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doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2007.01415.

Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction: prevalence,
pathophysiology and burden
S. J. Panchal,1 P. Müller-Schwefe2, J. I. Wurzelmann3

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SUMMARY National Institute of Pain
Review Criteria and Coalition for Pain
As a result of the undesired action of opioids on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract,
Comprehensive literature review of MEDLINE. Education (COPE) Foundation,
patients receiving opioid medication for chronic pain often experience opioid- Tampa, FL, USA
induced bowel dysfunction (OBD), the most common and debilitating symptom of Message for the Clinic
National Institute of Pain,
which is constipation. Based on clinical experience and a comprehensive MEDLINE There should be greater appreciation of the Tampa, FL, USA
literature review, this paper provides the primary care physician with an overview GlaxoSmithKline, Research
prevalence and burden/impact of opioid-induced
Triangle Park, NC, USA
of the prevalence, pathophysiology and burden of OBD. Patients with OBD suffer bowel dysfunction and the need to effectively
from a wide range of symptoms including constipation, decreased gastric emptying, manage symptoms of the condition. Correspondence to:
abdominal cramping, spasm, bloating, delayed GI transit and the formation of hard Dr Sunil J. Panchal,
dry stools. OBD can have a serious negative impact on quality of life (QoL) and National Institute of Pain and
Coalition for Pain Education
the daily activities that patients feel able to perform. To relieve constipation associ- (COPE) Foundation,
ated with OBD, patients often use laxatives chronically (associated with risks) or 4911 Van Dyke Rd, Lutz,
alter/abandon their opioid medication, potentially sacrificing analgesia. Physicians Tampa, FL 33558, USA
should have greater appreciation of the prevalence, symptoms and burden of OBD. Tel.: + 1 813 264 7246
Fax: + 1 813 264 7249
In light of the serious negative impact OBD can have on QoL, physicians should
encourage dialogue with patients to facilitate optimal symptomatic management of Email:
the condition. There is a pressing need for new therapies that act upon the under-
lying mechanisms of OBD.
Dr Panchal is a Consultant for
GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Purdue
of these variations, a large number of patients are
Introduction Pharma LP and Endo
currently receiving opioid therapy for chronic pain. Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Given the negative fundamental effect pain can have Globally, it has been estimated that a total of 365
on quality of life (QoL), the philosophy underpin- million prescriptions were written for opioids in
ning the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) 2005 [235 million prescriptions in the USA (7), 66
three-step analgesic ladder is to free patients from million in the EU and 64 million in the rest of the
pain (1). This compassionate position supports an world (8)]. A substantial proportion of these pre-
aggressive approach to pain management, with pro- scriptions were for chronic pain: in the USA 20% of
gressively stronger analgesics recommended until prescriptions were for opioid therapy of over
relief is achieved. 30 days’ duration (7).
As many cancer patients suffer from moderate-to- A large-scale computer-assisted telephone survey
severe pain, opioids are the mainstay of analgesic was recently undertaken to explore the prevalence,
therapy for treating this population (2). Opioid anal- severity, treatment and impact of chronic pain (6).
gesics are also used for the treatment of chronic The survey, conducted in 15 European countries and
non-cancer-related pain, including musculoskeletal Israel, found that chronic pain of moderate-to-severe
and neuropathic pain (3). While there is a paucity of intensity occurred in 19% of adults, seriously affect-
good-quality research concerning the risks and bene- ing the quality of their social and working lives.
fits of the long-term use of opioids for chronic non- Approximately 60% of those reporting moderate-to-
cancer pain, their efficacy per se is acknowledged in severe pain had experienced the problem for
these patients (4). 2–15 years, and 70% were under the care of their
Surveys of treatments for pain, either related to can- family doctors/general practitioners for pain manage-
cer or non-related, have revealed wide variations in ment. More than half (52%) of chronic pain suf-
the use of opioids across countries (5,6). Irrespective ferers were taking some form of prescription

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Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, July 2007, 61, 7, 1181–1187 1181
1182 Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction

analgesic, the most common class of which was non-

steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (44% patients);
strong opioids were used by 5% of the 46,394 To understand the basis of OBD, the physiology of the
patients surveyed (6). GI tract and the role of the endogenous opioid system
The aim of palliative care is to improve the QoL in the alimentary canal must be considered. The GI
of patients (and their families) who face life-threat- tract is innervated by the enteric nervous system,
ening illness. In addition to providing spiritual and which is composed of the myenteric plexus, located
psychosocial support, patients should be offered between circular and longitudinal smooth muscle
effective symptom and pain relief (1). Therefore, the layers of the bowel, and the submucosal plexus,
use of opioid analgesics is unsurprisingly very com- located in the submucosa (10,18). Enteric neurons
mon in the palliative care setting. For example, in also synthesise opioid peptides and their transmitters.
the US, opioid pain medications are used in the ter- Met-enkephalin, leu-enkephalin, b-endorphin and
minal phase of care for more than 50% of cancer dynorphin are examples of endogenous opioids pre-
patients (9). sent in the GI tract, where they have been localised
While opioids are the gold standard for treating to both neurons and endocrine cells of the mucosa
pain when analgesics such as acetaminophen and (10). Studies in animals and humans suggest that
aspirin do not achieve adequate control (1), adverse endogenous opioids inhibit enteric nerve activity and
effects compromise their therapeutic potential. The inhibit both propulsive motor and secretory activities
gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a significant site of (10,11). Therefore, endogenous opioids in the GI
opioid-related adverse effects due to the presence of tract appear to function to co-ordinate the contract-
opioid receptors, whose activation by exogenous ile process under normal conditions and suppress
opioids, in particular, disrupts GI motility and intestinal motility when required (such as during
secretion, thereby inhibiting normal bowel function inflammation, stress and trauma) (10,19).
(10). This action commonly causes bothersome GI Immunocytochemistry and mRNA quantification
side effects, the most common of which is constipa- techniques have identified receptors that mediate the
tion; others include decreased gastric emptying effects of both endogenous and exogenous opioids
(leading to gastro-oesophageal reflux/heartburn), on bowel function (10,18). Three major and distinct
abdominal cramping, spasm, bloating, delayed GI classes of opioid receptors are located in the enteric
transit and the formation of hard dry stools. In nervous system: delta, kappa and mu (20,21). Of
turn, this can cause straining, painful defection, these three receptor classes, the enteric mu-opioid
incomplete evacuation and a sensation of anorectal receptor appears to be the principal mediator of opi-
bowel obstruction (10–13). The action of opioids oid agonist effects on the GI tract (20,22). When
on the GI tract is also thought to contribute to opioid agonists bind to these receptors, the release of
nausea and vomiting (14). However, in contrast to excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters is inhib-
nausea and vomiting, patients rarely develop toler- ited. This interrupts the co-ordinated rhythmic con-
ance to the constipation-related adverse effects of tractions required for intestinal motility and reduces
opioid use (13,15). In addition to GI effects, pro- mucosal secretions (23,24). Administration of exo-
longed opioid therapy can lead to cellular and intra- genous opioids can cause OBD by decreasing peri-
cellular changes, which may contribute to stalsis (11), which in combination with reduced
pharmacologic opioid tolerance and/or increased secretions into the gut and increased reabsorption of
sensitivity to pain (manifested as apparent opioid fluid from the gut (as the stool remains in the intes-
tolerance), resulting in the need for dose escalation. tinal lumen for extended periods) leads to the forma-
Prolonged opioid treatment may also result in hor- tion of dry, hard stools that are difficult to pass.
monal changes, such as reduced testosterone and
oestrogen levels, and may even alter immune func-
Burden of OBD
tion (16).
The constellation of GI signs and symptoms asso- The burden of OBD is a function of its prevalence as
ciated with opioids is referred to as opioid-induced well as its negative impact on health-related QoL.
bowel dysfunction (OBD) (13,17). OBD, the most While the existence of OBD is undisputed, its wider
common and often most debilitating symptom of impact is likely underestimated by healthcare profes-
which is constipation, can have a significant adverse sionals (25), particularly because most OBD symp-
impact on patients taking opioids (13,15). This paper toms persist for as long as opioid therapy is
will provide an overview of the pathogenesis and administered. The physical sequelae of constipation,
burden of OBD and will summarise current manage- some of which can very occasionally be life threaten-
ment strategies. ing, also demand consideration when assessing the

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Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, July 2007, 61, 7, 1181–1187
Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction 1183

burden of OBD. Haemorrhoids, diverticular disease Much of this wide variation in the frequency of
and fecal impaction contribute to the burden of the opioid-induced constipation can be attributed to
condition and often require treatment (26). study design and population heterogeneity. Study
Constipation is the most common and often most populations vary with respect to age, gender and
debilitating adverse effect associated with opioid underlying pathology. Choice of opioid, route of
therapy for the management of chronic pain (13,15). administration, dose and the duration of treatment
Perhaps because of this, estimates of the prevalence all contribute to variation in the frequency of side
of OBD are largely based on the frequency of this effects. Subjectivity introduces additional variation:
primary symptom (13). To assess the true prevalence people’s perceptions of constipation vary, as does
of OBD, there is clearly a need for large-scale, pros- their approach to the management of symptoms. A
pective studies that use a standardised definition of fundamental reason why reported rates of constipa-
the condition that embraces all symptoms of OBD. tion vary so greatly is that no single definition of
Estimates of the frequency of constipation vary constipation is universally applied. While many study
from 15–90% in patients receiving opioids for non- protocols, for reasons of convenience and consis-
cancer pain (12,3,27). A meta-analysis of available tency, define constipation as fewer than three bowel
randomised, placebo-controlled trials of non-cancer movements per week, attempts have been made to
patients receiving opioids for moderate-to-severe refine the definition by taking a more comprehensive
pain revealed that approximately 80% of patients approach. For example, the Rome diagnostic criteria
experienced at least one adverse event, with constipa- for constipation not only encompass bowel move-
tion (41%) and nausea (32%) being the most com- ment frequency, but also capture the discomfort
mon opioid-related side effects (3). However, associated with constipation (Table 1) (30). This
according to a systematic review of 34 randomised, more comprehensive definition should ideally form
controlled trials of oral opioids, 15% of patients the basis of any tool used to assess constipation asso-
reported constipation (12). The difference between ciated with OBD.
these two analyses can be attributed to the exclusion
of trials of ‘weak’ opioids, such as codeine and tra-
Impact of OBD
madol, in the former study and the inclusion of
comparator trials in the latter. A higher rate of con- Evidence shows that the long-term use of opioids for
stipation (90%) was reported in a multicentre, inter- chronic pain can lead to improvements in patients’
national, open-label, crossover trial comparing the QoL (28,31). However, the side effects of opioid
efficacy and tolerability of transdermal fentanyl and therapy, e.g. constipation, are likely to limit this
sustained release oral morphine in 256 patients aged benefit (9). Illustrating this point, one survey has
26–82 years with chronic non-cancer pain (27). indicated that constipation is ranked by the majority
It is particularly challenging to obtain accurate of cancer patients as an even more common source
estimates of the prevalence of constipation caused by of distress than the pain they are suffering (32). It
opioid therapy in cancer patients because of numer- has also been suggested that some patients receiving
ous other factors that may also induce the condition. long-term opioid treatment for pain would rather
These include physiologic causes such as dehydra- endure their pain than the constipation opioids may
tion, metabolic disturbances such as hyperkalaemia, cause (9).
mechanical causes such as tumour and psychological Attempts have been made to quantify the impact
factors. However, it is clear that cancer patients of OBD on health-related QoL (33,34). The Patient
experience constipation relating to opioid use, and Reports of Opioid-related Bothersome Effects survey
that existing disease-related constipation can be – a web-based cross-sectional survey of 161 chronic
exacerbated by opioid therapy (13,28). pain patients in the USA taking oral opioids and
The prevalence of OBD symptoms, including con- generally using laxatives – was conducted to charac-
stipation, was assessed in 593 cancer patients receiv- terise the prevalence, frequency and severity of OBD
ing treatment according to WHO guidelines (29). symptoms, and their impact on QoL and activities of
Constipation was one of the most frequent side daily living (ADL). Participants were asked to iden-
effects of opioid treatment, observed in 23% of tify any GI side effects they had experienced during
patients. Another series of studies conducted in a opioid treatment, and rate the impact of each symp-
large US hospice found that 40–63% of patients with tom on QoL and ADL on a five-point scale. The
cancer had opioid-induced constipation (25). The most common side effect was constipation, with
higher rate (63%) was derived from retrospective 85–95% and 74–92% of these constipated patients
patient reports; the lower rate corresponded to data reporting some degree of negative impact on QoL
obtained from a chart audit (40%). and ADL, respectively (35). OBD symptoms other

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1184 Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction

Table 1 Rome II and III criteria for chronic constipation (30)

Diagnostic criteria Symptoms

Rome II • Straining in > 25% of bowel movements

In at least 12 weeks, which need not be consecutive, • Hard or lumpy stools in > 25% of bowel movements
in the preceding 12 months, ‡ 2 symptoms must be present • Sensation of incomplete evacuation in > 25% of bowel movements
• Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockade in > 25% of bowel movements
• Manual manoeuvres to facilitate > 25% of bowel movements (digital disimpaction)
• < 3 bowel movements per week
• Loose stool is not present, and criteria for irritable bowel syndrome are not fulfilled
Rome III • Straining during ‡ 25% of defecations
Presence of ‡ 2 symptoms • Lumpy or hard stools in ‡ 25% of defecations
• Sensation of incomplete evacuation for ‡ 25% of defecations
• Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockage for ‡ 25% of defecations
• Manual manoeuvres to facilitate ‡ 25% of defecations (digital manipulations, pelvic floor support)
• < 3 evacuations per week
• Loose stools are rarely present without the use of laxatives
• Insufficient criteria for irritable bowel syndrome
• Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months, and symptom onset ‡ 6 months prior to diagnosis

than constipation, such as straining, incomplete eva- well-being over time, while the PAC-SYM instrument
cuation and heartburn, have similarly been reported is used to assess the symptoms and severity of consti-
to have a significant detrimental impact on QoL and pation. The PAC-QOL and PAC-SYM instruments
ADL (36). have been shown to be reliable, valid and responsive
Results of the 2004 National Health and Wellness measures of constipation and opioid-induced consti-
Survey (a large, international survey that captured pation respectively (39,40). Use of these brief and
self-reported information on how patients use easy-to-administer questionnaires may help to char-
healthcare services) were used to assess the impact of acterise the extent and burden of OBD and thereby
opioid-induced constipation on healthcare resource encourage a more active approach to treatment of
utilisation, work productivity, and activity impair- the condition.
ment in a sample of 2420 patients who had been tak-
ing opioids for ‡ 6 months for chronic pain (37). Treatment of OBD
Compared with non-constipated patients, opioid- After OBD has been recognised, steps should be
treated patients with constipation were more likely taken to manage the condition; however, there are
to visit physicians, miss work, feel that their per- currently no detailed and widely accepted guidelines
formance at work was impaired and that symptoms for the management of OBD. A well-recognised
impaired their ability to undertake daily activities source of guidance is the European Association of
(37). Palliative Care Research Network (EAPC) who have
Ultimately, OBD can impact the use of opioid published recommendations for treating adverse
medication. Patients may discontinue opioid therapy effects associated with opioids (41,42).
because of symptoms of OBD (3,17,38), which can The EAPC recommends the following strategies
pose challenges in achieving pain therapy goals. for managing general adverse effects associated with
oral morphine: reducing opioid dose, rotating opi-
oids, changing the route of administration and
Evaluation and treatment of OBD
symptomatic management (41). Unfortunately, each
Evaluation of OBD of these strategies appears to have limited benefit for
Two constipation-specific instruments are available most patients with OBD. The obvious disadvantage
for patients to assess the impact and severity of the of reducing opioid dose is that analgesia may be
condition: the Patient Assessment of Constipation compromised. Although there is much anecdotal and
Quality of Life (PAC-QOL) and the Patient Assess- observational data to support switching opioids in
ment of Constipation Symptoms (PAC-SYM) ques- the event of inadequate pain relief and/or intolerable
tionnaires. The PAC-QOL instrument was developed side effects, there is a lack of randomised trials to
to address the need for a standardised, patient-repor- vindicate this approach for reducing OBD (43).
ted outcomes measure to evaluate the burden of Similarly, although there is some evidence that trans-
constipation on patients’ everyday functioning and dermal administration of opiates such as fentanyl

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Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction 1185

Table 2 Common laxatives and side effects (13)

Laxative Adverse effects Mechanism of action

Stool softeners and emollients Few side effects, mainly bitter taste and nausea Lubricates and softens stools
e.g. dioctyl sodium, docusate sodium
Stimulants and irritants e.g. senna Electrolyte imbalance, dermatitis, melanosis coli Alters intestinal mucosal permeability;
and bisacodyl stimulates muscle activity and fluid secretions
Osmotic laxatives e.g. lactulose, Electrolyte imbalance; excessive gas; hypermagnesaemia, Osmotic effect of salts leads to greater
magnesium salts, sorbitol hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia in patients fluid retention in bowel lumen and a net
with renal dysfunction; dehydration increase of fluid secretions in the small intestine
Bulk laxatives e.g. psyllium seed, bran Increased gas; bloating; bowel obstruction if strictures present; Increased fecal bulk and fluid retained
choking if powder not taken with enough liquid in the bowel lumen
Non-absorbable solutions Nausea; abdominal fullness; bloating Volume lavage
e.g. polyethylene glycol
Enema Dehydration, hypocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia Reflex evacuation
in patients with renal dysfunction

causes less constipation and is associated with better encouraging mobility and ambulation and encour-
QoL than oral morphine (27), contradictory data aging daily bowel movements at the same time every
also exist (44). day (13,45). However, pharmacologic approaches are
often necessary. Laxatives are most frequently used
Symptomatic management to promote bowel movements in patients with opi-
Addressing the individual symptoms of OBD (such oid-induced constipation. Despite the wealth of laxa-
as nausea, vomiting, gastric reflux and constipation- tives available to treat constipation, an estimated
related symptoms) is currently the most viable 54% of patients treated for OBD do not achieve the
option for relieving the condition. Understanding the ‘desired result’ with medication even half the time
mechanisms that cause OBD symptoms should (13). Perhaps this limited efficacy should not be sur-
inform treatment selection (45). prising in the context of the absence of treatments
Nausea and vomiting associated with opioid use specifically designed for the treatment of OBD. Avail-
occur in approximately 25% of patients and tend to able laxatives do not target the underlying cause of
resolve over time. Patients who develop persistent, OBD; furthermore, they are unpredictable, have a
significant nausea/vomiting or are not satisfied with potential for over-use and dependency (both psycho-
the approach of waiting for symptoms to resolve will logical and physical), and are associated with a range
likely benefit from an anti-emetic treatment with a of side effects (see Table 2) (13,36,47).
prokinetic agent, such as metoclopramide, a dop- In practice, stool softeners such as docusate
amine antagonists or serotonin antagonist (45). To sodium are commonly administered to patients with
treat the gastro-oesophegeal reflux associated with OBD; they are also prescribed prophylactically to
OBD, over-the-counter antacid and/or alginate prep- patients on opioid regimens. Such agents are gener-
arations can provide effective symptom relief in ally very well tolerated, but seldom achieve relief of
many patients. Low-dose histamine H2-receptor opioid-induced constipation when used alone. There-
antagonists can also provide effective symptomatic fore, one of the most common regimens prescribed
relief, particularly in patients with milder symptoms. is a stool softener plus a stimulant laxative (e.g.
If these steps fail to provide adequate relief, proton senna) (13). Patients who do not respond well to this
pump inhibitors may be considered. These are agents regimen are often offered a mild osmotic agent,
of choice for the suppression of gastric acid produc- lubricant or cathartic laxative. Bulk-forming laxatives
tion and have become the mainstay of therapy for should be recommended with caution because of the
acid-related diseases in general (46), although their risk of exacerbating constipation, leading to intestinal
utility in an OBD population has yet to be validated. obstruction unless adequate fluid intake is main-
Current non-pharmacologic strategies for the con- tained. Therefore, bulk-forming agents are relatively
stipation associated with OBD include interventions contraindicated in cancer patients and older patients
such as increased dietary fibre and fluid intake, taking opioids for pain control.

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Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, July 2007, 61, 7, 1181–1187
1186 Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction

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Development and validation of the Patient Assessment of Consti- Paper received March 2007, accepted April 2007

ª 2007 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, July 2007, 61, 7, 1181–1187

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