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How to Diagnose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2

Harmful Insect of Bitter Gourd . . . . . . .3
Fruit Fly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-7
White Fly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-10
Aphid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-13
Spider Mites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-16
Thrips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-20
Common Diseases of Bitter Gourd . . .21
Bacterial Wilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-24
Anthracnose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-27
Powder Mildew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-30
Downy Mildew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31-33
Fusarium Wilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34-36
Nutrients Deficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37-38
How to diagnose a Plant Disease 5. Manganese deficiency: This deficiency
can cause yellowing of leaves, as well
as brown spots and poor fruit
1. Observe the entire plant: Begin by development. Manganese is important
carefully observing the entire plant, for photosynthesis and enzyme activity.
looking for any visible signs of damage
or disease. Look for wilting, stunted
6. Zinc deficiency: This deficiency can
growth, discoloration, spots, or
cause stunted growth, yellowing of
leaves, and poor fruit development. Zinc
is essential for enzyme activity and
2. Look for specific symptoms: Certain
hormone regulation. If you suspect a
diseases can cause specific symptoms,
nutrient deficiency in your ampalaya
such as powdery mildew or downy
plants, you can apply fertilizers or
mildew. Look for white, powdery growth
amendments that are rich in the deficient
on leaves, or yellowing or browning of
nutrient. You can also adjust soil pH
levels, watering practices, and planting
location to ensure optimal nutrient
3. Examine the affected plant parts: Focus
on the parts of the plant that are showing
symptoms of disease. Look for physical
signs of disease, such as lesions, mold
growth, or insect infestations. If the
leaves have spots, examine them closely
to see if they are circular, angular, or
irregularly shaped.
1 38
NUTRIENTS DEFICIENCY 4. Conduct a "tissue test": Take a tissue
sample from the affected plant part and
1. Nitrogen deficiency: This is a common
examine it under a microscope. This can
deficiency that can cause yellowing of
help determine if the plant is suffering
leaves, stunted growth, and poor fruit
from a fungal or bacterial infection.
development. Nitrogen is a key
component of chlorophyll, which is
necessary for photosynthesis. 5. Check the soil: Conduct a soil test to
determine if the soil conditions are
2. Phosphorus deficiency: This deficiency contributing to the plant's poor health.
can cause stunted growth and poor root Look for nutrient deficiencies or pH
development, as well as darkening of the imbalances that could be causing the
leaves. Phosphorus is essential for plant plant stress.
growth and energy transfer.
6. Seek expert advice: If you are unable to
3. Potassium deficiency: This deficiency identify the disease or are unsure of how
can cause yellowing of leaves, wilting, to proceed, consult a plant expert such
and poor fruit development. Potassium is as a horticulturist, extension agent, or
essential for water regulation, nutrient nursery professional. They can help you
transport, and photosynthesis. diagnose the problem and suggest
appropriate management techniques.
4. Iron deficiency: This deficiency can
cause yellowing of leaves, particularly
between the veins, as well as stunted
growth. Iron is necessary for chlorophyll
production and photosynthesis.
37 2
HARMFUL INSECTS OF BITTER GOURD Biological control: The use of beneficial
microorganisms such as Trichoderma spp.
can help suppress the growth of Fusarium wilt
 Fruit fly in ampalaya.
 Whitefly
 Aphids
 Spider mites Crop rotation: Avoid planting ampalaya in
 Thrips the same soil for several years in a row, as
this can lead to the buildup of Fusarium wilt
spores in the soil.

3 36
Cultural control: Maintaining healthy plants Fruit fly:
through proper watering, fertilization, and
pruning can help prevent Fusarium wilt
infections in ampalaya

Resistant varieties: Planting resistant

varieties can be an effective way to manage
Fusarium wilt in ampalaya.

Soil solarization: Soil solarization involves

covering the soil with plastic to trap heat and
kill soilborne pathogens, including the
Fusarium wilt fungus. This technique can be
Fruit flies are the most damaging pests in
effective in controlling Fusarium wilt in
bitter gourd cultivation. They lay their eggs in
the fruit, and the larvae feed on the flesh. To
manage fruit flies, farmers can use
Fungicides: There are several fungicides that pheromone traps, sticky traps, or insecticides.
can be used to control Fusarium wilt in Fruit flies are a major pest of many fruits and
ampalaya, including carbendazim and vegetables, including ampalaya. Here are
propiconazole. It is important to carefully read some management and control strategies for
and follow the instructions on the label of any fruit flies:
fungicide product.
35 4
Fusarium wilt:
Cultural control:
Harvest fruits early before they are fully ripe,
as fruit flies are attracted to overripe fruit.
Collect and dispose of fallen or damaged fruit,
as these can serve as breeding sites for fruit
flies. Practice crop rotation to prevent the
buildup of fruit fly populations in the soil.

A fungal disease that causes wilting and

death of the plant. It
spreads through contaminated soil and
water.Fusarium wilt is a fungal disease that
can affect ampalaya, also known as bitter
gourd or bitter melon, causing wilting,
stunting, and yellowing of leaves. Here are
some strategies for controlling Fusarium wilt
in ampalay

5 34
Cultural methods: Regularly removing Biological control:
infected plant debris and practicing good air Use natural enemies such as parasitoid
circulation around ampalaya plants can help wasps or predators like spiders, which feed on
reduce the spread of downy mildew. fruit fly larvae. Release sterile fruit flies, which
matwith wild fruit flies, reducing the number of
viable offspring.
DIY sprays: Some DIY sprays can be used to
control downy mildew in ampalaya. One
example is a mixture of baking soda, water,
and vegetable oil, which can be sprayed on
plants to help prevent downy mildew

33 6
Chemical control: Cultural control: Maintaining healthy plants
through proper watering, fertilization, and
Apply insecticides that are labeled for use
pruning can help prevent downy mildew
against fruit flies. Insecticides can be applied
infections in ampalaya.
as bait sprays or as foliar applications, and
timing is critical to ensure maximum efficacy.
Use pheromone traps to attract and trap male Resistant varieties: Planting resistant
fruit flies, which can reduce the breeding varieties can be an effective way to manage
success of female fruit flies downy mildew in ampalaya.

Fungicides: There are several fungicides that

can be used to control downy mildew in
ampalaya, including copper-based fungicides
and chlorothalonil. It is important to carefully
read and follow the instructions on the label
of any fungicide product.

Biological control: The use of beneficial

microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis or
Trichoderma spp. can help suppress the
growth of downy mildew in ampalaya.

7 32
Downy mildew: Whitefly:

A fungal disease that causes yellowing and Whiteflies suck sap from the leaves of the
wilting of the leaves of the ampalaya plant. It bitter gourd plant, causing them to wilt and
can lead to reduced plant growth and yield. die. To control whiteflies, farmers can use a
systemic insecticide, such as imidacloprid, or
Downy mildew is a fungal disease that can
an insecticidal soap. Whiteflies are a common
affect ampalaya, also known as bitter gourd or
pest of many vegetable and ornamental
bitter melon, causing yellowing of leaves,
plants, including ampalaya. Here are some
white fungal growth on the undersides of
management and control strategies for
leaves, and defoliation.

31 8
Cultural control:
Monitor plants regularly for signs of whitefly DIY sprays: Some DIY sprays can be used to
infestations, such as yellowing or wilting of control powdery mildew in ampalaya. One
leaves. Remove and destroy heavily infested example is a mixture of baking soda, water,
plants to prevent the spread of and vegetable oil, which can be sprayed on
whiteflies.Avoid over-fertilizing plants, as this plants to help prevent powdery mildew
can increase the susceptibility of plants to infections
whitefly infestations. Use reflective mulches to
deter whiteflies from landing on plants.

Resistant varieties: Planting resistant
varieties can be an effective way to manage Biological control:
powdery mildew in ampalaya.
Use natural enemies such as parasitic wasps,
lady beetles, and lacewings, which feed on
Fungicides: There are several fungicides that whiteflies at different life stages. Apply
can be used to control powdery mildew in microbial pesticides such as Bacillus
ampalaya, including sulfur, neem oil, and thuringiensis or Beauveria bassiana, which
potassium bicarbonate. It is important to infect and kill whiteflies.
carefully read and follow the instructions on
the label of any fungicide product.
Chemical control:
Apply insecticidal soap or oil sprays, which
Biological control: The use of beneficial suffocate whiteflies and their eggs. Use
microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis or insecticides that are labeled for use against
Trichoderma spp. can help suppress the whiteflies, such as neonicotinoids or
growth of powdery mildew in ampalaya. pyrethroids. Farmers should also follow the
instructions on insecticide labels and use
them responsibly to minimize their impact on
Cultural methods: Regularly removing
non-target organisms and the environment.
infected plant debris and practicing good air
circulation around ampalaya plants can help
reduce the spread of powdery mildew.

29 10
Powdery mildew

A fungal disease that causes a white powdery

coating on the leaves, stems, and flowers of
the ampalaya plant. It can lead to reduced
Aphids are tiny insects that feed on the sap of plant growth and yield.
the plant, causing leaves to curl and become
distorted. To control aphids, farmers can use
insecticidal soap, neem oil, or a strong blast of Cultural control: Maintaining healthy plants
water to knock them off the plant.Aphids are a through proper watering, fertilization, and
common pest of many vegetable and pruning can help prevent powdery mildew
ornamental plants, including ampalaya. infections in ampalaya.

11 28
Cultural methods: Regularly removing Cultural control:
infected plant debris and practicing good air Monitor plants regularly for signs of aphid
circulation around ampalaya plants can help infestations, such as curled or distorted
reduce the spread of anthracnose. leaves. Remove and destroy heavily infested
plants to prevent the spread of aphids.
Practice crop rotation to prevent the buildup of
DIY sprays: Some DIY sprays can be used to
aphid populations in the soil. Avoid over-
control anthracnose in ampalaya. One
fertilizing plants, as this can increase the
example is a mixture of baking soda, water,
susceptibility of plants to aphid infestations.
and vegetable oil, which can be sprayed on
plants to help prevent anthracnose infections.

27 12
Biological control: Cultural control: Maintaining healthy plants
through proper watering, fertilization, and
Use natural enemies such as ladybugs, pruning can help prevent anthracnose
lacewings, and parasitic wasps, which feed on infections in ampalaya.
aphids at different life stages. Apply microbial
pesticides such as Beauveria bassiana or Resistant varieties: Planting resistant
varieties can be an effective way to manage
Metarhizium anisopliae, which infect and kill
anthracnose in ampalaya.

Fungicides: There are several fungicides that

can be used to control anthracnose in
Chemical control: ampalaya, including copper-based fungicides
and azoxystrobin. It is important to carefully
Apply insecticidal soap or oil sprays, which
read and follow the instructions on the label of
suffocate aphids and their eggs. Use any fungicide product.
insecticides that are labeled for use against
aphids, such as neonicotinoids or pyrethroids. Biological control: The use of beneficial
microorganisms such as Trichoderma spp.
can help suppress the growth of anthracnose
in ampalaya.

13 26
Anthracnose: Spider mites:

A fungal disease that causes dark lesions on Spider mites aresmall,spider-like insects that
the leaves,stems, and fruits of the ampalaya feed on the undersides of leaves, causing
plant. It can lead to reduced plant growth and them to turn yellow and die. To control spider
yield.Anthracnose is a fungal disease that can mites, farmers can use a pesticide, such as
affect ampalaya, also known as bitter gourd or malathion, or neem oilSpider mites are a
bitter melon, causing leaf spots, stem common pest of many vegetable and
cankers, and fruit rot. Here are some ornamental plants, including ampalaya. Here
strategies for controlling anthracnose in are some management and control strategies
ampalaya for spider mites:

25 14
Cultural control: Chemical control: The use of chemical
treatments such as copper-based fungicides
or antibiotics may be effective in reducing the
severity of bacterial wilt, but this approach can
be costly and may not be sustainable in the
long term.

Soil solarization:

Covering the soil with clear plastic and

exposing it to sunlight can help reduce the
population of the bacterium in the soil. It is
important to note that there is no single
solution for controlling bacterial wilt, and a
Monitor plants regularly for signs of spider combination of several strategies may be
mite infestations, such as stippling or necessary to effectively manage the disease.
discoloration of leaves. Remove and destroy
heavily infested plants to prevent the spread
of spider mites. Practice crop rotation to
prevent the buildup of spider mite populations
in the soil. Avoid over-fertilizing plants, as this
can increase the susceptibility of plants to
spider mite infestation
15 24
Crop rotation: Planting crops that are not Biological control:
susceptible to bacterial wilt in infested fields
can reduce the population of the bacterium in Use natural enemies such as predatory mites,
the soil. lady beetles, and lacewings, which feed on
spider mites at different life stages. Apply
Sanitation: Cleaning equipment and tools, as
microbial pesticides such as Beauveria
well as removing and destroying infected plant
debris, can reduce the spread of the bassiana or Metarhizium anisopliae, which
infect and kill spider mites.

Resistant varieties: Planting resistant

varieties can be an effective way to manage Chemical control:
bacterial wilt. However, resistance may not be
available for all crops. Apply insecticidal soap or oil sprays, which
suffocate spider mites and their eggs. Use
Biological control: The use of biological insecticides that are labeled for use against
agents such as beneficial bacteria, fungi, or
spider mites, such as abamectin,
viruses can help suppress the population of
Ralstonia solanacearum in the soil. spiromesifen, or pyrethroids.

23 16
Thrips Bacterial wilt:

A bacterial disease that causes wilting,

yellowing, and death of the plant. It spreads
Thrips are small insects that feed on the
through contaminated soil and water.Bacterial
flowers and leaves of bitter gourd. They cause
wilt is a plant disease caused by the
distortion and yellowing of the leaves. To
bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum, which
control thrips, farmers can use insecticidal
affects a wide range of crops including
soap or neem oilThrips are a common pest of
tomato, potato, eggplant, and pepper. The
many vegetable and ornamental plants,
disease can cause significant yield losses and
including ampalaya. Here are some
is difficult to control once it becomes
management and control strategies for thrips:
established in a field.
17 22
COMMOM DISEASES OF Cultural control:

BITTER GOURD Monitor plants regularly for signs of thrips

infestations, such as silver or white streaks on

 Bacterial wilt leaves. Remove and destroy heavily infested

plants to prevent the spread of thrips. Use
 Anthracnose
yellow or blue sticky traps to monitor and trap
 Powdery mildew thrips. Practice crop rotation to prevent the

 Downy mildew buildup of thrips populations in the soil.

 Fusarium wilt

Biological control: Chemical control:

Apply insecticidal soap or oil sprays, which

suffocate thrips and their eggs. Use
insecticides that are labeled for use against
thrips, such as spinosad, chlorpyrifos, or

Use natural enemies such as predatory mites,

minute pirate bugs, and lacewings, which feed
on thrips at different life stages. Apply
microbial pesticides such as Beauveria
bassiana or Metarhizium anisopliae, which
infect and kill thrips.

19 20
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