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Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)

• Globally, 42% of health care facilities lack hand hygiene facilities at the point of care and
40% do not have systems to segregate waste. Good hand hygiene is one of the most
effective ways to reduce health care-associated infections and can reduce the rise of
antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

• According to the (WHO, 2019) more people die every year from unsafe care than lack of
care. Between 5.7 and 8.4 million deaths are attributable to poor quality care each year in
low- and middle-income countries WASH in health care facilities is fundamental to the
provision of safe, quality care.

• Unsafe water and poor sanitation, and the over-reliance on antibiotics in the developing
world contributes to the increase of antimicrobial resistance.

• It is therefore essential for governments and hospital managers to know the state of
WASH in these facilities to set priorities and allocate resources.

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Date: 2023.01.26
09:35:57 +08'00'
How to Handrub
• Clean your hands by rubbing them with an alcohol-based formulation, as the preferred
mean for routine hygienic hand antisepsis if hands are not visibly soiled. It is faster, more
effective, and better tolerated by your hands than washing with soap and water.
• EN 1500 (hygienic handrub) – to evaluate the efficacy of hygienic handrub used in the
medical area
• How to handrub?
How to handwash?
• Wash your hands with soap and water when hands are visibly dirty or visibly soiled with
blood or other body fluids or after using the toilet.
• EN 1499 (hygienic handwash) - to evaluate the efficacy of hygienic handwash used in the
medical area
• How to Handwash ?
When to wash your hands

• after using the toilet

• after changing nappies
• before, during and after preparing food
• between handling raw and cooked or ready-to-eat food
• before eating
• after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
• after using a tissue or handkerchief
• before and after attending to sick children or other family members
• after smoking
• after handling rubbish or working in the garden
• after handling animals
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

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