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Gargi Singh and Prerna

ABC Organisation

Date : 05th July, 2023


1. Executive Summary –

The Sanitary Napkin Program aims to address the critical issue of menstrual hygiene
management among women and girls in tribal communities . This comprehensive program will
provide access to affordable and sustainable sanitary napkins, along with educational initiatives
to promote menstrual health and empower women. By implementing this program, we aim to
improve the overall well-being and dignity of women and girls in tribal rural areas.

Who are we ?

ABC Organisation is a dedicated organisation committed to uplifting the lives of marginalized

communities residing in tribal rural areas. We recognize the unique challenges faced by these
communities and work tirelessly to provide them with sustainable solutions and opportunities for
development. With a strong focus on community empowerment, education, healthcare, and
livelihood enhancement, our organization strives to bring positive and lasting change to the lives
of individuals and families living in tribal rural areas.

Our Mission – At ABC Organisation , our mission is to promote social, economic, and
educational progress in tribal rural areas, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to
lead a dignified and fulfilling life. We believe in fostering self-reliance, preserving indigenous
cultures, and empowering communities to actively participate in their own development.

2. Problem Statement -

Menstrual hygiene management is a pressing concern in many communities, particularly among

marginalized and underserved populations. The lack of access to affordable and hygienic sanitary
napkins often leads to adverse health effects, social stigmas, and restricted educational
opportunities for women and girls. Recognizing this issue, our organization is committed to
implementing the Sanitary Napkin Program to address these challenges effectively.

Area Of Operation - We have selected Bastar District , Chhattisgarh , India as our area of
operation. The Bastar District is located in the southern part of Chhattisgarh and this region has
several remote villages inhabited by indigenous tribes such as Gond , Muria and Maria.

Demographics of the Area -

 Population: According to the 2011 census, the population of Bastar District was
approximately 1,411,644.
 Gender Ratio : The sex ratio in Bastar District is slightly skewed towards males. In 2011,
the sex ratio was reported as 1022 females per 1000 males.
 Literacy: The literacy rate in Bastar District is comparatively lower than the national
average. As of 2011, the overall literacy rate was around 58.95%. Male literacy was
recorded at 68.25%, while female literacy stood at 49.09%.
 Tribal Population: Bastar District is home to a significant tribal population. It has a rich
tribal heritage with various indigenous communities residing in the region, including
Gond, Bison Horn Maria, Muria, Halba, Dhurwa, and others.
 Language:The primary language spoken in Bastar District is Gondi, which is an
Austroasiatic language spoken by the Gond tribe. Hindi is also widely spoken and
3. Objectives –

The main objectives of the Sanitary Napkin Program are as follows:

 Provide affordable and sustainable sanitary napkins to women and girls in the tribal rural
 Educate women and girls about menstrual hygiene practices, including proper usage and
disposal of sanitary napkins.
 Foster awareness and understanding of menstrual health to combat social stigmas and
promote open dialogue amongst the tribal communities.
 Empower women and girls through knowledge and resources to manage their menstrual
health with confidence.
4. Impact of the Program -
a. Sanitary napkin distribution :
 Establish partnerships with local manufacturers or suppliers to ensure a consistent supply
of affordable and quality sanitary napkins.
 Develop a distribution network to reach women and girls in remote or underserved areas,
including schools, community centers, and healthcare facilities.
 Conduct needs assessments and prioritize distribution to individuals who face financial
constraints or lack access to menstrual hygiene products.

b. Menstrual Hygiene Education:

 Design and implement educational workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns on
menstrual health.
 Collaborate with local healthcare professionals and educators to deliver comprehensive
menstrual hygiene management training sessions.
 Create informative materials, such as brochures or videos, to disseminate essential
information on menstrual health practices.

c. Waste Management and Environment Sustainability:

 Promote eco-friendly practices by raising awareness about the environmental impact of
improper disposal of sanitary napkins.
 Encourage the use of biodegradable or reusable sanitary napkins, and provide information
on proper disposal methods.
 Establish partnerships with waste management authorities or organizations to facilitate
proper disposal and recycling initiatives.

d. Distribution and Access:

The sanitary napkins will be distributed through various channels, including local
health centers, schools, community centers, and women’s self-help groups. This will
ensure easy access to the products for all women and girls in the target area.

e. Capacity Building:

Training sessions will be conducted for women involved in the production unit,
ensuring they acquire the necessary skills in manufacturing, quality control, and
business management. This will enhance their employability and entrepreneurship
Impact of the Issue - The issue that has been questioned and has been in work in this program
may have certain direct as well as indirect difficulties one would face .

Direct Impact –

 Health and Hygiene: Proper menstrual hygiene practices, such as using clean and
absorbent materials (e.g., sanitary pads), can help prevent infections, skin irritations, and
other health issues associated with poor menstrual hygiene. Access to clean water and
sanitation facilities also plays a crucial role in maintaining hygiene during menstruation.
 Education and Empowerment: Lack of menstrual hygiene management can result in girls
and women missing school or work days during their periods. By ensuring access to
appropriate menstrual hygiene products and facilities, girls can attend school regularly,
leading to improved educational outcomes and increased empowerment.
 Social stigma and Mental Well-being: In some tribal communities, menstruation is
surrounded by cultural taboos and stigma, leading to shame and embarrassment. By
promoting proper menstrual hygiene practices and educating both girls and boys about
menstruation, these stigmas can be challenged, resulting in improved mental well-being
and self-esteem among girls and women.
 Gender Equality: Addressing menstrual hygiene needs contributes to advancing gender
equality. It ensures that girls and women have equal opportunities to participate in
education, work, and social activities without being hindered by menstruation-related
challenges. It also promotes a more inclusive and equitable society by involving boys and
men in discussions and awareness campaigns.

Indirect Impact –

 Family and Community Well-being: Menstrual hygiene affects not only individuals but
also their families and communities. By promoting proper menstrual hygiene practices,
the overall health and well-being of the community can improve. This includes reduced
healthcare costs, lower rates of reproductive and urinary tract infections, and improved
overall hygiene practices.
 Cultural Transformation: Addressing menstrual hygiene in tribal areas can bring about
cultural transformation by challenging long-standing taboos and stigmas associated with
menstruation. It opens up conversations, educates community members, and promotes
gender equality. This cultural shift can lead to more inclusive and equitable societies that
value the rights and dignity of women.
 Breaking the cycle of Poverty : Poor menstrual hygiene can perpetuate the cycle of
poverty in tribal areas. When girls miss school due to inadequate menstrual hygiene
facilities or products, it affects their education and future opportunities. By addressing
menstrual hygiene needs, girls are more likely to complete their education, acquire skills,
and break free from the cycle of poverty.

5. Project Implementation Plan (Action Plan) :

 Conduct a detailed needs assessment and situational analysis to understand the specific
requirements and challenges faced by the tribal communities.
 Develop partnerships and collaborations with local stakeholders, including government
agencies, NGOs, community leaders, healthcare providers, and educational institutions.
 Establish a project team responsible for implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of
the program.
 Develop a detailed timeline with clear milestones and deliverables for each program
 Regularly monitor and evaluate the program’s progress, making necessary adjustments
based on feedback and lessons learned.

6. Budget –

A detailed budget for the Sanitary Napkin Program is attached separately. The budget
includes costs for setting up the production unit, anticipated procurement of equipment and
raw materials, training sessions, educational materials, awareness campaigns, waste
management initiatives, staffing and administrative expenses, distribution, and monitoring
and evaluation activities.

Schedule of payment – We have created an option of the payment being done either in
installments or on a monthly basis .

7. Monitoring and Evaluation –

 Develop a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the impact and
effectiveness of the program.
 Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the program’s success, such as
the number of sanitary napkins distributed, the reach of educational initiatives, and
changes in knowledge and behavior related to menstrual hygiene.
 Regularly collect data through surveys, interviews, and other evaluation methods to track
progress towards the program's objectives.

8. Sustainability –

We recognize the importance of sustainability for the long-term impact of the program. To
achieve this, we will work towards building partnerships with local stakeholders, community
leaders, and governmental organizations. Moreover, by training local women in napkin
production, we aim to create an independent and sustainable supply chain. Exploring income-
generating models, such as selling the sanitary napkins at a subsidized cost, to sustain the
production unit and ensure the program’s continuity.
9. Conclusion –

The Sanitary Napkin Program is a crucial initiative that will contribute to improving the lives of
women and girls in the tribal rural communities . By providing access to affordable and safe
menstrual hygiene products and education, we aim to empower women and promote their overall
health, well-being, and dignity. We kindly request your support and partnership in implementing
this program.

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