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Halloween Word Formation: Use of English part 3

Read the text and complete the gaps with a form of the root word in brackets. Use the structure of the sentences to
decided whether you need a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. and then complete the gap with the correct form of
the word.

Halloween, the much-anticipated _____________________(celebrate), casts a ______________________(magic)

spell on people of all ages. As October draws to a close, streets are adorned with pumpkins, their carved faces
glowing with eerie charm. Children, their eyes wide with __________________________(excite), eagerly plan their
costumes, transforming into everything from friendly witches to spooky skeletons. The air is filled with the tantalizing
scent of candies, a tempting aroma that lures trick-or-treaters from house to house.

At Halloween parties, dim lights create a mysterious atmosphere, perfect for telling ghost stories that send shivers
down everyone's spines. Haunted houses, decorated with cobwebs and fake spiders, challenge the bravest souls to
confront their deepest fears. In this enchanting setting, _________________________ (create) knows no limits.
People craft elaborate costumes, turning ordinary outfits into _________________________ (ordinary) disguises.

Costumes, the heart of Halloween, are a _________________________(reflect) of people's inventiveness. From

classic characters to inventive hybrids, every costume tells a unique story. Children, in their adorable outfits, embark
on a quest for sugary treasures, their eyes filled with _________________________(happy) as they receive treats.

The spirit of Halloween extends beyond costumes and candies. Families come together to create elaborate
_________________________(decorate), turning their homes into haunted mansions and eerie graveyards. Ghostly
figures, hovering in the wind, adorn lawns, while skeletons and bats dangle from trees. The sound of cackling witches
and howling wolves emanates from speakers, adding to the spooky _________________________(ambient).

As the sun sets, the _________________________ (neighbour) transforms into a realm of enchantment. The
flickering glow of lanterns illuminates porches, casting _________________________ (mystery) shadows. Trick-or-
treaters, with their bags rustling, venture into the unknown, excited by the thrill of the

The night itself unfolds with a symphony of _________________________ (laugh) and rustling leaves. Shadows
dance on walls, creating an atmosphere that feels both spooky and exhilarating. Jack-o'-lanterns, carved with
_________________________ (precise), stand guard at doorways, warding off any evil spirits that might dare to
roam. As the night progresses, a sense of adventure fills the air, with each doorbell ring bringing the
_________________________ (possible) of a trick or a treat.

In the midst of all the action, it's important to remember the essence of Halloween: the creativity, community, and
the joy of childhood. It's a night where _________________________ (imagine) takes flight, where ordinary people
become heroes and villains, and where the spirit of Halloween truly comes to life.
Halloween History Cloze

Halloween is celebrated 0. on the night of October 31. The word Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows'
Evening also 1. _________ as Hallowe'en or All Hallows' Eve.

Halloween has its 2. _________ in the ancient Celtic festival Samhain. The festival of Samhain is a celebration
at the end of the harvest season. The Celtic people believed that on October 31, the boundaries 3. _________ the
worlds of the living and the dead became thinner and the deceased could visit the 4. _________ on this special

In ancient times, the festival frequently involved lighting bonfires. It was 5. ________ that the fires warded off
evil spirits. People often wore animal masks or scary costumes in an 6. _________ to mimic the spirits, scare
them away or appease them. On this night, it was also customary to leave cakes, fruits or nuts as a gift or
offering to the spirits. This tradition lead 7. ________ what we know today as “Trick or Treating.”

During Samhain, the Irish carved turnips and placed a candle 8. ________ of them to trick or scare off evil
spirits. When Irish 9. _________ went to America, they quickly found out that there weren’t as many turnips
there, and that pumpkins were bigger and better to carve scary 10. ________ on!

Choose the best option to complete the text.


0. a) on b) at c) into d) down

1. a) called b) known c) renown d) knew

2. a) original b) originated c) origins d) originally

3.a) between b) among c) close d) surround

4. a) lives b) dead c) relations d) living

5. a) believes b) thoughts c) believed d) believe

6. a) attempt b) argument c) exemption d) idea

7. a) in b) to c) about d) with

8. a) outside b) inside c) into c) beneath

9. a) emigrants b) migration c) immigrates d) immigrants

10. a) facets b) facades c) faces d) smile

Reading and use of English part 2 – open close

Complete the gaps with one word

Every Halloween, families and friends gather to celebrate this spooky holiday 1. ____________(with) a variety of
traditions and exciting activities. From carving pumpkins to dressing up 2. ____________ (as) witches, ghosts, or
superheroes, the night is filled 3. ____________ (with) laughter and excitement. Halloween isn't just a holiday; it's an
event that brings people together, fostering a sense 4. (of) community and creativity.

One of the favourite customs 5. ____________ (of) Halloween is trick-or-treating, where children go from house to
house, knocking 6. ____________ (on) doors and shouting "trick or treat!" in the hopes 7. ____________ (of)
receiving a handful of candies. Parents accompany their little ones, ensuring they stay safe 9. ____________ (during)
the adventures 10. ____________ (of) the night.

Haunted houses are another popular attraction 11. ____________ (for) those seeking spine-tingling thrills. People
line up, waiting 12. ____________ (to) enter, eager 13. ____________ (for) the adrenaline rush that comes 14.
____________ (from) being scared out 15. ____________ (of) their minds. Inside, actors dressed 16. ____________
(in) terrifying costumes jump out, eliciting screams and laughter 17. ____________ (from) visitors.

After the night 18. ____________ (of) fun and frights, families return home, exhausted but content. They gather 19.
____________ (around) the fireplace, sipping hot cocoa and sharing stories 20. ____________ (about) the evening's
adventures. Halloween, a night full 21. ____________magic and mystery, continues 22. ____________ (to) be a
cherished tradition, reminding everyone 23. ____________ (of) the joy 24. ____________ (in) celebrating together.

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