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Ginger and Vinegar is made as an organic insecticide.Ginger is a tropical plan that was
spread around the tropical world during the colonial days.In Africa,Asia,or South America
and many hot spots between those continents,locals have taken to using ginger widely in
medicine and food.The entire ginger family is rich in oils that both kill micro-critters and
simulate the immune system to do the same.The ways it simulates the body are
many,and,whether added to food or taken as a medical tea,ginger makes your body a little
bit stronger and a little bit better and able to resist the damaging forces of nature.The
ginger is one of the materials needed to make the organic insecticide.It is chopped and since
its oils can kill micro-critters it is very usefulin killing various insects .Vinegar is the all-
natural liquid which is the one that kills the insects when made contact. And if you put the
ginger and vinegar together and put them in spray bottle you will create the organic
insecticide.And when tested it is effective on many insects.Just spray on an insect and you
will see the results.Many insecticides are made today.And most of them are made with toxic
chemicals whichcan harm the environment.This product that I made is safe and good for
our environment since there are no toxic chemicals as well as is cheap,easy to make and

Ginger or ginger root is the rhizome of the plant, consumed as a delicacy, medicine, or
spice. It lends its genus and family. Other notable members of this plant family are
turmeric, cardamom, and galangal. Vinegar is a liquid substance consisting mainly of
acetic acid and water, the acetic acid being produced through the fermentation of ethanol
by acetic acid bacteria. Insecticides are a pesticide used against insects. They include
ovicides and larvicides used against the eggs and larvae of insects respectively. Insecticides
are used in agriculture, medicine, industry and the household. The use of insecticides is
believed to be ne major factors behind the increase in agricultural productivity in the 20 th
century. Nearly all insecticides have the potential to significantly alter ecosystems; many
are toxic to humans; and others are concentrated in the food chain. We can grow healthful
food without depending too much on toxic chemicals and chemical fertilizers with natural
organic and biological farming systems. The knowledge and simple but practical
technology in this manuscript can save your crops and help earn more from your garden
and farm. Let’s return to the “Natural” ways.
Scope of the Study
Vinegar is a liquid containing acetic acid and water, historically used for various purposes,
including cooking, cleaning, and medicinal uses. It's produced through fermentation, either
slow or fast, with slow methods allowing the accumulation of beneficial acetic acid bacteria.
On the other hand, ginger is a rhizome plant used in cooking, medicine, and spices,
belonging to the Zingiberaceae family. These two components are being studied for
creating an organic insect killer.


The product is all organic and since it is safe to use and effective it is a great
replacement on those toxic insecticide. Ginger and vinegar are the main ingredients of our
product. Ginger has oils in which can help kill insects and vinegar as well has acid that also
kill insects. That’s why this project is much of use to you especially when it comes to

Insecticides & Repellents
The following categories of products use botanicals or plant extracts that are applied to
plant foilage. Natural insecticides combat insects upon contact or through ingestion. Use as
part of an integrated Pest Management Program which includes traps for monitoring and
capturing pests and beneficial insects and organisms to control pets in their developing
stages. Enhancing fertility programs with natural fertilizers and soil amendments will
increase plant’s health and resistance to all types of pests in your home or garden including
weeds and diseases.


Which of the trials are most effective on insects?

The first trial is the most effective among the four trials.
To produce insecticide out of vinegar and ginger is the objective. In order to create
natural mixture this can kill insects. Because it is natural, it cannot harm our environment
unlike other insects killers which can also harm our environment.

This research have made this organic insect killer out of ginger and vinegar to create
an environment friendly substance. Since, our environment is at stake because of
pollutions. One of these pollutions is on air. One of the causes of air pollutions is the
insecticides and pesticides which have harmful chemicals. We all know that most of the
insecticides and pesticides used today contain those harmful chemicals. To lessen the
problem of air pollution, this research have made this organic insecticide.


* Chopping Board * Water * Cups and Spoons
* Knife * 4 spray bottles
* Ginger and Vinegar
Collect or prepare the materials. Chop the ginger. Put 3 tablespoons of the chopped ginger
inside the 4 spray bottles evenly.In the 1 st spray bottle pour 2 cups of vinegar inside, the 2 nd
spray bottle add 2 cups of vinegar and ½ cup of water, the 3 rd spray bottle put 2 cups of
vinegar and 1 cup of water,the 4th spray bottle put 2 cups of vinegar and 1 ½ cup of water.
Each perspective bottle try several tries, and find out which is the more effective among the
trials and record it.

This shows the analysis, and interpretation of the data gathered. In this part we will
determine the percentage of how the researcher’s product is effective upon using. And
which among the 4 trials are effective.

Trial No. Amount of Ginger Amount of Amount of Water

1 3tbsp. 2 cups None

2 3tbsp. 2 cups ½ cup

3 3tbsp 2 cups 1 cup

4 3tbsp 2 cups 1 ½ cup

Table 1 Table 1: Qualitative Data of Measurement

Table : Time of Effectiveness of the Insecticide
Trial No. Time of Effectiveness
1 20 seconds
2 34 seconds
3 56 seconds
4 1 minute and 4 seconds

Chapter III
Summary of Findings
In this project it formulated an organic insecticide which is effective on all sort of
insects. In the research that has done. We have come to this point which I have learned and
discovered that what I have make is very much effective. This proves that this product can
be good use especially on your garden. With this product you can take care of your garden
the natural way without using those insecticides that contain chemicals which can help
lessen your problem towards those insects but can also destroy the environment.

More than 1,000 people die in a year because of dengue. Now, this time has come to slowly
and to his deadly insects. We would like to recommend this product not only to my fellow
students but also to everyone so that they could use this as an alternative for mosquito
repellent, rather than using toxic insecticide, since this is easy to make and it is not harmful
to our health for it is made out of vinegar and ginger. Easy to make, cheaper than the
others, good for health and environmental friendly, that is what our vinegar and ginger
insecticide repellent is. It is proven to be effective and quality base as well.p

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