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Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 0(0.9 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 1 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

Pursuant to the revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Republic Act No.
9163, otherwise known the National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001, the
following guidelines are hereby issued, adopted and promulgated to implement the provisions
of the Act:


Responsibility of all Citizens

a. While it is the prime duty of the government to serve and protect the people, the
Constitution also provides that it shall be the responsibility of all citizens to defend the
security and promote the general welfare of the State. In fulfillment thereof, the
government may require each citizen to render personal, military, or civil service.

Role of the Youth

b. In recognition of the vital role of the youth in nation-building, the State shall promote
civic consciousness and defense preparedness among them and shall develop their
physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It shall inculcate the ideals
of patriotism, nationalism, volunteerism, and advance their meaningful involvement in
public and civic affairs.

c. As the most valuable resource of the nation, the youth shall be motivated, trained,
organized, and mobilized in civic, military, literacy, welfare programs, and other similar
endeavors in the service of the people.


As provided in the revised IRR, the following terms shall mean:

a. Annual Administrative and Tactical Inspection (AATI) — refers to the tool designed by
the Department of National Defense-Armed Forces of the Philippines (DND-AFP) and
conducted by the AFP Major Services to annually evaluate the ROTC units'
implementation of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Program;

b. Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) — refers to programs or activities contributory

to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or
the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health,
education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, and morals of the
Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 04)9 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 2 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

c. Clustering — refers to the grouping of students enrolled at different schools and taking
up the same NSTP component into one (1) group under the management and
supervision of a designated school by TESDA for TV's and CHED for HEIs;

d. Cross-Enrollment — refers to a system of enrollment where a student is officially

enrolled in an academic program of an origin school but is allowed to enroll in the
NSTP component of another accepting school;

e. Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) — refers to universities, colleges, and other

educational institutions offering higher education;

f. Literacy Training Service (LTS) — refers to the program designed to train the students
to become capable non-licensed instructors of functional literacy and numeracy skills
to school children, out-of-school youths, and other segments of society in need of their

g. Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) — refers to any public institution of higher
learning established and managed by local government units;

h. Major Service Reserve Commands (MSRC) — refers to the units of the AFP Major
Services mandated to develop their respective Reserve Forces and supervise the
implementation of the ROTC Program as mandated under RA 7077, s-1991 (or the
AFP Reservist Act of 1991);

i. Mobilization — refers to the official act of calling upon ROTC Reservists and NSRC
Reservists and NSRC units to report to their respective designated mobilization
centers to perform duty as volunteers;

j. National Service — refers to the civic consciousness and defense preparedness

service rendered by all the citizens of the Philippines;

k. National Service Reserve Corps Trainee — refers to a student enrolled in the CWTS or
LTS component;

I. National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) — refers to an organization composed of

graduates of Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and Literacy Training Service
(LTS) components of the National Service Training Program (NSTP)

m. National Service Training Program (NSTP) — refers to the program aimed at enhancing
civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics
of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of the three (3) program
components which are specially designed to enhance the youth's active contribution
to the general welfare of the country;

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. °VI series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 3 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

n. Non-Government Organization (NGO) — refers to any private organization duly

accredited by CHED, TESDA, and DND to formulate and administer training modules
for CWTS and LTS;

o. Program Components — refers to the ROTC, CWTS, LTS and other NSTP programs
as the CHED and TESDA, in consultation with the DND, may hereinafter approve and

P. Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) — refers to the program institutionalized

under Sections 38 and 39 of RA 7077, otherwise known as the Citizen Armed Force
or the Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act of 1991, designed to provide
military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize, and
mobilize them for national defense preparedness;

q.1. Basic Reserve Officers' Training Corps — refers to the one (1) year ROTC
training based on the amendment by RA 9163, s-2002, of Sections 38 and 39 of
RA 7077;

q.2. Advance Reserve Officers' Training Corps — refers to the two (2)-year training
program after the basic ROTC training, subject to the provisions under Sections
38 and 39 of RA 7077;

q. ROTC Cadet — refers to a student enrolled in the ROTC Program component;

r. School-Based NSRC Units (SBNU) — refers to the established organization of students

or graduates of the CWTS or LTS components of the NSTP who are still enrolled in
the HEIs and TVIs; (Please refer to TESDA Memo No. 341, s. 2022: Dissemination of
the Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Accreditation and
Operation of the National Service Reserve Corp (NSRC), NDRRMC Memo No. 74A,
s. 2021);

s. School-Based Ready Reserve Units (SRRU) — refers to the established organization

of students or graduates of the ROTC components of the NSTP who are still enrolled
in the HEIs and TVIs;

t. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) — refers to any public institution of higher
learning established by the national government and are governed by their respective
independent governing boards;

u. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) — refers to the education process
designed for post-secondary and lower tertiary levels, officially recognized as non-
degree programs aimed at preparing technicians, paraprofessionals and other
categories of middle-level workers by providing them with a broad range of general

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. O(oq series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 4 of 17 page's
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

education, theoretical, scientific and technological studies, and related job skills

v. Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) — refers to an institution whether public or

private offering TVET program/s. This shall include TESDA Technology Institutions,
public and private technical vocational institutes, HEIs, SUCs, LUCs, training centers,
and enterprises offering TVET programs;

w. Tripartite Agreement - refers to the agreement between CHED, TESDA, and DND
relative to the NSTP; and

x. Trust Fund — refers to the collected NSTP fee which shall be exclusively used for the
implementation of the NSTP Law and operation of the Program, including allocation
for a reasonable contingency fund, as provided for in this IRR.


This set of guidelines aims to prescribe the requisites on the:

a. design and conduct of NSTP (ROTC, CWTS or LTS) programs/courses with focus on
promoting civic consciousness and defense preparedness among learners and to
develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being; It shall
inculcate the ideals of patriotism, nationalism, volunteerism and advance their
meaningful involvement in public and civic affairs;

b. process of the issuance of serial numbers to non-military NSTP (CWTS and LTS)
completers from technical vocational institutions (TVIs); and

c. monitoring of the non-military NSTP (CWTS and LTS) completers from TVIs through
the T2MIS.


This Implementing Guidelines shall cover the following:

a. Incoming first year level students of at least two (2) year TVET programs in public and
private educational institutions and enterprises shall be required to complete one (1)
of the NSTP components as a requisite for graduation.

The above provision however does not cover the following:

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 0(pci series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 5 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

a.1. Students who have completed their NSTP requirement and will graduate
from a two (2) year TVET program and pursued another or additional
baccalaureate degree or TVET;

a.2. Students who completed any of the three (3) NSTP components but have
transferred or shifted to another academic course or educational institution;

a.3. Pursuant to Section 16(2) of RA 10742, otherwise known as the

"Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015", and Joint Memorandum
Circular No. 1, s. 2019, all Sangguniang Kabataan officials who comply with
the prescribed requirements and in good standing, whether elected or
appointed, shall, during their incumbency, be exempted from taking the
NSTP-CWTS subjects. Further, as stipulated in Section 16(2) of RA 10742,
the concerned SK officials shall submit written reports, preferably with
photographs, or documentations of their participation in the implementation
of programs, projects, and activities as outlined in the Comprehensive
Barangay Investment Program; and

a.4. Foreign students or aliens.

b. All TVIs with registered or recognized program of at least two (2) years in duration
must offer at least one (1) NSTP component following the course outcomes stipulated
in the Section VI hereof.

c. Students enrolled in the first semester of their first year shall undergo a common
module phase for 25 hours training period. Subjects covered are citizenship training,
drug education, disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM), environmental
protection, and other national security concerns. Appropriate materials for the 25-hour
common module such as informational videos shall be developed collaboratively by
the COROPOTI in consultation with the NSTP Experts. The common module may also
be incorporated in the training curriculum of the different program components to
ensure continuity and consistency in the implementation of the same.

d. All TVIs offering the ROTC program component with at least 350 ROTC cadets, must
establish or maintain a Department of Military Science and Tactics (DMST), subject to
existing rules and regulations. In cases where the number of cadets will be lesser than
350, the provisions of clustering in Section 7 hereof shall be followed. The ROTC shall
be carried out in accordance with the pertinent IG circularized by the Department of
National Defense. Please see Annex A — Department Circular 9 s. 2022 — IG to
Revised IRR of RA 9163

e. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), Philippine Merchant Marine Academy

(PMMA), Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) and Maritime Academy for Asia

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. Oaci series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 6 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

and the Pacific (MAAP) are exempted from the NSTP, in view of the special character
of these institutions. Other HEls or TVIs of similar nature will be exempted but will be
subject to approval of the CHED, TESDA and DND and subject to the guidelines,
which may hereinafter be issued.


a. The NSTP shall have the following components from which the trainees / learners can
choose from, as defined in Section II hereof: ROTC, LTS, and CWTS

b. All program components shall give emphasis on citizenship training and shall instill
patriotism, moral virtues, respect for the rights of civilians, and adherence to the

c. In consultation with the DND, Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges
(PASUC), Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations (COCOPEA), and
other concerned government agencies, TESDA may design and implement other non-
military training components as deemed necessary, in consonance with the provisions
of RA 9163.

d. A one (1)-day orientation regarding the three (3) NSTP components shall be offered
to incoming first year college students prior to their enrollment for them to effectively
comprehend each component. Appropriate strategies and materials for the one-day
orientation such as informational videos highlighting the three (3) NSTP components
shall be developed by the COROPOTI and NSTP Experts, shared with TVIs, utilized
and reviewed.


a. Students for each of the NSTP components shall undergo the NSTP for an academic
period of two (2) semesters and credited for three (3) units per semester. It shall be
credited for three (3) units per semester, for fifty-four (54) to ninety (90) training hours
per semester

b. A One (1) Summer Program (OSP) in lieu of the two (2)-semester program of ROTC,
CWTS, and LTS may be designed, formulated, and adopted by the TVI, subject to the
capabilities of the school and the AFP.

c. The earned NSTP units shall not be included in the computation of the Grade Point
Average (GPA) of graduating students.

d. Course Outcomes for NSTP Program


Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. oaq series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 7 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

All NSTP programs must be conducted in line with the attainment of the following
course outcomes:

• Appraise self-awareness on values education, health education and

environmental consciousness;
• Apply leadership skills in designing, planning and implementing livelihood
programs in the community;
• Design solutions to environmental problems;
• Respond to emergencies;
• Show social and civic responsibilities in the immediate community;
• Demonstrate understanding and appreciation of his/her role as a citizen and as
a future healthcare professional in promoting practices that address the
community's environmental health aspect through community service;
• Implement viable interventions to community problems and concerns; and
• Show a high level of interest in community-building tasks.
(Source: PNU Validated Course Outcomes for NSTP as a Mandatory Subject)
For the list of modules for NSTP 1 and 2, please see Annex B.

e. The NSTP courses or modules, which are found appropriate to flexible learning, may
be delivered through the same following the stipulations in TESDA Circular 62 s. 2020
- Guidelines in Implementing Flexible Learning in TVET or any pertinent policy.


a. Clustering of students from different education institutions during semestral or summer

periods may be done for the ROTC component, taking into account the logistics, Branch
of Service, and geographic locations. The host school shall be responsible in managing
the Program.

b. NSTP students shall be allowed by the concerned HEI/TVI to cross-enroll in any CHED
or TESDA-recognized institution. For schools that do not meet the required number of
students to maintain the optional ROTC or any of the NSTP components, students shall
be allowed to cross-enroll to other schools, regardless of whether the same are
administering the NSTP components in the said schools or another Branch of service
of the AFP, CHED, and TESDA.

c. Cross-enrolling students shall be subject to the existing rules and regulations of the
school of origin and the accepting school.

d. Equivalency Credit for related programs with Supervised Industry Learning (SIL)
Prog ram

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 06q series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 8 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

The SIL of any TVET Program which covered any of the Course Outcomes stated in
Section VI. d. Course Outcomes for NSTP (e.g. SIL on Barangay Health Services
NC II, or Organic Agriculture Production NC II, or SIL on Electrical Installation and
Maintenance NC II to benefit Brigada Eskwela and other government offices and
buildings through training—cum-production shall be given equivalency credit based on
the duration of the SIL conducted.


a. Management

a.1. The TESDA Central Office shall design capability-building programs for the
staff involved in the implementation of NSTP namely: trainers, NSTP Director
or equivalent position and staff, and policy makers.

a.2 The TVI authorities shall exercise academic and administrative supervision
over the design, formulation, adoption, and implementation of the different
NSTP components in their respective TVI, subject to the provisions hereof.

a.3 There shall be an NSTP Office in each of the TVI offering NSTP component/s
headed by an NSTP Director or its equivalent position responsible for the
implementation of the Program. Each of the NSTP component is considered
a distinct and/or separate unit under the NSTP Office, and the head of the
unit shall report directly to the NSTP Director or its equivalent position.

a.4 A functional chart of the NSTP Office shall be structured based on the
capability of the institution to sustain the program component being offered
based on the number of enrollees.

a.5 The DND-AFP, through the Major Service Reserve Commands (MSRC),
shall formulate and administer the training modules for the ROTC Program.

a.6 In the case of ROTC, the school authorities and the DND, through the AFP,
subject to the policies, regulations, and programs of the DND on the military
component of the training, shall exercise joint supervision over its

a.6 The CHED, TESDA and DND shall establish NSTP Joint Committees at the
national, regional, provincial and city levels. A Tripartite Agreement shall be
executed by the CHED, TESDA and DND to create and provide the general
operational guidelines of the NSTP Joint Committees.

The NSTP Joint Committees shall coordinate and establish linkages and
substantive engagements with DRRM Councils at the provincial, regional,
and national levels on matters of training and mobilization.

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 069 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 9 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

a.7. Non-government organizations (NGOs) contracted by the TVI must secure a

joint accreditation from TESDA and DND to formulate and administer training
modules for CWTS and LTS components.

a.8. The CHED, DND and TESDA shall jointly exercise academic and
administrative supervision over such accredited NGOs. Further, these
entities must be accredited by the Provincial NSTP Joint Committee and the
Provincial DRRMO.

b. Monitoring and Evaluation

b.1. The created NSTP Joint Committee at the provincial, regional, and national
levels shall be responsible for monitoring all the program components in all

b.2. The TESDA Regional Offices shall oversee and monitor the implementation
of the NSTP under their respective jurisdictions, to determine if the trainings
conducted are in consonance with the NSTP Act. These offices shall submit
periodic reports to the NSTP Regional Joint Committee to be furnished to the
NSTP National Joint Committee for consolidation.

b.3. The Regional NSTP Joint Committee, along with other concerned
government agencies, shall conduct meetings at least thrice a year —
scheduled every end of the first semester, end of the second semester, and
before the enrollment for the next Academic Year.

b.4. An Annual NSTP Performance Evaluation (ANPE) shall be conducted

towards the end of the school year to evaluate and determine the
achievement of the training objectives of the three (3) NSTP program

b.5. The Regional Annual Administrative and Tactical Inspection (AATI) shall be
conducted by the Major Services of the AFP as the evaluation of performance
parameters for the ROTC program.

b.6. The Regional Offices and Provincial Offices shall conduct an annual
evaluation of the implementation of NSTP and NSRC in TV's. While the
Central Office shall monitor the ROs and select TVIs for validation purposes.

b.7. The T2MIS shall maintain separate fields for each of the NSTP components,
either ROTC, CWTS or LTS for all WET NSTP graduates.

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 069 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 10 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

b.8. The TESDA shall exercise inherent powers to discipline TV1s, enterprises,
accredited NGOs and other persons found to be in violation or non-
compliant with the provisions of RA 9163 and this IRR.


a. No fees shall be collected for any of the NSTP components except basic tuition. The
NSTP fees of students of TVIs (qualified TTIs, SUCs and LUCs) shall be covered by
RA 10931, otherwise known as the Universal Access to Free Quality Tertiary
Education Act or any relevant laws.

b. The collected NSTP fees shall constitute a Trust Fund, which shall be exclusively used
for the implementation of the NSTP Law and operation of the Program, including
allocation for a reasonable contingency fund, particularly in support to activities not
originally included in the Program of Expenditures (POE) prepared by the ROTC
Commandant, the CWTS/LTS Coordinator, and the NSTP Director and approved by
the school head.

c. The funds derived from NSTP-related operations shall serve as augmentation to

sustain unprogrammed activities of the NSTP.

d. The unspent fund balance shall be carried over to the next semester, provided that the
NSTP funds shall not be converted into savings at the expense of the proper
implementation of the program.

e. Subsidies from the government and/or from any legal agency or institution
appropriated for NSTP shall be included in the preparation of the POE and report on
the utilization of funds by the schools.

f. Expenditures/disbursement shall be subjected to periodic audits by the proper school

authorities for private entities and in accordance with government accounting and
auditing rules for public entities and concerned NSTP Offices.

g. The NSTP Component (ROTC/CWTS/LTS) coordinators shall submit a

comprehensive report on the utilization of the NSTP Funds to their respective NSTP
Directors two (2) weeks after the end of every semester. The ROTC Commandants
shall submit the same report to their respective MSRCs.

h. The NSTP Director or its equivalent shall submit a consolidated comprehensive report
on the utilization of the NSTP Funds by program component to the school head, within
30 calendar days after the end of every semester.

i. The NSTP Funds shall not be utilized to defray the rental space and other similar

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 0(09 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 11 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated


a. Incentives

a.1. A program of assistance/incentives for ROTC students shall be provided

and administered by the DND in accordance with existing laws and
regulations and with the funds for the said purpose to be included in its
annual regular appropriations, subject to the availability of funds.

a.2. Personnel involved in the NSTP shall be entitled with an honorarium and
other incentives based on the standard policy set forth by the TVIs.

b. Insurance and Protection

b.1. Health and accident group insurances are provided to the students enrolled
in any of the NSTP components and involved in NSRC activities.

b.2. Private TVIs that already provide health and accident group insurances and
collect the necessary fees from their students for the purpose, as per the
effectivity of these rules, are deemed to have complied with this


a. Graduates of the non-ROTC components of the NSTP shall belong to the National
Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) and may be mobilized by the State for literacy and
civic welfare activities, especially in DRRM, through the joint efforts of DND, CHED,
and TESDA, in coordination with the network and members of or through the Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Councils at the National, Regional and Local Levels,
as well as other concerned agencies, organizations, and non-government agencies.
(Please refer to TESDA Memo No. 341, s. 2022: Dissemination of the Updated
Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Accreditation and Operation of
the National Service Reserve Corp (NSRC), NDRRMC Memo No. 74A, s. 2021)

b. Graduates of the ROTC program shall form part of the Citizen Armed Force pursuant
to RA 7077, subject to the requirements and policies of the DND.

c. ROTC graduates shall be organized into School-Based Ready Reserve Units (SRRU)
to sustain training and respond to contingencies with their campuses as their
mobilization centers with the proper and necessary coordination with TVIs, in
accordance with the rules, regulations or appropriate orders from the DND and AFP.
Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 0441 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 12 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated


The Certificates of Completion with corresponding Serial Numbers shall be awarded to

the TVIs trainees / learners who have successfully complied with the program
requirements. following the Section XII, No.6 (Processing of SN) hereof.

The serial numbers shall be indicated in the Transcript of Records of each NSTP
graduate. Please see Annex C — Template for Certificate of Completion

Non-military NSTP (CWTS and LTS) completers from TVIs for the AY 2016-2017 shall
be awarded by these institutions with Certificates of Completion indicating the serial
numbers issued by TESDA; while the graduates of ROTC shall be awarded with the
same by DND. The following scheme shall be followed in the awarding of Certificates
of Completion to completers from the TVIs:

Academic NSTP Issued Article Issuing Agency

Year Component
2002 - 2003 to CVVTS and LTS Serial Number CHED (through a
2015 - 2016 Joint Memorandum
Circular) for those
TVET graduates
who pursued higher
TESDA For those
who did not but
needs the SN for
other legal purposes
2016 - onwards CWTS and LTS Certificate of TVI (CC) and
Completion (CC) and TESDA (SN)
ROTC Serial Number (SN) DND
Note: A Joint Memorandum Circular issued by CHEd and TESDA explains the issuance of serial numbers
for completers from TVIs for AY 2002-2003 to 2015-2016 who pursued higher education

The roles and responsibilities of the COROPOTI in the issuance of the serial numbers
are detailed below:

1. TVIs

a. Submits to corresponding TESDA PO the list of NSTP enrollees and candidates

for NSTP completion for the issuance of serial numbers
b. Submits to corresponding TESDA PO the list of NSTP completers with serial

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 0109 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 13 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

c. Maintains a database of completers

d. Indicates the NSTP serial numbers of the completers in their Transcript of Records
e. Issues Certificates of Completion with NSTP Serial Numbers
f. At the end of every academic year, submits an electronic copy of the Annual Report
to their TESDA respective RO, furnished the TESDA Planning Office (PO) and
Information and Communication Technology Office (ICTO):

f.1. Names and Serial Numbers of those who finished under each NSTP

f.2. For the students who have undertaken Advance ROTC, the reserve
unit and mobilization center assigned to them;

f.3. The programs, projects, and activities with photographs and other
documentation as far as practicable; and

f.4. Financial statements on the funds collected and utilized. The annual
report on NSTP by the TVI shall be made available to faculty,
students, and the general public through the NSTP Office.


a. Consolidates the submission of NSTP data (enrollees, candidates for completion,

and completers) from TVIs
b. Submits the NSTP data to corresponding TESDA RO for the issuance of serial
c. Submits the consolidated Annual Report from TVIs to ROs
d. Maintains a database of completers


a. Consolidates the submissions of NSTP data and Annual Report from TESDA POs
b. Issues the serial numbers for NSTP completers
c. Submits the regional report to the TESDA CO, through the corresponding
Executive Office
d. Maintains the regional data on NSTP
e. Monitors the TVIs on the issuance of serial numbers and implementation of NSTP

4. TESDA Central Office

a. Maintains the national database of NSTP completers

b. Monitors the RO and TVIs on the implementation of NSTP

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. Nal series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 14 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

c. Share the data of NSTP completers with OCD and other government
agencies/instrumentalities for legal purposes (e.g. NSRC)

5. Coding System of Serial Numbers

a. TVET (to distinguish the Code from HEI) + NSTP Component (CWTS or LTS)
b. Year of completion (last two (2) digits of the year)
c. Region Code (two (2) digits) — based on the Unified Accounts Code Structure
(UACS) Manual
d. Province Code (two (2) digits) — based on the UACS Manual (for National Capital
Region, District Code (two digits) and Municipality Code (two digits))
e. Serial Number (seven (7) digits)

Example Coding for CWTS:

A trainee who completed his NSTP (CWTS) in 2016 from a TVI in Albay, Region V
shall be issued with the following serial number:


Example for LTS:

A trainee who completed his NSTP (LTS) in 2019 from a TVI in Caloocan City shall
be issued with the following serial number:


Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 069 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 15 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

6. Processing of Serial Numbers

Activities Timelines Forms Office

Submits list of 30 days before Form 1 TVI
NSTP candidates NSTP graduation
for completion to
Consolidates NSTP 5 days upon receipt Form 1 TESDA PO
data from TVIs from TVI
Submits NSTP 1 day Form 1 TESDA PO
data to TESDA RO
for the issuance of
serial numbers
Processes the 2 days upon receipt Form 2 TESDA RO
issuance of serial from PO
Provides the serial 1 day after Form 2 TESDA RO
numbers to PO processing of SN
Provides the serial 1 day upon receipt Form 2 TESDA PO
numbers to TVI from RO
Indicates the NSTP 5 working days Form 2 TVI
serial number of before NSTP
the completer in Graduation
their Transcript of
Issues Certificates 5 working days Form 2 TVI
of Completion with after NSTP
NSTP Serial Graduation

Amendment to TESDA Circular 078. s. 2019: Implementing No. 049 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 16 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

7. Submission of List of Completers with Serial Numbers

Activities Timelines Forms Office
Submits list of 10 days after Form 3 TVI
NSTP completers graduation
Consolidates NSTP 5 days upon receipt Form 3 TESDA PO
data from TVIs from "TVI
Submits NSTP 1 day Form 3 TESDA PO
data to TESDA RO
Consolidates NSTP 2 days upon receipt Form 3 TESDA RO
data from PO from PO
Submits NSTP data Real time Form 3 TESDA RO
through T2MIS

8. Issuance of Serial Numbers to NSTP Completers from TVIs (AY 2002 - 2003 to
AY 2015 - 2016)

Activities Timelines Forms Office

Accommodates Form 4 TESDA PO
request for the
issuance of NSTP
Serial Numbers
Verifies the 5 days upon Form 4 TESDA PO
documents receipt
presented by the
Submits the 1 day Form 4 TESDA PO
request and
verified data
Declines the
re. uest
Amendment to TESDA Circular 078, s. 2019: Implementing No. 069 series of 2022
Guidelines on National Service Training Program (NSTP); with
Provisions from the Revised IRR of RA 9163 dated November
23, 2021 Page 17 of 17 page/s
Date issued: Effectivity:
December 05, 2022 As indicated

Processes the 2 days upon Form 5 TESDA RO

issuance of serial receipt from PO
Provides the serial 1 day after Form 5 TESDA RO
numbers to PO processing of SN
Provides the serial 1 day upon receipt Form 4 TESDA PO
numbers to from RO


After the future consultations and agreements with NSTP TWG, the Central Office shall
issue separate implementing guidelines on the following:

a. Accreditation of NGOs and the training modules to be utilized by these entities;

b. Evaluation parameters on program administration and implementation following the
Annual NSTP Performance Evaluation (ANPE)
c. NSRC Annual Evaluation
d. Joint evaluation of the implementation of the three (3) NSTP components at TVIs by

This Circular takes effect as indicated.

Director General k

IkeptitiIgo ng iiilipinas 1.:eptiblic of the plpltppuies'
1;aciatuaran itg Tanggulang Vambansa Department of ilational Zrfenge
C-17.-inggapini ngWinn Office of the *eci etatr All NSTP program components shall give emphasis on citizenship
training and shall instill patriotism. moral virtues, respect for the rights of civilians, and
adherence to the Constitution.
2 MAP 29?.?
Recognizing the potential of young tertiary level students to become
enlisted reservists and future commissioned officers, the AFP through the ROTC
program shall have the following objectives.

a. To prepare college students to be members of the Citizen Armed

SUBJECT: IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES TO THE REVISED IMPLEMENTING Force or Reserve Force in the event of war, invasion or rebellion,
RULES AND REGULATIONS (IRR) OF RA 9163, s-2021, AN ACT ESTABLISHING b. To train students through the Basic ROTC to be enlisted
THE NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM reservists for the Reserve components of the Armed Forces of the Philippines; and
c. To develop a pool for selection for the two-year volunteer
Advance ROTC program to train reservists to be potential officers that will serve in
Section 1. Purpose the Reserve and Standing Forces of the AFP.

a. This Implementing Guidelines (IG) prescribes the policies, plans.

and procedures for the implementation of the Basic Reserve Officers Training Corps Section 3. Definition of Terms
(ROTC) Program Component of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) based
on the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) to the NSTP, s-2021 This As used in this IG, the following terms are defined as follows.
IG supplements Department Order Number 285 dated August 28, 2020 with subject:
Guideline on the Implementation of the ROTC under the New Normal Conditions. a. Annual Administrative and Tactical Inspection (AATI) - refers
to the tool designed by the Department of National Defense-Armed Forces of the
b. The General Headquarters, AFP shall issue implementing Philippines (DND-AFP) and conducted by the AFP Major Services to annually evaluate
instructions to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of these Implementing the ROTC units' implementation of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)
Guidelines. Program:
b. Cadet Officer Candidate Course (COCC) - Pursuant to Sec
c. The AFP shall coordinate with Office of. Civil Defense (OCD) on 4(b) of the Revised IRR to the NSTP, refers to the additional training required for
matters of mutual concern, particularly on the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) volunteer prospective Advance ROTC cadets.
and joint membership as Department representatives to the NSTP Joint Committees c. Clustering refers to the grouping of students enrolled at
at the national, regional. province and city levels. different schools and taking up the same NSTP component into one (1) group under
the management and supervision of a designated school by TESDA for TVIs and
CHED for HEls
Section 2. Objectives of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) and d. Commandant - Refers to a commissioned officer of the Armed
the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Program Component Forces of the Philippines (AFP) who is duly designated by the Major Service RESCOM
Commander, in coordination with the HEI: in charge with the implementation of the
In recognizing the vital role of the youth in nation-building, the NSTP ROTC Program.
shall have the following objectives; e. Cross-Enrollment - refers to a system of enrollment where a
student is officially enrolled in an academic program of an origin school but is allowed
a. Promote civic consciousness and defense preparedness among to enroll in the NSTP component of another accepting school:
the youth; f. Department of Military Science and Tactics (DMST) refers to
b. Develop the physical, moral. spiritual. intellectual. and social well- a division or department in an educational institution under the NSTP Office which
being of the youth; conducts the ROTC instruction, the administrative and training support are provided
c. Inculcate the ideals of patriotism. nationalism. volunteerism, and by the educational institution:
advance their meaningful involvement in public and civic affairs: g. Enlistment -the act of enrolling in military service in the Reserve
d. Motivate. train, organize, and involve the youth in military, literacy Force, AFP
civic welfare programs and other related endeavors in service of the nation, and h. Higher Educational Institutions (HEls) - refers to universities.
respond to the needs of their respective communities. ccar2FIED colleges, and other educational institutions offering higher education;
i. Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) - refers to any public
institution of higher learning established and managed by local government units;

Page 2 of 11

Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations
DND Core Values Patriotism. Professionalism Good Governance
Office of tie Of.ciefsecrofery for Civil, Veterans and P.esarvist Affairs, Room 106 Department of National Defense Building. Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo Quezon City 1110 (IRR) of the Republic Act No. 9163. known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001.
Tel: 0.63218982.564718982-5648 Fes: 1+6321 391 1-0192 Email. otiacvra iindagimail con,
(1E, tvyrds Divtslon 10Pi,

Major Service Reserve Commands (MSRC) - refers to the units y. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) - rii‘'feWtS'ifijipiibilr,,;7)
of the AFP Major Services mandated to develop their respective Reserve Forces and institution of higher learning established by the national government and are governed
supervise the implementation of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) by their respective independent governing boards;
Program as mandated under RA 7077; z. Technical-Vocational Institutions (TVIs) - refers to an
k. Mobilization - refers to the official act of calling upon Reserve institution whether public or private offering technical vocational education and training
units and reservists to report to their respective designated mobilization centers to (TVET) program/s.
perform duty as volunteers. aa. Trust Fund -- refers to the NSTP fee collected which shall be
I. National Service - refers to the civic consciousness and defense exclusively used for the operation of the Program.
preparedness service rendered by all the citizens of the Philippines;
m. National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) - an organization
composed of graduates of non-military components of the National Service Training Section 4. Basic Policies
Program (NSTP) as mandated by Republic Act 9163 (NSTP Act of 2001);
n. National Service Training Program (NSTP) - is a program a. The Basic ROTC is the two-semester military training of volunteer
aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by tertiary level students to motivate, train and organize them for national defense
developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of the preparedness. In lieu of the two (2) semester program. a one (1) Summer Program
three (3) program components. Its various components are specially designed to (OSP) maybe offered subject to the capabilities of the HEI/TVI and the Major Service
enhance the youth's active contribution to the general welfare; Reserve Commands. Graduates of the Basic ROTC will be enlisted as AFP reservists
o. Non-Government Organization (NGO) - refers to any private in the Major Services.
organization duly accredited by CHED, TESDA. DND to formulate and administer
training modules for the non-military program components: b. The Major Service Reserve Commands (MSRCs) in coordination
p. Non-military Program Components - refers to the Civic with the administration of HEls/TVIs shall establish the ROTC Units subject to existing
Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and Literacy Training Service (LTS) programs of the AFP regulations. The allocation of ROTC units to the Major Services of the AFP shall
NSTP whose graduates become members of the National Service Reserve Corps conform to the projected manpower needs of their respective reserve components.
(NSRC) The Chief of Staff, AFP shall prescribe a standard staffing of AFP ROTC units (Sec
q One Summer Program (OSP) the alternative ROTC training 41, RA 7077)
program in lieu of the two (2) semester program of the Basic ROTC designed,
formulated. and adopted by the ROTC Unit in coordination with the HEI. c. The AFP shall ensure that all AFP personnel, Active and Inactive
r. Private Higher Educational Institutions (PHEIs) - refers to Reserve. officially designated to implement the program are persons who are upright
private colleges and other educational institutions offering higher education; with no records of abuse. Adherence to the provisions of RA 11053 of the Anti-Hazing
s. Program Component refers to the ROTC and the Non-military Act of 2018 shall be strictly observed and enforced at all times.
service components of the NSTP as defined herein;
t. Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) — is a Program
d The ROTC Unit composition shall be representative of the
institutionalized under Sections 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077, otherwise known gender-mix of the ROTC Corps of Cadets and that in all activities, the ROTC training
as the Citizen Armed Force or Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act: staff should have male and female members.
designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train.
organize, and mobilize them for national defense preparedness; e. In view of the conduct of the NSTP in the 'new normal," the
t.1. Basic ROTC - refers to the one (1) year ROTC training MSRCs and ROTC Units should be capacitated with a variety of online tools designed
based on Section 39 of Republic Act No. 7077 as amended by RA 9163; to deliver ROTC training and accommodate ROTC cadets. The Program of Instruction
t.2. Advance ROTC - refers to the two (2)-year voluntary and Methods of Instruction should adapt to the following 'new normal' teaching-
training program after the Basic ROTC training, subject to the provisions under learning methods:
Sections 39 and 40 of Republic Act No. 7077
u. ROTC Cadet - refers to a student enrolled in the ROTC program e.1 Self-Paced Learning is a method in which the learners
component; can control the amount of material content they consume, as well as the
v. ROTC Unit - refers to the sub-unit of the Reserve Commands duration of time needed to learn the new information properly.
that implements the ROTC program;
w. ROTC Coordinator - A person designated by the HEI under the e.2 Video teleconferencing (VTC) is a learning technology
NSTP Office to liaise/synchronize ROTC activities with other NSTP Components. that facilitates the communication and interaction of two or more users through
x. School-Based Ready Reserve Units (SRRU)- refers to the a combination of high-quality audio and video over the internet. In lieu of face-
established organization of students or graduates of the ROTC component of the to-face learning, VTC is used for lectures and other interaction.
NSTP who are still enrolled in the HEIs and TVIs.
Page 4 of 11
Page 3 of 11

Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations
Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) of the Republic Act No. 9163. known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001
(IRR) of the Republic Act No, 9163, known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001,
riF;k0 Coet

as I,

Online Evaluation, in the forms of pre-t ming Ind post-


training tests, is administered to assess the effectiveness of th training course. 'c) c.

Chirtf, P -rt,

Foreign students or aliens shall not be allowed to enroll in the


Likewise, self- paced quizzes and assignments may be given during for the ROTC Program Component of the NSTP.
course duration.
d. Active military personnel enrolled in HEls may accredit their
f. Pursuant to Section 42 of RA 7077, the funds for the completed Basic Military Training as Basic ROTC equivalent pursuant to Section 11(6)
establishment. maintenance and operation of ROTC units shall be provided for in the of RA 7077.
regular annual appropriations of the AFP. The provision of needed military equipment
and ordnance based on the prescribed Program of Instruction shall be provided by the
AFP. Under no circumstance should ROTC cadets be required to spend any amount Section 7. Program Implementation
for the acquisition of training-related items, specifically military-controlled ordnance
and ammunition. a. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) are required to offer the
ROTC component. As such, the AFP shall coordinate with SUCs in the establishment
of an ROTC unit regardless of the number of enrollees Coordination shall also be
Section 5. Coverage made with public local universities and colleges (LUCs) and public technical-vocational
institutions (TVIs) on the offering of the ROTC and establishment of ROTC Units
a. This Implementing Guidelines covers all students of any
baccalaureate degree program or of at least two (2) year TVET programs in public and b. PHEIs and TVIs may offer ROTC provided that there must be at
private educational institutions and enterprises who enroll in the ROTC Program least 350 enrollees, For enrollments below the 350, the provisions of Clustering and
Component of the NSTP, starting Academic Year (AY) 2022-2023 including: Cross-enrollment prescribed by the CSAFP shall be followed. The AFP shall
endeavor to build on the initial ROTC cross-enrollment to increase enrollment in these
a.1 Students who enroll in the two-semester Basic ROTC in their private institutions in succeeding years.
schools or who cross-enroll in the ROTC program of another HEI;
a.2 Students who undergo the ROTC One Summer Program c. ROTC units that have been approved and activated prior to the
(OSP) if offered by the ROTC Unit: and approval of this IRR shall retain the status regardless of the number of cadets.
a.3 Students who have completed a non-military NSTP
component (CWTS and LTS) and volunteers to undergo the ROTC subject to the d. The CSAFP shall prescribe the administrative relationship of the
approval of the NSTP Director. ROTC Units with the Reserve Force administrators noting that the ROTC
a4 Sangguniang Kabataan officials, during their incumbency, Commandant shall report directly to the NSTP Director or its equivalent position in the
are exempted from the NSTP. However, subject to the approval of the NSTP Director. HEI/TVI on matters pertaining to the ROTC Program Component (Sec 8(a)(2) Revised
they may volunteer to undergo the Basic ROTC for possible future commission. IRR to the NSTP, s-2021).

b These guidelines also cover all AFP personnel. Active and

Section 8. Duration, Program Content and Equivalent Course Unit
Inactive Reserve, officially designated as members of ROTC Units.

a. The ROTC Program Component shall he undertaken for an

Section 6. Exemptions and Disqualifications academic period of two (2) semesters following the Prescribed POI of at least 60
training hours per semester, excluding the 25-Hour Common Module in the 15t
a. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA) and the Philippine Semester of the Academic Year A standard Program for Instruction (P01) will be
National Police Academy (PNPA) are exempted from the NSTP, in view of the special prescribed by this Department as recommended by the Chief of Staff, AFP, and the
character of these institutions. Likewise. Philippine Merchant Marine Academy AFP shall develop and make available ROTC training packages for consistent
(PMMA). and Maritime Academy for Asia and the Pacific (MAAP) are hereby instruction across all ROTC Units.
categorized a Special ROTC Units of the Philippine Navy and exempted from the b. The One Summer Program (OSP) in lieu of the two (2) semester
coverage of these guidelines. Other HEls of similar nature may be exempted subject program shall be offered subject to the capability of the HEI and the ROTC Unit to
to approval of this Department. handle the same. The OSP will follow the POI of the regular Basic ROTC Program.

b. Individuals desiring to be reservists but not enrolled in degree c. Earned ROTC grades/units shall not be included in the computation
programs of HEls and TVIs are not to be accepted in the ROTC program but shall of Grade Point Average (GPA) grades of college graduating students. However, for
instead undergo Basic Citizens Military Training conducted by the MSRCs pursuant to ROTC cadets who proceed to undertake the Advance ROTC training. the Basic ROTC
Section 14. Article VI, RA 7077. grades/units will be credited in the Major Service Pre-entry officer training program.

Page 6 of 11
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Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations
Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) of the Republic Act No. 9163, known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001
(IRR) of the Republic Act No. 9163, known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001
e. The CSAFP shall prescribe a transparent and fair policy on the
grant of honorarium and other incentives to AFP personnel involved in the NSTP. The
d. In addition to the Basic ROTC. the AFP shall also introduce and
AFP shall ensure that the NSTP Trust Fund for the ROTC Program Component shall
offer the Advance ROTC to students upon enrolment, subject to the provisions
prioritize the operational and logistical requirements of ROTC Units over honoraria for
stipulated in Sections 39 and 40 of RA 7077. Subject to a selection criteria and
Active service personnel while providing greater opportunities for the accommodation
qualifications to be established by the AFP, Basic ROTC cadets may volunteer for the
of members of the AFP Reserve Force in the ROTC Training Staff, particularly
two-year Advance ROTC after completion of the Cadet Officer Candidate Course
graduates of the Advance ROTC Program.
(COCC) as prescribed by the Chief of Staff, AFP.

Section 11. Monitoring and Evaluation

Section 9. Clustering and Cross-Enrollment
a. Management Chief, Records Division \
a HEIs/TVIs must allow students to cross-enroll in any institutions t dills'.<tv,o.:., v;,...., ZoND
offering the ROTC Program. Cross-enrolling students shall be subject to the existing
a 1. The school authorities shall exercise academic andi t
rules and regulations of the school of origin and the accepting school.
administrative supervision over the design. formulation, adoption, and implementation
of the different NSTP components in their respective schools, subject to the provisions
b. Clustering of students from different educational institutions
during semester or summer periods may be done for the ROTC component,
considering the logistics, branch of service, and geographical locations. The host
a.2. In the case of ROTC, the school authorities and the DND.
school shall he responsible in managing the Program.
through the AFP, subject to the policies. regulations, and programs, shall exercise joint
supervision over its implementation. School authorities shall have administrative
c. The provisions of Clustering and Cross-enrollment will be
supervision while the DND through the AFP shall have functional supervision. The
implemented at the level of the Provincial/City Reserve Force Administrator. Cross-
ROTC Commandant shall report directly to the NSTP Director or its equivalent position
enrollment between Major Service ROTC Units is allowed.
in the HEI/TVI on matters pertaining to the ROTC Program Component.

a.3. The AFP through the MSRCs and ROTC Units shall
Section 10. ROTC Commandants and Training Staffs
continue the accounting, inventory and training of Basic ROTC graduates through the
establishment of School-based Ready Reserve Units (SRRU) subject to guidelines
a The Chief of Staff AFP shall prescribe high qualifications for
prescribed by the CSAFP The SRRUs shall be provided with support to sustain the
designated ROTC Commandant who shall represent the AFP in the HEIs/TVIs and
Reserve Force Development program in HEls/TVIs.
shall manifest the highest standards of professionalism, proper decorum and integrity
in the implementation of the ROTC Program. To put premium on the ROTC Program,
h. Monitoring
the Chief of Staff, AFP shall provide career advancement incentives for officers
designated as ROTC Commandants.
b.1. The AFP shall designate a competent officer
representative to the tri-partite NSTP Joint Committees at the national. regional,
b. Designated ROTC Commandants and Training Staffs are required
provincial and city levels that shall be responsible for monitoring and evaluation of the
to undergo a qualification training as prescribed by the CSAFP through the MSRCs.
implementation of the NSTP in their respective jurisdictions to determine if the
In coordination with school authorities, periodic evaluation of the ROTC Commandant
trainings conducted are in consonance with this IG.
and the Training Staff and refresher training shall be prescribed prior to the start of
every Academic Year
b.2 AFP representatives shall collaborate with the Office of
Civil Defense Regional Offices and Disaster Risk Reduction Management Councils at
c. Reserve officers in the active service as well as qualified enlisted
the national and sub-national levels to develop linkage between the NSTP training and
and officer reservists in the inactive status shall be given priority to handle training
post-NSTP accounting, continuing training and utilization.
instruction and to assist in the administration. (Section 41 RA 7077).
b.3 The AFP shall assist NSTP Joint Committees in the
d. The ROTC Commandant shall be responsible for the competent
accreditation of NGOs contracted by the HEls/TVIs to formulate and administer
and proper implementation of the Program of Instruction and the conduct of the
training modules for the CWTS and LTS components.
Annual Administrative and Tactical Inspection (AATI) as the evaluation of performance
parameters for the ROTC program.
b.4. An Annual NSTP Performance Evaluation (ANPE) shall be
conducted towards the end of the school year to evaluate and determine the
frALENE. MANJARE Page 8 of 11
Chief, Reoortls Division Page 7 of 11
ikdmIn v:,,
Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations
Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and egulations
(IRR) of the Republic Act No 9163. known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001
(IRR) of the Republic Act No. 9163. known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001
achievement of the training objectives of the three NSTP program components. In c. The unspent ROTC Trust fund balance shall be carried over to the
collaboration with the CHED and TESDA representatives in the NSTP Joint next semester; provided that the ROTC Trust funds shall not be converted into savings
Committees, the AFP shall formulate evaluation parameters for the ROTC Program at the expense of the proper implementation of the program.
Component on program administration and implementation which shall jointly form
part of the minimum standards. d. Expenditures/disbursement shall be subjected to periodic audits
by the proper school authorities for private entities and in accordance with government
b.5 The AFP and OCD shall also assist in the joint evaluation accounting and auditing rules for public entities and concerned NSTP Offices.
assessing the implementation of the non-military program components (CWTS and
LTS) subject to the guidelines and procedures that shall be formulated by CHED and e. ROTC Commandants shall submit a comprehensive report on the
TESDA. utilization of the ROTC Trust Funds to their respective NSTP Directors NLT two (2)
weeks after the end of every semester. ROTC Commandants shall submit the same
b.6. At the end of every academic year, the ROTC Units shall report to their respective MSRC.
submit an Annual Report to the NSTP Director and their respective MSRCs in
electronic template. indicating the following: f. Rental space of school and other similar expenses shall be
shouldered by the HEIs/TVIs.
b.6.1 Names and serial numbers of those who
finished under ROTC component;
Section 13. Incentive, Insurance and Protection
b.6.2. For the students who have undertaken
Advance ROTC. the reserve unit and mobilization center assigned to them; a. Incentives

b.6.3. The programs, projects, and activities with a.1. In coordination with school authorities, the ROTC
photographs and documentation as far as practicable: and Commandant shall recommend ROTC students-cadets for the assistance/incentives
that may be provided by the school. subject to the availability of NSTP funds.
b.6.4 Financial statements on the funds collected
and utilized. The annual report on ROTC by the Commandant shall be made available a.2. Over and above the NSTP Trust Fund, the AFP shall
to faculty, student-cadets, and the general public through the NSTP Office. program and provide a reasonable training support subsidy on a semestral basis, as
well as counterpart operational and logistical support to enable the ROTC units to
b.7. Through the NSTP Joint Committees, the DND through the effectively implement the prescribed Program of Instruction. These shall he included
AFP shall impose warning and/or sanctions to School Heads/Presidents, NSTP in the preparation of the program of expenditure and report on the utilization of funds.
Directors, Component Coordinators and ROTC Commandants, or other involved
personnel in cases of violations of the guidelines pursuant to Revised IRR to the a.3 A scholarship program specifically for the prospective
NSTP, s-2021 and these Implementing Guidelines. Advance ROTC cadets shall be provided by the AFP pursuant to Section 43 of RA

Section 12. Fees and Expenditures b. Insurance and Protection

a. No fees shall be collected from any ROTC cadet except basic b.1 ROTC Commandants shall coordinate with school
tuition collected by the HEI/TVI wherefrom the ROTC Trust Fund is generated. and authorities that health and accident group insurances are provided to the student-
which shall be exclusively used for operation of the program. cadets by the school authorities.

b. Aside from the ROTC Trust Fund that shall be exclusively used b.2 ROTC Commandants shall ensure proper planning and
for the operation of the Program, the ROTC Commandant may request from the supervision of ROTC training activities to promote student-cadet safety and well-
contingency fund, retained by the HEI/TVI particularly in support to activities not being. and institute appropriate risk management measures particularly in practical
originally included in the program of expenditures prepared by the ROTC exercises and out-of-campus activities.
Commandant. ROTC Coordinator, and NSTP Director subject to the approval by the CERTIFIED COPY:
HEI/TVI head.

'Rl....Ellf.7; IV1ANJARE -
tRIENE ) ,IANJARES (...;tThaf, Ri,i.,., iris Division
t Groot, Rft07116 Division ornin •Arii,iiiii.,, biii;), Page 10 of 11
Page 9 of 11 PY
Adrnin 4,0.0

Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) of the Republic Act No 9163, known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001. (IRR) of the Republic Act No. 9163 known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001.
Section 14. Organization and Accounting of ROTC Graduates

a. Graduates of the Basic ROTC program shall form part of the

Citizen Armed Force pursuant to RA 7077 and shall be enlisted as Privates (E-1) in
the AFP Reserve Force. ROTC Certificate of Completion and Declaration of
Graduates shall be issued by the ROTC Unit with corresponding Enlistment Orders in
the AFP Reserve Force issued by the respective MS RESCOMs. Such serial numbers
shall be indicated in the official Transcript of Records of each Basic ROTC graduate.

b. While still enrolled in HEls/TVIs. ROTC graduates will be

organized into School-based Ready Reserve Units (SRRU) to sustain training and

respond to contingencies with their campuses as their mobilization centers, with the
proper and necessary coordination with the school authorities

c. ROTC Units shall guide and facilitate the registration and

transfer of accounting of Basic ROTC graduates from the SRRUs to their new
mobilization centers in their places of residence.

Section 15. ROTC Promotion in Secondary-Level Schools

a. Through the NSTP orientation offered to incoming first year

college students, the AFP shall endeavor to promote the Basic and Advance ROTC
programs in Secondary-level Schools in collaboration with the Department of
Education (DepEd)

b. Appropriate policies. strategies and materials for ROTC

Promotion such as informational videos shall be developed by the AFP in consultation
with the DepEd.

Section 16. Information Dissemination

a. This Department. shall provide information on this IG to all

• concerned through different modes of information dissemination.

b. These IG shall be incorporated in all qualification training of the

Major Services prior detail of personnel to the MSRCs and ROTC Units.

Section 17. Effectivity

This Implementing Guidelines shall take effect on the date of its



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Page 11 of 11

Revised Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) of the Republic Act No. 9163, known as the National Service Training Program Act of 2001.
4 r I

Revised Minimum Standards

for NSTP Common Modules and Specific and Optional Modules
for NSTP

A. National Service Training Program (NSTP)

1. Common Modules (25hrs)

This module focuses on the five (5) topics mentioned in the Rule Ill, Program
Implementation, Section 4. Coverage, Paragraph c, of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of RA 9163, which provides that students enrolled in the first semester
of the freshman year are required to undergo a common module phase for 25
hours prior to the selection of the specific NSTP Program component they will

During this phase, the students are expected to gain knowledge, skills, and attitude
towards deepened understanding and heightened appreciation of their role in the
promotion of common good and the general welfare. Further, they are expected to
demonstrate learning by applying concepts and principles on practical situations in
pursuit of community development for the task of nation building .

Specifically, the common module aims to:

1. Inculcate the spirit of patriotism, nationalism and good citizenship values as

potent force in nation building;
2. Develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being;
3. Enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness of the students; and
4. Advance their involvement in civic and public affairs.

Topics Scope of Instruction Number Methodologies References

1 . Citizenship a. Historical and Legal Structured 1987 Philippine
Training Bases of NSTP Learning Constitution
. Philippine Constitution Exercises • RA 8491
(Preamble, Bill of (SLE) EPPC—Modules on
Rights and duties and • Lecture Good Citizenship
Responsibilities of • Film ShoWing Values
Filipino Citizen) 6 • Role Playing • United Nations
c. United Nations Principles on
Principles on Human Human Rights
Rights • RA 7(Y77
. Flag Heraldic Code of • PD 1706
the Philippines (RA • RA 9418-
8491, s. 1998) Volunteer. Act of
e. Good Citizenship
f. Voter Citizenship

Page 1 of 6
Revised Minimum Standards for National Service Training Program Common and Specific Modules
Topics Scope of Instruction Number Methodologies References
of Hours
2. Drug a. General orientation on • Structured RA 9165
Education RA 9165, nature of Learning Suggested P01 on
drugs, drug menace, Exercises Drugs Education
national drug situation, 3 (SLE) • Dangerous drugs
controlled substances, • Lecture Board Resolutions
and other pertinent • Role Playing and Regulations
laws • Film Showing
b. Role of the youth on • Case Analysis
drug detection and
J. uisaster a. Disaster Risk • Structured • Issuances of BFP,
Awareness Reduction and Learning PNRC, DND, and
Preparedness Management (DRRM) Exercises NDRRMC
and concepts, principles • Town-watching • Hazzard Maps
Management and trends (RA 10121) Exercise • RA 10121
b. Geographic Profile of • Demonstration • DND-OCD
the Philippines • Simulation issuances:
C. Disaster Risk Profile of Exercise Hugo Frame of
the Philippines (focus • Lecture Action (HFA)
on specific region/area Strategic
where the school is National Action
located) Plan (SNAP)
d. Four thematic areas of ASEAN
the Philippine Disaster Agreement on
Management System Disaster
e. Role of the youth in Management
disaster preparedness Response
and management, (AADMER)
Basic Disaster Contingency
Preparedness and Plan (CP)
Response Training Manual
(Survival Training) Program for
e.1. Basic First the
Aid/Basic Life Enhancement
Support of Emergency
e.2. Search and Response
Rescue (Water, (PEER)
Earthquake, Training
Landslide and Module
. Environmental. Basic knowledge and • Structured • E0 579—
Protection understanding on the Learning Encouraging the
following: Exercises Formulation and
a. Environmental • Lecture implementation of
Protection and • Practical Green Philippines
Management Exercise through the NSTP
Introduction • Tree Planting/ • RA 9512—
b. Seven Principles of Growing Environmental
environment and Activity Awareness and
Environmental Laws 3 • Actual Cleaning Education Act of
c Forest Protection, of Esteros etc: 2008
Conservation and • Department of
Development Environment and
d Water Sanitation and natural resources
Conservation (DENR) issuances
e. The role of the youth in • CMO No. 33, s
the environmental .2009
protection and
Page 2 of 6
Revised Minimum Standards for National Service 'Training Program Common and Specific Modules
Topics Scope of Instruction Number Methodologies References
of Hours.
. Other
5 a. National Security • Structured Merida Convention
National Concerns Learning • Anti-Human
Security a.l. Internal Threats Exercises Trafficking Law
Concerns a.2.External Threats 5 • Lecture • National Defense
a.3.Role of the youth • Film Showing College and DND
in the National Roie Playing Publication
Security • Case Analysis • Executive Order
No. 3, s. 2001
• Proclamation No.
675, s, 2C04
• Executive Order
570, s. 2006
• CMO No. 1, s. 2019

II. Specific Modules (29hrs)

The set of specific modules was designed for non-military components—CWTS and LTS. The
CWTS is the program component or activities contributory to the general welfare and the
betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities,
especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship,
safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry and other social welfare services. While the LTS
is designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-
of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services. However, for the ROTC
as a component, it shall be subject to the policies, regulations and programs of the Department
of National Defense (DND) on the military component of the training per Rule Ill. Program
Implementation. Section 8. Monitoring and Evaluation. Paragraph a.4 Management of the IRR
of RA 9163.

These modules shall be taken after completing the Common Module phase and for a period
equivalent to 29 hours to satisfy the minimum requirement as to training hours for NSTP 1 that
is 54 hours. The modular topics covered herein will help the students acknowledge their roles
in the society they belong especially in engaging themselves to activities contributory to the
general welfare as what the components are intended to.

In this phase, students are being introduced to the community-based activities as preparation
of their involvement to the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) which they will be part of
when they completed the NSTP. The NSRC is an organization composed of graduates of the
CVVTS and LTS components tasked to provide a trained, motivated and organized manpower
reserve that can be tapped by the State for DRRM, civic welfare, literacy, national emergency,
environmental protection and other similar endeavors in the service of the nation.

The number of hours is defined according to the scope and depth of the topics.


The Specific Module phase aims to:

1. Acquire additional insights in the enhancement of civic consciousness and defense

preparedness by reinforcing concepts of self-awareness, volunteerism, disaster
preparedness and readiness, peace building as well community-based project

Page 3 of 6
Revised Minimum Standards for National Service Training Program Common and Specific Modules
2. Deepen understanding on community involvement of students along the various aspects of
national/sustainable development in advancing more specific and relevant community
action; and
3. Develop deeper appreciation of the role students in terms of community participation
development, display of nationalism/patriotism and exercise of good citizenship values
through genuine civic/national service.

Topics Scope of Instruction Number Methodologies References

. Self and a. Nature of Self • Exercise • Modules on Good
Filipino b. Self-Awareness Filipino • Lecture Citizenship Values
Society Values • Demonstration/ by EPPC and
c. Personal Development Simulation CHED
Plans • Case Analysis
d. Roots of the Filipino • Brainstorming
Character • Film Viewing
e. Nationalism and Self-
Patriotism Program Awareness
f. Good Citizenship.
f.1. Pagkamaka-Diyos
f.2. Pagkamaka-Tao
f.3. Pagkamaka-Bayan
f.4. Pagkarnaka-
2. Volunteerism a. Concepts/Elements of • Lecture • RA 8044—The
Volunteerism • Film Viewing Youth in Nation
b. The role of the youth in Structured Building (1994)
strengthening Learning • RA 9418—the
volunteerism and the Exercises Volunteer Act of
importance of voluntary • Simulation 2007
action Exercises • Office of Civil
Defense (OCD)
• Philippine National
Volunteer Service
Council (.PNVSCA)
3. Peace a. Integrated theories on • Structured • Universal
Education peace education 6 Learning Declaration of
b. Role of the Youth in Exercises Human Rights
promoting and • Lecture
maintaining peace in the • Film showing
community • Role Playing
4. For CWTS: • Practical • Lectures, Inputs,
Dimensions Emergency Response Exercises Readings and
of Training • Lecture Writings of the
Development • Demonstration/ Experts on the
12. Simulation Field
• Case Analysis
For LTS: • Field Visit
Literacy and • Community
Numeracy DRR info Dissemination immersion
Skills _ Training

Page 4 of 6
Revised Minimum Standards for National Service Training Program Common and Specific Modules
Topics Scope of Instruction Number Methodologies References
..of Hours
5. Introduction a Analyzing Community • Lecture • RA 10111
to Needs • Practical • RA 9163
Community- b. Social mobilization Exercises • Implementing
Based c, Formulating Plan for 6 • Demonstration/ Guidelines and
Management Community-Based Simulation Procedures,
Projects/DRRM • Case Analysis Organization,
d. NSRC Overview • Field Visa Training,
e. Managing • Community Administration,
Community/School- Immersion Utilization,
Based NSRC Unit Mobilization,
Protection and
Funding of the

Optional Modules (36hrs)

Considering that higher educational institutions (HEIs) are given the option to extend the
training hours for NSTP 'I to a maximum of 90 hours, the set of optional modules can be
delivered for a total of 36 training hours. These optional modules for CWTS and LTS based on
the prescribed minimum standards earlier prescribed alongside the promulgation of the revised
IRR of 2009 will provide avenues for additional training of the students in preparing them to
become active members of the NSRC. Students are expected to gain added knowledge, skills
and attitude that are relevant in the performance of their duties citizens and as NSRC


The offering of these modules aims to:

1. Exemplify leadership and community services among the young in pursuit of the aims of
2. Transform the students into community leaders and nation builders for efficient and
effective community-based programs/projects in recognition of their citizenship roles; and
3. Create awareness among community partners and stakeholders in promoting civic
consciousness, nationalism and ethics of service.

Topics Scope of Instruction Number Methodologies References

1. Leadership a. Concept of • Exercises • Lectures,
Training Leadership • Lecture/Discussions Inputs,
b. Human Behavior • Demonstration/ Readings
c. Leading, Direction, Simulation and Writings
Communication 6 • Case Analysis of the
d. Motivation • Brainstorming Experts on
e. Leadership Style • Role Playing the Field
f. Teamwork
g, Time Management
h. Decision. Making

Page 5 of6
Revised Minimum Standards for National Service Training Program Common and Specific Modules
Topics Scope of Number Methodologies References
of Hours
2. Community a. Nature of • Exercises • Lectures,
Exposure Community Work • Lecture Inputs,
Agency b. Development of • Demonstration/ Readings
Visits Community Work 9 Simulation and Writings
c. Approaches in • Case Analysis of the
Community Work • Field Visit Experts on
d. Community • Community the Field
Development Immersion
e. Community Practice
and Community
3. Community Community services of • Exercises • Lectures,
Service any or combination of • Lecture Inputs,
the following: • Demonstration/ Readings
• Drug Education 21 Simulation and . Writings
• Health e.g. Medical • Case Analysis of the
Dental Education • Community Experts on
• Environmental Immersion the Field
• Entrepreneurs
• Culture

Page 6 of 6
Revised Minimum Standards for National Service Training Program Common and Specific Modules
ft it,



Natioria Disas',ei Risk Reduction and Managemeril Center. Camp Aguinalijo, Quezon City, Phiiippnes Further, Section 11 of RA 9163 mandated the creation of the National Service
Reserve Corps (NSRC) to be composed of NSTP graduates of the non-military
JUL "L H21 components and the accreditation thereof. As the law provides, the members of
MEMORANDUM the NSRC may be tapped by the State for literacy and civic welfare activities
No. 74 , s. 2021 through the joint effort of the Department of National Defense (DND), Commission
on Higher Education (CHED), and Technical Education and Skills Development
AT THE NATIONAL, REGIONAL, PROVINCIAL, CITY, To operationalize the mobilization of the NSRC, the joint committee. through the
MUNICIPAL LEVELS AND BARANGAY DISASTER RISK National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), issued
REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES, the Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the same in 2012, which
HEADS OF NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, remained as the primary reference for the NSRC's implementation.
AND COLLEGES, TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL With disaster risks increasing, there is a need to harness the role of the NSRC and
INSTITUTIONS, PRIVATE COLLEGES mobilize the operating units across all thematic areas of DRRM. However, some
AND UNIVERSITIES, GOVERNMENT OWNED of the provisions of the existing NSRC IGP have been rendered outdated. Hence,
AND/OR CONTROLLED CORPORATIONS, AND the need for the NSRC IGP to be reviewed and updated.
As approved by the NDRRMC in its Resolution dated 08 June 2021, this NDRRMC
SUBJECT: Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) Memorandum is hereby issued to provide for the updated NSRC IGP.
for the Accreditation and Operationalization of the
National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) 3. PURPOSE

1. REFERENCES The purpose of this NDRRMC Memorandum is to update the implementing

1.1. Republic Act (RA) 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and guidelines and procedures for the accreditation and operationalization of the
Management (DRRM) Act of 2010"
1.2. Republic Act 9163 or the "National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of
The general objective of this NDRRMC Memorandum is to provide guidelines on
the accreditation and operationalization of the NSRC. The specific objectives of
1.3. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
this NDRRMC Memorandum are as follows:
Implementing Guidelines and Procedures on the Development, Organization,
Training, Administration, Utilization, Mobilization, Operation, Accreditation,
4.1. To prescribe the procedures for development, organization, training.
Protection, and Funding of the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
administration, utilization, mobilization, operation, accreditation, protection,
Issued in 2012
and databasing of NSRC units as SBNUs and CBNUs;
1.4. NDRRMC Resolution approving the Updated Implementing Guidelines and
4.2. To specify the training requirements to be undertaken by SBNUs and CBNUs:
Procedures (IGP) for the Accreditation and Operationalization of the National
Service Reserve Corp (NSRC) dated 08 June 2021
4.3. To prescribe literacy, civic welfare, and mobilization activities for NSRC units
across the four (4) DRRM thematic areas; and

Pursuant to Republic Act (RA) 9163, or the National Service Training Program 4.4. To clarify funding mechanisms to support NSRC-related activities.
(NSTP) Act of 2001, the NSTP was institutionalized as a program to enhance civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth sector while undergoing
training in any of its three (3) program components, namely: (1) Reserve Officers
Training Corps (ROTC); (2) Literacy Training Service (LTS); and (3) Civic Welfare
Training Service (CWTS). Page 2 of 19
Office of Civil Defense Capacity Building and Training Service
Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Telefax: (+6321 B-912-4832 / (+632) B-421-1926
Email:; Website:
children, out-of-school youths. and other segments of society in need of their
5. SCOPE services:

The coverage of this NDRRMC Memorandum shall cover all School-Based NSRC
6.8. Mobilization - refers to the official act of calling upon NSRC reservists and
Units (SBNUs) and Community-Based NSRC Units (CBNUs) that are organized
under the authorities of concerned agencies and institutions. Likewise, it shall NSRC units to report to their respective designated mobilization centers and
apply to all NSRC units that have already been established prior to the approval organized to perform duty as disaster responders and other DRRM tasks.
of this amended NSRC IGP.
6.9. Mobilization Order refers to verbal or written instruction coming from the
6. DEFINITION OF TERMS City or Municipal LDRRMO, Provincial LDRRMO, or the OCD Regional
Director requesting a Volunteer Mobilizing Organization (VMO) to mobilize
6.1. Accreditation - refers to the process of determining the suitability and its volunteers for DRRM-related activities.
capability of an individual to perform DRRM tasks, based on the criteria and
guidelines to be issued by the OCD and DILG in consultation with other 6.10. National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) - an organization composed of
concerned agencies, offices, organization, or entities. graduates of Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and Literacy Training
Service (LTS) components of the National Service Training Program (NSTP
6.2. Accredited Community Disaster Volunteer (ACDV) - refers to individuals as mandated by Republic Act 9163 (NSTP Act of 2001);
or organized volunteers, who possess the requisite qualifications stipulated
in the Policy Guidelines for Accreditation, Mobilization, and Protection of 6.11. NSRC Reserve Group (NRG) - refers to the highest level of organization of
Community Disaster Volunteers and whose names were submitted and NSRC reservists composed of at least five (5) or more NSRC sections
officially included in the LDRRMC List of Community Disaster Volunteers, organized at the provincial level and highly urbanized cities, as well as Higher
and/or national roster of ACDVs maintained by the OCD Education Institutions (HEls), and Technical-Vocation Institutions (TVIs)

6.3. Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) - refers to the NSTP component 6.12. NSRC Reservist refers to an individual who is a graduate of the CWTS or
or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for LTS component of the NSTP with a designated NSRC serial number
the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities. especially
those devoted to improving health, education, environment, 6.13. National Service Training Program (NSTP) - refers to a program aimed at
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, moral of the citizenry, and other social enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
welfare services developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in
any of the three (3) program components. Its various components are
6.4. Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management specially designed to enhance the youth's active contribution to the general
(CBDRRM) - refers to a process of disaster risk reduction and management welfare;
in which at risk communities are actively engaged in the identification,
analysis, treatment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to 6.14. School-Based NSRC Units (SBNU) - refers to the established organization
reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities. and where the of students or graduates of the CWTS or LTS components of the NSTP who
people are at the heart of decision-making and implementation of disaster are still enrolled in the HEls and TVIs
risk reduction and management activities
6.15. Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) - refers to the
6.5. Community-Based NSRC Units (CBNU) - refers to the established education process designed for post-secondary and lower tertiary levels.
organizations of graduates of the CWTS or LTS components of the NSTP officially recognized as non-degree programs aimed at preparing
Program who have graduated from their formal academic education under technicians, paraprofessionals and other categories of middle-level workers
the HEIs under CHED or technical-vocational institutions (TVIs) under by providing them with a broad range of general education, theoretical.
TESDA scientific and technological studies, and related job skills training

6.6. Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) - refers to universities, colleges. 6.16. Technical-Vocational Institutions (TVIs) - refers to an institution whether
and other educational institutions offering higher education public or private offering technical vocational education and training (TVET)
program/s. This shall include TESDA Technology Institutions, Public and
6.7. Literacy Training Service (LTS) - refers to the Program component Private Technical Vocational Institutes, and Higher Education Institutions
designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school Page 4 of 19
Page 3 of 19
Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Updated implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
(HEIs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Colleges and
Universities (LUCs), Training Centers, and enterprises offering TVET
9.1. The Secretary of National Defense (SND) as Chairperson of the NDRRMC
through the Administrator, OCD shall exercise overall responsibility on the
6.17. Volunteer Mobilizing Organization (VMO) — refers to organizations, such development, organization. training, administration, utilization, mobilization,
as government agencies, civil society organizations (CSO), private sector operation, accreditation. protection, and funding of the NSRC.
groups or local government units (LGUs), which community disaster
9.2. The Chairperson of Commission on Higher Education (CHED) through the
volunteers (CDVs) are members and are responsible for the accreditation
HEls shall be responsible for the issuance of NSRC serial numbers to all
and registration, mobilization, and protection of CDVs.
CWTS and LTS graduates of the NSTP and the development, organization.
training. administration, utilization, mobilization. operation, accreditation,
7. POLICY STATEMENT protection, and funding of school-based NSRC Reservist Units in HEIs under
its jurisdiction.
This NDRRMC Memorandum is issued to further strengthen the establishment of
the NSRC as a continuing effort to operationalize civic engagement through acts 9.3. The Director General, Technical Education Services and Development
of DRRM volunteerism pursuant to the engagement of volunteers in the Authority (TESDA) through the TVIs shall be responsible for the issuance of
government's DRRM programs towards complementation of resources arid NSRC serial numbers to all CWTS and LTS graduates of the NSTP and
effective delivery of services to the citizenry as identified in Republic Act No. 10121. development, organization, training, administration, utilization, mobilization,
operation, accreditation, protection, and funding of school-based NSRC
Reservist Units in TVIs under its jurisdiction.
9.4. The Secretary, Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
8.1 The NSRC shall be composed of graduates of the CWTS and LTS through the LGUs/LDRRMCs shall be responsible for the development,
components of NSTP. An NSRC Unit is classified as either an SBNU organization, training, administration, utilization. mobilization. operation,
(composed of CWTS and LTS graduates and organized within the jurisdiction accreditation. protection, and funding of community-based NSRC Units from
of the HEI and TVI) or a CBNU (composed of CWTS and LTS graduates and the provincial down to the barangay level.
are now serving their community).
9.5. Other Member Agencies, Bureaus, Offices, and Entities of the NDRRMC
8.2. CHED and TESDA shall have the overall responsibility to supervise and shall be responsible for conducting advocacy of volunteerism for DRRM and
regulate the operationalization of SBNUs in HEIs and TVIs, respectively. On shall actively support the organization of the NSRC offices in their respective
the other hand, the local government units (LGUs) through the LDRRMOs, areas of responsibilities and the implementation of its programs and activities.
and in coordination with Barangay DRRMCs, shall have the overall
responsibility to supervise and regulate the operationalization of CBNUs in
their respective localities. 10. MISSION AND FUNCTION OF THE NSRC

8.3. The role of LGUs in the out-of-campus immersions of CWTS and LTS 10 1. Mission: To provide a trained, motivated, and organized manpower reserve
classes shall be coordinated with the NSTP Office and the DRRM office of that can be tapped by the State for DRRM, civic welfare, literacy, national
the HEI/TVI and the DRRMOs. These CBNUs shall be utilized in DRRM emergency, environmental protection, arid other similar endeavors in the
activities of the communities (Prevention and Mitigation, Preparedness, service of the nation.
Response, and Rehabilitation and Recovery).
10.2. Functions
8.4. Member agencies of the DRRMCs at the national, regional. and local levels
shall be enjoined to advocate for DRRM volunteerism through the NSRC and 10.2.1. To assist in the disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and
shall actively support the organization of the NSRC units and offices in their rehabilitation programs;
respective areas of responsibilities and implementation of NSRC-related 10.2.2. To serve as an auxiliary to the Disaster Risk Reduction and
programs, activities, and projects. Management Councils (DRRMCs) response units;
10.2.3. To assist in the promotion of civic welfare activities:
10.2.4. To assist in the implementation of literacy programs;
Page 6 0119
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Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (1GP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
11 4.3. CHED ROs and TESDA ROs shall be responsible for the issuance
10.2.5. To assist in socio-economic development;
and maintenance of NSRC serial numbers to all the graduates of
10.2.6. To respond in case of mobilization for national emergency:
CWTS and LTS components of the NSTP to become officially
10.2.7. To assist in environmental protection; and
organized as SBNUs. For this purpose, all organized SBNUs shall
10.2.8. To perform other similar endeavors as directed by higher DRRM
be issued with activation orders by the HEls and TVIs.

11.5. Community-based NSRC Units (CBNU)

11,5.1. The CBNUs shall be established and organized by the DILG
11.1. The NSRC Unit to be established under the Capacity Building and Training through the LGUs in all the city, municipal, and provincial levels.
Service of the OCD shall be responsible for the supervision and monitoring The LGUs, through their LDRRMOs and Provincial DRRMOs, shall
of the implementation of NSRC development, organization, training, be responsible for the organization and administration of the
administration, utilization, mobilization, operation, accreditation, and CBNUs.
protection of the NSRC from the national down to the regional, provincial,
and municipal level. It shall serve as repository of all data pertaining to the 11.5.2. CBNUs shall be composed of graduates of LTS and CWTS
NSRC and shall formulate the NSRC manual and operating procedures for components, who have served as SBNUs with corresponding serial
the full implementation of the NSRC program as provided for in this IGP numbers issued by CHED ROs and TESDA ROs. The CBNUs shall
and subsequent OCD publications. be placed under the control and supervision of the LDRRMOs in
their respective localities.
11.2. The NSRC School Directorate Office (NSDO) shall be established in all
HEls/TVIs. The NSDO shall be responsible for the development,
organization, training, administration, and operationalization of the school- 12. ADMINISTRATION OF NSRC RESERVIST UNITS
based NSRC. The NSRC School Directorate Office shall be placed under
the Director of the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office of 12.1. The OCD shall:
12.1.1. Coordinate with DND, CHED, TESDA. and DILG regarding the
11.3, The NSRC Community Directorate Office (NCDO) shall be organized under formulation of a system of morale and welfare upliftment that will
the local government units or LDRRMCs at the provincial and municipal include but not limited to the following: Awards, Ranks. Promotions,
level. The LGU/LDRRMC through their respective NCDOs shall be and Training.
responsible for the development, organization, training, administration.
utilization, mobilization, protection, funding, and operation of the NSRC 12.1.2. Coordinate with DND, CHED, TESDA, DSWD, DILG, DENR, and
units. The barangay official who leads the Baranoay DRRMC in accordance other relevant agencies the formulation of an NSRC Reservist
with RA 10121 shall be in-charge of the NSRC at the barangay level unless Career Development System to cover DRRM, civic welfare, literacy,
this is assigned to another barangay official via barangay ordinance or national emergency, environmental protection. and other similar
resolution. endeavors.

11.4. School-based NSRC Units (SBNU) 12.2. NSRC Reservists shall be accounted for during NSRC assembly test or
actual assembly during mobilization by their LDRRMCs. Assembly tests shall
11.4.1. HEls and TVIs shall be responsible for the development, be held at least twice a year at the barangay level
organization, training. administration, operationalization, funding.
and protection of SBNUs.
11.4.2. SBNUs shall be composed of CWTS and LTS graduates who are
still enrolled in the HEIs and TVIs. The SBNUs shall be placed 13.1. Members of the SBNUs shall be required to register in their respective
under the control and supervision of the DRRM offices and units of barangays of residence and shall secure a barangay certification that he/she
the HEIs and TVIs. is registered and accounted for. The certificate to be issued shall be a
requirement for college/program graduation and shall be free-of-charge to

Page 8 of 19
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Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
the student. Further, the barangay shall charge the expenses to their 14.2.1. Database of CBNUs as NSRC shall be furnished by the LDRRMOs
respective DRRM funds. to the OCD Regional Office for consolidation and submission to the
OCD Central Office through the CBTS and OS. The NSRC database
13.2. Registration of the members of the CBNUs as NSRC Reservists in their of CBNUs shall include, among others, full name, date and place of
respective localities shall be done by the LGUs at the barangay level. birth, name of school and date graduated from NSTP, present
residence/home address, present occupation.
13.3. Accreditation of the members of the CBNUs as NSRC Reservists shall be
done at the city and municipal level. The LGUs at barangay, city, and The LDRRMOs at city or municipal level shall submit the list of
municipal levels shall comply with the registration and accreditation CBNUs as ACDVs at least annually to the Regional DRRMC for
guidelines to be issued by the DILG. inclusion in the National Roster of ACDVs that shall be maintained by
OCD Central Office through the CBTS and OS.
13.4. An individual NSRC Reservist may register at any CSO, private sector. or
barangay where he/she resides or works and be accredited at the city or
14.2.2. In addition to the serial number issued to CBNUs, the CBNUs
municipality for him/her to be an ACDV. The CSO, private sector, or
barangay that the NSRC Reservist has registered at shall now apply for accredited as ACDVs shall also be issued a unique personal
accreditation as VMOs at their respective localities. identification number and with an identification card.

13.5. As stipulated in RA 10121, accreditation of NSRC and ACDVs shall be done

at the city or municipal level through the LDRRMCs. CBNUs which the NSRC 15. UTILIZATION
Reservists belong shall apply for accreditation as VMOs for their members
to become ACDVs. Further, the members of the CBNUs that are accredited 15.1. The NSRC reservists and units shall be utilized in accordance with the
as VMOs shall be automatically accredited as ACDVs. PDRRM Act of 2010 (RA 10121) and the NSTP Act of 2001 (RA 9163) which
include but not limited to the following:


15.1.1. DRRM: Mitigation, Preparedness, Prevention, Response. Relief.
and Rehabilitation
14.1. School-Based NSRC Units (SBNU)

15.1.2. Environmental Protection/Preservation and Rehabilitation

14.1.1. CHED and TESDA shall submit the complete list of graduates to the
OCD Central Office for consolidation. The national database of LTS
arid CWTS completers consolidated by the CHED and TESDA shall 15.1.3. Civic Welfare and Literacy Activities; and
be provided, if necessary. Database of NSTP graduates shall provide
sex-disaggregated data. 15.1.4. Other tasks needed to address emergencies/calamities/crises.

14.1.2. Database of SBNU including the Serial Numbers issued by the CHED 15.2. OCD shall prescribe the procedures for the utilization of the NSRC
ROs and TESDA ROs shall be subject for consolidation and Reservists and Units in coordination with CHED/TESDA for school-based
submission to their respective OCDROs. In addition to the serial NSRCs and with DILG and LGUs/LDRRMCs for community-based NSRCs.
numbers. the database shall include but not limited to the students'
complete name, name of school, course/program, sex, birthdate,
present residence/home address. provincial address, contact 16. MOBILIZATION
number/s. email address, and present status as a student (if still in
school). Further the same shall be subject to the pertinent rules and 16 1. NSRC Units
regulations of RA No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy
Act of 2012. 16.1.1. SBNUs, in case of disaster or emergencies, may be mobilized by the
OCD in coordination with HEls under CHED and TVIs under TESDA.
14.2. Community-Based NSRC Units (CBNU)
provided that they are of legal age.

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Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (!GP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
The PDRRMO or OCD Regional Director, in coordination with the
16.1.2. The concerned HEI or TVI shall provide the necessary administrative
accrediting LDRRMO, may deploy ACDVs coming from any City or
and logistics requirement such as insurance, food, transportation,
Municipality in the region to affected areas within their jurisdiction.
temporary shelter, and other benefits covered under RA 10121. In
the event the SBNU is deployed or utilized outside the immediate
16.2.4. RDRRMCs may request for volunteer support from other
vicinity of the school, the LDRRMC provide additional logistics.
RDRRMCs; accredited CBNUs as VMOs may also be requested to
protection. and insurance requirements.
assist in other regions, especially during disaster response. Proper
coordination processes and protocols. however, shall have to be
16.1.3. Mobilization and deployment of NSRC units outside of the locality
ensured with the VMOs' accrediting LDRRMOs.
shall emanate from a higher authority as defined under Section 15
of RA 10121. The SND, through the Administrator, OCD shall have
16.2.5. CBNUs accredited as VMOs shall comply with the specific
the power to mobilize NSRC reservist units for DRRM purposes and
mobilization procedures stipulated in the ACDV guidelines to be
other national emergency or crisis situations.
issued by the OCD Central Office.
16.1.4. The OCD through the Operations Service (OS) shall be mainly
responsible for the supervision of deployment and monitoring of
NSRC units during emergency cases from the national level.
17.1. OCD
16.1.5. The Chairperson of the LDRRMCs shall have the power to mobilize
the NSRC units based in their respective localities for DRRM
17.1.1. OCD through the Capacity Building and Training Service shall
response within their geographical jurisdiction upon the declaration
formulate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the overall and
of a state of calamity.
specific operation of the NSRC units
16.1.6. The mobilization and deployment of NSRC units at the regional level
17.1.2. It shall closely supervise the conduct of NSRC operations nationwide
shall be the responsibility of the OCD Regional Offices (ROs), in
and ensure proper coordination with the HEls under CHED, TVIs
coordination with the Provincial DRRMOs.
under TESDA, and with the LGUs/LDRRMCs at all levels
16.1.7. The LGUs, through LDRRMOs and BDRRMCs, shall be mainly
17.1.3. It shall conduct periodic operational exercises to evaluate the actual
responsible for the operation and mobilization of the NSRC units in
operational capability of NSRC units at all levels.
their respective localities.
17.2. HEls under CHED and TVIs under TESDA
16.2. CBNUs accredited as ACDVs
17.2.1. There shall be an NSDO in every HEls under CHED and TVIs under
16.2.1. A 'mobilization order' shall be issued by the LDRRMOs instructing
TESDA that will be in-charge in the development. organization,
CBNUs accredited as VMOs to mobilize their ACDVs for DRRM-
training, equipage. administration, and deployment of the school-
related activities.
based NSRC unit
16.2.2 Costs related to the mobilization of the volunteers will be primarily
17.2.2. The officials of every HEls under CHED and TVIs under TESDA shall
borne by the VMOs. These include, but are not limited to:
be responsible in the utilization of the SBNUs as first disaster
transportation, equipment, supplies and materials, rations and
responders in their respective school campuses and their immediate
16.2.3. In the event of large-scale disaster, the PDRRM Officer or the OCD
Regional Director may issue the 'mobilization order' to CBNUs
accredited as VMOs requesting them to mobilize their ACDVs. This
shall be done in close coordination with the accrediting LDRRMOs.
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Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
17.3. LGUs programs. including but not limited to health, education. DRRM,
climate change adaptation, and environmental consciousness.
17.3.1. The LGUs shall have the primary responsibility as First Responder
18.4. For CBNU
during disasters in their respective localities as provided for in
Section 15 of RA 10121. As such, there shall be an NCDO 18.4.1 The LDRRMOs shall ensure DRRM training courses for CBNUs
established at the provincial and municipal levels that will be organized within their areas of responsibility. The DRRM training
responsible for the development, organization, training, equipage, courses shall encompass all the DRRM thematic areas in
administration, and deployment of their respective CBNUs accordance with the training needs, skills, and qualifications of the
17.3.2. LGUs shall deploy and utilize NSRC units in accordance with the
SOPs prescribed by OCD. 18.4.2. The LGUs may tap the OCD and other government agencies and
authorities for the provision of technical assistance for DRRM

other relevant subject matter experts, authorities, and organizations shall
develop appropriate DRRM training programs and other learning and 19.1. The OCD, in consultation with CHED. TESDA, and DILG shall prescribe the
development interventions to capacitate the NSRC reservists with the skills procedures, qualifications, processes, criteria. and other requirements for the
and experience required to render their services. accreditation of training organization. and certification for individual trainers.

18.2. CBNUs shall undergo other specific DRRM training based on their skills and 19.2. The OCD shall be responsible for the. processing and approval of the
competencies, as well as on the needs of the concerned LGUs. application for accreditation of the training organization, assessment, and
certification of individual trainer/1s for NSRC. All government agencies
18.3. For SBNU mandated and involved in the conduct of DRRM training shall be qualified for
accreditation as a training organization for NSRC reservists.
18.3.1. The HEIs/TVIs shall require all CWTS and L.TS students to complete
the following at the minimum: 19.3. Only competent and authorized trainers from accredited training
organizations or institutions shall be allowed to conduct DRRM training 15' Semester: Community-based DRRM Training activities. 2"d Semester: Completion of CBDRRM Action Plan 19.4. Training organizations shall be duly registered with Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), specifically
18.3.2. The Community-based DRRM Training shall be conducted by the for the purpose of conducting DRRM trainings.
LDRRMOs to be assisted by OCDROs. The completed CBDRRM
Action Plan shall be submitted to LDRRMOs.
18.3.3. CHED through HEls shall standardize and institutionalize literacy
programs and training to enable students to teach literacy and 20.1. For SBNU
numeracy skills to children and out-of-school youth and the civic
welfare training service program to enhance the civic consciousness 20.1.1. The protection of SBNUs during training, mobilization, deployment.
and utilization shall be the responsibility of the concerned HEI and
of students by developing the value of service and commitment for
TVI, in coordination with CHED ROs and TESDA ROs, respectively.
the welfare and betterment of life of all members of the community.
20.1.2. The HEI and TVI, in coordination with CHED and TESDA,
18.3.4. The TVis with recognized programs registered by the TESDA shall
respectively, shall be responsible for providing the insurances
standardize and institutionalize various civic welfare training service
logistics, and other necessary benefits, including hospitalization for
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Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
SBNU members who incur injury while undergoing training, Regional DRRMCs and OCDROs shall provide additional funding support
mobilization, and deployment. as necessary.

20.1.3, CHED and TESDA shall issue specific guidelines for the insurance 21.3. Funding coverage for all SBNUs and CBNUs shall cover expenses for
and protection of the SBNUs. organization, training, equipment, protection, mobilization, and other
essential activities and requirements.
20.2. For CBNUs
20.2.1. CBNUs accredited as ACDVs shall be provided with personal
accident insurance with a minimum coverage of P100,000.00; at a 22.1. The OCD through LDRRMOs for CBNUs and CHED ROs and TESDA ROs
minimum, this insurance must include coverage for accidental death for SBNUs shall conduct periodic evaluations of NSRC units to ensure their
or dismemberment, permanent disability and hospitalization cost operational capability for DRRM response. Concerned agencies shall
reimbursement, regularly monitor the implementation of the Implementing Guidelines and
Procedures. Further, concerned agencies shall submit the reports quarterly
20.2.2. Regional and Local DRRMCs shall extend the following to the OCD for consolidation.
compensatory benefits to the members of CBNUs accredited as
VMOs: 22.2. CHED ROs and TESDA ROs, in coordination with HEIs and TVIs,
respectively, shall submit an annual report on the roster of CWTS and LTS burial assistance, in case of death of a volunteer; graduates to the OCD ROs for final consolidation of OCD Central Office. free medical service and/or hospitalization in a government
hospital for mission-acquired illness or injury: 23. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT access to counselling, post-trauma stress debriefing, or
psychosocial support services; 23.1. The OCD, through the CBTS. in collaboration with other agencies and other benefits or assistance the Regional and LDRRMCs organizations shall spearhead the development of DRRM training programs
may be able to provide for SBNUs and CBNUs.

20.2.3. CBNUs accredited as ACDVs must be included in the LDRRMO's 23.2. The LDRRMOs shall implement DRRM training courses encompassing all
official list of ACDVs in order to be entitled to insurance and the DRRM thematic areas for CBNUs organized within their areas of
compensatory benefits. responsibility.

20.2.4. Regional and LDRRMCs may preposition or donate PPEs to CBNUs 23.3. The OCD through the CBTS and OS shall consolidate and maintain the
accredited as VMOs for the use of their ACDVs. PPEs may include, database of all SBNUs and CBNUs as submitted by the OCDROs and
but are not limited to: protective headgear, ear plugs, boots, gloves, national roster of ACDVs as submitted by the RDRRMCs.
masks, safety googles, first aid kits. Other equipment may also be
provided to VMOs. including communication equipment, search and 23.4. CHED and TESDA shall provide specific policies and guidelines to regulate
rescue equipment, life jackets, etc. the operationalization of SBNUs in HEIs and TVIS.

23.5. The DILG shall provide specific policies and guidelines to regulate the
21. FUNDING operationalization of CBNUs in the LGUs.

21.1. All public and private HEls and TVIs are enjoined to allocate funding to 23.6. CHED and TESDA shall spearhead the organization and mobilization of the
support NSRC activities and requirements of the SBNUs. The sources of SBNUs.
funding shall be the allocated NSTP funds, training funds of both HEls and
TVIs, and allocated funds from the DRRM Offices in SUCs. 23.7. The DILG, through the LGUs, and in coordination with the OCD central and
regional offices, shall spearhead the organization and mobilization of the
21.2. All expenses to support the CBNUs shall be charged against the Local CBNUs.
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF) of the LGU.

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Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Annex A
Pending the formulation and approved details of the standard operating procedures Process of Databasing the SBNU
for operations, programs of instruction (P01) for special and advance training for
NSRC, criteria for accreditations of NSRC Training Organizations shall be
maintained as prescribed herein and in other related publications.


Central Office

All existing issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified OCD CBTS and OS
accordingly. • Consolidated serial numbers and database
of NSRC submitted by CHEDROs/TESDAROs
26. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE shall be organized and maintained by OCD
In the event that any provision or part of this Memorandum is deemed invalid by a
Central Office CBTS and OS
court of law or competent authority, the remaining provisions hereof which are not
affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Regional Office
The Secretary of National Defense as Chairperson, NDRRMC through the OCD • OCDROs shall maintain and submit
Administrator (OCDA). in coordination with Chairperson, CHED and Director consolidated serial numbers and database
General, TESDA may cause the amendment of these Implementing Guidelines of NSRC units furnished by
and Procedures as the need arises.

This NDRRMC Memorandum shall take effect immediately upon approval unless
otherwise lifted by a competent authority. • CHED shall issue serial numbers to LTS
and CWTS graduates from HEls
Regional Office • TESDA shall issue serial numbers to LTS
CHED/TESDA and CWTS gradudates from TVIs
• CHED and TESDA consolidated serial
numbers shall be submitted to OCDROs
Secretary, Department of National Defense arid
Chairperson, NDRRMC • Database of NSRC units shall be
DEFAR:'MENT O' submitted to OCDROs

• HEls and TVIs shall issue activation

orders to SBNUs
• The consolidated activation orders shall
be submitted to CHED ROs and TESDA

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Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
Annex B
Process of Databasing the CBNU

Central Office

OCD CBTS and OS • OCDROs shall maintain and submit

consolidated database of CBNUs as
NSRC to be furnished to the OCD
Central Office CBTS and OS

• The consolidated database of
CBNUs as NSRC shall be furnished
by the LDRRMOs to the OCDROs


• Database of CBNUs as NSRC shall be

consolidated by the LDRRMOs

Page 19 of 19

Updated Implementing Guidelines and Procedures (IGP) for the National Service Reserve Corps
0-70-me c-

is hereby awarded to

for having satisfactorily completed the
Civic Welfare Training Service of the National Service Training Program
conducted from August 2021 to May 2022 at Arteche National Agricultural School

Given this 30th day of May 2022 at ANAS, Arteche, Eastern Samar

NSTP Trainer NSTP Director

Signatory Signatory

NSTP - Form 1
Republic of the Philippines
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Semester Academic Year

Name of TVI:
NSTP Component:

Name of Trainee Contact Email

No. Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex TVET Program Birthdate Address Number Address

Number of: Males

Total Number of: Males

Prepared by: Certified Correct:

TVI Coordinator Authorized Representative of TVI

NSTP - Form 2

' otia‘
oro Republic of the Philippines
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
• 1994 •

Semester Academic Year

Name of TVI:
NSTP Component:

Name of Trainee Contact Email

No. Serial Number Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex Birthdate Number Address WET Program

Sub Total Number of: Males

Total Number of: Males

Prepared by: Certified Correct:

NSTP RO Focal Regional Director

NSTP - Form 3

4114‘ Republic of the Philippines

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
• 1994 •


Academic Year

1st Semester 2nd Semester Summer
Province Name of TVI


Prepared by: Certified Correct:

NSTP RO Focal Regional Director

NSTP - Form 4


Date of Request
Name of Requestor (Maiden
Name, If Married)
Contact Number
Email Address
TVET Program
Name of Institution and Address
Inclusive Dates
NSTP Component

Presented Documents

Transcript of Records Remarks:

Certificate of Completion (NSTP)
Certificate of Training (TVET
Program) Date:
Others, please specify

This portion must be filled-out by authorized persons ONLY

The request for the issuance of NSTP Serial Number is:

Accepted Denied

Serial Number Reason

Processed by: Approved by:

Signature over Printed Name: Signature over Printed Name:

Position / Designation: Position / Designation:
Date: Date

40:4. Republic of the Philippines
NSTP - Form 5


TESDA ISO 9001:2015 Certified
• 994


Name of WET Graduate

Date of Contact Email WET NSTP
No. Serial Number Issue Last Name First Name Middle Name Sex Birthdate Number Address Program TVI Component

Prepared by: Certified Correct:

NSTP RO Focal Regional Director

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