Reflective - Journal 2 RLE MCF

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Ruwela Parnoncillon

Professor Jo Ed Noblezada


23 October 2023


1. Were your impressions or thoughts before the start of the learning activity/ experience? Were

they mostly positive or negative?

As I approached this learning task, my impressions and thoughts were a combination of pleasant

and negative feelings. I was excited and nervous before the learning activity began. I learned that

these abilities are fundamental in the field of nursing and that learning them is critical for

providing high-quality patient care. The positive element of my ideas arose from my willingness

to improve my expertise and confidence in these operations. I recognized that these abilities are

critical in preserving patient safety and minimizing the spread of illnesses, making them very

important. On the other hand, I struggled with anxiety and self-doubt. I was aware that surgical

hand scrubbing and straight catheterization both necessitate a high level of precision and

rigorous attention to detail. I was afraid of making a mistake or not doing these tasks

appropriately. This negative element of my thinking reflected my concern for the safety and well-

being of the patients I might one day care for.

2. Discuss the challenges encountered during the activity. What did you learn from those


During the return demonstrations for surgical hand scrubbing and straight catheterization, I met

various problems that tested my skills and pushed me out of my comfort zone. These challenges

provided important learning opportunities for me as a nursing student. Maintaining good

technique was one of the most difficult aspects of surgical hand scrubbing. It took careful

movements and diligence to ensure that I was adequately scrubbing each portion of my hands

and forearms. Any deviation from the prescribed method could jeopardize the sterile field in a

real surgical scenario. This task taught me the value of being meticulous and patient, especially

when under time constraints. Straight catheterization required sensitive techniques as well as

direct patient engagement. I had a difficult time controlling my nerves and being confident while

performing the catheterization. This experience showed me the importance of communicating

clearly with the patient, ensuring their comfort, and seeking help from experienced mentors

when in doubt. It also emphasized the significance of developing trust with patients. Strict

procedure adherence and hygiene were critical in both tasks. The difficulty here was not only

knowing but also regularly applying the guidelines. This included adhering to strict hand

scrubbing practices and employing aseptic protocols during catheterization. I realized that this

level of detail is non-negotiable because it directly affects patient safety.

3. What have you learned most in the learning activity?

I gained a deep understanding of the technical aspects of these nursing skills. I learned the step-

by-step procedures, proper techniques, and the importance of precision in executing these tasks.

This knowledge is fundamental for providing safe and effective patient care. Moreover, working

with instructors and peers during these demonstrations highlighted the importance of teamwork

and seeking support when needed. Collaboration within the healthcare team is essential for

delivering optimal patient care.


4. What are the professional and personal skills you have learned from the activity? How did you

change as a result of this experience?

I've learned the professional and personal abilities needed for surgical hand scrubbing and

straight catheterization, both of which are essential in the area of nursing. I've gained a thorough

awareness of infection control measures as well as the capacity to rigorously execute them in

order to maintain a sterile atmosphere. In addition, I've learnt the value of following established

protocols and recommendations, knowing that they are intended to maximize patient safety. I've

expanded my understanding and compassion for patients as a result of the activity, recognizing

their vulnerability and the need of offering emotional support. I've realized the enormous

responsibility that comes with being a healthcare practitioner, and I'm dedicated to ensuring

patient safety. Furthermore, I've improved my attention to detail, recognizing that even the

smallest oversight can have significant consequences in healthcare.

5. How can you apply/make use of what you have learned from the activity in the future (as

a future nurse)?

The skills and knowledge I gained from the return demonstrations for surgical hand scrubbing

and straight catheterization will be extremely useful as I begin my job as a nurse. I learned the

need of proper aseptic technique during the surgical hand scrubbing demonstration to prevent

infections in the surgical setting. As a future nurse, I can put this knowledge to use by always

following strict hand hygiene practices, not just in the operating room but in all patient care

circumstances. This will aid in patient safety and the prevention of healthcare-associated

illnesses. Meanwhile, during the Straight Catheterization demonstration, I learned about the

delicate nature of the process as well as the importance of patient comfort and privacy. I learnt

how to keep the procedure sterile, how to handle the catheter with care, and how to keep the

patient comfortable throughout. I will put this information to use by approaching each

catheterization procedure with compassion and expertise. I will prioritize patient dignity, privacy,

and safety while using sterile practices.

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