting,
2002 – Module 2
interpreting and reading between the lines. As these skills are
No of Students % of students
mastered, comprehension occurs and leads to one being able to
critically evaluate ideas, which is necessary within the field of Enrolments: 75 -
engineering [12]. Cancellations: 0 -
The second important specific outcome of the learning area – Male 48 64%
Language Literacy and Communication – is that learners use Female 27 36%
language in order to learn [10]. This can be interpreted as the Age groups:
intrinsic value of language as an instrument for problem 16 – 18 years 34 46%
solving, decision making and creative thinking – critical and 19 - 21 years 36 48%
evaluative –that needs to be developed across the entire 22 – 24 years 4 5%
curriculum [13]. > 24 years 1 1%
As success in the field of Maths and Science is related to the
As can be seen from Table 2, 64 % of the enrolled students for
student’s ability to relate vocabulary to experience; to
Module 2 were male and 36 % were female. The students
understand ideas, concepts and processes; to recognise
ranged in age from between 16 and 32 years.
relationships; to draw comparisons and inferences; to reflect,
interpret and to read between the lines, it was thus decided to
employ an integrated approach to teaching, between the 3 Program evaluation
subjects that comprise the Intro Engineering program. Table 3 below describes the overall results of the first
enrolment group for Module 1 and Table 4 describes the
Emphasis is also placed on the acquisition of skills, thus a
overall results of the first enrolment group for Module 2. Table
hands-on approach is embedded in the Maths and Science
5 summarises the throughput rate for the first enrolment group
for Intro Engineering.
Table 3: Module 1 results – 1st Semester 2002 It can be seen that the percentage of female students (11 %) that
Total students enrolled 112 passed both Module 1 and 2 is significantly lower than the
Cancellations 1 number of male students (33 %) that passed both modules.
Table 5: Throughputs for 1st Semester 2002
Number of students passed 100 Module 1 & 2 throughput %
Pass % 89% Maths 23
Average % obtained 72% Science 21
Science Communications 31
Number of students passed 78 Females passed 6
Pass % 71% Males Passed 25
Average % obtained 67% Overall pass 17
Table 5 indicates the overall throughput rates for the first Intro
Number of students passed 79 Engineering program. The overall throughput rate for the Intro
Pass % 71% Engineering program was 17 %. This implies that 19 students
Average % obtained 62% were thus able to enrol for a mainstream engineering program.
Number of females passed 28 60% The overall throughput rate for Maths is 23 %, for Science 21
Number of males passed 49 75% % and Communications 31 %. In all 6 % of female enrolments
were successfully completed both modules and 25 % of the
Overall results
male students.
Number of students passed 77 69%
As can be seen in Table 3 the pass rate for Module 1 is 69 %
(77/112). The overall pass rate for Maths, Module 1 is 89 %. The overall throughput rate for the Intro Engineering program
The overall pass rate for Science, Module 1 is 70 % The is 17 %, which is slightly lower than the Technikon throughput
overall pass rate for Communications, Module 1 is 71 % rate of between 20-25 % for the same subjects in the first year
of engineering.
75 % of the male students that enrolled for Module 1 qualified
for Module 2. 60 % of the female students that enrolled for The overall throughput rate for the Intro Engineering program
Module 1 qualified for Module 2. In total 77 students (69 %) indicates that 19 students that would not normally have been
passed all 3 subjects in Module 1. accepted into the field of engineering may now enrol for their
first year in engineering at the Vaal Triangle Technikon. This
Table 4: Module 2 results – 1st Semester 2002 implies that the Intro Engineering program was successful with
Total students enrolled 75 regard to the increase of enrolments in the field of engineering.
Cancellations 0
Maths The percentage of female students that passed both Module 1
and 2 is significantly lower than the number of male students
Number of students passed 26 that passed both modules.
Pass % 35%
Average % obtained 71% RECOMMENDATIONS
Number of students passed 23 The academic progress of the 19 students who passed the Intro
Pass % 31% Engineering program are being tracked throughout their study
Average % obtained 68% career at the Technikon, in order to ascertain if the overall
throughput rate in the field of engineering increases. Data
obtained from each successive Intro Engineering program
Number of students passed 35 should be analysed in terms of student’s pass rates and
Pass % 47% throughputs in order to determine the long-term success of the
Average % obtained 68% program.
Continuous evaluation of module content, as well as lecturer
Number of females passed 3 11% capability should take place to ensure that the quality and
Number of males passed 16 33% content of teaching material is maintained throughout the
Overall results duration of the program. An investigation into a possible
Number of students passed 19 25% correlation between English proficiency and pass rates in Maths
and Science should also be conducted.
As can be seen from Table 4 the pass rate for Module 2 is 25 %
(19/75). The overall pass rate for Maths, Module 2 is 35 %. The significant difference between the pass rates for male and
The overall pass rate for Science, Module 2 is 31 %. The female students should be investigated to determine the cause
overall pass rate for Communications, Module 2 is 47 %. thereof.
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