Test & Measurement Summary

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Measurement and evaluation summary

Meaning of measurement:- has according to egbule (2008)

said involves a quantative comparison of two or more amount of
same different properties determine on a basis of certain criteria.
So that measurement is the process of ascertaining the quantity
of something.
Evaluation is the process by which relevant data are collected
and transferred into information for decision making. So that the
value judgment when making outcome of measurement.

Difference between measurement and evaluation.

1) measurement it provide quantity of data while evaluation it

provide quality of data.
2) measurement provide raw score while evaluation it provide
value and quality of raw score.
3) evaluation is the continued process while measurement come
first before evaluation.
4) measurement is quantitative while evaluation is tell about
5) measurement is specific while evaluation is cover all aspects
of education.

Meaning of educational measurement and evaluation :-

according to itsuokor (1986) in egbule (2008) is the systematic
process of determining the extent to which instructional
objective are achieved by students. So educational measurement
simply refers to the systematic qualification of the amount of
learning that has taking place egbule (2008) in mijitaba (2018).
Types of evaluation

Placement:- according to mujitaba (2018) said is the process of

test designed in order to assessed students on their suitable class,
programs, and profession based on his achievable performance.
Formative evaluation:- according to mujitaba (2018), Is the
type of evaluation design in order to assess students progress
over a period or with a period of a particular programs or study.
Advantage of formative evaluation.

1) it enhanced individual instruction

2) it assist the quality and quantity of teaching and learning
3) lt assist teaching and students to understand areas of
weakness and strength in learning environment.

Disadvantage of formative evaluation

1) consumed time for evaluate
2) it will not used for awarded certificate
3) it will not provide a single measure result.
Summative evaluation:- this type of evaluation design by
professional agency or government agency in order to measure
the achievement performance a of individual or group of
students over a long period or at end particular programs eg
NECO, JAMB,and Waec etc.

Advantage of summative evaluation.

1) it used for awarded certificate

2) it is not time consumed
3) it provide a single measure result
4) it used with result to place a students under a suitable class or
group of study.
Disadvantage of summative evaluation

1) it is not bring a single progress of teachers and students.

2) it is too late for improvement to be effective.
3) it is not show a strength and weakness of teaching and
Diagnosis evaluation:- this is type of evaluation design to
bringing more information about students with areas of abilities
and disabilities. This help teachers to understanding areas of
difficulties of the students for strength and weakness.

Characteristics measurement and evaluation

1) it is not directly because most of attributes to be measure is

abstract variable.
2) it is not possible to be measure all the aspects of particular
trails in a single measure tools examples abilities, attitude,
aptitude and personality etc.
3) what will measure is related or dependent on their concept,
theory and group to be measure.
4) there is series of mistake which make a measuring result
errors because of subjectivity and unreability tool to be used in

Purpose of educational measurement and evaluation

1) motivated students
2) monitoring effectiveness of teaching
3) diagnostic purpose
4) guidance and counseling purpose
5) schools administration decision purpose
6) curriculum development purpose
7) reporting students progress.

Problems associated with measurement and evaluation.

1) lack of integrity
2) problems of record keeping
3) inability to transforms and interpret the result
4) lack of general competence and skills by teachers
5) poor record maintenance and retrieved systems.
6) variation in the quality of test and other assessment.

Aspects of students behaviour to be measure.

1) cognitive domain:- is the ability to recall or recognized

knowledge or facts and development of intellectual trails. This
are six categories of cognitive domain arranged in a hierarchical
order of difficulty.
1) knowledge, 2) comprehension,3) application, 4)analysis,
5)synthesis, 6)evaluation.
2) affective domain:- this is behaviour that bringing
individuals value systems, belief pattern, attitude, life styles, and
interest mode of adjustment. Affective domain classified into
five categories are : 1) receiving, 2) responding, 3) valuing, 4)
organization, 5) conceptualization, 6) organization of value
system, 7) value complex.
1) Psychomotor domain:- this is type of behavior of
educational measurement that concerns with the students
physical and mental activity relating to bodily movement by
mental activity. Those are seven major categories of assessing
the psychomotor domain are: 1) perception, 2) set, 3) guided
response, 4) mechanism, 5) complex overt response, 6) adoption,
7) organization.
Test:- according to akinade (2004) in mujitaba (2018) test it can
be seen as a set of tasks, stimuli, and question which designed to
a particular response when presented in standardized conditions.

Classification of test.
1- test by nature of the trails to be measure
(a) test of maximum performance :- is an attempt to determine
just how a person performs in a given situations. It compared
with a key prepared by expert which distinguished between
correct and incorrect response. Example are: aptitude, ability,
achievement,and intelligence.
(b) test of typical behavior:- this type of test about day to day
life activities. In order to examine are required to report how
they would normally behave in a situations. Examples are:
attitude, personality, and interest or inventory test.
2- test by how trails measure :-
(a) objective and subjective (essay) test. (b) individuals and
group test, (c) paper and pencil test, (d) language and non
language test.
3- by use to which test are put:-
(1) placement test, (2) classification test, (3) selecting test.
4- by construction of the test.
(1) standardized :-this are types of test
constructed by publisher or professional and government
agencies, usually constructed by expert from educational
measurement and evaluation, curriculum development, and
teaching and learning process.
Type of essay test.
1- Extended test:- in this situations allow students or offer
students to express his views, opinion, and ideas based on his
understand. Examples write our biography?
2- restricted test:- this is another type of standardized test
which restricted students on a given answer.in this type of test
students will no longer to express his views, opinion, and ideas
based on his understand. Example are: define,gives and list.
Characteristics of standardized test
1- it cover wide area of a course content, 2- it constructed for
wide geographic area, 3- it constructed by expert and
professional personal, 4- It need uniformly answer, 5- it use with
feedback for awarded certificate.
(2) teacher made test:- are type of test constructed,
organised,and coordinate by non professional personal, it
restricted within a school or particular class, it used as
assessment test.
Types of teacher made test
a) essay test:- this is type of test that design by teacher in order
to measure a students performance by examine, analysing, and
evaluate students.
Advantage of essay test
It take less time for constructed, it allow students to express his
views, it gives opportunity to develop written skills,
Disadvantage of essay test.
Difficult to score, difficult to express idea by students, it provide
limited samples,it take more time to scoring.
(a) Objective test which are classified into
Alternative response, compelation items multiple choice,short
answer matching items.
Advantage of objective test.
It provide opportunity to tested large number of students, it is
easy to scored, it cover wide range of the subjects,objective was
marked by hand or machine.
Disadvantage of objective test.
It is not given students opportunity to express their ideas,
construction it consumed time, it provide a offer for the students
to guessing their answer,it will not assisted students to develop
written and reading skills.
Important of test
it provide basis formative assessment, it monitor learning
progress,it increase both quantity and quality of students
learning, it provide timely feedback that promote learning,
provide policy decision on educational measurement, it allow
for selection, placement, and promote students, research purpose,
continued assessment, and evaluation purpose.
Test development plans:-
it serves as blueprint to conduct taste activities as defined
process which is minutely monitor and controlled by test
manager eg teacher and supervisor.
Important of test development plan
it provides more light to those who are not involved in the test
about objective, purpose and achievement performance, it
determine the efforts, the documented test plan use for other
purpose, help teachers and administrator as guide to achieve the
How to develop test plan
Analysis the products, define test objective, define criteria,
develop test strategy, schedule and estimation, plan test
environment, plan the test resources.
Techniques of measurement and evaluation
1) test:- it served as set of talks, stimuli, and question which
design to particular response when presented in a standardized
2) sociometric test:- it also given the clinical picture of the
patterns of relationship that exist when children are playing with
one another.
3) observation:- refers to watching systematically something or
someone like situations or environment for decision making.
a- naturalistic
b- experimental observation
c- rating scales
d- anecdotal records
4) questionnaire:-it involved asked carefully of selected
group of people a set of clearly define and predetermined
5) interviews:-
Peer and self assessment
Peers assessments:- it refers to the process where by peers
assessing the other students works. While self assessment refers
to the process where by individual students assesing his own
works by himself.
Peers and self assessments are the process where by peer or
individuals students assessing his own work or works of other
students with confedance instead to depend on the teacher
judgement or decision making.
Important of peers and self assessments.
1 assist students to attend all the period of the lesson.
2 assist students to developed reading habits.
3 assits students to depend on their own perception.
4 it help students to acquire and transferrable of skills and ideas.
5 it assist both teacher and students to understanding strenght
and weakness of learning.
Teaching peers and self assessments
1- provide the rules and process
2- highlight the procedure and criterion of the assessment.
3- give guideline and outline process.
How to implement peers and self assessment effectively.
Continiuons assessment.
Continiuons assessments:- means refers to the process where
by systematic comprehensive and cumulative information
obtained about individual students in term of cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor domain of students in the schools
Continiuons assessment refer to information obtained about
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domain of students
behavior systematically in the schools life.
Advantage of continiuons assessment.
1- used for summative and formative evaluation.
2- it help for teacher and adminstrator decision making.
3- it has been used for guidance and councelling purposed.
4- it allow students to make up their deficiency.
5- it provide immediently feedback.
6- it assist teacher and students to strengths and weakness.
7- it improved classroom teaching methods and techniques.

Problems associated implementation of continuous

1- lack of comparability among the teacher such as : inability to
transforming and interpret the score, variation in grading and
score, and variation in formation and construction.
2- lack of integrity among teacher
3- inability to keeping, recorded and maintaining the result.
4- poor statistical computerization.
5- lack of interpretation of record and report.
6- lack of general competence and skills by teacher.

The important skills needed by teacher in CA techniques.

1-skills in planned and construction of CA.
2- skills in administrating and scoring CA.
3- Skills in transforming interpretation and scored of CA.
4- skills in statistical computerization of CA.
5- skill for effective guidance and counselling with CA
Instruments used in measure CA.
Test, Assignments, Examination, Questionnaire, Rating
scale, Anecdotal record, Sociology-metric test, Interview, and
Weight of continuous assessment
1- daily attendance, and assignments and weekly test are 30%.
2- affective and psycho-motor domain and other psychological
trails are 10%.
3- end of the term examination are 60%.
Norm reference and criterion reference test.
Norm reference test are type of test that allowed teacher to
compare the students performance on the test to performance of
other students.
Criterion reference test are other type of test that describe what
students can obtain without reference of other students

Difference between norm reference and criterion reference

1 norm reference are standardized while criterion are teacher
made test.
2 norm reference are used for placement while criterion are used
for diagnosis.
3 result of norm reference test are used for planning while
criterion reference result are used for grading.
4 norm reference are concern about general subject matter while
criterion are concern about specific subject matters.

Validity and reliability

Validity:- it refers to the process by which result of evaluation
and procedure serve the particular used for the intended. We
have content criterion related and constructs validity.
1) Content validity:- refers to the test most be measure the
domain of the instruction most be considered in plan, constructs,
and administer the test.
2) Criterion related validity:- are empirical validity or is
process by test performance are related to other valved measure
performance. This type of validity are divided into two
concurrent validity and predictive validity.concurrent are two set
of data compared while predictive are two set of data separate it.
3) constructs validity refers to the process on which test
performance interpret some certain psychological trails.
Reliability:- it refers to the process of stability,dependability,
and predictability of the measuring instrument or performance.

Method of estimated test reliability.

1) Test and retest 2) equivalent form method, 3) split-half
method, 4) kuder-richardson method.
Factors affecting test reliability.
1- Conditions of testee when test was taken.
2- stage when test was implements.
3- guessing
4- construction of the test.


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