Swain Phosphate and Sulfate Mixtures

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J Inorg Organomet Polym

DOI 10.1007/s10904-016-0454-z

Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Property of Phosphate

and Sulfate Mixtures
Trilochan Swain1 · Gouri Sankhar Brahma2

Received: 28 August 2016 / Accepted: 5 October 2016

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Two inorganic mixtures of copper and sodium Keywords DSC · Specific heat capacity ·
compounds have been synthesized and characterized with Nanophosphate · Optical property · Sensible heat
different measurement techniques. The thermal property
of these mixtures has been studied to low temperature up
to 223 from 573 K with DSC. The specific heat capacity 1 Introduction
of this mixture has been measured in atmospheric O2 at a
rate of 10 K min−1 from 573 to 223 K and vice versa in Nowadays phosphate materials are widely used due to their
two thermal cycles. The net specific heat capacity of these large applications such as laser host, ceramic, dielectric,
mixtures is found endothermic in first and second thermal electric, magnetic, food additives, fuel cells, pigments,
cycles. The net specific heat capacity of 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); fertilizers, metal surface treatment, detergent, catalytic
3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O (CuPHS) during first processes, solar cell for enhancing the power conversion
thermal cycle is −71203.05 J kg−1 K−1 and in second ther- efficiency etc. [1–6]. There are various types of materials
mal cycle is −73881.67 J kg−1 K−1 between temperature containing different types of phosphate groups such as poly-
range of 303–223 K. The net specific heat capacity of mix- phosphate, cyclo-phosphate and ultraphosphate. The prop-
ture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4(CuPS) erties of these phosphate materials depend on particle size,
in first thermal cycle is −21158.37 J kg−1 K−1 and in surface area and morphology. The nanostructure phosphate
second thermal cycle is−45739.92 J kg−1 K−1 between materials improve the various functional properties than the
temperature range of 298–573 K. As both mixtures are bulk form and thin layers. The increase of various activi-
endothermic in nature in all cycles, it can be used as heat ties is thermal and chemical stabilities, densification kinet-
storage material.The average crystallite size of mixture ics due to their large surface area [7–9]. Nowadays, there
0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O is a rapid development in nanoscience and nanotechnology
and 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4 is ~47 and which is increasing the effort of study on phosphate based
~17.3 nm, respectively. nanostructure materials [5, 8, 9]. The specific heat capac-
ity increases considerably by using phosphate cement,
KMgPO4·6H2O, [10] as binders for slag P and slag B aggre-
gates than other binders [11]. This tempted me to prepare
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
some phosphate based materials which can act as a binder
article (doi:10.1007/s10904-016-0454-z) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. for enhancement of specific heat capacity. The energy stor-
age is an important parameter to improve the efficiency of
Trilochan Swain energy utilization in different economic aspects. It is the
main route of bridging the time gap between the energy
Indic Institute of Design and Research, Khurda, Odisha, supply and the energy demand. In order to mitigate this the
India mixture CuPHS was prepared using metaphosphoric acid
Faculty of Science & Technology, IFHE, Hyderabad, and copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate at room temperature by
Telangana, India a wet preparation method. The mixture CuPS was prepared

2 J Inorg Organomet Polym

by heating the above mixture at 343 K for 24 h. This method characterization was performed with a vibrating sample
is simple, cost effective and nontoxic route to synthesize magnetometer (VSM) having Lake Shore Model 7410 in
nanophosphate base compound. However, these phosphate SAIF, IIT Madras. Zero field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled
complexes of copper can be used as thermal storage materi- (FC) scans of magnetization as a function of temperature
als as long-chain n-alkylammonium dihydrogen phosphate were performed from 20 to 300 K with an external field of
(n = 8, 9 and 10) [12]. Alonso et al. studies the solar redox 5000 Oe. The UV-Vis-NIR, HRTEM, C–H–N–S, TG-DTA
reactions of CuO for thermochemical energy storage and and ICP-AES studies were performed in ST&IC, Cochin
demonstrated successfully in a solar furnace [13]. Copper University of Science and Technology, Cochin.
nanoparticles are used as fabrication of the solar cells [14].
In this work, the evaluation of thermal storage material is
limited to a calorimetric investigation. The objective of this 2 Results
paper is to characterize and study the thermal properties of
this mixture for using as thermal storage material. 2.1 FTIR Analysis

1.1 Experimental 2.1.1 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O;

In a typical synthesis of these compounds, 0.02 mol (5 gm.)
of CuSO4.5 H2O and 0.02 mol of metaphosphoric acid (60 % The FTIR spectrum is displayed in Fig. 1a. The vibra-
HPO3 + 40 % NaPO3) were dissolved in 20 cc of double dis- tional bands of phosphate anion are observed at 1034, 1003
tilled water. Both solutions were mixed at room temperature and 564 cm−1. These bands are assigned to the asymme-
and stirred under ambient conditions till homogeneous. The try stretching (υas), symmetry stretching (υs) and bending
stirred solution was left for 120 h. The resulting product was (δs) of PO43− ion, respectively. These bands are assigned
filtered, washed and dried in desiccators. Highly purified de- according to the literature of Onmura et al. and Abadzhieva
ionized water was used in all solution preparation. Second et al. [15, 16]. The bands 1665 and 3232 cm−1 (broad) are
distillation was carried out from alkaline KMnO4 using an assigned to water bending and asymmetry stretching vibra-
all-glass distillation apparatus. The mixture CuPS was pre- tion of O–H, (H2O), respectively [17]. This indicates the
pared by heating the mixture CuPHS at 343 K for 24 h. The presence of crystalline hydrate. The vibrational bands below
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Mettler Toledo 700 cm−1 are assigned to the symmetric and asymmetric
DSC 822e, was performed in ST&IC, Cochin University of bending of SO42− group. The asymmetric stretching (υas) of
Science and Technology, Cochin. The specific heat capac- SO42− group is assigned to 1105–1164 cm−1 [17].
ity of CuPHS mixture was measured at 10 K/min from 303
to 223 K and from 298 to 573 K for CuPS in two thermal 2.1.2 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4
cycles. The X-ray crystallography measurement of pow-
der sample was carried out in Panalytical’s X’Pert Pro by The FTIR spectrum is displayed in Fig. 1b. The symmetric
SAIF Chandigarh, Panjab University. inductively coupled stretching frequency of the P–O bonds in the PO22− radi-
plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) measure- cal is 1190 cm−1. The asymmetric and symmetric stretch-
ment was performed using Thermo Electron IRIS Intrepid II ing frequencies of the P-O-P bridge are 1097 and 769 cm−1,
XSP DUO system for Cu, Na, S and P determinations. The respectively. The symmetric stretching frequency of the
mixture was dissolved in 10 ml HNO3 of 30 % (v/v) and PO22− radical is higher than those in the P–O–P bridge
made up into 100 ml using HPLC grade water for elemental because the P–O bond strength in the PO22− radical is stron-
analysis. C–H–N–S was measured in Elementar Vario EL ger than the P–O–P bridge. The bending modes of PO22−
III. The IR spectra were taken by a Perkin Elmer make, Par- and P–O–P bridge are 559 and 473 cm−1, respectively. The
agon 5000, FT-IR spectrometer in SAIF Chandigarh, Panjab asymmetric bending of SO4 group is 615 cm−1.The struc-
University. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differ- ture of Cu2(PO4)(OH), CuH(PO4)2 and Na2SO4 is given in
ential thermal analysis (DTA) of the mixtures were done Fig. 9.
using Perkin Elmer STA 6000 thermal analyser at the tem-
perature range of 313–1002 K. The Ultraviolet–Visible and 2.2 X-ray Crystallography
near Infrared (UV–Vis–NIR) Absorption Spectrophotom-
etry was carried out in Varian Cary 5000 from wavelength 2.2.1 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O;
range 224.00–1976.00 nm at room temperature in bulk solid 2NaHSO4·H2O
state of the mixtures. Transmission electron microscopy
(HRTEM) was carried out using a JEOL JEM-2100 micro- Crystal data and experimental details of the title mixture are
scope with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. The magnetic collected in Supplementary Table 1. The compared XRD

J Inorg Organomet Polym 3

Fig. 1 a FTIR spectrum of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O. b FTIR spectrum of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH);
3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4

patterns of libethenite Cu2(PO4)(OH) (PDF Index Name: 2.2.2 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4

Copper Phosphate:01-083-1557) and CuH(PO4)2·H2O
(PDF: 00-012-0520) (b—red), sodium hydrogen sulphate The compared XRD patterns of libethenite Cu2(PO4)(OH)
monohydrate (J CPDS NO. 22-1379) (a—black) and pow- (PDF Index Name: Copper Phosphate:01-083-1557) and
der mixture (c—blue) is displayed in Fig. 2a. The diffrac- CuH(PO4)2·H2O (PDF: 00-012-0520) (b—red), sodium
tion patterns are in good agreement with reported in the sulfate (PDF: 37-1455) (c—green) and powder mixture
literatures [18, 19]. From this XRD pattern, it is concluded (a—blue) is displayed in Fig. 2b. The diffraction patterns
that the mixture consists of three inorganic compounds such are in good agreement with reported in the literatures [18,
as Cu2(PO4)(OH), CuH(PO4)2·H2O and NaHSO4·H2O. 20]. The literature of Rodriguez-Navarro is used for X-ray

4 J Inorg Organomet Polym

Fig. 2 a XRD pattern

of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)
(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O;
2NaHSO4·H2O. b XRD pat-
tern of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)
(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4.
(Color figure online)

powder diffraction pattern of sodium sulfate. The observed (1) 0.9λ

pattern of the mixture also matched very well with Rodri- β cosθ = + 4ε sinθ
guez-Navarro [21]. From this XRD pattern, it is concluded
that the mixture consists of three inorganic compounds such where, λ (0.154056 nm) is the Cu kα radiation wavelength
as Cu2(PO4)(OH), CuH(PO4)2·H2O and Na2SO4. of the X-ray, β is the full width at half maximum (FWHM)
of the peak, DWH is the average crystallite size, ε is the strain
2.3 Crystal Size Determination and θ is the half of the diffraction angle. A graph is plot-
ted between β cos θ versus sin θ and found with equation
The crystallite size and strain are calculated from detail Y = 0.0006 X + 0.003 for the mixture CuPHS. The calcu-
analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD) line profile using Wil- lated crystallite size for the mixture CuPHS is 46.2 nm.
liamson–Hall (WH) method [22] and modified Scherrer The modified Scherrer equation is given below.
Equation [23]. According to WH method, the individual
contribution of the nanocrystals to the XRD peak broaden- K ×λ 1
ln β = ln
(2) + ln
ing can be expressed as D cosθ

J Inorg Organomet Polym 5

The description of symbols λ, θ and β are similar to Eq. (1). mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4, mol.
K is the shape factor 0.9 and D is the average crystallite wt. = 1231.12 g, was carried out twice with ICP-AES. We
size. A graph is plotted between lnβ versus ln(1/cosθ) and took the average of the two analyses. The detail of elemental
found with equation Y = 2.8625 X − 2.5448. The calculated composition is inserted in Table 1.
average crystallite size is 48.6 nm for the mixture CuPHS.
The crystallite size can also be estimated from peak 2.5 UV–Visible–NIR Absorption Spectroscopy
broadening of XRD using well known Debye–Scherrer’s
formula The room temperature absorption spectra of the mixtures
in solid state are presented in Fig. 3. Both spectra shows
K ×λ an absorption band at about ~800 nm which is due to the
β cosθ Cu2+ ions being in octahedral sites. The low intensity of
this absorption band is further explained by the position
The description of symbols λ, θ and β are similar to Eq. (1). of copper in a perfect octahedron. From this low intensity
K is the shape factor 0.9 and D is the crystallite size. The of the absorption band, it appears that copper is situated in
average crystallite size is 46.7 and 17.3 nm for the mixture a nearly perfect square planer surrounding formed by the
of CuPHS and CuPS respectively. equatorial oxygen atoms of a tetragonally distorted octahe-
dron with elongated bonds perpendicular to this plane [24].
2.4 Elemental Analysis The absorption spectrum of mixture, CuPHS, shows one
sharp and one broad peak. These two peaks show absorp-
2.4.1 C, H, N, S Analysis tion bands at 268 and 799 nm having absorbance 1.222
and 0.526, respectively. The calculated band gap from λmax
The elemental analysis of the mixture was found consis- 268 nm is 4.63 eV. In case of mixture CuPS, the absorption
tence with the theoretical values. Anal. Calcd. for mixture spectrum shows one sharp and two broad peaks. These three
{0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O, peaks show absorption bands 270, 803 and 1941 nm having
mol. wt. = 1286.28 gm.} is H 1.32 %; found H 1.78 %. absorbance 0.913, 0.686 and 0.208 respectively. The calcu-
lated band gap from λmax 268 nm is 4.59 eV. Hence, both the
2.4.2 ICP-AES Analysis mixtures are insulator at room temperature.

The elemental analysis of this mixture was carried out 2.6 TG-DTA Analysis
with ICP-AES. The Cu, P, S and Na were also consis-
tent with the theoretical values. Anal. Calcd. for mixture The mixtures undergo thermal decomposition in several
{0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O, not well-separated stages in Tg profiles. Derivative of Tg
mol. wt. = 1286.28 g}. The elemental analysis of curves reveal that the weight loss in the temperature range

Fig. 3 UV–Vis–NIR spec- Wave length versus Absorbance

trum of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)
(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O 1.2
2NaHSO4·H2O (1)
and 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH);
3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4 (2) in 1
solid state in solid state 1
Wavelength(nm) Abs (2)
0.8 2 270.000 0.912

802.000 0.686
0.6 866.000 0.642


0.2 Wavelength (nm) Abs(1)

268.000 1.222

230 430 630 830 1030 1230 1430 1630 1830
Wavelength (nm)

6 J Inorg Organomet Polym

a Weight loss versus Temperature sulfite lost from the mixture along with moisture. The 3.5
100 moles of CuH(PO4)2·H2O converted to the corresponding
anhydrous CuH(PO4)2 with removal of 3.5 moles of water.
The remaining three moles of water and a sulfite lost from
Weight loss / %

the decomposition of two moles sodium hydrogen sulfate

monohydrate. This compound converted to sodium sulfate
(Na2SO4) through sodium pyrosulfate (Na2S2O7).
There are three peaks in DTG curve of mixture CuPS.
These three peaks are at 342.94, 816.10 and 891.84 K
(Fig. 4b). From Tg analysis, the mass loss up to the above
temperature are 0.12, 1.79 and 2.28 respectively. From DTA
310 410 510 610 710 810 910 1010 curve, this mixture is found endothermic in nature (Fig. 5b).
The mass loss up to temperature 993.36 K is 2.64 %. Up to
b Weight loss versus Temperature 993.36 K, only the moisture is lost from the mixture.

99.5 2.6.1 Differential Scanning Calorimeter

Weight loss/ %

The DSC curve of mixture, CuPHS, was plotted between spe-
98.5 cific heat capacity versus temperature from 303 to 223 K in
two thermal cycles in Fig. 6a. The total specific heat capacity
of this mixture is 25985.95 J kg−1 K−1 in the first cycle during
cooling from 303 to 223 K and −97189.18 J kg−1 K−1 during
97 heating in reverse. So, the net specific heat capacity during
300 500 700 900
1100 1300 1500
first cycle is −71203.05 J kg−1 K−1 while in case of other
phosphate complex such as nickel is 1747.86 J kg−1 K−1
Fig. 4 a TG and DTG profile of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); [25]. Hence, the first cycle is endothermic in nature. The
3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2Ointhetemperaturerange313–1002K. total specific heat capacities in second thermal cycle dur-
b TG and DTG profile of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2;
2Na2SO4 in the temperature range 311–993 K
ing cooling and heating in the same temperature ranges as
above are 23879.90 J kg−1 K−1and −97761.57 J kg−1 K−1,
respectively. The net specific heat capacity during second
313–1002 K consists of three steps in both mixtures. In cycle is −73881.67 J kg−1 K−1 and in case of Ni3(PO4)2 is
DTG curve, these three peaks CuPHS mixture temperature −6401.38 J kg−1 K−1 [25]. As both cycles are endothermic
are 383.18, 426.93 and 553.46 K Fig. 4a. From Tg analysis, in nature, it can be used as heat storage material.
the mass loss up to the above temperature are 4.25, 8.90 The DSC curve of mixture, CuPS, was plotted between
and 14.33 %, respectively. From DTA curve, this mixture is specific heat capacities versus temperature from 298 to
found endothermic in nature at 430.60 K, ∆H = 95.95 J g−1 573 K in two thermal cycles in Fig. 6b. The specific heat
Fig. 5a. The mass loss up to temperature 1002.82 K capacities in both cycles each during heating and cool-
is 19.481 %. Up to 1002.82 K, 6.5 moles of water and a ing occurred in two thermal stages. The total specific heat
capacity of this mixture is −3717.12 J kg−1 K−1 in the first
cycle during heating from 298 K to 383.33 K and 19652.8 J
kg−1 K−1 from 384 to 573 K. The net specific heat dur-
ing heating is 15935.68 J kg−1 K−1. The total specific heat
capacity is 3392.85 J kg−1 K−1 during cooling from 573
to 489.33 K and −40486.9 J kg−1 K−1 from 488.66 K to
298 K. The net specific heat during cooling is − 37094.05 J
kg−1 K−1. So, the net specific heat capacity in first cycle is
−21158.37 J kg−1 K−1. Hence, the first cycle is endothermic
in nature. The total specific heat capacity of this mixture
is −11812.3 J kg−1 K−1 in the second cycle during heating
from 298 to 464 K and 19416.13 J kg−1 K−1 from 464.66
to 573 K. The net specific heat during heating is 7603.83 J
Fig. 5 DTA profiles of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O;
2NaHSO4·H2O and 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4 in the kg−1 K−1. The total specific heat capacity is 2842.35 J
temperature range 313–993 K kg−1 K−1 during cooling from 573 to 486 K and −56186.1 J

J Inorg Organomet Polym 7

a Specific heat capacity versus Temperature the second cycle is endothermic in nature. As both cycles
400 are endothermic in nature, it can be used as heat storage
Specific heat capacity/J kg-1 K-1

The by-products of the pyrometallurgical refining pro-

210 230 250 270 290 310 cess of copper have specific heat capacity Cp = 571 J kg−1
1st cycle K−1 (373 K) and Cp = 648 J kg−1 K−1 (373 K) for Slag-P and

-400 2nd cycle Slag-B [11]. The mixture of CuPS is specific heat capacity
-600 Cp = 144.82 J kg−1 K−1 (373 K) during cooling in first cycle
-800 and the specific heat capacity in second cycle is 225.82 J
-1000 kg−1 K−1 (373 K) during cooling. It is found from the above
calorimetric discussion that this mixture can be used as a
Specific heat capacity versus Temperature thermal storage material using sensible technique for the
b 400 substitution of other materials Table 2 [11, 26].
Specific heat capacity/Jkg-1K-1

2.7 TEM Analysis

290 340 390 440 490 540 590 The high resolution TEM (HRTEM) measurements car-
1st cycle
2nd cycle
ried out on synthesized mixture, 0 CuPHS, are shown in
the Fig. 7.
2.8 Magnetic Properties
Temperature/K The magnetic moment measurement was carried out with
field cooled (FC) and zero field cooled (ZFC) of the mixture
Fig. 6 a This is DSC graph of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH);
3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O between specific heat capacity CuPHS. It is shown in the Fig. 8. The Curie–Weiss tem-
versus temperature in the temperature range 303–223 K and vice versa perature (θ) and Curie constant (C) are calculated from the
in two thermal cycles and kept at 223 K for 3 min. b This is DSC graph formula given below.
of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4 between spe-
cific heat capacity versus temperature in the temperature range 298–
573 K and vice versa in two thermal cycles and kept at 573 K for 1 min χg =
(T − θ )
kg−1 K−1 from 485.33 to 298 K. The net specific heat during
cooling is −53343.75 J kg−1 K−1. So, the net specific heat where, χg is mass magnetic susceptibility. This equation is
capacity in second cycle is −45739.92 J kg−1 K−1. Hence, for T > θ.

Fig. 7 3D visualisations of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O

8 J Inorg Organomet Polym

Magnetic moment versus Temperature 2.9 Chemical Test

Magnetic moment versus Temperature
Magnesia mixture test: Dilute acetic acid was added in 2 ml.

Magnetic moment/emugm-1
Magnetic moment/emugm-1

ZFC sodium extract of mixture CuPHS till effervescence ceases.
A pinch of NH4Cl followed by 2 ml. of magnesium sulfate
0.004 was added in the above solution. A white precipitate was
0.002 observed after addition of excess of ammonium hydroxide.
0.004 10 110 210 310 So, presence of phosphate group is conformed in mixture.

3 Discussion
10 60 110 160 210 260 310 360
3.1 Stoichiometry Calculation
Fig. 8 Magnetic moment measurement of mixture 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH);
3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O In the typical synthesis of 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH);
3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O mixture, the following
compounds formed.

The Eq. (4) is further simplified to inverse of mass mag- NaPO3 + H 2 O → NaH 2 PO 4
netic susceptibility. 4.5CuSO4·5H 2O + 7.5NaH 2 PO 4 → 0.5Cu 2 ( PO 4 )( OH )
+ 3.5CuH(PO 4 ) 2·H 2O + 18H 2O + 4.5SO 24 − + 7.5Na + + 16H +
T θ
χ g−1 = −
NaH 2 PO 4 + 7.5Na + + 4.5SO 24 − + 16H + + 18H 2O
The linear equation of the graph between χ g−1 versus tem-
perature in zero field-cooled is → 4.5NaHSO4·H 2O + PO34− +13.5H + + 13.5H 2O + 4Na +
From the above reaction, the mixture should contain 1:1.5
molar ratio of phosphate: sulfate. According to elemental
χ g−1 = 0.1033T + 1.3559. analysis, the mixture contained 2:1 molar ratio of phosphate
and sulfate compound. The excess sodium hydrogen sulfate
The Weiss constant (θ) and Curie constant (C) are −13.125 K reacted with ethanol, during washing of the mixture, to form
and 9.6805 respectively. ethyl sulfuric acid as follows [27].
The linear equation of the graph between χg−1 versus
temperature in field-cooled (FC) is T <305.3 K
2 NaHSO 4 ·H 2 O + C2 H5 OH ← → C2 H5 HSO 4
+ Na 2SO 4 + 2H 2 O
χ g−1 = 532.84T + 4606. The sodium sulfate formed combine with water present in
the reaction mixture and removed from this mixture during
The Weiss constant (θ) and Curie constant (C) are −8.644 K washing.
and 0.001877 respectively. In the typical synthesis of CuPS mixture, the following
The negative Weiss constant values indicate that the mix- compounds formed.
ture is antiferromagnetism.

Fig. 9 The structure of

CuH(PO4)2, Cu2(PO4)(OH) and

J Inorg Organomet Polym 9

2NaHSO4·H 2O ∆ → 2NaHSO4 + 2H 2O where, fR is the spring constant. The mixture is governed by
~ 353 K
the Hamiltonian
→ Na 2S2O7 + 3H 2O ∆
∆ ~353 K
→ Na 2SO 4 + SO32 − + 3H 2O
P2 f
HC = + C Q2
3.5CuH(PO4 ) 2 ·H 2 O ∆
~ 353 K
→ 3.5CuH(PO 4 ) 2 + 3.5H 2 O 2M 2

In the case of free particle, oxidation (O2) (spring constant

while the compound 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH) is remain as such. fc = 0) and of a harmonic oscillator (fc > 0), the coupling
Hamiltonian is given by
3.2 Thermal Discussion
H CR = − f R qQ + R Q 2
The specific heat capacity is found negative in some ther- 2
mal cycles of both mixtures. The negative specific heat was
elucidated by Swain [28–30] from metaphosphatecobalt(II) The mass of a single particle oscillator of instable particle
salt and methionine bridged cobalt(III) and copper(II) com- is m. The mass of mixture is M and the instable particle
plex using the partition function of the dissipative system coupled with mixture harmonically. In my analysis a free
[31–33]. It is defined in terms of partition functions of the particle (O2), by heating from 298 to 573 K in first ther-
coupled system and of the uncoupled system. mal cycle, was in contact with the single degree of free-
dom environment described by Eqs. 8 and 10. Mixture and
Trs + B e − β H instable particles are assumed to stay in thermal equilib-
(6) rium with each other at the inverse temperature β. Hence,
TrB e − β H B the density matrix of the total system is given by a Gibb’s
where the total Hamiltonian, H = HS + HB + HSB, con-
sisted of contributions from the system, bath and coupling
ρCR = Z CR
(11) exp  − β ( H C + H R + H CR ) 
between them. The Z reduces to the partition function of
the system in the absence of coupling between system and where, Z CR = Tr exp  − β ( H C + H R + H CR )  denotes the
bath. Partition function (6) appears naturally in the Feyn- partition function of the total system.
man–Vernon approach to dissipative systems [31] and can The partition function Z R = Tr exp[− β H R ] of the instable
be related to the equilibrium properties of the system [34]. particle’s degree of freedom is given by
I also find here the same type of negative specific heat as
Swain [28–30]. From Eq. 6, one obtained by means of stan- 1
Z R = Tr exp [ − β H R ] =
dard thermodynamic relations a specific heat [32]. (12)  βω0 
2sin  
 2 
2  Tr e − β H 
2 ∂
C =
(7)k B β ln  s+B  where,
∂β 2  Tr e − β H B 
 B 
2  f 
ω = R 
where, β = 1/kBT. kB is the Boltzmann constant. The defini-  m
tion of specific heat reduces to the usual definition in the
absence of coupling between system and bath. ω0 is the frequency of instable particle oscillator. From
In Eq. 7, I assumed here that the instability of particles Eq. 7 the specific heat capacity of these instable particles
(atoms or molecules) is consisted of harmonic oscillators are given below.
and the coupling to be bilinear in complex and instable par-
ticles. It is sufficient to consider a stylized minimal model  βω0 
CR = k B g 
(14) 
coordinates, in order to know the appearance of negative  2 
specific heat (Eq. 7), where the instable particles con-
sisted of only a single degree of freedom described by the where,
(15)  x 
2 g ( x) =  
P f  sinx 
HR = + R q2
2m 2

10 J Inorg Organomet Polym

Table 1 ICP-AES analysis data of mixtures 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O and 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2;
0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 2NaHSO4·H2O 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4
Sl. no. Element Found (%) Calculated (%) Found (%) Calculated (%)

1 Copper (Cu) 23.12 22.22 22.62 23.22

2 Phosphorous (P) 18.17 18.05 18.64 18.86
3 Sodium (Na) 3.71 3.57 8.12 7.46
4 Sulfur (S) 5.21 4.98 4.93 5.20

Table 2 The materials used for the storage of sensible heat

Material Temperature (K) Specific heat Material Temperature Specific heat
(kJ kg−1 K−1) (K) (kJ kg−1 K−1)

Water 273–373 4.19 Cast Iron – 0.54

Thermo-oil Up to 623 2.1 Aluminium – 0.92
53KNO3/40NaNO2/7NaNO3 Up to 723 1.3 Fire clay – 1.0
Na – 1.26 Al2O3 – 1.0
Slag_P 373 0.571 Stone – 0.8–0.9
Slag_B 373 0.648 Concrete – 0.9
CBPC_B 373 0.703 MgO – 1.0
CBPC_P 373 0.655 AP 373 0.630
AB 373 0.640 PP 373 0.623
This work PB 373 0.681
0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O; 303-223-303 71.2
2NaHSO4·H2O First cycle
-do- 303-223-303 73.88
Second cycle
0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 298-573-298 21.15
2Na2SO4 First cycle
-do- 298-573-298 45.73
Second cycle

In order to obtain a well-defined partition function for the   1 

free particle, I restricted its motion to a region of inside the  βω0 {ς ± (ς 2 − 1) 2 } 
CC = −k B g  (17)
system. Here the system is considered to be sufficiently 
 2 
large such that the energy level spacing can be neglected in  
compared with the thermal energy kBT [32]. Under this con-
dition the space of this system will turn out to be irrelevant The total heat capacity of the system containing this mixture
in the sequel. is given below
The frequency of underdamped complex (ς < 1)
 1 
1  βω0{ς ± (ς 2 − 1) 2 }   βω0 
(16) C = CC + CR = − k B g 
(18)  + kB g  
ω = ω0 {ς ± (ς 2 − 1) 2 } 2  2 
 
 
ς is called as damping ratio. In this case this mixture loses
energy due to the formation of instability on particles and Simplifying further
return to the thermally stable state.
As the damping ratio is <1, the specific heat capacity of
 βω0     
this mixture by putting the value of ω from Eq. 16 is given (19)
C = −k B g    ς ± (ς − 1) 2  − 1
below.  2     

J Inorg Organomet Polym 11

From Eq. 16, the value of ω0 is given below size is ~47 nm for 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH); 3.5CuH(PO4)2·H2O;
2NaHSO4·H2O and 17.3 nm for 0.5Cu2(PO4)(OH);
ω 3.5CuH(PO4)2; 2Na2SO4.
ω0 =
(20) 1
{ς ± (ς 2 − 1) 2 } Acknowledgments The author TS thanks Indic Institute of Design
and Research for providing necessary laboratory facility for the prepa-
ration of this salt. GSB is thankful to the Director, FST, IFHE for grant-
The damping ratio is <1 for underdamped complex, so the ing permission to get associated with this work.
value of ω0 is negative. Hence the system containing this
mixture is negative specific heat capacity.
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