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Activity: Digital Footprint Snapshot

Introduction (5 minutes) Begin the session by asking students if they have ever heard the term
"digital footprint." Allow a brief discussion, encouraging them to share any ideas or thoughts
they might have about it.

Definition and Explanation (10 minutes) Briefly explain that a digital footprint is the trail of
information and data we leave behind while using the internet. It's a collection of all the things
we do online, such as posting on social media, sending emails, playing games, and even
searching for information. Just like footprints in the sand show where someone has been, a
digital footprint shows where we've been online.

Effects of Digital Footprint (10 minutes) Discuss with the students some of the effects of having
a digital footprint. Explain that the things we do online can have both positive and negative

Positive Effects:
● Connecting with friends and family.
● Sharing and discovering new interests.
● Building an online presence for professional opportunities.

Negative Effects:
● Revealing personal information that can be misused.
● Leaving a negative impression on future employers or schools.
● Being targeted by online advertising and scams.

Activity: "My Digital Journey" (15 minutes)

​ Materials Needed: Paper and coloring materials (colored pencils, markers, etc.).
​ Instructions:
● Have each student draw a road or path on their paper.
● Ask them to think about their online activities over the past week or month. These
can include using social media, watching videos, playing games, sending emails,
● Alongside the road, students should draw symbols or images representing these
​ Discussion:
● After the activity, ask volunteers to share their drawings with the class.
● Lead a discussion about the variety of online activities and the kind of "footprint"
each activity leaves.
● Discuss whether the activities depicted could have positive or negative effects on
their online reputation.
Wrap-up (5 minutes) Summarize the main points of the session, highlighting that our digital
footprints are a collection of our online actions, and these actions can have consequences in the
real world. Emphasize that being aware of our digital footprint helps us make better choices

Homework (optional): Ask students to think about one thing they could do differently online to
positively impact their digital footprint. They can share their thoughts in the next session or write
a short paragraph about it.


Digital footprint definition:

A digital footprint, also known as a digital shadow or an electronic footprint, is the trail of
data you leave when you use the internet. It includes websites visited, emails sent, and
information submitted online. A person's internet actions and gadgets can be tracked
using a digital footprint.


Positive Effects of Digital Footprint:

​ Networking and Social Connections: Digital footprints enable us to connect with friends,
family, and like-minded individuals across the globe through social media platforms and
online communities.

​ Professional Opportunities: A positive online presence can attract potential employers,
clients, and collaborators, leading to job offers, freelance gigs, and partnerships.

​ Educational Growth: Digital footprints allow access to a wealth of educational resources,
online courses, and tutorials, facilitating continuous learning and skill development.

​ Creative Expression: Online platforms provide opportunities to showcase talents, share
artwork, writing, music, and other creative endeavors with a global audience.

​ Community Engagement: Digital footprints enable participation in discussions about
societal issues, advocacy, and community initiatives, fostering a sense of belonging and

​ Access to Information: Online activities contribute to search algorithms, tailoring
information to individual interests, making research and finding relevant content easier.
​ Global Awareness: Engaging online exposes us to diverse perspectives, cultures, and
news from around the world, broadening our understanding and empathy.

​ Health and Well-being: Positive online interactions can promote mental and emotional
well-being through support networks and resources related to health and self-care.

​ Philanthropy and Support: Digital footprints enable participation in charitable causes,
crowdfunding for those in need, and sharing resources to support various social issues.

​ Personal Branding: Through a positive digital footprint, individuals can shape their online
identity, expressing their values, expertise, and passions.

Negative Effects of Digital Footprint:

​ Privacy Concerns: Online activities can expose personal information, leading to privacy
breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized access to sensitive data.

​ Cyberbullying and Harassment: Negative digital footprints can attract cyberbullying and
online harassment, causing emotional distress and psychological harm.

​ Online Reputation Damage: Inappropriate or offensive content can negatively impact
one's reputation, affecting college admissions, job opportunities, and relationships.

​ Misinformation Spread: Sharing false information or unreliable sources can contribute to
the spread of misinformation, damaging the credibility of individuals.

​ Addiction and Distraction: Excessive online activities can lead to addiction, reduced
productivity, and detachment from real-world relationships.

​ Digital Footprint Permanence: Information shared online is often difficult to completely
erase, potentially haunting individuals for years to come.

​ Online Scams and Fraud: Digital footprints may make individuals vulnerable to phishing,
scams, and online fraud, risking financial loss.

​ Loss of Face-to-Face Interaction: Excessive online interactions can lead to reduced
face-to-face social skills, affecting personal communication abilities.

​ Erosion of Personal Space: Online interactions can blur the lines between personal and
private life, impacting the ability to maintain boundaries.

​ Dependency on Online Validation: Seeking constant validation through likes, comments,
and shares can lead to self-esteem issues and an unhealthy reliance on digital

It's important for individuals to be mindful of their online activities, understanding the potential
consequences of their digital footprints and making conscious choices to create a positive and
responsible online presence.


Activity: "My Digital Journey" (15 minutes)

​ Materials Needed: Paper and coloring materials (colored pencils, markers, etc.).
​ Instructions:
● Have each student draw a road or path on their paper.
● Ask them to think about their online activities over the past week or month. These
can include using social media, watching videos, playing games, sending emails,
● Alongside the road, students should draw symbols or images representing these

​ Discussion:
● After the activity, ask volunteers to share their drawings with the class.
● Lead a discussion about the variety of online activities and the kind of "footprint"
each activity leaves.
● Discuss whether the activities depicted could have positive or negative effects on
their online reputation.

Summary of the session:

A digital footprint is like a trail of our online actions – everything we do on the internet leaves a
mark. It's the posts we share, the pictures we upload, the comments we make, and even the
websites we visit. This trail stays behind and can affect us in good and not-so-good ways.
Positive actions, like sharing helpful content or being kind online, can build a good reputation.
But sharing personal info or being mean can have bad consequences. So, remember, just like in
real life, what we do online matters and shapes how others see us.

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