Lesson 1

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Text: Business Organization
Grammar: Present Simple and Present
Terms to remember:

needs  потреби

satisfy (v)  задовольняти

survive (v)  вижити; продовжувати існувати

depend on (v)  залежати від

consumption  споживання

business  бізнес, комерційна діяльність,

торгове підприємство, фірма,
справа, заняття
firm  фірма

company  компанія, фірма

vary (v)  відрізнятися; змінюватися

profit  прибуток

provide services (v)  надавати послуги

corporation  корпорація

multinational  міжнародна, мультинаціональна

enterprise  підприємство, фірма, корпорація
set up a business (v)  створювати бізнес

establish a business (v)  створювати бізнес

start-up  нещодавно створена компанія

be in business (v)  займатися торгівлею, займатися

run a business (v)  керувати підприємством

do business (v)  вести бізнес, займатися бізнесом

trade (v)  торгувати

deal with (v)  займатися (чимось); бути

клієнтом, купувати (у когось)
go out of business (v)  ліквідувати підприємство

expand a business (v)  розширювати бізнес

specialize (in something)  спеціалізуватися

diversify (v)  урізноманітнити, варіювати

owner  власник

affect (v)  діяти на

Business Organization
The economic system is made up of people with basic needs
that they must satisfy to survive. As most people cannot produce all
the goods and services they need, we depend on other persons or
businesses to make them for our consumption.
Business is the activity of producing, buying and selling goods
and services.
A business organization is a firm, a company or a business
that makes, buys or sells goods, or provides services, to make a
Businesses vary in size.
Large companies are referred to as corporations. Many
consider the corporation the ideal way to organize business. Large
companies operating in many countries are multinationals.
Big business can refer to large business organisations or to any
business activity that makes a lot of money.
Small companies which do not employ many people and earn
relatively little money are referred to as small businesses or small
firms. We can also call a small business a small – to medium – sized
business, or SMB.
An enterprise is a company or business often a small one. It
may be called so to emphasize its risk-taking nature.
Commerce refers to the activities and procedures involved in
buying and selling things.
When we start a business we talk about setting up a business
or establishing a business. New businesses are called start-ups.
Once a business has been established we talk about being in
business or running a business.
To do business means to trade or deal with a company or
country. It’s not easy to organize a business and to operate it
successfully. When a company is not successful, it may go out of
The economic situation, as well as decisions taken by the
owners of a company, affect how it grows and changes. You may
expand your business, specialize in something, you may also
diversify your business.

Exercises in Word Study

Ex.1. Form verbs and adjectives from the following nouns:
profit, operation, economy, decision, change, expansion,
activity, success, diversity, dependence, corporation.
Ex.2. The following diagram shows some very commonly
used nouns with the adjective “corporate”. Study the
diagram, consult your dictionary and translate these
word combinations into Ukrainian. Make up
sentences with them.
profits culture

corporate ladder

logo headquarters

Ex.3. Give the English for:

купувати і продавати товари; надавати послуги;
отримувати прибуток; заробляти гроші; створювати бізнес;
керувати підприємством; торгувати; економічна ситуація;
рішення; власник компанії; діяти на; розширювати бізнес;
спеціалізуватися з чогось; задовольняти потреби; залежати від;
споживання; нещодавно створена компанія.

Ex.4. Match words from list A with words from list B that
have a similar meaning.
depend on necessities of life
firm gain
set up a business sell out a business
go out of business establish a business
run a business enlarge a business
expand a business operate a business
affect company
profit influence
needs rely on
Ex.5. Find suitable opposites to the following words and
to buy, loss, to close down a business, to set up a business,

Ex.6. Find three words in the list that are synonyms for
“a business” and one word that is a synonym for
 company
 commerce
 firm
 enterprise

Ex.7. Match the nouns in the left hand column with the
verbs in the right hand column.
business buy
profit sell
goods set up
needs organize
money do
decision affect

Ex.8. Study the following diagram and fill in the blanks

with suitable words from the diagram.
be in the fashion/ advertising/computer/ insurance mean business

iness with smb. go into business run a business important pressing urgent risky seriou

1. I have a few contracts in the ... business.
2. It was a mistake to ... with my brother.
3. After talking about the weather, we ... about the contract details.
4. Sheryl’s parents ... a small clothing business.
5. That house has strange people coming and going. I think there
is ... business there.
6. For Jack, golf is a ... business.
7. They really .... If you don’t pay them by next week, they are
going to take you to court.
8. She has been in ... business for 10 years.

Ex.9. Use the terms in the box to complete the sentences.

Big business / start-ups / firm / commerce / small businesses /


1. Business ________ are common in the IT and bio-technology

areas where recent graduates from universities have ideas for new
products and want to set up their own companies to make and sell
their ideas.
2.A business, company or _______ is an organization that sells
goods or services.
3.Business is also referred to as __________.
4.Large companies are referred to as _________.
5.The term ____ can refer to large business organizations or to any
business activity that makes a lot of money.
6.Small companies are referred to as _________ or small firms, or
sometimes SMBs.

Ex.10. The words in the box frequently occur after


Find combinations that mean:

1) a small card showing a person’s name, position and company
2) a visit to clients, suppliers or other business contacts which takes
you away from home;
3) a document showing details of how someone aims to run the
company, expand, introduce new product lines, and so on;
4) the people who own a business together;
5) the process of running a company;
6) a college or part of university where courses on business subjects
are taught;
7) the organizations and people involved in business;
8) a meeting with lunch to talk about work or to entertain clients;
9) the ability to encourage or predict commercial activity;
10) a gathering of people to discuss work topics;
11) a letter about a business transaction, often following a certain
12) a private investor who invests money in the establishment of
new often risky, companies.

Ex.11. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match

them with the correct definition from the list below.
1. a very large organization that owns companies in more than one
country in order to obtain cheap raw materials and make efficient
use of a local workforce;
2. the money gained in a business deal, esp. the difference between
the amount earned and the amount spent;
3. a person or business that owns something;
4. two or more people in business to make a profit by selling goods
or services;
5. commercial activities in general;
6. a large group of companies;
7. to enter new types of businesses;
8. a nation’s system for allocating its resources among its citizens;
9. a business that is just being started.

Ex.12. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following

spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. It’s been a pleasure … with you.
2. My wife is a doctor, but I am … .
3. Small shops … very quickly.
4. She … her own company and proved to be a very good
5. They work for an engineering … .
6. When a … becomes bankrupt, its stock is of no value anymore.
7. The company … its sales force from 10 to 20 representatives.
8. … of that car bought it at an auto dealer.
9. Have you ever … with this company before?
10.He has no idea how … a successful business.
11.An increasing number of European firms are … with Japan.
12.Very hot weather … how people feel and act.
13.She … her hunger by eating a steak.
14.… of alcohol in that country is forbidden.
15.That computer company is a …; all it has are few employees and
a good idea.
16.We tried to diversify revenues by expanding into online ….

Commerce, go out of business, in business, to do business,

company, corporation, the consumption, the owner, dealt,
trading, set up, start-up, expanded, to run, affects, satisfied.
Ex.13. These words are often confused:
economic – economical, economics – economy
Economy – the organization of a country's wealth-producing
commerce and industry;
– the deliberate saving of money through carefully-
controlled spending.
Economics – the scientific study of a society's money, industry
and trade.
Economic – related to the economy
– cost-effective
Economical – if something is economical it does not require a
great deal of money to operate
– an efficient way of doing things
Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of
the words above. Make sentences of you own to show that
you understand the difference in their meaning.
1. The government’s … policy has created a lot of problems.
2. It may be … to use a cheaper form of fuel.
3. Consultation will focus on the … and diplomatic issues.
4. … is one of the major subjects which future economists study.
5. We are looking for more … production methods.
6. The country is in a state of … crisis.
7. The new heating system proved … to use.
8. The government is attempting to reduce inflation and strengthen
the … .
9. Industrial production has slowed down in all the world’s major …
10.This machine is no longer … to run.
11.The IMF helps the … of the developing world.
12.Investors watch the rate of … growth closely.
13.My friend studies … .
14.Buying second-hand equipment can be a false … .

Ex.14. Build your vocabulary. Learn phrasal verbs for

to branch out (into something) – to diversify (into something)
If a company or person branches out they start doing different
work from the work they usually do.
Read these sentences carefully and translate them
into Ukrainian.
1. The travel company has branched out and bought its own
2. Bookstores are branching out into new areas such as CD’s and
3. He wanted to branch out from accounting into marketing.
4. She decided to branch out on her own and start a new company.
5. For business reasons we decided to branch out into selling
videos and DVDs.
6. If you branch out, you need to be careful that customers still
know your service is good.
7. We decided to branch out into computer games.
8. We have now branched out into sportswear.
9. I have worked for the company for ten years and I would like to
branch out on my own.
10.They have branched out into new areas to increase their
overseas business.

Exercises in Comprehension

Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the economic system made up of?
2. Why do people depend on businesses?
3. What is business?
4. What is a business organization?
5. Do businesses vary in size?
6. What are corporations?
7. Where do multinationals operate?
8. What do we call “big business”?
9. What does “to do business” mean?
10. When may a company go out of business?
11. What affects a company development?
12. What can a company do to improve its business?
Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about:
а) corporations and multinationals,
б) big business and small business,
в) doing business.

Grammar Revision
Present Simple and Present Continuous
We use the Present Simple:
for routines and habits
I go to the bank twice a month.
for permanent situations
My friend works in a bank.
for facts
Water boils at 100o centigrade.
for timetables or fixed events in the future, that are usually
beyond the speaker’s control:
The train leaves in 10 minutes.
We use the Present Continuous:
for actions happening now
I am working on my report at the moment.
for temporary actions or situations
I am staying with my friends till I find a new flat.
for changing or developing situations
The economic situation is getting worse in this country.
to talk about something that happens often and is unplanned
or irritating (with always)
She is always grumbling and complaining.
to talk about future arrangements and plans:
I am leaving at four on the first flight to London.

Ex.1. Choose the correct variant.

1. All the guides here speak/are speaking at least two foreign
languages, because a lot of foreign tourists come/are coming
every year.
2. Look! The meeting starts/is starting. We’d better go in.
3. I work/am working for Midmark, a firm that makes/is making
medical equipment.
4. I go/am going to the supermarket. Do you want anything?
5. The train is arriving/arrives at 7 a.m.
6. They always make noise/are making noise next door.
7. Our meetings usually are starting/start at 4 p.m.
8. When a company is not successful, it is going/goes out of
9. I work/am working overtime this week.
10.Tom is a very reliable person, everybody is trusting/trusts him.
11.He usually is coming/comes to his office on time.
12.The sun is setting/sets in the West.
13.Great Britain becomes/is becoming more popular as a location
for international business.
14.He earns/is earning over $ 20,000 a year.
15.People often spend/are spending a lot of their money on

Ex.2. Complete these sentences using the correct form

(Present Simple or Present Continuous) of the verbs in
1. I never (work) at the weekend.
2. He (smoke) 30 cigarettes a day but at the moment he (try) very
hard to cut down.
3. What you (think) about?
4. Business (become) more international and secretaries (need)
international communication skills.
5. He (make) paper products.
6. The speaker (wait for) a telephone call.
7. The manager (check) the production levels every day.
8. They (sign) the contract in the conference room. Don’t trouble
9. Multinationals (compete) for a market share.
10.The express train always (arrive) on time.
11.The delegation (to come) at 5 p.m. tomorrow.
12.She (run) her own business.
13.I feel that we (make) too much noise.
14.The firm (specialize) in green tourism.
15.At present we (do) business with Japanese companies.

Ex.3. True or false? Correct where necessary.

1. Although we sometimes go to a restaurant, we usually are eating
at home.
2. Most American families has at least one automobile.
3. I am usually going to the supermarket on Fridays.
4. My friend often go on business trips abroad.
5. Any businessman is wanting to make a profit.
6. Multinationals now operate in every sector of industry.
7. The largest bank in the country plans to close some of its
8. The firm makes excellent progress this week.
9. My friend has collected necessary information about markets and
now he establishes his own business.
10.The South is depending more on small businesses for jobs than
on large corporations.
11.Women run 25 per cent of existing small businesses.
12.I can’t talk now. I make a report.
13.Due to expansion, we are looking for new business partners to
join our company.

Ex.4. Translate into English.

1. Ця компанія виготовляє найсучасніші телевізори.
2. Не заважай мені! Я працюю над перекладом економічної
3. Мультинаціональні корпорації працюють у багатьох країнах
4. Мій брат займається малим бізнесом.
5. Економічна ситуація в країні впливає на розвиток бізнесу.
6. Багато європейських компаній торгують з Японією.
7. Нині уряд намагається знизити ціни на продовольчі товари.
8. Мій приятель вивчає економіку.
9. Моя фірма зараз шукає нових партнерів по бізнесу.
10.Він заробляє $ 15, 000 на рік.
11.Мене не цікавить ваша пропозиція. Я розширюю свій
власний бізнес.
12.Власники торгових підприємств зустрічаються завтра о 9
13.Ця фірма завжди надає якісні послуги.
14. Він не має жодного уявлення про те, як керувати
Speech and Discussion

Ex.1. If you start a business of your own, your aim is to do

well, in other words – to succeed. Every person
understands the word ‘success” in his own way. And
what does “success” in business mean for you?
Choose the suitable answer and explain why you have
chosen it.
Success is
 When you are popular with your customers
 when your products cost a lot
 a lot of money earned
 when you win all the competitions among other companies
specializing in the same area
 when your reach all your goals
 when your company is constantly expanding
 when the staff is working as a good team.

Ex.2. What are the most important reasons for people to

choose a particular profession?

Ex.3. Talk to your groupmates:

 which is the most interesting to work in:
a bank, a computer company, a hotel, a restaurant, a supermarket;
 choose one of the places and speak about the advantages and the
disadvantages of working there;
 what are the most popular jobs among young people in Ukraine.

Ex.4. If you were to choose where to work, would you prefer

small business or big business? Why?
Ex.5. Talk to someone who has their own business. Find out
how they started it. Was it easy or difficult? Is their
company profitable?

Ex.6. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms.

Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences
into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could
use them:
1. I will make it my business to see that he gets the job finished in
good time.
2. On his arrival he was robbed of all his money; a bad business!
3. He must mean business. He has paid ₤ 500.
4. You mind your own business and stay out of mine!
5. You have no business reading my mail!

Ex.7. Comment on the following proverbs and sayings.

Think of situations where you could use them:
“Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.”
“Business before pleasure.”

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