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Page4 steel tt Sededeteb slg : dpi Introduction: The British were alarmed at the successive victories of Japan during the 1940s. When. Burma was turned into a battlefield and the war reached the Indian borders, the British between the congress fastla no chance to bring both pa st Congress leaders ¢ Muslim League who claimed to panda loyal to the British ware effort in excl once the war was over. Cripps di 1. Japan pushed beyond the eastern a, and the Fall of Burma was a war jolt against the British. 2.There was an imminent threat of the Japanese invasion of India and Indian support was crucial to the British war effort. 3.The Viceroy Lord Linlithgow declared India a wart party in the British Empire when the Second World War Broke out in 1939. It was done without the consultations of the Indians and led to major congressional demonstrations. ete aoe eae ona aaa al Sea Sees i IT ES IRIE ELIE ISLET RRR, ¥ 4.The party leaders, who ruled 7 provincial govt's resigned. It was celebrated as "Deliverance Day by the Muslim League". 5.Britain was under pressure from the Us and other allied leaders to implement its as own. colonial policies in India, as well as to gain Indian participation in the allied war efforts. 6.This has also prompted the British Government to send Cripps to India. is, India faced an ion, and i Britain in the war in exchange 61 These were: 1.Any province unwilling tg pion could have its own constitution and its own Union and 2.The new constitution-making body and the British government would negotiate a treaty to effect the transfer of power and to protect racial and religious minorities. se ee Se eee ee Se pee Page5 Baer a aoe a eo ae a a amet eine seed stale + Absence of any plan for immediate transfer of power and absence of any real share in : Causes of INC’s Rejection E + The offer of dominion status rather than a provision for complete independence. x t + Representation of the princely states by nominees rather than elected representatives. : z + Right of provinces to secede as this violated the principle of national unity. t : z é é : : : tri Linlithgow, British Prime Minister Leo Amery. oad de + The explanation that the proposals were intended to supplement rather than replace the August Offer cast doubt on the British intentions. Seo x x x x Z x x * Cripps' inability to go beyond the Draft Declaration and his rigid "take it or leave it" attitude exacerbated the impasse. Page lta lsat asset | ! 2 i * Cripps had previously mentioned "cabinet" and "national government," but later clarified that he only meant an expansion of the executive council. * The procedure for joining was not well defined. A resolution in the legislature with a 60% majority was to be used to decide on secession. If less than 60% of members voted in favour, the decision would be made by a plebiscite of adult males in that province with a simple majority. If Hindus in Punjab and Bengal wanted to join the Indian Union, this scheme worked against them. + Tt was unclear who would i of power. ated and enraged Indian people ession, felt that the country's had come for a final assault on imperialism. Following the missior new campaign, the Quit India Mov a famous phase in India’s struggle for i | | se eR eee i Spee Page 7 tet eet

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