As If-As Though + Unreal Past Tenses

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as if/ as though followed by unreal past tenses

 Past tenses can be used after as if/as though to show unreality or doubt in the

e.g. He behaves as if he owned the place (but he doesn't own it)

They talk as though they knew something about astronomy (but I doubt that they

She acts as if she was working really hard (but she spends half her day on

 We use as if/as though + past perfect when referring to an imaginary situation in the

e.g. She speaks about Russia as though she had actually been there (but she hasn't)

The team are celebrating as if they hadn't lost the match (but they have)

She is laughing as though she had just been told a great joke (but she has just
been given some bad news)


1. She speaks as though she (be) _______________ rich but she hasn't got a penny to

her name.

2. You look tired - as if you (not sleep) _______________ for a couple of weeks.

3. She has a lot of personal problems but she acts as though she (not have)

_______________ a care in the world.

4. The manager seems as if he (be) _______________ in control of the company, but he

doesn’t really know what he’s doing.

5. She only won a race in the school sports day but she behaves as if she (win)

_______________ an Olympic gold medal!

6. He dances as if he (have) _______________ two left feet.

7. Mary talks as though she (do) _______________ all the work but in fact Tom and I did

most of it.

8. This room as if a bomb (hit) _______________ it!

9. The manager treats us as though we (be) _______________ all idiots.

10. That guy is huge. He looks as if he (eat) _______________ a whole cow!

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