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Mambusao East National High School, Atiplo, Mambusao, Capiz



Submitted by:
Jamella Claire T. Lebuna

Submitted to: Ruby Frufonga

English Teacher

Chapter I

Background of the Study

The social media has become one of the most important communication

means in recent time. However, social networking exists so as to provide communication

among people regardless of the distance, making it open to people easily share

information, files and pictures and videos, create blogs and send messages, and conduct

real-time conversations. These systems are referred to as social, simply because the allow

communication with buddies and coworkers so easily and effectively. It also strengthens

the ties between people of those systems. These websites and social forums are way of

communication directly with other people socially in media (Cowley, 2004).

Majority of students feel that social platforms have positive impact on academic

growth. In different research conducted by Shana (2012), it was ascertain that students

use platforms mainly for chatting and making friends. Today’s young generation,

especially teens and youth are using technology through innovative ways due to which

they are referred to as millennial and have changed the way they think (Oche & Aminu,


Nowadays, many students rely on the accessibility of information on social media

specifically and the web in general to provide answers. That means a reduced focus on

learning and retaining information. Students spend more time in social sites, the less time

they spend socializing in person. Because of the lack of body signals and nonverbal cue.

Students who spend a great deal of time on social networking are less able to effectively

communicate in person. According to the outcome, students’ academic performance is

affected the more they use Facebook. Social platforms are mainly used by students for

socializing activities rather than academic purpose (Oye, 2012).

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, this study attempted to answer the following questions:

1. Does social media effective in terms of the study habit of students?

2. What factors affect the interest of the students using various of social media?

Objectives of the Study

1. To determine the effectiveness of using a social media on the academic

performance of students.

2. To determine what are the factors affect the interest of the students using various

of social media.


1. The social media is effective in terms of the study habit of students.

2. The factors that affect the interest of the students in social media are socializing,

to gain new knowledge, and to make new friends.

Significance of the Study

Principal, the results of my research can help to our principal so that she can use

it to promote programs regarding the Effectiveness of social media on the academic

performance of Grade 10 Students.


Teachers, it helps to know what is the best solution about the use of social media

on the academic performance of Grade 10 Students.

Parents, this research can help them so that they can guide their children in using

social media and to be aware how social media affects the academic performance of their


Future Researchers, this will help as their starting point and guiding materials if

they are planning to conduct their study similar with this topic.

Conceptual Framework

Dependent Variable
Independent Variable

- Sex
-Effectiveness of social media
on Academic Performance

In the figure shown, sex is the independent variable of the study and the

dependent variable is Effectiveness of Social Media on Academic Performance.

Theoretical Framework

The nature of social media as a useful servant but a dangerous master” and a two edge
sword has
The nature of social media as a useful servant but a dangerous master” and a two-

edge sword has been revealed in the findings of the study that, despite the benefits that

students can harness from social media networks such as sharing of information, building

relationship, partaking in group discussions from near and far among others, there is to

some extent addiction and distraction of attention caused by the use of social media

which could have serious consequences on the academic life of students patience. (Emefa

Dzandza Ocloo, 2018).

Social media theory states, “When other people are the source of impact and the

individual is the target; impact should be a multiplicative function of the strength,

immediacy, and number of other people.” It further assumes that as the number of social

network members increases, impact on the target individual increases (Latane, 1981).

However, NUs construct in this study bases on the assumption that as the number of

social network members increases, impact on the target individual increases (Latane

(1981) or more the number of users who create the product related content on SNS

greater the impact on the target user/consumer who is seeking product recommendation

on SNS. This relationship suggests that as PCUGC strengthens the consumption and

creation of such content increases, while being mediated by attitude (Daugherty et al.,


According to Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions

(Fredrickson, 2001), the mental repertoires of learners can be built and broadened by how

they feel. For instance, some external stimuli might provoke negative emotions such as

anxiety and depression in learners. Having experienced these negative emotions, students

might repeatedly check their messages on social media or get addicted to them. As a

result, their cognitive repertoire and mental capacity might become limited and they

might lose their concentration during their learning process.


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The research was conducted to identify and idetermine the Effectiveness

of social media on the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students. This research

focuses only on the Grade 10 STE students. This study was conducted from June

18 2023 to June 24, 2023. Descriptive design was used in this study.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding, the following terms were defined technically and


Social Media – social media are computer-mediated technologies that

facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests another

form of expression via virtual communities and networks (Wikipedia). In this

study, social media refers to online technology platforms that help to connect

people together far and near. It is used to build relationship among people. The

use of social media by students helps to have access information as quick as

possible (Daza, et al., 2018).

Technology – it is a machine, piece of equipment, method and etc. that is created

by technology. It is the use of science in industry, engineering, etc. to invent

useful things or to solve problems (Wikipedia). In this study, Technology refers to

the use of technology tools in general content areas in education in order to allow

students to apply computer and technology skills to learning and problem-solving.

The use of technology is to enhance and support the educational environment.

Technology would help students to explore more and discover something new and

being innovative (Daza, et al., 2018).

Internet – it is an electronic communications network that connects computer

networks and organizational computer facilities around the world (Wikipedia). In

this study, – internet contains a wealth of knowledge that is available instantly

upon any search. Because of this, the Internet has superseded libraries as a source

for information gathering and research. Many teachers will now ask to visit

specific websites to study from home, and online encyclopedias provide masses of

knowledge on almost every topic imaginable (Daza, et al., 2018).

Academic Performance – is the measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects (Ballotpedia). In this study, it is the results that student

has obtained at end of specific term in all subject (study habits).

Students – a person who is studying at a school or college (Oxford Dictionary).

In this study, a person who is studying that uses social media for their school

works or everyday lives.



Review of Related Literature

According to Dr. R. Sivakumar, social media networking is sharing and

generating knowledge, and all of these features are of great value in the context of

higher education. Social media plays an important role in the field of education

and student’s life. It is easier and convenient to access the information, provide

information and communicate via social media. Teachers and students are

connected to each other and can make use of these social media platforms for the

working of their education. Professors are expanding their Social Media usage to

host live lectures, offer off hours support for students, or even host student

debates. Social media helps Teacher Educators to be connected to their students

off campus as well as with their ex-students. Teacher Educators use social media

as a way of teaching by creating groups and accounts for students where the

information can be accessed. Teacher Educators can share ideas with each other

and point students to Skype, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and Facebook. Teacher

Educators create hash tags that allow students to tag their academic posts, and

view submissions to see what the collective has creatively produced. One of the

main reasons behind professors adapting to social media in classrooms is that they

can do teach the students via social media. Not only they are able to make the

work easy but also are developing themselves professionally, creating a name for

them in the community. Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and YouTube are the examples

where you can see professors doing excel in their work.

According to Olubiyi (2020), students and teenagers have especially

recognized these social media platforms to be able to contact their peers, share

information, reinvent their personas and showcase their social live. Facebook

users often experience poor academic performance. Also, Karpinski (2009) stated

that social media has a negative association with students’ academic performance

which is much greater than the advantages derived through the use of social

media platforms. People around the globe have been addicted to the internet

which has given rise to more students using social media more often than before.

According to Lavin (2021) social media are a collection of internet

websites, services, and practices that support collaboration, community building,

participation, and sharing. The growing dimension of the use of social media

among the youth of today cannot be over emphasized. Over the years, social

networking among second cycle students has become more and more popular. It is

a way to make connection not only on campus, but with friends outside of school.

Social networking is a way that helps many people feels as though they belong to

a community.

Lavin (2021) also stated that the overuse of these social media on a daily

basis has many negative effects on the physical and mental health of students

making them lethargic and unmotivated to create contact with the people in

person. The parents should check and balance on their children when they use the

internet. They should be on guard whether they are using it for appropriate time

period or not. The peers and teachers should also help students make them aware

of the negative effects and explain what they are losing in the real world by

sticking to these social media.

In the study of Olubyi (2012), noted that these days’ students are so

engrossed in the social media that they are almost 24 hours online. Even in

classrooms and lecture theatres, it has been observed that some students are

always busy Face booking, while lectures are on. Times that ought be channeled

towards learning, academic research and innovating have been crushed by the

passion for meeting new friends online, and most times busy discussing trivial

issues. Hence, most students’ academics suffers setback as a result of distraction

from the social media.



Research Methodology

This chapter provides pertinent information on the place where the study

was conducted; the subjects being considered and asks to how they were selected;

the instrument used in gathering data and its procedure; and the way the gathered

data were analyzed.

Locale of the Study

The studywas conducted at Mambusao East National High School, Atiplo,

Mambusao, Capiz.

Research Design

Descriptive design is used in this study. this type of research aims to

determine the effectiveness of social media on academic performance of Grade 10

students and to determine what are the factors affect the interest of the students

using various of social media.

Respondent of the Study


The respondent of the study were the Grade 10 students of Mambusao

East National High School taken from the section of STE NEWTON. A sample of

10 respondents was taken from a population of 41.

Instrument of the Study

The researcher used ten (10) questionnaires from adapted five (5) questions to

gather data from the respondents.

Statistical Tool

The following statistical tool was used in the analysis of the data gathered.

Percentage, this was used to describe in percentage the number of

respondents classified according to their sex and their answers from the


Data Gathering Procedure

The study conducted personally by the researcher to ensure 100%

retrieval. The researcher freely distributed the questionnaires to the respondents.

In the next data the researcher gathers the questionnaire after the

respondents finished answering the questionnaires.

Next, the researcher tabulated and analyzed the data collected and present

the result usinggraphs/illustrations.



Results and Discussion

Graph 1: The distributions of respondents according to their sex.


Female Male
50% 50%

The graph 1 shows the distribution of respondents in terms of their sex.

Out of my ten (10) respondents, five (5) respondents are female that has a (50%)

and five (5) are female that has a (50%) of percentage.


Graph 2: The following social media platforms that they use.


The graph 2 shows the following social media platforms that they use. Out

of my ten (10) respondents, nine (9) uses Facebook, and (1) uses an Instagram,

and none uses Youtube and Twitter. I find out that the most of my respondent uses


Graph 3: The reason why they use social media.

Socialize and make new

40% 20% Remain updated what

is trending

Collaborate with fellow

students and study

As a source of
30% recreation and re-

Graph 3 shows the reason why they are using social media. Out of my ten (10)

respondents, four (4) respondents said that their reason why they are using social media

because it is their source of recreation and relaxation, three (3) respondents said that they

use social media to collaborate with fellow students and study, two (2) said that they use

social media to remain updated about what is trending, and one (1) said that they use

social media to socialize and make new friends.


Graph 4: Do you think using social media helps you in your studies?


Yes No
Graph 4 shows if the social media can help in their study. Out of my ten (10)

respondents, majority said yes which means social media can help in their study.

Graph 5: Do you think using social media has a positive effect in your studies?




Graph 5 shows if the social media has a positive effect in their studies. Out of my

ten (10) respondents, nine (9) said yes which means the social media for them has a

positive effect in their studies and one (1) respondent said no which means that the social

media for them has no positive effect in their studies.


Graph 6: How does social media effective to you?




To discover To become Can gain

something new updated knowledge

Graph 6 shows how does the social media effective to students. So out of my ten

(10) respondents, six (6) respondents said that social media are effective because students

discover something new, three (3) respondents said that social media are effective to them

because they become updated, and one (1) respondent said that social media is effective

because it can gain knowledge.



Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations


This research was conducted from June 18, 2023 to June 24, 2023 to determine

the Effectiveness of social media on the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students and

to determine what are the factors affect the interest of the students using various of social

media. The respondents of this research were the Grade 10 STE only, there are ten (10)

respondents and five (5) were female and five (5) were male. Simple random sampling

was the instrument used by the researcher using descriptive design.

The researcher conducted a survey to the respondents using a questionnaire with

five adapted questions. Afterwards, the researcher tabulated the data and presented the

results through graphs/illustrations.



Based on the presented data, the researcher concludes the following:

 Facebook is the social media platform that is most commonly used by


 They use social media as source of recreation and relaxation, second is to

collaborate with fellow students and study, third is to remain updated

about what is trending and lastly, to socialize and make new friends.

 Social media can help the students in their studies.

 Social media is effective in terms of the study habits of students.

 The factor that affects the interest of the students in social media is to

discover something new, second is to become updated and lastly, to gain



 Social media now is the best medium for the students and through the use of

social media they can communicate with their family, peers, classmates and other

people. So, I recommend that they need to use social media for educational

purposes because through social media they can use it when they have a

performance tasks, assignments, and if they are researching about something.

 Even though social media affects positively to the study habits and studies of the

students, I recommend them to have and know their limitations on using a social

media because it can affect your studies if you’re being addicted on social media.

 The parents should guide their sons/daughters so that they’ll know if they use it

for their study because sometimes, they use it for relaxation and recreation or they

use it for nothing.

 They should use social media because it can help them improve their studies, for

them to gain knowledge, and to enhance their talents and skills.









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