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3B MM – MW 3:30-5:00

DEADLINE: March 3, 2023 (8PM)


3B_Regullano, Kimberly_PMM6 Activity No. 1

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1. Explain and define Retail Management, retailer and Retailing?

Retail management refers to the process of helping customers find products in your store. This
management helps costumers to find a good product and service for their needs.

A retailer has the option to work directly with the wholesalers manufacturer. Also retailer is a person or
business that sells goods to the public.

Retailing is all about selling. When consumers buy a product and sell it to the final customer for their

2. Explain and differentiate Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Distributor and Retailer?

Manufacturer this is a factory where the wholesaler goes to get products.

Wholesaler is a person whose business is buying large quantities of goods and selling them in smaller

Distribution is the one who distributes any product in other country , city and province.

Retailer the process of selling goods directly to the consumer.

3. Compare and explain product retail and service retail.

Product retail is a product or service to an individual consumer for personal use. Like jewelry, small
appliances and groceries.While Service retailing involves products and physical exchange. Including
hotels, motels and banks.

4. Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of Retailing.


Greater supply options

- Retail sales provide you with greater supply options because not all commodities are available in the
wholesale market. So as a seller the person can promote the offerings on5 his terms and can revert the
customers on an instant basis.

Better customer relations

-This advantage is important because it helps to build better customer relation and loyalty.


Selling Skill Required

- It requires good selling skill to attract customers. Retailers should possess the art of good
communication and convincing power to influence consumers.

No Economies Of Buying

- Retailers buy small volume of products from wholesalers. So, they miss the opportunity to enjoy he
benefit of economies of buying.

5. Explain and enumerate the 4 stages of retailing?

The 4 stages of retailing

Emerging Stage

The initial stage of the retail organization life cycle is the emerging stage which resembles the infancy
stage of human development. This is the stage when the retail organization is developing new products
or services and is just entering the market.
Growing Stage

This is when the retail organization is gaining recognition among potential customers. Customers are
learning about the company and are now shopping at the retail establishment or using the service. This
stage will result in growth and profitability as advertising and operating expenses are reduced and more
products are sold.

Maturing Stage

Now the retail business is fully established and has reached the maturity stage. This is the stage when
the retail business has reached peak sales and has established a loyal customer base.

Declining Stage

When a business loses sight of innovation and opportunities to provide new and improved products,
the business will begin to see a decline in sales. Customers are no longer interested in your product and
may start looking to your competitors to meet their needs

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