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Social media has been known as a means to get entertainment when there is spare
time. Social media can have negative effects on its users, for example making us addicted to
its use, exposure to negative content, getting hoaxes/fake news, and also face-to-face
interactions tend to decrease. Social media can also make a person anxious and depressed.
The negative effects caused by social media are dangerous because they can interfere with
real life.


In this era of globalization, technology is increasingly advanced, it is undeniable that

the presence of the Internet is increasingly needed in everyday life, both in socialization,
education, and business activities. Social media has a big influence on one's life. Someone
who started small can become big with social media. For the community, especially among
teenagers, social media has become an addiction that makes its users go a day without
opening social media. The period of development that should be used to find identity, is
instead trapped in cyberspace without a clear purpose.

Social media has made it easy to communicate, socialize, and access information.
Although this convenience is often misused by making it a tool to spread negative content
such as false information, hate speech, radicalism, and terrorism. This will be very dangerous
if users are less able to choose and sort the information and content available.

Dependence on social media can also make its users experience depression and
anxiety. Some experts consider the relationship using social media to be less satisfying from
an emotional standpoint, so it can increase depression when someone feels socially isolated.
This results in a person having difficulty socializing with other people.

A service is created because it is needed, but on the other hand it can usually cause
other problems. For this reason, we must be careful with digital services such as social media.

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