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Yhep Nicole F. Cahilig,Jelian Marie A. Ubales,Oliver Andrie G. Gabay,Jemelyn S. Payas,Mary Joy

C. Dioso

Junior High School-Grade 10,Malay National Highschool

Araling Panlipunan 10:Contemporary Issues

Dave Cebrian Panagsagan

October 23,2023

The world we live in is facing a crisis,pollution,deforestation,and climate change.Threatening not only

our planet’s future but also the life on earth.Climate change is a real and present danger that we cannot

avoid if we don’t take immediate action.The long terms of these changes that humans are causing can be

irreversible.We only have a little time to make these changes effective.Climate change is causing

significant disruptions to ecosystems and the earth’s biological diversity.Climate change is a real danger

that needs immediate attention and action.Unprecedented scale and rate of global warming,attributed to

the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas emissions primarily due to human activities,have altered the

earth’s climate.As the world continues to experience extreme heat and weather events and the rising of

sea levels.Everyone must take immediate action,but people and many countries are creating most of the

problem has the responsibility to act more immediate.

The Earth’s climate has changed throughout history,Most of these slight changes are caused by small

variations in the earth’s orbit ,but climate change as we know it today is characterized by an abrupt

increase in the earth’s temperature.It is estimated to have gotten 1.2 to 1.4 degrees warmer in just the last

century.The last 10 years were the warmest climate of the earth.97 percent of climate scientists agree that

this new tendency is not caused by the variations of the earth’s orbit but rather very likely caused by

human activities,that means you,me, and since the industrial revolution we have come a long

way.Humans built airplanes,faster cars,developed remarkable technology and learned how the natural

resources around us can be used for our benefit.Although this has led to many wonderful inventions and

advancements like the device you’re using,the ability to take a plane halfway around the world,it also

means we’ve increased our consumption of natural resources and in turn released a lot of greenhouse

gases into the atmosphere,now greenhouse gasses occured naturally but in excess can be dangerous to our
planet.Modern human activities have increased the release of non-naturally occuring greenhouse gasses

because we have stepped up our demand for burning fossil fuels.The composition of greenhouse gasses

traps heat radiated from the sun the more heat they trap the warmer our planet gets and as our planet gets

warmer we begin to feel the effects.

The long terms of these changes that humans are causing can be irreversible,It is alarming but many

people seem not to care about it and keep doing wrong things even though the life of the planet and the

life of human beings depends on it.The primary cause of climate changes is the greenhouse gasses that

spreads in the atmosphere, this acts like a blanket in the earths surface that traps heat emitted by the earths

surface.As a result,the earths temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees .The effects of climate change are

‘‘irreversible’’ if we don’t make an effective solution by far 2030 and far reaching ,affecting various

sectors and the planet and the entire ecosystem according to NASA [NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND

SPACE ADMINISTRATION] .Rising global temperatures,ocean acidification,and altered precipitation

patterns are exacerbating the frequency,the consequences of climate change can be included;intense

droughts,water scarcity ,severe wildfires,rising sea levels,melting polar ice,catastrophic storms,and nature


It is important to recognize that climate change is a pressing and multifaceted global issue. Human

activities had led to significant increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide,contributing to rising global

temperatures,extreme weather changes,and other devastating impacts on the planet and human life.

In a series of UN reports,thousands of scientists and government reviewers agreed that limiting global

temperatures rise to more than 1.5 degrees.We could help avoid the worst climate impacts and maintain a

livable climate for all living life on earth.Yet policies currently in place point to a 2.8 degrees temperature

rise by the end of the century.The emissions that cause climate change come from every part part of the

world and can affect everyone,but some countries produce more than the others.The seven biggest

emitters alone are (China,The United States of America,India,The European Union,Indonesia ,The

Russian Federation,and Brazil) accounted for about half of all global greenhouse gas emissions in 2020

according to UNITED NATIONS.

Climate change is a significant issue facing us today.Impacting some aspects of society and the

environment.As greenhouse gas emissions,primarily burning of fossil fuels and gas continue to rise, the

global climate is warming,Leading to an array of dangerous effects.

To bridge this gap,it is essential to foster a sense of global unity and collaboration among nations.This

can be achieved by strengthening international cooperation through organizations such as the United

Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change [UNFCC] and the Paris agreement.Governments

should prioritize the implementation of ambitious climate policies and invest on research and innovation

to develop new technologies and approach to mitigate and adapt.The aspect of adressing climate change

is ensuring the benefits of these efforts are equitably distributed among all countries and
communities.This can be achieved by promoting fair and effective mechanisms for sharing the

costs,burdens and the suffering of people due to changes because of the climate change. As climate

change increases the cases of poverty ,inequality ,and unsustainable consumption patterns increases. As

greenhouse gas emissions blanket the earth’s atmosphere it traps the sun’s heat that leads to global

warming and climate change .The world is now warming faster than the past years at any point recorded

in history. Warmer temperatures overtime are changing weather patterns and disrupting the natural

balance of nature. This may posses many risks to human beings and all other form of life on earth.

To solve these negative consequences,governments,organizations,and individuals must take urgent

and immediate action.The international community must agree and enforce the Paris agreement, a global

treaty designed to combat climate change by limiting global temperature increase. Climate change has

already exacerbated several global issue, such as water crisis, food insecurity, and displacement of

populations due to extreme weather. The issue of climate change is complex and

multifaceted ,encompassing environmental ,economic ,and social dimensions. Adressing this critical issue

requires collective and comprehensive efforts , spanning multiple sectors. Only through concerted

international cooperation and action we can effectively combat climate change and ensure a prosperous

and sustainable future not only for our planet but also the future of human beings.

According to United Nations the main greenhouse gasses that are causing climate change include

carbon dioxide and methane. These come from using gasoline for driving a car or any form of transport

or coal for heating a building. Clearing land and cutting down trees can also release carbon dioxide.

Agriculture, oil and gas operations are major sources of methane emissions; Energy, industry, transport,

buildings, agriculture and land use are among the main sectors causing greenhouse gases.Humans are

responsible for global warming, climate scientists have showed that humans are responsible for virtually

all global heating over the last 200 years. Human activities like burning fossil fuels like coal,oil,and gas

that are causing greenhouse gasses and are warming the earth faster than at any time in at least the last

two thousand years.The average temperature of the earth’s surface is now about 1.1 degrees warmer than

it was in the late 1800’s (Before the industrial revolution)and warmer than at any time in the last 200,000

years.The last decade (2011-2020) was the warmest on record,and each of the last four decades has been

warmer than any previous decade since 1850.Many people think climate change mainly means warmer

temperatures,but temperature rise is only the beginning of the story.Because the earth is a system,where

everything is connected,changes in one area can influence changes in all others.The consequences of

climate change now include among others;intense droughts,waters scarcity,severe wildfires ,rising sea

levels,flooding,melting polar ice,catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity.

People are experiencing climate change in diverse ways ;Climate change can affect our health,ability

to grow food,housing,safety and work.Some of us are already more vulnerable to climate impacts,such as

people living in small island nations and other developing countries.Conditions like sea level rise and

saltwater intrusion have advanced to the point where whole communities have had to relocate,and
protracted droughts are putting people at risk of famine.In the future,the number of people displaced by

weather related events is expected to rise.

Every increase in global warming effects; In a series of various UN reports,thousands of scientists

and government reviewers agreed that limiting global temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees would

help us avoid the worst climate impacts and maintain a livable climate.

Adapting to climate consequences protects people,homes,businesses,livelihoods,infrastructure and

natural covers current impacts and those likely in the future.Adaption will be required

everywhere ,but must be prioritized now for the most vulnerable people with the fewest resources to cope

with climate hazards.The rate of return can be high.Early warning systems for disasters,for instance,save

lives and property and can deliver benifits up to 10 times the initial cost.

Yet policies currently in place point to a 2.8 degrees temperature rise by the end of the century.We

face a huge challenge but already know many solutions;many climate solutions can deliver economic

benefits while improving our lives and protecting the environment.We also have global framework and

agreements to guide progress,such as the sustainable development goals,the UN framework convention

on climate change and the Paris agreement .These broad categories of action are:cutting

emissions,adapting to climate impacts and financing required adjustments.Switching energy systems from

fossil fuels to renewables like solar or wind will reduce the emissions driving climate change .But we

have to act now.While a growing number of countries is comitting to net zero emissions by

2050,emissions must be cut in half by 2030 to keep warming below 1.5 degrees.

According to Natural Resources Defense Council,climate change is generally defined as a significant

variation of average weather conditions-say,conditions becoming warmer,wetter,or drier over several

decades or more.It’s the longer-term trend that differentiates climate change from natural weather

vulnerability.Record floods,ranging storms and deadly heat.Climate change manifests itself in myriad

ways and is experienced by every living being ,although not equally.According to emerald insight the
interconnections between climate change and health are well studied.However,there is a perceived need

for studies that examine how responses to health hazard,like the report of CNN that scientists have

revived a ‘zombie’ virus that spent 48,500 years frozen in permafrost that melted due to warmer

climate.Warmer temperatures in the arctic are thawing the region’s permafrost-a frozen layer of soil

beneath the ground-and potentially stirring viruses that,after lying dormant for tens of thousands of

years,could endager animal and human health.

Another thing that could endager the planet is the Willow Project approved by the Biden

administration. According to CNN The willow project has been approved, on March 13,by the Biden

Administration approved the controversial willow project in Alaska. ConocoPhilips’ a massive willow oil

drilling project on Alaska’s north slope moved through the administration’s approval process for months,

galvanizing a sudden uprising of online activism against it, including more than one million letters written

to the white house in protest of the project and a petition more than 3 million signatures.

According to NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) the oil drilling proposal would be disastrous

for Alaska and the planet. While the Biden administration has passed powerful climate-fighting

legislation ,it also consistently made moves to placate the oil and gas industry.The Biden administration

acknowledges that Willow Project,if completed,would release an additional 9.2 million metric tons of

carbon pollution into the atmosphere each year-roughly equivalent to the pollution generated by two

million gas powered cars.

Many climate change solutions can deliver economic benefits while improving our lives and

protecting the environment.We also have global frameworks and agreements to guide progress,such as the

sustainable development goals,the UN framework convention on climate change and the Paris agreement.

We should not ignore climate change,it has worst impacts on our nature,economy,and lifestyle.We need

to solve these problems by working together,we can reduce the impact of climate change.Unprecedented

scale and rate of global warming,attributed to the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas emissions

primarily from human activities.Climate change is causing significant disruptions to ecosystems and the

earth’s biological diversity,leading to the decline of extinction of various species,including polar

bears ,coral reefs and marine species that depend on this habitats for survival.The impacts of climate

change on water resources are becoming more pronounced,with many regions experiencing more frequent

and severe droughts,reduced water availability,and changes in the timing and frequency of precipitation

events.These factors can significantly affect agricultural productivity,food security,and water

management systems.Climate change also poses risks to public health,as extreme weather events can lead

to the spread of infectious diseases,increased exposure to vector-borne illnesses and worsening air quality.

Over the past century,the global climate has dramatically changed.The rise in average global temperatures

is largely attributed to the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations primarily due to the

burning of fossil fuels.This shift in the earth’s climate has severe consequences for human life,the

environment and the entire ecosystem.Extreme weather events such as heatwaves,floods,and droughts

have become more frequent and intense.This leads to food and water scarcity,loss of living life,and the

displacement of many people.Moreover,climate change has profound effects on ecosystems,causing loss

of biodiversity,disruption of ecosystem effects and damage to infrastructure.These consequences can be

observed across the globe,with more severe impacts on low-lying coastal areas and small area rates.To
address these issues,urgent global action is recquired.Governments,businesses and individuals must take

collective responsibility and work together to transition away from fossil fuels and towards sustainable

and resilient pathways.Initiatives such as The United Nations Of Framework Convention (UNFCC) and

the Paris agreement have provided a global framework for climate action.These frameworks outline

commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt the impacts of climate change.However,is is

essential to step up these efforts and accelerate progress towards a low-carbon and resilient future.Actions

to combat climate change should prioritize vulnerable communities and ecosystems,recognizing that the

consequences of inaction will be felt more severely by marginalized populations and habitats.This

requires not only policy and financial commitments but also the promotion of inclusive and equitable

solutions.By harnessing innovation and technological advancements,such as renewable energy

sources,carbon capture,and climate resilient infrastructure,it is possible to build a future that is sustainable

and resilient to the impacts of climate change.However,achieving this transition requires a strong and

ambitious goal leadership.Governments must commit to long-term targets to reduce emissions and ensure

the global community.


Everyone can help limit climate change.From the way we travel,the electricity we use,and the food we

eat,we can make a difference.Save energy at home;much of our electricity is powered by coal,gas,and

oil.We can use less energy by lowering the use of electricity and can switch to solar panels.We can walk

instead of riding public transport or use a bicycle when you’ll only go to near places,to help reduce the

use of gasoline.Reduce,Reuse,Repair and Recycle;electronics,clothes and other items we buy cause

carbon emissions to each point in production,from the extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and

transporting goods to the market.Encouraging reforestation and afforestation;planted trees and forests

absorb and store carbon dioxide,thereby helping to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.We can

promote renewable energy sources;the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources,such as

solar,wind and hydroelectric power,can significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate

greenhouse gas emissions.We can implement carbon pricing and emission trading systems;adopting a

system that charges polluters for their emissions can effectively discourage the generation of greenhouse


But as a student,what i can only do to help is join student climate clubs (if there is);look for organizations

or clubs at school.Take part in environmental activities and initiatives;volunteer at local events,such as

beach cleanups or tree planting initiatives,that promotes environmental sustainability.Promote climate

change awareness in schools;share information about climate change with your peers through class or

social media and posters.Advocate for policy change at local levels;write letters to local representatives or

in your government to implement policies to combat climate change effectively.Stay informed about

climate change;follow reputable sources of information,such as scientific journals or non-profit

organizations to stay updated on the latest research.By engaging in these activities and fostering a deeper
understanding of climate change,you can contribute a collective effort to combat this pressing global

I am beyond fearful for our future,with rates of pollution and animal extinction at an all time high,we are

running out of time,you may choose to look away from your screen,avoid,deny,and repress the truth.But

there will come a day where the air you breathe can no longer support your life.

‘We are the last generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation to do something

about it.’-Barrack Obama

‘We can’t save the earth by playing the rules,the rules have to be changed.Ecosystems are collapsing,we

are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is the money and the fairy tales of

eternal economic growth.’-Greta Thunberg


What is climate change?United Nations

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

National Geographic Society

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Natural Resources Defense Council

Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems

Emerald Insight


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