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Today I have not been able to attend today's class, so I have asked one of my
classmates for the points they covered today ( frigate/destroyer difference, flying
people-maybe in the future, state of AI report, children and tablets mobiles, AI policy in
your country, Sweden microchips implants, the 2023 AI index report, what can Europe
do to minimize the gap in AI). I have investigated these on my own and it is incredible
how artificial intelligence has given a great boost to base things that we only thought
were possible in movies or stories, such as being able to fly on our own without the use
of airplanes. Regarding the use of tablets and mobile phones for children, it is a good
way to bring children closer to the technological world in which we live, based on the
use of applications powered by AI. The state of artificial intelligence is also incredible,
how it is developing so quickly worldwide and the level of acceptance that is becoming
clear that in some countries more than in others (such as in Sweden with the
implantation of microchips) since it is also it depends on privacy politics of each
country. To conclude some of the measures that Europe could implement to minimize
the AI gap, it could be to invest in the training and development of AI-related
technologies, as well as to motivate at the educational level to train in AI skills and thus
be able to prepare work at the level of AI developments, another thing that seems
important to me would be the creation of standards or laws so that the use of AI is
always responsible and maintaining ethical values.

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