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Advanced Exercise

Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord:Unit 1

1. Her fluency and intelligence…………….. her lack of experience.
a. wait with bated breath for b. check c. find out about d. make up for
2. By way of ………..their busy week, I take my children out on boat trips every week.
a. violation b. announcement c investigation d. compensation
3.1 banged my head and the room started to……….
a. pirate b. announce c. spin d. shock
4. His refusal has……….. me in a tight corner.
a.brainstormed b. summarized c. placed d. impacted
5. Don't try to put a………..on your exam results. You have got low marks in all
a. bias b. placement c. spin d. plunge
Choose the correct answer from a,b,cord:
1. What have you that you would like to do?
a.ever done b. done ever c.never done d. done never
2 ………..Sharm, I went diving every day.
a. On b. While c. While in d. During
3. ……………my stay with my aunt, I helped her with the housework.
a. During b While c. As d. By
4.I…………. the cold weather of Canada.
a.used to b. didn't use to e got used to d. was using

5. There's a charger ………… the mobile.
a was attached b. attached c. attaching d. which attached
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c ord: unit 2
1. I asked my friends and followers to........... their opinions on my new book.
a. contribute b. inspire c. innovate d. spark
2. Stop shouting at referees. Ahmed! You are always…….. them against our team.
a demonstrating b.defying c. stereotyping d.prejudicing
3.We tried to………… our old flat to be Ahmed's private clinic.
a react b. qualify c. impress d. assume
4............. is a destructive quality.
a. Grumpiness b. Inspiration c. Happiness d. Majority
5. We have nearly agreed on everything at the……….. of the meeting.
a.contribution b. podcast c. conclusion d. minority
Choose the correct answer from a,b,cord:
1. Cooked for an hour, the meat…………… ready to eat.
a. had been b. was being c. was d. has been
2…………… in the sun, the shirt was ready to be ironed.
a.Drying b. Dried c. Was dried d. Be dried
3. My friend Wahid helped me a lot. On the contrary, Tom was not………….
a. less cooperative b. more cooperative c. as cooperative d. most cooperative
4. Tina doesn't have as many friends as………….
a. I have b. I do c.a & b d. me have

5. Ahmed is the…….. of the two brothers.
a. more young b. younger c. younger than d. young
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c ord:unit 3
1…………… is the introduction of new ideas or methods.
a. Innovation b. An innovation c. Innovatory d. An innovator
2……….. is a new idea, method or invention.
a. Innovation b. An innovation c. An innovatory d. An innovator
3. Put the children in different situations and leave them to……
a. surround b. experiment c. require d. survive
4. I have…all my friends to an open buffet meal on the occasion of getting a good job.
a treated b. drugged c. handled d. benefited
5. The new law will be in…….. as soon as it is published in the official newspaper.
a. sensor b. treatment c. surgery d. operation
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c ord:
1.By the time your children…….. at university, physical books will have been replaced
by eBooks.
a. will have been b. had been c. will be d. have been
2.By 2050, English will……….. by two thirds of the world's population.
a. have been spoken b. be spoken c. have spoken d. have been spoken
3. By two o'clock, three meetings.................already.
a. will be holding b. will have held c. will have been held d. going to be held

4. I fear she……….. down your marriage proposal.
a. will have turned b. will be turning c won't turn d. will turn
Choose the correct answer from a,b,cord: Unit 4
1. Although divorce is legal, it is sometimes frowned……….
a.on b. upon c.a&b d. at
2. Autism is a type of ………….
a. mental disorder b. disorder mental
c. disorder which is mental d. disorder that is mental
3. The manager……… that the new employees needed much retraining
a.scolded b. stressed d. altered c.pouted
4. My mother………….. us off for starting our lunch before our father did.
a. told b. scolded c. frowned d. pouted
5. When the children saw the large dog, they soon……….
a concentrated on b. coped with c. set up d. cleared off
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c ord:
1-I........... export facilities as an important businessman ?
a. Do you have to b. Have you got c. Have you to d. Do you have
2. I just remind you of the rules. You leave your mobile at the security room before you
go in.
a. must b. have to c. have got d. mustn't
3. Our professor gave us a list of books.I………buy three books for this course.
a. must b. needn't c. have to d. need to

4-……………wear that yellow tie? It's really ugly.
a. Must you b. Have you to c. Do you have to d. Need you to
5………..wear that yellow tie as part of your work uniform?
a.Must you b. Needn't you c. Do you have to d. Need you not to
6. She………do all this work today because she can do it next morning.
a. mustn't b. don't have to c. hasn't to d. hasn't got to
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c ord:Unit 5
1. If you don't have all the money, you can pay by………..
a. instalment b. installation c. installment d. a & c
2. Some people regard silence as a/an……..agreement.
a. switched b. muted c. installed d. public
3. When was President Sadat............ as President of Egypt?
a. switched b. muted c. installed d. shared
4. He used to support Manchester City, but now he has.......... sides and started to
support Liverpool.
a. switched b. shared c. installed d. muted
5. Feeling exhausted, I decided to by watching highlights of matches online.
a. turn on b. switch on c. switch off d. turn off
Choose the correct answer from a,b,cord:
1. For centuries, the wind has been used.............ships.
a to sailing b. sailed c. sailing d. to sail

2. I remember my father…………me to the zoo when I was young.
a. has taken b. is taking c. taking d. will take
3. I was made the home-work again.
a. do b. to do c. to be done d. to be doing
4. You seem………… weight.
a. to have lost b. losing c. to be lost d. to losing
5. I believe that what I said was fair. I don't regret it.
a. saying b. to saying c. say d. to say
Advanced Exercise on Vocabulary
Choose the correct answer from a,b,cord:
1.Led lights are energy-.................
a. sufficient b. efficient c. aware d. significant
2. They the losses resulting from coronavirus pandemic at 4 trillion dollars.
a, varied b. raised c. declined d. assessed
3. He was a simple man who was the .........of the simplicity of life in the countryside.
a. queue b. equipment c. instrument d. product
4. This is a highly. I mean a method relating to the production.
a. method productive b. productive method
c. productively method d. method productively
5. This applicant has been assessed............lacking experience.
a. of b. at c. as d. by

Choose the correct answer from a,b,cord:Unit 6
1. Never let yourselves………….....into such a trick.
a. fall b. be fallen c. falling d. to fall
2. He will get us……………..on the report.
a. worked b. work c.working d. to be worked
3. He is funny. He had us all……….. during the meal.
a. laughed b. laughing c. to laugh d. have laughed
4. I've got some of the cleverest students ......for the competition. Many teachers
participated in preparing them.
a. preparing b. prepared c. to prepare d. prepare

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