EHS Award 2023 - Mailer - Ver1

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16th Edition

CII-Southern Region
EHS Excellence Awards 2023
About EHS Excellence Awards

CII has been working with industries for decades to ensure that all workplaces,
including businesses, offices, schools, hospitals, and government and non-profit
organisations, adhere to extremely stringent Environment, Health, and Safety
(EHS) standards.
For more than two decades, the prestigious 'Excellence Award in Environment,
Health, and Safety' has been organised by the CII Southern Region, and has played
an active role in facilitating the adoption of robust EHS practises among its
The CII-SR EHS Excellence Awards aim to raise the bar on EHS practises across
industries in order to foster an industrial climate in India that is in harmony with
nature while also protecting the health and safety of all stakeholders. CII believes
that Indian industry can play an active role in the long-term development and
advancement of national objectives and goals.
With great pleasure, we announce the most awaited, 16th edition of CII Southern
Region EHS Excellence Awards 2023.

µ Supports the organisations to improve their EHS standards and make the
workplace zero harm, consider well being of employees and create a good
working environment
µ Facilitate adoption of robust EHS practices to meet the global norms
µ Helps to know digital implementations and innovative implementation of
EHS practices
µ Provoke an inspired safety stands and culture
µ Helps to realise the role of “leadership commitments”
µ Continuously raise the bar on EHS performance and enable corporates to
follow "path-breaking" practices rather than mere "bench-marking”
µ Benchmark EHS practices across industry and helps to get know the best
practices of other units and enrich knowledge
µ The Award has been instituted to acknowledge sustained contributions and
innovation by organizations towards:
Ü Protecting and conserving scarce natural resources
Ü Building healthy and discrimination-free workplaces
Ü Promoting best practices in safety to improve performance and
Uniqueness of the Award

µ Sector-Specific Assessments
Ü Customized detailed assessment checklist covering 20 sectors
Ü benchmark your practices against best-in-class practices in the sector
µ Assessment Specialists
Ü Well-trained sector based assessment specialists
Ü The review process by eminent industry specialists
µ Digitisation
Ü Complete usage of website from application submission, upload
documents, scheduling, assessors' information, sharing of best practices,
assessment checklist for scoring and finally feedback report etc. all are
degitalised to ease the awards processes.
Ü Separate dashboard for applicants and assessors
Ü Easy access to assessors to view/download the details uploaded by every
µ Awards & Recognition
Ü Upgradation of Awards and review of category awards every year as per
the current trends and needs
Ü Assessment based awards - Maturity awards
Ü Non-assessment based awards - Category & Special Awards
of the Award
Uniqueness of the Award

µ Assessment and Reports

Ü Transparency in assessment methodology
Ü Match with participants achievements within the categories evaluated
Ü Reviewed of scores / feedback by Working Committee & Award
Committee Members
µ Learning and Sharing
Ü Detailed feedback report to each participating company
Ü A great opportunity to network, learn and share

Impact of the Impact

Award of EHS Ex
µ Positive Influence on your investor
µ Helps a company to establish a matured EHS system
µ Helps to take the sustainability goals forward
µ Helps to know the positive and scope for improvement after of assessment
µ Positive impact on safety culture
µ Risks are controlled in a systematic way
Benefits of Participation

µ Participating in the award enables in:

Ü Learning: Know the latest practices and trends in EHS
Ü Benchmarking: Participating company's practices with best-in-class
companies in the same sector
Ü Insights: Obtain valuable insights through the detailed and
comprehensive assessment process
Ü Recognition: Leverage the awards to strengthen your reputation as a
responsible business
Other Benefits & Services

µ EHS Excellence Award Assessor in-house Training:

Ü Conducted for 3-days
Ü Helps the organization deep dive into the checklist elements
Ü Clarifies gaps and resource mapping
µ Pre-Award Gap Assessment:
Ü Detailed pre-assessment for about 2-3 days to understand the status of
EHS implementation in the premises
Ü A detailed feedback report on strengths, weaknesses, and improvements
is provided for adoption of better practices
Ü This enables companies to achieve higher scoring in the EHS Assessments
for the awards.

µ Industries which are operating in South India (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,

Kerala, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Telangana).
µ Independent business (or) manufacturing units/divisions from the
manufacturing and service industries which are operating in South India for
atleast two years.
µ Construction and infrastructure projects in South India that have been in
progress for 6 months or more.
µ Members companies of CII Southern Region can apply for the awards for their
units / plants in other locations.
µ Non-member companies with sites / units / offices / infrastructure projects in
other regions are eligible to apply for the awards. However, their
corporate/registered office should be in South India.
µ To avoid a conflict of interest, members of the award committee representing
organisations are NOT eligible to participate
How to Apply?

µ To confirm your site/unit’s participation, fill and submit the application form
provided on the website:
µ For multiple site/units’ participation from the same organisation, submit the
application form separately for each site/unit
µ Once you apply for the award, the user name and password will be sent by
CII, which is to be kept carefully for future use
µ Download templates of pre-assessment dossier, data sheets from the website,
after preparation upload back well in advance on site which helps the
assessors prepare themselves for the assessment
µ Submission of self-assessment checklist alongwith applicable documents are
mandatory prior to the virtual and on-site assessment
µ To avail self assessment checklist, application fee is made mandatory
µ CII will be in touch with the participating companies at each step of the
Award Process

µ Stage-1: Application & Documents Submission

Ü To confirm participation, it is required to submit the application available
on the site -
Ü Download and go through applicants briefing on do’s and don’ts
Ü Download templates of pre-assessment dossier and data sheet and upload
online after preparing it.
Ü Get access to self-assessment checklist after the payment and fill it
alongiwth necessary documents.
Ü Coordinate with CII for scheduling dates for document verification and
on-site assessment.
µ Stage-2: Document Verification (Virtual) & On-Site Assessment
Ü The self-assessment checklist and uploaded documents will be verified
(virtually) by two assessors, prior to the on-site assessment. This is a
preparatory step for on-site assessment.
Ü Coordinate with assessors on-site assessment.
µ Stage-3: Review of Assessment Reports
Ü Review of assessment reports by the working committee and validate /
verify them with the assessors
Award Process

µ Statge-4: Winner Selection / Presentation for Top Award

Ü Upon completion of reports review the award committee would select
maturity awards winners.
Ü 15-20 top scoring applicants will be invited to make a presentation to
the award committee to shortlist Platinum Award winner.
Ü The shortlisted companies will be visited again by the award committee
and finalise the Platinum Award winner.
µ Statge-5: Winner Selection for Special Category Awards
Ü Interested applicants can upload the presentation under various
Ü Review of best practices under various award categories by the Lead
Assessors/Award Committee members. Maximum 3 winners in each
category would be awarded. Number of awards will be finalised based on
the number of participants in each category.
µ Statge-6: Award Ceremony & Feedback Report Submission
Ü Preparation for grand finale awards ceremony
Ü Feedback would be provided to the organization after the award
ceremony by CII through the CII Awards portal
Assessment Process

µ Prior to the on-site assessment, self assessment checklist and the documents
will be verified by the assessors virtually by two assessors.
µ The assessment will be done by two assessors for two days
µ The assessors available dates will be made available on the portal and the
scheduling can be done through online portal
µ Contacts of assessors will also be made available on the site and vise versa
µ Date of the assessment can be fixed mutually convenient by the assessors and
the applicant using the portal
µ The assessor fee, travel, transportation and accommodation of assessors shall
be borne by the company
µ All assessments shall be carried out based on the EHS assessment checklist
across the region. The checklist might have variations based on the
size/products/services of that particular unit.
µ Award committees’ decision is final and the applicants will not have the right
to question or appeal against the same at any stage.

µ Application submission: 15 September to 30 October 2023

µ Payment: Within 2 days on receipt of the invoice
µ Pre-assessment dossier, data sheet and self-assessment checklist Submission:
Within a weeks time of submission of the payment
µ Assessment scheduling: Immediately after application submission
µ Special Awards and EHS Best Practices Awards Submission: Within two days of
the completion of site assessment
µ Validation Assessments: December 2023 (5 Days)
µ Special Awards and EHS Best Practices Awards Selection: Last week of
December 2023
µ Winners Selection: 1st Week of January 2024
µ Pre-function Activities: January 2024
µ Award Ceremony: 23 February 2024 in Bengaluru
Pre-Assessment Dossier

The pre-assessment dossier is meant to give the assessors information on the

participating organisation before assessment and saves time too. Template for the
pre-assessment dossier would be made available to all the companies on the
website The dossier would comprise of:
µ About the organisation (Who you are, various businesses, vision and mission,
length and spread of business, number of sites/plants/offices, number of
employees, size of the site / assessment area, key customers, suppliers,
certifications, awards and recognitions)
µ The Commitment
Ü Top management statement/endorsement on EHS or sustainability policy
Ü EHS organization governance structure
µ EHS Policy & Communication
µ EHS culture initiatives
µ List of Objectives & Targets
µ EHS Annual Plans & Status
µ EHS Performance Indicator
µ EHS Internal & External Audit Management Practices
Pre-Assessment Dossier

µ List of Statutory & Legal Requirements Applicable to the Site

µ Conditions of Legal Compliance Tracker
µ Name of the Persons Responsible for Statutory & Legal Compliance Related to
µ Site EHS Clearance/Approval/Authorisation Documents
µ EHS Change Management Process
µ EHS Risk Assessment (HIRA & Aspect Impact)
µ Training Need Identification - Process & Procedure
µ Environmental Monitoring Programmes
Ü Environment impact monitoring and control process (air quality, water
management, energy management, carbon footprint, etc.)
Ü Environmental awareness programmes
Ü Waste management process (waste stream mapping and disposal /
recycling process)
Pre-Assessment Dossier

µ Health Monitoring Programmes

Ü Health and hygiene, ergonomics practices
Ü Chemical material handling process
Ü Employee well-being programmes
µ Safety Monitoring Programmes
Ü Emergency preparedness and response procedures
Ü Safety audit and inspection programme
Ü High risk operation process, LOTO process
Ü Near miss, incident reporting and investigation process
Ü Guidelines for visitors/assessment teams
Ü Risk and opportunities thereby
µ Community programmes, community impact assessment and improvement
µ Sexual harassment policy (POSH)
µ Management review process
µ Community Partnership & Advocacy Programmes
µ Sexual Harassment Policy (POSH)
µ Other Important Documents
Awards & Recognitions

(A) Special Awards

Ü CII-EHS Leadership Award: This award is to identify the best of the best
companies that demonstrate sustained leadership in raising the bar on
EHS practices
Ü EHS Innovation Award: This award recognizes innovative practices
including digital in EHS implementation to deliver results
Ü EHS Engagement in Workforce Award: This award recognizes best practices
and results through employee engagement in EHS programmes
Ü Women in EHS: Given to EHS women professionals who have excelled in
the field as a team/individual
(B) EHS Best Practices Awards
These awards recognize best practices in environment, health and safety in
organizations. It also recognizes the efforts and results in each of the
environment, health and safety dimensions
Ü Energy / Positive Carbon Footprint Award: Given to companies that can
demonstrate sustained efforts and results in reducing the carbon
footprint/achieving net zero in their operations and supply chains
Awards & Recognition

Ü Water Management Award: Given to companies that can demonstrate

sustained efforts in water management resulting in reduced consumption
of fresh water and 100% recycling of wastewater
Ü Air Quality Award: Given to companies that can demonstrate sustained
efforts in measuring and improving air quality in their operations and
Ü Environment Restoration Award: Given to companies that can
demonstrate sustained efforts in restoring the environment. Additional
weightage will be given to companies that demonstrate a positive impact
of these restoration efforts on the community. Eg: supporting livelihoods,
rejuvenating water bodies, creation of parks & forests, etc
Ü Health at Work Award: Given to organizations demonstrating the results
of implementing a range of health management practices at the
Awards & Recognitions

Ü Safe Employees, Safe Communities Award: This award recognizes
organizations for their contributions to the advancement of safety in
the workplace, in homes, and communities. This award also
demonstrates strong policies, processes, practices and results of
exemplary women’s safety efforts
Ü Road Safety Award: This award recognizes the organizations for their
contributions to the advancement of road safety for employees and the
larger community
Awards & Recognition

(C) CII-EHS Maturity Awards

CII- EHS maturity awards have been launched last year and are an evolved
version of the hitherto successful CII-EHS Star Rating. They have been curated
and designed by the expert panel of the Awards Committee to motivate the
participating companies to further move up the EHS excellence ladder, shine
as role models and also benchmark their performance amongst the best of
the best performers of the region. These awards are selected completely based
on the outcome of the assessment. The best performers from the said
applications will be given the following awards :
Bronze Award
Ü Minimum scoring of 75% in assessment
Ü Should be one among the top 5 in the sector
Silver Award
Ü Minimum rating of 85% in assessment
Ü Should be one among the top 3 in the sector
Ü At least 3 out of 10 principles (listed in the upcoming pages) should be
Awards & Recognitions

Gold Award
Ü Minimum rating of 95% in assessment
Ü Should be the sector topper
Ü At least 6 out of the 10 principles (listed in the upcoming pages) should
be affirmative
Platinum Award
This award is over and above the Gold Award to recognize the maturity in EHS
Excellence. This will only be awarded to one exceptional company.
The short-listed companies from the Gold Awards will be invited to make a 20
min presentation of their EHS practices on the 10 principles to the CII Awards
Committee. Select top 5 companies would be visited by the Awards Committee
Members to finalise the Platinum Award Winner.
The Committee will decide on the winners and the Committee’s decision is
Top 10 Principles

µ The right tone at the top: How the organizational leadership is setting the
right tone and inspiring the right attitudes and behaviours. (how EHS
requirements are viewed and managed throughout the company). Is the EHS
vision Long term?
µ Shop floor Visibility of Leadership: Leading from front? Are there enough
indications of Senior and Mid-level hierarchy visibility on EHS programs &
µ EHS Considerations are Integrated into Routine Processes: Rather than
addressing EHS standards and rules after an event, how the company has
implemented compliance requirements and other EHS practices integrated
into processes. Proactive & Prevention strategy.
µ Comprehensive Training: How the training needs are identified, are the basis
sound, are Management hierarchy sufficiently trained? Effectiveness of
trainings as measurable.
µ Use of Leading Indicators: Domain and width of Leading indicators and KPI’s
to track the progression. How are they being used to track performance of
both Functions and individuals.
Top 10 Principles

µ Benchmarking: How the company is benchmarking its EHS Programmes. How

is it connected to outside of its own group? Are they benchmarking against
industry practices & yardsticks?
µ Integration with Functional and Business Processes: How the various cross
functional teams are working in coordination and collaboration (EHS &
technical, EHS & HR, EHS & finance, EHS & Sales, EHS & Purchase etc.,)
µ EHS Organisation: Competency of the EHS teams? Adequacy? Are they up to
it? Enough of visibility for them?
µ Budgetary Considerations: Requirements are understood as important, and
are considered and supported during annual budgeting and planning
µ Governance: ESG criteria; external authentications
Participation Fee

Scale Fee Break up CII Member Non-Member

Large Application Fee Rs. 32500 Rs. 42500
Assessor Fee Rs. 15000 Rs. 15000
18% GST Rs. 8550 Rs. 10350
Total Rs. 56050 Rs. 67850
Medium Application Fee Rs. 27500 Rs. 32500
Assessor Fee Rs. 15000 Rs. 15000
18% GST Rs. 7650 Rs. 8550
Total Rs. 50150 Rs. 56050
Small* Application Fee Rs. 20000 Rs. 25000
Assessor Fee Rs. 7000 Rs. 7000
18% GST Rs. 4860 Rs. 5760
Total Rs. 31860 Rs. 37760
*For SSI companies, the assessment fee will be for 1 day based on the size of the Unit/Site
Registration Details

µ To know scale specifications, please refer to the website:
µ The participation fee is inclusive of 18% GST
µ The confirmation and payment should be done simultaneously.
µ Use the credentials to download Proforma Invoice
µ CII will share the tax invoice once the payment is done.
µ Participation fee is not refundable and not adjustable to any other event
µ The fee is exclusive of assessors’ travel, accommodation & transportation,
which needs to be arranged by the company.
Sponsorship Opportunities

µ The benefits of sponsoring events are many, both in the short-term and over
a long haul. Benefits of sponsoring CII EHS Excellence Awards are:
Ü A way to build credibility and authority around your business
Ü Branding visuals - ensure that the attendees are familiar with your brand,
that will make it easier to network and produce results
Ü Lead Generation to boost sales
Ü Networking opportunities
µ Various sponsorship categories and the amount are given below.
Sponsorship Categories Gold Silver Bronze
Sponsorship Amount Rs. 7.5 Lakhs Rs. 5 Lakhs Rs. 3 Lakhs
No. of Sponsorship Slots 4 6 10
µ Contact CII to know more benefits and mileages
Payment Options

µ Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking: Online link provided on the website can
be used to make the payment
µ Find below the bank details for NEFT / RTGS. Kindly share transaction No. for
Ü Payment in favour of : Confederation of Indian Industry
Ü Bank Name & Branch : ICICI Bank, 110 Nungambakkam,
High Road, Chennai 600034
Ü Account No. : 000905024914
Ü IFSC Code : ICIC0000009
Ü PAN No. : AAATC0188R
Ü GST No. : 33AAATC0188R1ZG
µ Cheque / DD can be sent to the CII coordinator at the address mentioned on
the contact page. Prior to posting the Cheque/DD, a scanned copy of the
same can be mailed to the coordinator for records.
Contact Details

Ms Sofia Angel Mr C V Ilavalagan

E: E:
M: 8939411814 M: 95000 63369

Confederation of Indian Industry

Southern Regional Headquarters
Prof C K Prahalad Centre
98/1 Velachery Main Road, Guindy, Chennai 600032
Ph: 044-42444555

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