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Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

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Cleaner Waste Systems

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Life cycle assessment of construction and demolition waste management

based on waste generation projections of residential buildings in Metro ]]

Manila, the Philippines

Laurenze John G. Estrada, Jun Nakatani , Toru Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Fujita

Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan


Keywords: The environmental impact of the existing and improved management systems of the estimated current and future
Construction and demolition waste generation of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in Metro Manila, the Philippines, was evaluated in terms
Life cycle assessment of global warming potential (GWP) and urban land occupation (ULOP). CDW generation quantities were esti-
ReCiPe midpoint method mated using dynamic material flow analysis, and the environmental impacts of different CDW management
Global warming potential
systems were evaluated based on life cycle assessment using the ReCiPe midpoint method. The results showed
Urban land occupation
that the recycling and reuse of CDW, especially steel, contributes to reducing the environmental impact of
Specialized sorting
recycling systems; however, landfilling is still a better option unless the demand for recovered CDW increases.
This study highlights the need for maximizing the use of secondary materials recovered from CDW; accordingly,
the introduction of specialized sorting to the waste chain should show promise in reducing both the GWP and
ULOP of CDW management.

1. Introduction Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the

Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), and Local
The generation of construction and demolition waste (CDW), Government Units (LGUs), and absence of standard procedures for
which accounts for at least 30 % of the total solid waste produced the management of CDW hinder the efficient implementation of
worldwide, has dramatically increased (Ginga et al., 2020). Although CDWM.
Target 11.6 in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as According to the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP),
well as the Philippine Development Plan 2017–2022, suggests huge climate change and domestic waste disposal are among the Filipinos’
potential in acquiring the co-benefits of sustainable waste manage- top environmental problems (ISSP Research Group, 2019), and solid
ment and resource recovery following the concept of circular waste management problem is one of the prevalent environmental
economy, these programs require data-driven decisions. However, in concerns associated with the country’s rapid urbanization (Raflores and
general, waste management data in developing countries are limited. Regmi, 2015). Metro Manila—the Philippines’ capital region—lacks
Rapidly developing countries have become the major contributors to sufficient facilities to adequately dispose of its garbage, especially CDW.
CDW generation with millions of tons of CDW generated annually In addition, reports on waste source distribution in the region do not
(Akhtar and Sarmah, 2018); yet, these countries, including Southeast include CDW as an independent source (National Solid Waste
Asian nations such as the Philippines lack data and legal documents Management Commission et al., 2019). Without proper CDWM prac-
specific for CDW and have unclear responsibility assignment for its tices, associated environmental issues and land use conflicts are ex-
management (Hoang et al., 2020). The lack of a CDW database, pected to intensify as the population and economic activities continue
overlapping jurisdiction on CDW management (CDWM) among the to expand (Zheng et al., 2017).

Abbreviations: CDW, Construction and demolition waste; CDWM, Construction and demolition waste management; DENR, Department of Environment and
Natural Resources; DPWH, Department of Public Works and Highways; EMB, Environmental Management Bureau; FAPC, Floor area per capita; GDP, Gross domestic
product; GWP, Global warming potential; ISSP, International Social Survey Programme; LCA, Life cycle assessment; LCI, Life cycle inventory; LCIA, Life cycle impact
assessment; LGU, Local Government Unit; LOS, Level of significance; MFA, Material flow analysis; ReCiPe, RIVM, CML, Pre; ULOP, Urban land occupation; US, United
States; WGR, Waste generation rates

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Nakatani).
Received 14 September 2022; Received in revised form 15 December 2022; Accepted 6 January 2023
2772-9125/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
L.J.G. Estrada, J. Nakatani, T. Hayashi et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

To estimate large-scale CDW generation, previous studies used gross recycling as CDW treatment options greatly outnumber those involving
domestic product (GDP) and population correlated with floor area material reuse, while studies based on CDW other than concrete, such
statistics (Huang et al., 2013; Tam and Lu, 2016; Lederer et al., 2020; as steel and wood, are very limited.
Lu et al., 2017; Akhtar and Sarmah, 2018; Ding and Xiao, 2014), while Thus, in this study, the authors aimed to estimate the total current
small-scale CDW estimation was conducted using waste generation (2020) and future (2040) residential CDW generation in Metro Manila,
rates (WGRs) and material intensities (Mália et al., 2013; Solís-Guzmán with the intention to compare with the region’s demand for recovered
et al., 2009; Mah et al., 2016; Kern et al., 2015). The population and waste materials, and evaluate the potential environmental impacts of
economic activity expansion were shown to be directly proportional to the existing and improved CDWM systems—management practices
CDW generation (Lu et al., 2017; Tam and Lu, 2016). Further, it was implemented by major residential construction companies in the re-
proposed that the determination of waste indicators and WGRs is the gion—in terms of climate change measured by global warming poten-
key to effectively manage CDW (Mália et al., 2013; Solís-Guzmán et al., tial (GWP) and land space consumption measured by urban land oc-
2009). Several studies have been conducted to quantify both current cupation (ULOP).
and future CDW generation under different scenarios, such as adopting
different waste treatment options (e.g., recycling) (Ding and Xiao, 2. Material and methods
2014; Akhtar and Sarmah, 2018) and prolonging the service life of
structures to slow down waste generation and resource depletion 2.1. Study area
(Huang et al., 2013; Lederer et al., 2020).
Meanwhile, life cycle assessment (LCA) has been widely adopted Metro Manila has a total land area of 619.54 km2 and a population
along with material flow analysis (MFA) in evaluating the environ- of 13,484,462 as of 2019 (Mapa, 2021). It is the second most populous
mental impacts of CDW under different waste management scenarios and the most densely populated region of the Philippines with a 36 %
(Borghi et al., 2018; Di Maria et al., 2020; Rosado et al., 2019; GDP share in 2018 (Perez, 2019). Based on a report on land use clas-
Kucukvar et al., 2014; Jain et al., 2020). LCA is used to assess the en- sification in the region, the residential area constitutes 65 % of the
vironmental benefits and burdens associated with waste management region’s land area (Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2001).
systems and identify strategies to improve their performance. While Metro Manila started to take its current shape and regional boundaries
some studies were conducted to evaluate the life cycle impact of re- in 2000, hence, the period from 2000 to 2020 was taken as temporal
covering concrete waste into recycled concrete aggregates for road limits for GDP, population, and floor area statistics used in this study’s
construction (Borghi et al., 2018; Di Maria et al., 2020; Jain et al., CDW generation estimation.
2020), other studies were performed to evaluate the impacts of dif- Metro Manila has only one operational sanitary landfill with a
ferent treatment options for CDW, including steel waste, timber waste, capacity of 32 million tons, serving four of the region’s 17 cities/
glass, paper, and plastic (Rosado et al., 2019; Kucukvar et al., 2014; municipalities. The average collection of 1890 tons/day does not ac-
Coelho and de Brito, 2012). These studies usually included landfilling count for the total amount of generated CDW. In the latest national
and recycling for CDW treatment (Coelho and de Brito, 2012; Kucukvar solid waste management status report (2008–2018) (Environmental
et al., 2014; Yeheyis et al., 2013). Previous studies also suggest that the Management Bureau DENR, 2018), CDW was not considered as an
performance of CDWM systems can be greatly influenced by various independent waste source, only as a portion of the industrial waste
factors, such as transport distance (Li et al., 2019; Coelho and de Brito, that accounted for 4.1 % of the total municipal solid waste. This is
2012), treatment facility location (Kucukvar et al., 2014; Galan et al., associated with the lack of CDW assessment in the country’s waste
2013), shift in recycling rate and quality (Di Maria et al., 2020; Rosado management premise.
et al., 2019), and fuel used in treatment facilities and transportation
units (Jain et al., 2020; Borghi et al., 2018). 2.2. CDW generation estimation
The accurate determination of the environmental impacts of waste
management systems is essential to realize data-driven decision-making Step 1. The floor area per capita (FAPC), the most important factor
(Rosado et al., 2019), making life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) in shaping the demand for housing floor area stocks, which was deemed
methods critical for environmental assessment studies. The results of to have a significant relationship with GDP per capita (Hu et al., 2010)
LCA studies on CDW mainly depend on impact categories based on the was calculated using Eq. (1):
LCIA method used, such as ReCiPe (Jain et al., 2020), ILCD 2011 and
CED method (Borghi et al., 2018), and Impact 2000 + and CML FAPCt =
At (1)
baseline (Rosado et al., 2019). Further, the majority of CDW LCA stu-
dies conducted in China (Li et al., 2019), the United States (US) where Ht is the assumed single housing unit size in square meters per
(Kucukvar et al., 2014), and European countries (Di Maria et al., 2020; one housing unit, and At is the average household size in the number of
Coelho and de Brito, 2012) made use of primary data, data from pre- persons per one housing unit, both in the corresponding year t. Due to
vious studies performed in their respective countries, and/or data from the expected saturation of FAPC from 2000 to 2020, the relationship
country-specific life cycle inventory (LCI) databases, such as US LCI, between GDP per capita and FAPC was modeled using logarithmic re-
Eurostat, and Ecoinvent. On the contrary, studies conducted in coun- gression, while the future FAPC (2021–2040) was predicted based on
tries without a local LCI database such as India (Jain et al., 2020), Brazil the trend in Metro Manila’s GDP per capita using the resulting regres-
(Rosado et al., 2019), and Malaysia (Mah et al., 2016) adopted primary sion model.
data, other countries’ databases, or world average inventory data. Step 2. A dynamic MFA model that represents the floor area and the
The literature on both CDW estimation and environmental assess- material flow composition of residential building stocks based on the
ment in developed and emerging economies has become exhaustive; study of Hu et al. (2010) was modified and used in this study to esti-
however, further research is still needed, especially in developing mate CDW generation in Metro Manila using projected building stocks,
countries (Jain et al., 2020). In this study, the environmental assess- construction, and demolition floor areas driven by FAPC, the average
ment of CDWM systems integrating both current and future waste es- lifetime of a residential structure, and WGRs. The quantity of annual
timation projections was performed in a developing region. So far, very residential building stocks (St) was calculated using Eq. (2):
few studies that included future CDW projections were conducted in St = FAPCt × Pt (2)
developed countries, and only one of these studies involved environ-
mental assessment. In addition, studies based on landfilling and where Pt is the population in the study area at any given time t.
Step 3. The quantity of the annual demolition floor area (Dt) was

L.J.G. Estrada, J. Nakatani, T. Hayashi et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

Fig. 1. System boundaries of the CDWM systems in Metro Manila.

calculated by multiplying the probability percentage of a residential the mean time to failure (MTTF); hence, Eq. (4) becomes
structure being demolished, f(t), by the estimated building stocks of the
previous year, St - 1, using Eq. (3). The probability was calculated fol- f (t ) = e 1
lowing a Weibull probability distribution function, a widely known
function used in life cycle studies, as shown in Eq. (4): Due to lack of data for the average lifetime of structures in Metro
Manila, three average lifetimes were considered: (a) 15-year life,
Dt = St 1 × f (t ) (3)
which signifies the structural liability of structural engineers for
1 permanent structures according to the Government Procurement
f (t ) = ×
×e (t ) Reform Act (2003) (Republic Act No. 9184); (b) 50-year life, which
signifies the declaration of a condominium residential unit to be
where β is the shape factor adopted from Daigo et al. (2017), and ղ is obsolete, where repair and restoration are no longer advised pur-
the scale factor, which was made equal to the assumed average life of suant to the Condominium Act (1996) (Republic Act No. 4726); (c)
structure t. This agrees well with Pasha et al. (2006), indicating that ղ is 25-year life, which is a relatively conservative assumption between
the time at which the majority (63.2 %) of systems or components 15 and 50 years.
under analysis fail. In Weibull analysis, the scale parameter represents Step 4. Following the dynamic MFA, construction floor areas, Ct,

L.J.G. Estrada, J. Nakatani, T. Hayashi et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

were calculated using the basic stocks formula (Hu et al., 2010; Huang scenario, which is the improved version of FS1b, where a process called
et al., 2013; Daigo et al., 2017) defined by Eq. (6): “specialized sorting” is introduced between the sorting and reuse/re-
cycling processes.
Ct = St + Dt St 1 (6)
Step 2. After the goal and scope definition, the LCI analysis was
Step 5. The total annual CDW generation at any year t, CDWt, was performed. The CDW quantity inventories were obtained through in-
calculated by multiplying the calculated construction and demolition terviews with area managers of major multiunit residential construction
floor areas, Ct and Dt, respectively, with the corresponding WGRs using companies in Metro Manila. Also, the transport distances used were
Eq. (7): based on the actual distances between the landfill site, concrete re-
CDWt = (WGRC × Ct ) + (WGRD × Dt ) (7) cycling/crushing plant, materials recovery facility, and the centroid of
Metro Manila where multiunit residential buildings are located.
WGRC is the construction WGR equal to 32.9 kg/m2, which was Step 3. Following the LCI analysis, LCIA was performed using the
based on the study by Mah et al. (2016) on different waste compositions ReCiPe method. ReCiPe 2016 at midpoint was used following a hier-
of residential construction projects in Malaysia, which is relatively si- archist (H) cultural perspective—a perspective based on the most
milar to the Philippines. Meanwhile, WGRD is the demolition WGR common policy principles with regard to time frame (Goedkoop et al.,
equal to 1613.7 kg/m2, used as the material intensity of reinforced 2008) to incorporate uncertainties from conversion and aggregation
concrete residential structures in China after 2000 in the study of Gao steps.
et al. (2020). Step 3a. The first stage of the LCIA was classification and char-
acterization. The selection of GWP and ULOP as impact categories
2.3. LCA streamlined this process; however, due to the insufficiency of en-
vironmental data collected from the study area, the elementary flows
LCA was used in this work for assessing the most sustainable CDWM and corresponding characterization factors used were obtained from
practice considering both the current and future CDW generation to the Rest-of-World data calculated in the Ecoinvent database v3.8
evaluate the environmental impacts of different CDWM systems im- (2021), which indicated the residual difference between the global
plemented by major residential construction companies in Metro dataset and the non-global datasets when all datasets are scaled to the
Manila and compare them with some alternative and improved systems. production volume of their reference product (Weidema et al., 2013).
Step 1. The goal and scope of the LCA were defined. The functional For impacts of operations of processes, such as transport, landfill,
unit considered was the treatment of the projected total annual re- sorting and recycling processes, we applied LCIA datasets of the allo-
sidential CDW generated in Metro Manila in 2020 and 2040. The con- cation at the point of substitution (APOS) system model in the Ecoin-
sideration of total annual CDW in lieu of one (1) ton of waste was to vent database (Wernet et al., 2016), considering that the APOS system
emphasize the importance of the balance between the region’s potential model was recommended for application areas where the consequential
supply and total demand for recycled/reused materials, which could modelling was less relevant (Weidema et al., 2013). The GWP and
not be examined from a study on 1 ton of waste. ULOP were calculated using Eq. (8):
In a comparative LCA of CDWM systems involving different waste
GWPorULOP = (qij cfij )
treatment options, the ReCiPe 2016 midpoint method was used fol- j i (8)
lowing a hierarchist cultural perspective. In the selection of impact
where j is the type of the treatment, i is the type of the waste material,
categories, previous reports indicated that two of the top environmental
qij is the quantity of waste i allocated to the treatment process j (kg/
problems that Filipinos wanted to prioritize are climate change and
year), and cfij refers to the midpoint characterization factor of waste i
waste disposal (ISSP Research Group, 2019). In addition, the green-
for treatment j (kg of CO2-eq./kg of waste for GWP; m2a/kg of waste for
house gas emissions from the waste sector accounted for 10.60 % of
ULOP). The characterization factors of ULOP (in m2-yr annual crop
total emissions in Metro Manila in 2010 according to Raflores and
equivalents) refer to the relative species loss caused by urban land use
Regmi (2015), and there are not sufficient landfill sites and waste
(Huijbregts et al., 2017).
treatment facilities in the region. Correspondingly, in ReCiPe’s long list
Step 3b. To evaluate the aggregated environmental impact of each
of midpoint impact categories, GWP and ULOP were purposely selected
CDWM system in terms of GWP and ULOP, normalization was per-
to be the impact categories for the LCIA.
formed to express both impact categories in the same unit of mea-
The system boundaries depicted in the CDWM systems shown in
surement (person-year) using world average reference values indicated
Fig. 1(a), (b), and (c) are based on actual and existing practices im-
in the ReCiPe 2016 database (RIVM, 2020) called normalization scores.
plemented by the construction companies and LGUs within the region.
The normalized GWP or ULOP was calculated using Eq. (9):
The CDWM systems considered in the 2020 scenario are S0 and S1,
which were also considered in the 2040 scenario as FS0 and FS1a to- GWPorULOP
gether with the improved systems FS1b and FS2. A system expansion or NGWPorULOP =
j i nfGWPorULOP (9)
an avoided burden approach (Nakatani, 2014) is applied to consider the
environmental benefits of reuse/recycling depending on the supply- where N is the normalized score, and nf is the world average normal-
demand balance for recycled/reused materials in the systems that in- ization factor (kg of CO2-eq./person in 2010 for GWP; m2a/person in
clude recycling (S1, FS1a, FS1b and FS2). The systems are defined as 2010 for ULOP).
S0/FS0 – The landfilling system where all CDW generated within the 2.4. Sensitivity Analyses
region is dumped at landfill sites, and portions of steel and wood scrap
are scavenged for private use. Because of the extensive data-dependency of the results of both
S1/FS1a – The demand-based recycling system where portions of CDW generation estimation and LCA on economic projections, and
concrete waste are recycled as road aggregates. The term “demand- since economic profiles of developing countries are deemed unstable
based” signifies that only concrete waste is demanded for recycling. compared to developed countries, sensitivity analyses were performed
FS1b – The supply-based recycling system, which is an improved to evaluate the response of the CDWM systems’ GWP and ULOP con-
version of FS1a, where the quantity of waste to be recycled is not sidering different sensitivity factors, such as (a) ± 10 % change in the
limited to the demand for road construction but is rather based on the CDW quantity generation, (b) incremental increase in the demand for
supply of CDW. recycled concrete and steel waste, and (c) shift/change in concrete and
FS2 – Recycling with a specialized sorting system in the 2040 steel waste recycling rates.

L.J.G. Estrada, J. Nakatani, T. Hayashi et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

Fig. 2. Construction and demolition floor areas (bars) and CDW generation (dots) estimation.

3. Results and discussion %, respectively. The avoided demolition of existing structures also di-
minishes the need to construct new residential structures, avoiding
3.1. CDW generation estimation construction waste generation.
CDW data used in LCA. A paired sample t-test was performed to
GDP per capita versus FAPC. The regression analysis between FAPC determine the average structure lifetime used in LCA (Fig. 3). The re-
and GDP/capita resulted in an R2 value of 0.98, statistically proving sults of the comparison between the calculated construction floor areas
that the region’s FAPC can be predicted using Metro Manila’s trend in and the actual annual construction floor areas in Metro Manila, pro-
GDP. The FAPC projections were translated to building stocks, which vided in the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA, 2023) database,
were eventually used in calculating construction and demolition floor showed that only the data set from the 50-year average structure life-
areas. time has a p-value of greater than the level of significance (LOS),
Construction and demolition floor areas. Fig. 2 shows the construction proving that this data set had no significant difference from the actual
and demolition floor areas in the current and future scenarios. The construction floor areas recorded in Metro Manila from 2000 to 2019;
construction area is expected to have a relative increase of 63 % in 15- hence, the CDW data based on the 50-year average structure lifetime
year mean life, 84 % in 25-year mean life, and approximately 146 % in was used in LCA.
50-year average life, while demolition areas are expected to increase by If p-value ≤ LOS, there is a significant difference between the data
33 % from 2020 to 2040 in all average structure lifetime assumptions. sets; if p-value > LOS, there is no significant difference between the
CDW generation. Fig. 2 also shows the projected total CDW quan- data sets.
tities comparing the 2020 and 2040 scenarios in all average lifetime CDW percent waste composition. Table 1 shows the waste material
assumptions. These results showed that the trend in CDW estimation flow quantities of the CDWM systems following the CDW generation
projection is directly proportional to the trend in construction and de- projection based on the 50-year average structure lifetime assumption
molition floor areas; however, although construction area projections and the corresponding percentages of waste composition for construc-
are higher than those of demolition areas, the calculated demolition tion according to the study by Mah et al. (2016) based on the mixed
wastes are larger than the projected construction waste quantities due construction method of reinforced concrete residential structures in
to the huge gap between their respective WGRs. The significant dif- Malaysia and for demolition according to the report by Gao et al.
ference in the projections considering different average structure life- (2020) based on the material intensities of reinforced concrete re-
time assumptions is the most pressing uncertainty in the CDW estima- sidential structures in China after 2000.
tion. The extension of the service life of a structure from 15 years to 25
or 50 years significantly reduces waste generation by about 40 % or 70

Fig. 3. t-test between the estimated and actual construction floor areas.

L.J.G. Estrada, J. Nakatani, T. Hayashi et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

Table 1
Waste material flow quantities in the CDWM systems.

Waste Chain Activity Distance* CDW Quantity (in kilotons)

(in kilometers)
2020 Scenario 2040 Scenario

From To S0 S1 FS0 FS1a FS1b FS2

Source Landfill, mixed CDW 30 6363 8547

Source Sorting, mixed CDW 10 6363 8547 8547 8547
Landfill, mixed CDW Scavengers/Private use 20 233 317
Sorting, mixed CDW Reuse, steel 12 2 6 6
Sorting, mixed CDW Reuse, wood 12 55 76 76
Sorting, mixed CDW Recycle, steel 10 0 0 385
Sorting, mixed CDW Recycle, concrete 10 1382 1751 7123
Sorting, mixed CDW Landfill, mixed CDW 30 4924 6714 957 829
Recycle, steel/concrete Landfill, mixed CDW 20 138 175 1020 220
Sorting, mixed CDW Sp. Sorting, steel 0 443
Sorting, mixed CDW Sp. Sorting, wood 0 152
Sorting, mixed CDW Sp. Sorting, concrete 0 7123
Sp. Sorting, wood Reuse, wood 10 144
Sp. Sorting, steel Reuse, steel 10 14
Sp. Sorting, steel Recycle, steel 10 366
Sp. Sorting, concrete Recycle, concrete 10 6767
Sp. Sorting, mixed CDW Landfill, mixed CDW 30 427
Reuse, wood New construction project 12 55 76 76 144
Reuse, steel New construction project 12 2 6 6 14
Recycle, steel New construction project 12 0 0 77 146
Recycle, concrete New construction project 12 1244 1576 6411 6767

*based on actual distances from known locations of Landfill sites (North Caloocan, Metro Manila), material recovery sites (DPWH Bureau of Research and Standards),
recycling facility (concrete crushing plant), and location where there’s evident saturation of multi-story residential structures (Makati City, Metro Manila) obtained

3.2. LCIA of waste materials, especially steel. The GWP in FS2 was found to be at
−169.12 Gg CO2-eq., indicating a 73.14 Gg CO2-eq. increase in avoided
Following the classification, characterization, and normalization GWP than that of FS1b.
procedures described in Section 2.3, Fig. 4(a), (b), and (c) show the The LCIA results on the CDWM systems in the 2040 scenario showed
results of the LCIA. that recycling steel had the most contribution to the avoided GWP due
to the avoided emissions from the supposed steel production; likewise,
3.2.1. GWP sorting mixed CDW and concrete led to the aggravation of GWP in re-
As shown in Fig. 4(a), in the 2020 scenarios, the emissions from cycling-based CDWM systems. Moreover, the GWP of FS1b and FS2
inert landfilling and transport significantly contribute to the GWP of the could become even smaller if the LCIA dataset of the APOS system
landfilling system (S0), while that of the demand-based recycling model was replaced with that of the consequential (substitution) model;
system (S1) is aggravated by the sorting of mixed CDW. The graph the GWP of reinforcing steel in the latter dataset, 3.44 Gg CO2-eq./kg,
shows that the avoided CO2 emissions from recycling and/or reuse of was larger than the GWP in the former dataset, 2.14 Gg CO2-eq./kg,
concrete, steel, and wood waste are not sufficient to negate the effect of whereas the GWP of soring processes had relatively small differences
sorting mixed CDW, resulting in a relatively lower GWP of S0 at 35.01 between the models. The reduction in emissions due to transport and
Gg CO2-eq., 53.73 Gg CO2-eq. lower than the net total GWP of S1. inert landfilling is also noticeable in the improved CDWM systems due
Importantly, the avoided emission from the recycling/reuse of waste to the avoided hauling of a certain CDW quantity from source to landfill
materials is due to the avoided emission from the supposed primary sites.
production of such materials, assuming that the recycled/reused ma-
terials will be utilized for projects, obviating the need for production of 3.2.2. ULOP
the supposed raw construction materials. Meanwhile, in the 2040 sce- Fig. 4(b) shows the ULOP of the CDWM systems, both in the 2020
narios, FS0 and FS1a follow the GWP trends of S0 and S1, respectively, and 2040 scenarios, in terms of million m2a. The results showed that
dominated by the emissions from waste transport, inert landfilling, and the demand-based recycling systems (S1, FS1a) had higher ULOP than
mixed CDW sorting. The GWP of S0 has increased by 34 % in FS0, while the landfilling systems (S0, FS0) because of the significant effect of
that of S1 increased by 29 % in FS1a. sorting of mixed CDW. Mixed CDW sorting requires huge facilities—use
Fig. 4(a) also highlights the GWP of the improved CDWM systems of urban land in the case of Metro Manila—to cater to the bulk of CDW
(FS1b and FS2). From GWP of 114.05 Gg CO2-eq. in FS1a with zero generated in the region. The impact of converting urban land into
steel waste recycled, the introduction of recycling steel waste sig- sorting facilities could be more damaging to the environment, in terms
nificantly contributed to a net avoided emission of 95.98 Gg CO2-eq. in of ULOP, than the impact of CDW landfilling.
FS1b. These results signify the positive implications of not limiting the Meanwhile, the ULOP of the landfilling system and demand-based
quantity of recycled materials based on the current demand, thus, al- recycling in 2020 (S0, S1) is expected to worsen by 34 % in 2040 (FS0,
lowing all generated wastes to undergo waste treatment options (re- FS1a). Out of all the CDWM systems, FS1a has the most potential da-
cycle/reuse) rather than restricting the quantity of recycled materials mage to the environment in terms of ULOP. However, the avoided
based on the current demand for road aggregates. Likewise, the in- emissions brought by the increase in the quantity of materials for re-
troduction of specialized sorting in FS2, although it also contributed to cycling in FS1b (introduction of steel recycling and increase in the
a significant amount of CO2 emissions due to concrete and steel sorting, concrete waste quantity for recycling) and the introduction of specia-
eventually reduced emissions further due to the increased recyclability lized sorting to increase the waste recycling rate in FS2 were sufficient

L.J.G. Estrada, J. Nakatani, T. Hayashi et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

Fig. 4. LCIA results of the CDWM systems.

L.J.G. Estrada, J. Nakatani, T. Hayashi et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

to balance and negate the effect of mixed CDW sorting in the system. 3.3. Sensitivity analysis
The improved systems could reduce the potential damage equivalent of
9.73 million m2a (FS1a) to approximately 1.67 million m2a and 0.82 To evaluate the behavior of GWP and ULOP of each CDWM system
million m2a in FS2 and FS1b, respectively, owing to reduced material in the future scenario, sensitivity analyses were performed considering
production compared to the damage from converting urban lands to the changes of different variables, and the results are summarized in
sorting and specialized sorting facilities. Fig. 5. The 10 % relative change in wood waste quantity had the least
Likewise, the relatively larger impact of sorting mixed CDW on effect on the GWP and ULOP of the CDWM systems, while the change in
ULOP compared to landfilling may be associated with the gap between concrete and steel waste generation had the opposite environmental
the characterization factors used as per the Ecoinvent database. The impact. The increase in concrete waste is the most burdensome to GWP
characterization factor used for sorting mixed CDW is based on the and ULOP and thus is the relative decrease in steel waste generation. On
sorting of reinforced concrete waste, which includes all emissions and the contrary, the relative decrease in concrete waste and the relative
damages from the upstream processes of sorting combined concrete and increase in steel waste contribute to the reduction of both GWP and
steel waste including the dismantling, facility construction, and pre- ULOP, especially for the improved systems FS1b and FS2.
sorting of waste. Initially, the demand for recycled CDW considered in this study was
limited to only recycled aggregates from concrete waste—as in FS1a.
3.2.3. Normalization An incremental increase in the demand for recovered CDW, including
Through the utilization of the ReCiPe midpoint (H) 2016 world the demand for recycled steel, was considered another sensitivity
average normalization factors, Fig. 4(c) shows the combined environ- factor, and the results showed that the increased demand for the re-
mental impact of each CDWM system, in terms of GWP and ULOP ex- cycled concrete aggregate can reduce GWP by equivalent emissions of
pressed in the normalized unit of equivalent emission of a single person 6199 person*years and ULOP by equivalent damage of 1049 person*-
in 2010 (person*year). The results showed that the demand-based re- years. Meanwhile, by increasing the demand for recycled steel from
cycling systems (S1, FS1a) were more damaging to the environment zero to a quantity equivalent to the projected quantity of steel scrap
compared to the landfilling systems (S0, FS0), mainly because of the exported by the Philippines based on the UN Comtrade database (ne-
contribution of the GWP caused by the sorting of mixed waste. The cessary adjustments were made to limit the steel scrap at a regional
emissions of S1 were higher than the emissions of S0 by equivalent quantity proportional to the GDP, as projected for 2040), the GWP and
emissions of 7060 person*years, while a gap of equivalent emissions of ULOP of the demand-based recycling system could potentially avoid
8830 person*years is expected between FS1a and FS0. equivalent emissions and damages of 5217 and 103 person*years, re-
Only the improved systems FS1b and FS2 are expected to have a spectively, highlighting that the increase in demand for recycled con-
beneficial impact on the environment in the future scenario, resulting in crete waste affects GWP and ULOP more compared to the increased
avoided equivalent emissions of 11,880 person*years and 20,890 per- demand for recovered steel. Further, maximizing the demand for both
son*years for FS1b and FS2, respectively. This is due to the significant recycled concrete waste and recycled steel waste can result in a total
contribution of the avoided GWP to these CDWM systems. Thus, the avoided equivalent emission of 11,416 person*years in GWP and
ULOP of the improved systems is not a pressing concern. avoided equivalent damage of 1152 person*years in ULOP in the case of

Fig. 5. Summary results of sensitivity analyses.

L.J.G. Estrada, J. Nakatani, T. Hayashi et al. Cleaner Waste Systems 4 (2023) 100076

FS1a. Acknowledgments
The recycling rates of concrete and steel waste were also considered
as another sensitivity factor. The response of the GWP and ULOP of the The authors are grateful to the respondents (residential construction
recycling systems (FS1a, FS1b, and FS2) were evaluated when the companies, concrete crushing plant, scavengers, junk shop owners,
concrete waste recycling rate was reduced to 50 % (initially at 90 % and DENR, DPWH) for supporting the data collection by providing base
100 %), and the results showed that from equivalent avoided emissions ideas, awareness, and perspective on CDW status in Metro Manila. This
of 12,012 person*years, the GWP and ULOP could worsen by equivalent research was funded and supported by the Project for Human Resource
emissions of 56–3653 person*years, and equivalent damages of 75–618 Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid (JDS), Japan
person*years, respectively. Further, since steel recycling was con- International Cooperation Center (JICE). (JDS No. B0012020PHL005).
sidered only in FS1b (at 20 % recycling rate) and FS2 (at 40 % recycling
rate), the response of these systems was evaluated when the steel re- Appendix A. Supporting information
cycling rate increased to 100 %, and the results showed that both GWP
and ULOP had a strong positive response. Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version at doi:10.1016/j.clwas.2023.100076.
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