Structure and Biosynthesis of Cucumber Mosaic Virus

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East West


“Description of structure and biosynthesis

of Cucumber Mosaic Virus”

Course Code: GEB-305 Course

title: General Virology
Section: 01
Semester: SUMMER-23

Submitted By,
Mahmuda Mim
ID: 2021-3-77-

Submitted To,
Zinat Farzana (Lecturer)
Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Date Of Submission: 26th August,2023

Structure and Biosynthesis of Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV)


In the intricate tapestry of plant-pathogen interactions, the Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV)
stands as a notable player, impacting a wide spectrum of crops and ornamental plants. With its
diverse host range and global prevalence, CMV has garnered attention for its significant
agricultural implications. As we delve into this assignment, we embark on a journey to uncover
the structural attributes and intricate biosynthesis of CMV—a virus that intricately navigates the
molecular landscape of plant cells, orchestrating its replication and propagation.
Within the Bromoviridae family, CMV shines as a prominent member with a tripartite genome
consisting of RNA1, RNA2, and RNA3 segments. These segments harbor the genetic blueprints
that underpin the virus's ability to infect and manipulate its host plants. CMV's complex journey
encompasses attachment to host cells, replication within cellular compartments, and orchestrated
movement for systemic dissemination. As we explore CMV's structure and biosynthesis, we
unravel the captivating tale of a virus that dances within plant cells, while simultaneously
challenging agricultural practices and inspiring scientific inquiry.
By peering into the mechanisms through which CMV engages with host cells, we gain insights
that transcend the boundaries of virology. This journey unveils the critical role viruses play in
shaping the delicate balance between host and pathogen. As we delve deeper into the intricacies
of CMV's existence, we not only expand our understanding of plant-virus interactions but also
equip ourselves with knowledge that can pave the way for innovative strategies to mitigate its
impact on global agriculture.

Virus Description:

Scientific Name: Potato virus Y (PVY)

Rank: Species
Higher Classification: Potyvirus (Genus)
Family: Potyviridae
Kingdom: Virus
Order: Ortervirales

Structure of Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV):

Cucumber Mosaic Virus is a member of the Bromoviridae family. Its structure is characterized
1. Genetic Material: CMV has a tripartite genome consisting of three separate RNA
molecules: RNA1, RNA2, and RNA3. These RNA segments encode various viral
proteins essential for replication and infection.
2. Capsid: CMV has a icosahedral capsid composed of protein subunits. This capsid
protects the viral RNA segments and aids in the virus's attachment to host cells.

Biosynthesis of Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV):

The replication cycle of CMV involves several stages:

1. Attachment and Entry:
 CMV attaches to host cells through interactions between viral proteins and
specific receptors on the cell surface.
2. Endocytosis and Uncoating:
 The virus is taken up into host cells via endocytosis.
 Once inside the cell, the capsid disassembles, releasing the viral RNA segments.
3. Replication and Translation:
 The viral RNA segments serve as templates for replication and translation.
 The viral RNA1 is translated to produce replicase proteins, which are crucial for
RNA replication.
4. Replication Complex Formation:
 Replicase proteins and viral RNA form replication complexes in the host cell's
 These complexes facilitate the replication of viral RNA segments.
5. Assembly:
 Newly synthesized viral RNA segments and coat protein subunits are produced.
6. Packaging and Movement:
 The newly synthesized viral RNA segments are packaged into new virus particles.
 Movement proteins help transport the virus particles within the plant, aiding in
systemic spread.
7. Cell-to-Cell Movement:
 Movement proteins facilitate the transport of virus particles through
plasmodesmata, allowing them to move from cell to cell.
8. Systemic Movement:
 The virus can move long distances within the plant through the vascular system,
leading to the infection of distant plant parts.
Management Techniques:

Effectively managing Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) requires a combination of preventive

measures, cultural practices, and integrated pest management strategies. Here are some
techniques to consider:
1. Use Certified Virus-Free Seed:
 Begin with certified disease-free seeds and planting materials to minimize the
introduction of CMV.
2. Crop Rotation:
 Implement a crop rotation plan to break the virus's life cycle and reduce its
buildup in the soil.
3. Resistant Varieties:
 Choose plant varieties that exhibit resistance or tolerance to CMV. Breeding
efforts are ongoing to develop such varieties.
4. Aphid Management:
 Aphids are common vectors of CMV. Implement aphid control measures through
the use of insecticides, reflective mulches, or beneficial insects.
5. Sanitation:
 Remove and destroy infected plant debris to reduce the virus source and prevent
6. Weed Control:
 Eliminate weeds that may harbor CMV and serve as reservoirs for aphids.
7. Physical Barriers:
 Use physical barriers such as row covers to prevent aphids from reaching plants.
8. Early Detection and Removal:
 Regularly monitor plants for symptoms of CMV and remove infected plants
promptly to prevent further spread.
9. Fertilization and Plant Health:
 Maintain proper nutrient levels to keep plants healthy, as healthy plants are often
less susceptible to infections.
10. Companion Planting:
 Plant CMV-susceptible crops alongside crops that are less susceptible to dilute the
virus and discourage aphids.
11. Timing of Planting:
 Plant during periods when aphid populations are low to reduce the risk of virus
12. Virus-Free Propagation:
 If possible, use tissue culture or other virus-free propagation techniques to start
with healthy plants.

As we draw the curtains on our exploration of Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) and its
management, a profound understanding emerges: in the dynamic realm of agriculture, the
delicate balance between viral agents and their plant hosts shapes the landscape of crop
productivity. CMV, with its remarkable ability to infiltrate a diverse array of plants and
propagate within their cellular domains, highlights the intricate dance between pathogen and
In this journey, we've unveiled CMV's intricate structure—its tripartite genome encapsulated
within an enigmatic capsid—and delved into the sophisticated biosynthesis that orchestrates its
proliferation. Yet, knowledge alone is not the beacon that guides us forward; it is the application
of strategic wisdom that empowers us to tackle the challenges posed by CMV.
The management techniques unveiled herein—ranging from certified seed selection to integrated
pest management—form a comprehensive toolkit to curtail the virus's impact. By employing
these strategies, agricultural communities gain the upper hand, protecting their crops from the
clutches of CMV while fostering resilient ecosystems.
Beyond the realm of agriculture, our journey through CMV's intricacies underscores the dynamic
interplay between humans and the plant world. As we continue to navigate the uncharted
territories of virology, we equip ourselves with the tools to not only mitigate CMV's threat but
also to harness the knowledge for a sustainable and thriving agricultural future.
In the end, our efforts in understanding, management, and innovation converge to echo the
profound truth: through collaboration, education, and vigilance, we empower ourselves to
navigate the complex tapestry of plant-virus interactions and emerge as stewards of a greener,
healthier world.
1. Palukaitis, P., Roossinck, M.J., Dietzgen, R.G. and Francki, R.I., 1992. Cucumber
mosaic virus. Advances in virus research, 41, pp.281-348.
2. Jacquemond, M., 2012. Cucumber mosaic virus. Advances in virus research, 84, pp.439-
3. Canto, T., Prior, D.A., Hellwald, K.H., Oparka, K.J. and Palukaitis, P., 1997.
Characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus. Virology, 237(2), pp.237-248.
4. Gallitelli, D., 2000. The ecology of Cucumber mosaic virus and sustainable
agriculture. Virus research, 71(1-2), pp.9-21.

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