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steel tt Sededeteb slg : Page8 sbeebs welded Quit India Movement Introduction to Quit India Movemen When the proposal of Crips mission failed to solve the poftea anarchy, there emerged an unstable situation among the decline of Maloy, Singapur anid B possibility of attack on India’ because Bfitish\wwas against of Jaan The Indian chief leaders were thinking thatjwit out leaving’of B cis to solve the situation. newspaper and demanded of there would not enough reason to Japan attacking on India, Besides that ctiticized the imperial activities of B At that time, India used to import rice from Burma but due to capture of Burma by Japan, the rice import was totally off. The price of daily commodities was increased too much and Black marketing and hoarding reached at the high level. In addition, the government was not concerned about the price hike even they did not try to import goods from others region. ete aoe eae ona aaa aa Sea Page9 Sees i IT ES IRIE ELIE ISLET RRR, To fight against the Axis power, lots of army troops settled in India and govt had to supply food. Because of these reasons, there emerged famine in Eastern part of India and people was thinking British govt responsible for this. Due to famine lots of people died and they understood that British cannot be friend of India. On the other hand, after a Congress meeting on August 8,1942. Mahatma Gandhi policy. But "Borolat Linlithgo" soldiers who had not le: by using the 9 attend the 2. When the arresting news reach e protested and started strike even ruined the government property such aS v, industry. 3. In Bihar, Bangla, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh the village people capture police station and stoke govt property. 4. British govt followed the policy of Terracotta and killed lots of people, raped women and destroyed lots of villages. se ee eS ee i Se pee otis slg hhh tsi lati hills ght le es tES | | | ‘pitied The people could not carry out mass movement so long because of lacking of leadership. It must be noted that, Mohammad Ali Jinnah order to his followers not to attend this strike because he wanted to the partition at first not the quit of British from India. As a result, there emerged social conflict among Muslim and Hindu. Even though the governi of the war, the movement indians. oaths lsh slats sists isis hatte ) | | ® | tet eet eal Page 10

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