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> 89XX and 99XX IP Phone SSH and USBtoSerial Debugging Instructions

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89XX and 99XX IP Phone SSH and USBtoSerial Debugging Instructions

Jason Burns Beginner


02-04-2011 09:51 AM - edited 03-12-2019 09:35 AM

• SSH Method
• USB Console Method
• Persistent Logging via SSH
• Error Messages / Troubleshooting

The new 89/99xx phones have dierent SSH AND Console debugging instructions from
previous models of IP Phones.

SSH Method
There are two SSH logins needed to access the phone console. The rst username/password
pair can be set from the CCMAdmin Web Page under the SSH Username and password.

Set these credentials in CCMAdmin and reset the phone.

Login to the rst username and password prompt with these admin dened credentials.

You will then be greeted with ANOTHER username and password prompt. At this point you
have two options:

Option 1 - Default Linux Shell

Username: default

Password: cisco

The default Linux shell lets you browse the phone's le system. A VERY useful command
would be "tail -f /var/log/messages"

Option 2 - Debug Shell

Username: debug

Password: debug

The debug shell gives you a huge number of debug commands. Start with "help commands".
Look at all of the cool show and debug commands in here. Sweet right?

USB Console Method

SSH debugging is great when network connectivity to the phone remains constant, and the
phone doesn't reboot. If you're having a problem where the phone is rebooting or losing
connectivity though, you may be better o by plugging a console cable straight into the
phone. But this phone doesn't have a console port? Right - but it does have USB ports.

Here's what you'll need:

1x RS232 Null Modem Cable (This has the blue 9 pin DB9 connectors on each end. Wikipedia
can show you how to make your own. If you are doing SMDI you have one of these cables

The Null Modem cable I found in my lab was originally an IDS Console Cable 72-1847-01.

2x USBtoSerial adapter + driver. You need one that works with the phone such as IOGEAR
USB-serial adapter (Model: GUC232A.). I've also found that the cables Cisco provides with
laptops labeled CODi also work for this purpose. The key point is that the USB to Serial
converter must be using a supported chipset such as the "PL2303" chipset.

If your computer has a serial port you only need one of these adapters. If your computer does
not have a serial port (like most modern laptops), then you'll need 2.

1x PuTTY or Hyperterminal

Here's how you string them all together

IP Phone (Side or Back USB port) ---USBtoSerial Adapter --- Null Modem Cable ---
USBtoSerial Adapter --- PC running PuTTY

Congure the PuTTY client to listen to the new COM port. Parameters required as follow.
You should immediately see debug information in your PuTTY session. Best of all, when the
network connection breaks or the phone reboots, you'll keep getting debug output.

Here's what everything looks like:

Persistent Logging via SSH
Sometime it is necessary to collect debugs spanning a large period of time. This is usually
done at the request of Cisco TAC to troubleshoot intermittent phone problems that are dicult
to reproduce. The following steps uses the methods above to collect phone debugs over an
extended period of time.

1. Congure console logging on your SSH client of choice.

2. SSH to the phone using the credentials congured in CCMAdmin

$ ssh cisco@

cisco@'s password:

3. Login to the Default Linux Shell (default/cisco)

(none) login: default


Welcome to MontaVista(R) Linux(R) Professional Edition Blackfoot (0702518).

Cisco IP Phone 9951 9-2-4-19

4. Enter the command '/usr/sbin/debugsh' to enter the Debug Shell

$ /usr/sbin/debugsh


5. Enable the debugs required by Cisco TAC. The following is an example of a setting a
couple debugs

DEBUG> debug jvm UserIO debug

Successfully executed the command.

DEBUG> debug jvm SessionUI debug

Successfully executed the command.


6. Use the 'exit' command to return to the Default Linux Shell

DEBUG> exit

Exiting shell...

Logging out...

7. Use the command '/user/sbin/sdump' to being dumping the debugs to the terminal. This
will continue to dump until an interrupt is sent (Cntrl-C).

$ /usr/sbin/sdump

sdump: PID = 3053

6 - Cisco Systems - # RELEASE Model=9951 Version=9-2-4-19

[TZ=GMT+4:00] Mon Nov 12 15:55:49 2012


6482 NOT 15:55:49.136029 CVM-


Error Messages /
If the phone displays the error message:

The <Name of the USB To Serial Converter> has been detected but is disabled by the

That means you're not using a supported USB to Serial Converter. Ask some friends and nd
a dierent model to try. I'm sure someone has one in a desk drawer somewhere.

IP Phone and Accessories

 89xx 99xx debug error error_message ip_phone ip_telephony ssh troubleshoot


 24 Helpful

Nelsonmejia09 Beginner
09-04-2011 12:46 PM

I have congured the rst username/password pair from the CCMAdmin Web Page to my
9971 Ip phone, but when i try to coonect under the SSH using this username and password
after the ip phone is reset, i receive a Password authentication failed message. What is the

asafayan1 Beginner
11-30-2017 10:13 AM

Where exactly is the username/password eld in the CCM Admin page? I'm running CUCM
11.x and it is NOT in the Phone Device >> Protocol Specic Information section.



asafayan1 Beginner
11-30-2017 10:15 AM

Disregard previous statement. Location of the SSH credential is now in a separate eld titled
"Secure Shell Information" in the Phone Conguration page..

galbitz Beginner
01-06-2018 10:53 AM

on a 8821 phone i am able to ssh into the phone with my set credentials, debug/debug works
but cisco/default does not. Any ideas? my goal is to enable the webadmin of the phone. I am
using cucme and cannot seem to get the webadmin to work through cucme settings

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