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Name: Najer C.

Dirindigun Date: October 22, 2023

Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education, BEEd
Course Title: Teaching Social Studies (Culture and Geography)
Instructor: Princess Jamella D. Bin-Bandar, LPT
Week 8: Reflective Essay about (Babuyan Group of Islands, Batanes, Calamian Island, Balabac,
Cuyu Island, Kalayaan Group of Island and Cebu).

I learned from the reportes were the Babuyan Group of Islands, Batanes, and the Calamian
Islands are situated in the northern part of the Philippines. They have a unique blend of culture
and biodiversity, distinct from the rest of the country. Balabac Island, on the other hand, is
located to the south, near the border with Malaysia, and is known for its diverse wildlife. Cuyo
Island, while being lesser-known, carries its own cultural and historical significance. The
Kalayaan Group of Islands, also known as the Spratly Islands, is an archipelago with overlapping
territorial claims, making it a sensitive geopolitical point in the region. Lastly, Cebu and Panay
are two of the most prominent islands in the Visayas region, with Cebu City being an economic
hub and Panay being rich in both culture and natural wonders.

I realized that the diversity of the Philippines is not just limited to its people and culture but
also its geography. Each island or group of islands offers its own unique experience, landscapes,
and history. From the rugged terrains of Batanes, the rich marine life surrounding Balabac, to
the historical significance of places like Cebu there's a vast array of ecosystems and stories
embedded in each location. The reporters also mentioned how importance of being
conservative of each Islands since the Philippines is most of the source of development of
economy is from income of tourism.

I conclude that the Philippines, with its archipelagic nature, offers an intricate tapestry of
experiences. It emphasizes the importance of preserving each island's individual heritage and
environment. As each island has its own story and significance, understanding and appreciating
them can offer deeper insights into the country's broader history, culture, and biodiversity. I
recommend to continue support local places, culture, products and delicacies of each islands in
the Philippines for the benefits of growing and development of our economy.

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