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General Directions: Please accomplish this questionnaire very carefully and honestly.

Rest assured that all of the information supplied will be treated with the greatest

confidentiality and anonymity.

Name: ________________________________________________(optional)

1. Age:

□ Under 18

□ 18-24

□ 25-20

2. Sex:

□ Male

□ Female

3. Years in teaching:

□ Less than 1 year

□ 1-4 yrs.

□ 5-10 yrs.

□ 10-20 yrs.

□ 20 yrs. Above
4. Subject taught:

□ English □ Filipino □Mathematics □ Science

□ Arpan □MTB □Mapeh □ESP

□ T.LE. □ EPP

Legend: 1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4
1. I can properly turn on and shut down a computer.
2. I can start and exit a computer program.
3. I can change monitor brightness and contrast.
4. I can minimize, maximize and move windows on the
5. I can perform file management including deleting and
renaming files, etc.
6. I can use a “search” command to locate a file.
7. I can install a software program.
8. I can scan disks for viruses.
9. I can move a file from a hard drive to a USB drive.
10. I can write files onto a CD.
11. I can resize a photograph.
12. I can record and edit sounds.
13. I can print a document using a printer.
14. I can create a basic word document.
15. I can copy, cut, and paste text in a document.
16. I can change font style and size in a document.
17. I can create a basic Excel spreadsheet.
18. I can create a simple database using access.
19. I can create a simple presentation using PowerPoint.
20. I can create a simple Web page.
21. I can send and receive attachments through e-mail
22. I can search for information online using a Web search
23. I can download and save files from the Web (e.g., text,
graphic, PDF files).
24. I can use a video conferencing tool on the Web.


Legend: 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4

1. There are considerable numbers of computers

provided in our school.
2. The administration has plans for teachers regarding
ICT integration in school.
3. Professional development and ICT resources were
employed in our school.
4. We are allowed to use ICT daily in our school.
5. We are encouraged to apply ICT integration in our daily
6. We are allowed to give feedback and suggestions
regarding ICT use during administrative monitoring.
7. Our Principal allotted budget for the repair of ICT
equipment regularly.
8. The administrative Support services were aligned with
the specific needs of different subject taught with in our
9.The administration is always transparent regarding ICT
related policies and decisions in our school.
10. We are thinking that administrative support
contributes to learners learning outcomes and quality
education in our school.

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