Facade Design Stages - Issues and Considerations

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Façade Design Stages: Issues and Considerations

Saviz Moghtadernejad1; M. Saeed Mirza, P.Eng. Ph.D.2; and Luc E. Chouinard, Sc.D.3

Abstract: Building façades play an important role in building aesthetics and in protecting the structural system and contents from deteriora-
tion due to exposure to an aggressive environment. Well-designed façades can also help improve the durability and energy efficiency of the
building as well as elevating the level of human comfort. In general, façade design and detailing have not received the same level of rigor and
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overall scrutiny as the load-bearing components of buildings. Current codes and standards require safety provisions for environmental separat-
ing elements of a building. However, there is an urgent need for the development of detailed procedures for the design of durable and sustain-
able building façades. This paper reviews the needed considerations in each stage of an optimal façade life cycle and compares them with the
current available practices and discusses various safety-related issues, failure modes, and the risks involved throughout the system service life.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000335. © 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Optimal façades; Integrated façade design; Façade risks.

Introduction important to integrate these stages to ensure that façades perform as

predicted during their planned life cycle.
The word “façade” has its origin in the French language, meaning
“frontage” or “face” (Simpson 1989a, b) and comprises the exterior
or skin of a building, including special architectural features. It usu- Required Criteria and Attributes
ally refers to the front of the building, but it can also include its sides
and back. Before starting the façade design process, the designer must define
Façades are a part of the building envelope and provide support the expected performance attributes of the system and consider the
for the external architectural features of buildings; they have risks threatening its life cycle performance. Initially, the main
evolved through history from clay, stone, wood, and brick to steel responsibility of façades as a part of the building envelope was to
and glass to meet various functional and climatic needs. The devel- provide environmental separation and to protect the building struc-
opment of different materials and construction methods has led to ture from the effects of an aggressive environment, along with satis-
the emergence of different architectural styles and façades. fying the aesthetic requirements of the building (McFarquhar 2012;
Concrete was first used by first-century Roman architects Moghtadernejad 2013). Notwithstanding advances in technology
(Lechtman and Hobbs 1986; Moghtadernejad 2013). The applica- and the introduction of new high-performance façade systems, their
tion of reinforced concrete triggered a revolution in the construction expected role has been extended. Currently, their major perform-
industry with the use of reinforced concrete façades in buildings. ance attributes include structural integrity and safety, sustainability,
Currently, several materials and construction styles are used in human comfort, durability, and cost efficiency, which are discussed
building façades, with varying performance and costs, from con- in detail in the following so-named subsections. Each of these
ventional materials to advanced façade systems (Table 1). attributes has some defining criteria that would need to be satisfied
Fig. 1 shows the different stages in the life cycle of a typical (Fig. 2).
façade system. Each of these stages may consist of one or more sub-
stages. For example, the design stage can be divided into conceptual Structural Integrity and Safety
design, detailed design, and related tests and evaluations. To
achieve the intended goal of having an optimal façade system, cer- In terms of safety, as self-load-bearing structural elements, façades
tain criteria and requirements must be considered for each stage and must resist the relevant mechanical and environmental loads (wind,
provisions must be made to satisfy these requirements. It is rain, earthquake, and blast loading), have an acceptable fire resist-
ance, allow for differential movements (caused by moisture, tem-
perature variations, and structural movements), and also keep the
burglars out and the kids in (Patterson and Matusova 2013).
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Applied
Mechanics, McGill Univ., Montreal, QC H3G 0A6, Canada (corre- Sustainability
sponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9860-5523.
Email: saviz.moghtadernejad@mail.mcgill.ca A state of sustainability requires that there be no negative environ-
Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Applied mental, economic, or social impact on future generations. The
Mechanics, McGill Univ., Montreal, QC H3G 0A6, Canada. World Commission on Environment and Development has defined
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Applied sustainable development as “a development that meets the needs of
Mechanics, McGill Univ., Montreal, QC H3G 0A6, Canada.
the present without compromising the ability of future generations
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 2, 2017; approved on
June 7, 2018; published online on October 17, 2018. Discussion period to meet their own needs” (Burton 1987). Sustainable development
open until March 17, 2019; separate discussions must be submitted for in civil engineering focuses on the carefully planned use of natural
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Architectural and manufactured resources throughout the design, construction,
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 1076-0431. and operation phases of a project. The effectiveness of development

© ASCE 04018033-1 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(1): 04018033

Table 1. Façade types and characteristics

Façade types Characteristics

Masonry and brick façades Used in low-rise residential and commercial buildings; ordinary or decorative with color and shape vari-
ety; easily molded; inexpensive; minimal repair costs
Wooden façades Used in low-rise residential buildings; unique colors; susceptible to aging and aggressive environments;
should be treated to prevent decay
Stone façades Used in prestigious buildings; unique textures and colors; durable; high compressive strength; lack of
construction flexibility
Concrete façades Various shapes, colors, textures, and finishes; usually prefabricated; appropriate fire resistance, energy effi-
ciency, acoustics, and vibration control; construction flexibility; have higher weight and durability problems
Metal façades Various forms, design, and construction flexibility; usually made from composite metals or stainless steel
with high strength and corrosion resistance; remain shiny and stain-free for a long time; higher initial
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costs but lower maintenance costs

Glass façades Used in modern, high-rise buildings; desirable for architects; allow natural light and heat to enter; avail-
ability of folded glass façades and high-performance glazing products with minimum energy consump-
tion (Zelenay et al. 2011)
Double-skin façades Consists of two skins with a void in the middle through which air flows; single or double glazing; natural,
fan supported, or mechanical ventilation; enhance building energy performance; higher costs and lower
usable space (Poirazis 2004)
Photovoltaic-integrated façades Can be used as supplementary source of electric power; improved building energy performance by use of
a hybrid design (generating both heat and electrical energy) (Clarke et al. 1997)
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite Have higher stiffness and strength, lower density and weight; high corrosion resistance and manufactur-
façades ing flexibility; durable and cost effective; have poor fire resistance [can be improved by using phenol-
based composites, but these are costly (Nguyen et al. 2013)]; moisture effects and susceptibility to high
temperatures, ultraviolet (UV) radiation and exposure to light
Sandwich panel façades Made of two thin layers (e.g., FRPs, stainless steel, metal composites, concrete) and a low-density core
(usually made of different foams); cost efficient and prefabricated; high stiffness with minimum weight;
can be used in industrial and commercial buildings, sports facilities, and warehouses

Fig. 1. Building façade life cycle.

Durability and
Safety Sustainability Human comfort Cost efficiency

• Resisting • Energy efficiency • Visual comfort • Provisions to avoid • Costs of design and
mechanical and • Use of renewable (appropriate view to premature failure of construction (initial
environment loads resources outside by proper the system before costs)
and natural and • Environmental arrangement of the end of service • Operating costs
man-made hazards footprint windows) life • Costs of
• Security • Aesthetics • Provisions to resist rehabilitation and
• Heating and cooling deteriorations maintenance work
needs caused by • Costs of
• Natural ventilation aggressive disassembly
and indoor air environments
quality • Expected service
• Daylight control life of each system
in a specific
• Acoustics
• Ease of access for
inspection and
rehabilitation work

Fig. 2. Major performance attributes of building envelopes.

© ASCE 04018033-2 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(1): 04018033

relies on the positive impact of the structure on its environment investments to offset costs during the operation or maintenance
(Connal and Berndt 2009). phases (Rudbeck 1999).
With the current energy crisis and climate change concerns, the Cost efficiency can be maximized once the various systems
building envelope (especially the façade) has become a key consid- related to a specific performance attribute are integrated with each
eration in design, construction, and operation of ultralow-energy other (Zelenay et al. 2011). For instance, in a high-performance
buildings; approximately 40% of energy consumption and carbon façade, because the peak cooling loads are reduced due to optimal
emissions are related to buildings (US Department of Energy 2007; heat transfer and natural ventilation, a smaller heating, ventilation,
Zelenay et al. 2011). and air conditioning (HVAC) system or a low-energy alternative
Building façades have the potential to reduce energy consump- can be used to reduce energy consumption. Integration of the façade
tion and peak electricity demands through the optimal use of day- and HVAC system can eliminate the need for cooling altogether in
light by redirecting and filtering it, providing natural air circulation, mild climates. Whenever possible, it is recommended to adapt sim-
and controlling heat transfer. ple design strategies that have a predictable impact on energy con-
In addition to implementing the needed preservation methods, sumption, such as the appropriate building massing and alignment,
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sustainability can be achieved by using renewable resources, reduc- optimal window-to-wall ratio (WWR), use of high-performance
ing waste, and using recycled materials (Macia 2011). glazing, and application of exterior shadings.

Human Comfort
Possible Failure Modes
Along with meeting the heating and cooling needs of the occupants,
façades significantly influence human comfort level by creating vis- To design an optimal and durable façade, after establishing the
ual and physical connections between indoors and outdoors, con- design criteria, the designer must consider the deterioration and fail-
trolling glare, and providing optimal acoustic characteristics (Lee ure mechanisms of materials that are intended to be used in the sys-
et al. 2009; Zelenay et al. 2011). tem. Subsequently, remedies to prevent or mitigate these failure
modes must be provided. A brief review of the most common and
Durability important façade failure causes and modes follows.

Façades contribute to the durability of a structure by resisting

Exterior Façade Panel Connection Failures
condensation on interior surfaces, preventing moisture ingress,
and facilitating the migration of excess humidity from inside the According to the various case studies and inspections performed on
building to the outside (Selkowitz 2001; Moghtadernejad 2013). façade systems, the most common cause of façade failure is the
Like the structural elements of a building, it is important to improper installation of the panel connections to the building frame
design façades for durability. The importance of durability in (Popovic and Arnold 2000).
construction disciplines has been known since the establishment Improper installation can be caused by either design or construc-
of the very first buildings. Over the ages, designers have acquired tion deficiencies. Common design problems related to façade panel
considerable knowledge of best construction practices by careful connections are not using adjustable connections that allow for var-
surveillance of the building performance over time (Rudbeck iations in panel volume or the building frame (e.g., using fixed con-
1999). With hugely increased housing demands in the 1960s, the nections at both ends of long panels) and eccentricities (or misalign-
major construction concern then was to build maximum floor ments) between connection plates and bolts. Typical construction
space at minimum cost. Although these buildings had a service deficiencies consist of attaching the façade panels to the building
life expectancy of approximately 100 years, within 40 years of frame using the initially designed connections although the frame
their construction most of them were in need of total renovation, connections may not be set at the anticipated position and elevation,
especially their exteriors because their façades and roofs were causing misalignment of the connection. Other problems can arise
severely deteriorated. from the settlement of connection plates, bolts or welds being dif-
The designer must ensure that the façade system fulfills its major ferent from those planned, panel misalignment, not allowing for
functional, environmental, and economic needs and that it satisfies volume changes (e.g., welding connection plates instead of using
all the needs for the ultimate and serviceability limit states of the bolts), and deploying erection shims and bolts as permanent con-
designated service life. The designer must also consider all probable nections. Unfortunately, inspection of these connections, either dur-
system deterioration modes and failure mechanisms during the ing or after construction, is often not included in the designer’s
design stage to ensure façade durability. Durability considerations scope of work, and the inspection is performed by inspectors who
should be integrated into façade design by visualizing the perform- do not have the proper related knowledge or training. These defi-
ance of components over time under specific aggressive environ- ciencies can be easily remediated if detected.
mental conditions to predict the façade performance over its service
life. Material-Related Failures
Among the materials for façades, glass, fiber-reinforced polymer
Cost Efficiency
(FRP) with ultraviolet (UV) protection, and metal (i.e., corrosion re-
The importance of focusing on the life cycle costs of an asset, sistant composite metals) have longer service lives. Despite advan-
rather than considering the investment costs (design and con- ces in the production and assembly of ceramic bricks, brick façades
struction) as the only economic parameter, was an important les- are still subject to severe degradation. The integrity of brick ma-
son learned in the 1960s. Therefore, the designer must consider sonry can be compromised due to an inadequate amount of binding
the costs of design, construction, operation, maintenance, and material, inadequate expansion joints, reliance on a labor-intensive
demolition of a façade system in the related calculations. These skilled workmanship, and exposure to the environment (e.g., sun
calculations show that it is more economical to make larger initial and rain) (Tomás et al. 2009). The first three issues are design and

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J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(1): 04018033

construction deficiencies; the fourth issue is caused by environmen- With the recent terrorist attacks and bombings, the ability of
tal exposure and microclimate characteristics. building façades to resist blast loads has become a new criterion and
Deterioration and damage of stone façades is mainly caused by focus of many researchers in designing tall or important govern-
weathering and temperature variations, movement in stone veneers, ment and commercial buildings, especially in the case of glass
and environmental contamination and chemical attacks that initiate façades (Hadden and Lee 2005). It must be noted that adding blast
micro cracks that eventually develop into larger cracks (Labuz resistance to other design criteria necessitates a complex set of
1997). trade-offs. Blast load concerns must be balanced with other design
The most frequent material-related failure occurs in precast con- criteria, including aesthetics, structural integrity, sustainability, du-
crete façades. Common deficiencies are inadequate air entrainment rability, ease of access for inspection and maintenance, and overall
and the presence of reactive aggregates in the concrete (Popovic costs. It is preferable that the related security measures not interfere
and Arnold 2000). Proper air entrainment protects the panels with other façade attributes because the probability of attack is very
against degradation due to freeze–thaw cycles, which is more small; however, the catastrophic effects in the case of such an attack
severe in thin precast panels. Alkali–silica reaction (ASR) and must not be neglected.
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delayed ettringite formation (DEF) reactions are both expansive To prevent façade failures due to earthquakes, the façade de-
reactions that result in cracking and deterioration of the panels. signer must consider the seismic behavior of façades (especially in
These reactions are slow and their appearance can be delayed for tall buildings) while designing them. Researchers have studied the
more than 10 years after construction. The expansive reactions can seismic behavior of various façade systems ranging from heavy pre-
be limited by sealing the exposed surfaces to avoid water infiltra- cast concrete façades (Rihal 1989) to lightweight glazing systems
tion. Other material-related damages (chemical and physical) in (Behr 1998). In addition, McKay et al. (2015) provided an overview
concrete façades and steel joints include freeze–thaw cycles, acid of the key factors that must be considered in designing façade sys-
attack, chloride attack, decalcification, corrosion, and fracture of tems against seismic, wind, and blast loads along with the common
the steel. design approaches and provisions on how to effectively eliminate
or mitigate such design challenges.
Failures Caused by Natural or Manufactured Hazards
In addition to connection and material-related failures that are usu- Façade Design Procedure and Considerations
ally caused by poor design and construction work, natural or manu-
factured hazards (e.g., earthquake, windstorms, fire, blast loads) To have an optimal façade system, necessary provisions must be
have been responsible for many façade failures throughout history. made in each stage of its life cycle (Fig. 3). For instance, building
These failures relate to the response of the façade system to alignment and WWRs are factors that can affect façade perform-
dynamic loads. In the past, the dynamic behavior of façade systems ance and overall building energy consumption, and they should be
was neglected due to their non–load-bearing nature. However, due considered during the conceptual design phase of a building irre-
to several catastrophic failures, this area is receiving increased spective of whether the architect is the façade designer or not.
attention. Selection of a proper façade system for each project is the most
Building envelopes (façades and roofs) are the parts of a build- important step in designing an optimal system. The designer is re-
ing that are most susceptible to wind loads (especially in tall and sponsible for selecting materials and considering their resistance to
slender buildings). The current codes and standards estimate these the various environmentally and mechanically caused degradations
along with their compatibility to the adjacent materials and their
loads with consideration of the local history. However, these esti-
overall service life performance (Chew et al. 2006). Because a sin-
mates do not protect the building envelope against wind loads for
gle material, or a combination of various materials, may be used in
every situation and have some shortcomings (Geurts et al. 2004).
façade systems, their performance and durability can be affected by
For example, evaluation of wind loads for square plans and simple
both individual and integrated material performance under aggres-
façades are available in the codes; however, many building shapes
sive environmental conditions.
are not covered by the standard shapes. Another shortcoming of the
Façade performance can vary in various environmental condi-
codes relates to their not including the effect of neighboring build-
tions and locations (e.g., industrial, urban, rural, coastal zones) due
ings on wind loads and the lack of a full consideration of the effects
to inconsistent durability characteristics of the façade materials in
of pressure equalization that may reduce, but mostly increase, wind
each zone. In addition, the maintenance requirements of the system
loads. However, it is now possible to determine the performance of
are key factors that must be considered in the selection process
façade elements by appropriate wind tunnel tests. because they can significantly affect life cycle costs.
With the recent trends to build taller structures, consideration of
fire safety issues related to façades has become more urgent due to
new design complexities (e.g., the use of curved surfaces and Present Design Procedure
rotated floors) and the hidden details of fire barrier assemblies The façade design procedure varies in different countries and also
(O’Conner 2008). In addition, it is important to understand the from project to project. Hence, no one, unique method is available.
effect of various façade components and façade orientation on its However, there are similarities in the current design practices
fire performance. around the world (whether the architect is the façade designer, a
Current codes and standards suggest that the risk associated with special façade engineering group is available, or a façade contractor
fire spread along the exterior of a façade can be mitigated with a is involved).
properly designed and operational sprinkler system. However, Designers often consider façades as secondary components of
according to O’Conner (2008) this is a critical assumption and the building system. Currently, design, manufacture, and assembly
while our understanding of the fire spread mechanism is intact, the of façade systems are often subcontracted to a specialty contractor
risk of fire spread related to tall building façades has not been well working as a part of the construction team (Masetti et al. 2013). The
examined and further research and investigation is needed in this specialty contractor group typically consists of façade designers,
field. manufacturers, erectors, and, occasionally, other consultants.

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Building conceptual Façade conceptual Façade operation and
Façade detailed design Façade construction
design design maintenance
• Design flexibility • Factors affecting • Resistance to mechanical • Qualified • Proper façade
• Building massing and saftey (weight, fire loads workmanship cleaning
oreintation resistance) • Earthquake/Wind/Blast • Proper inspection • Routine visual and
• Window/wall • Factors affecting resistance and quality control detailed inspections
• Building shape to human comfort • Vibrations during • Corrective
allow for easy access • Considering the • Induced deformations construction maintenance in
(for inspection and expected service life (expansion, contraction, • Final inspection accordance with
maintenance) of each componet deflections etc.) façade needs
• Window setbacks or individualy and as a • Required stiffness • Demolition plan at
fixed shadigs provided whole system the end of life cycle
• Construction flexibility
as an aesthetic feature • Energy efficiency (Seasonality,
that also contribute to • Reuse/recyclability sequencing, tolerances,
the performance • Costs (cost-benefit coordination)
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analysis) • Durability considerations

Fig. 3. Necessary façade considerations during various life cycle stages.

In some cases, the façade design procedure is implemented in In general, a façade system involves multidomain systems such as
two stages. The “architectural design,” followed by the “execution architecture, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering. In such sys-
design” phase, which is directed by the façade constructor. tems, the design criteria within one domain can affect or be contradict-
In some cases, sophisticated consulting engineers and façade ing to what is performed in the other domains. For example,
designers consider the building envelope in an all-inclusive build- Meacham et al. (2012) showed that a building designed for energy ef-
ing design and reflect site, orientation, massing and geometry, day- ficiency can increase the susceptibility to fire and decrease the fire re-
light, glazing, shading, and materials studies in their projects. After sistance of the building. This inherent complexity of the system and
selecting the appropriate systems, their design and detailing is con- the integration required among the multidomain components make it
ducted from a structural and thermal point of view to manufacturing difficult for designers to consider all necessary functions of a façade
and waterproofing needs. system as a whole. Consequently, an interactive and integrated design
approach is desirable for such systems; however, most façade design-
ers still tend to use traditional design approaches (which usually lack
Current Deficiencies and Needs consideration of all major criteria) due to the absence of a systematic
method for façade design (Moghtadernejad et al. 2018).
The US Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA Current façade design satisfies the provisions of national codes
2007) defined a high-performance building or a façade as one that in terms of structural integrity and, in some new cases, energy effi-
“integrates and optimizes on a lifecycle basis all major high- ciency; however, they do not adequately address the issues of dura-
performance attributes, including energy conservation, environ- bility, sustainability (in terms different from energy efficiency, such
ment, safety, security, durability, accessibility, cost-benefit analy- as environmental impacts and recyclability of used materials),
sis, productivity, sustainability, functionality, and operational con- related maintenance costs and needs, inspection needs, or the inter-
siderations” (Patterson and Matusova 2013). action of different criteria with each other.
“High-performance” in current building façades is mostly
related to energy efficiency, especially during the operation stage of
the life cycle. Although energy consumption and the resulting emis- Conceptual Design Stage
sions are very important and central issues, a thorough assessment As mentioned earlier, selection of a proper façade system is a key
of façade performance requires more detailed considerations. step in optimal façade design; however, proper façade system selec-
Currently, new building façades are often mistakenly recognized as tion is a very challenging task. Being a multifaceted problem, the
high-performance and those that qualify for the high-performance façade system design leads to Pareto decisions, which involve mak-
label may not meet accurate measures of sustainability (Patterson ing decisions between choices where it is impossible to make any
and Matusova 2013). It must be emphasized that with the current single attribute better without making at least one attribute worse.
worldwide environmental crisis, sustainability of façades should be When a design is tailored to satisfy each criterion sequentially, the
considered as a central criterion of high-performance systems. solutions do not necessarily represent an optimal outcome (Raphael
The Center for the Built Environment (CBE) of the California 2014). In such multifaceted cases, attaining optimal design solu-
Energy Commission has issued a report providing seven key strat- tions would be a very complex and sometimes an impossible task if
egies to minimize building energy use that include, for example, the involved performance attributes are not identified properly. It is
building orientation, solar control, transparency, natural ventilation, also important to determine and understand the interdependence
integrated lighting, and HVAC controls (Zelenay et al. 2011). In among criteria. The most important challenge is to model the inter-
practice, these strategies have been useful when combined cor- actions and correlations between the design criteria and to form a
rectly. However, achieving high façade performance levels depends systematic design approach to identify and evaluate these key
on other criteria that are unique to a project. In the current design criteria.
practice, a custom-tailored approach is selected, which considers Several issues are encountered in the early design stages when
each of these criteria as a distinct challenge. the designer is required to choose between available alternatives.

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J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(1): 04018033

Typically, designers choose the best available components to satisfy work aimed at predicting the service life of specific façade systems
each design attribute. These approaches can sometimes produce a can be helpful in determining their durability. The main methodolo-
functional solution that is not necessarily an optimal one. This inef- gies currently applied to service life prediction of façades are di-
ficiency in the decision-making process is mostly related to a lack vided into four categories that were studied by Silva et al. (2014),
of consideration of the interdependence between various objectives. who applied these methods for service life prediction of rendered
In the past, several researchers have performed single objective façades. These categories include deterministic, factorial, stochas-
optimization of building systems (Raphael 2014). For example, tic, and artificial intelligence-based methods. Silva et al. (2016) also
Bouchlaghem (2000) introduced an approach for designing optimal introduced fuzzy systems to predict the service life of natural stone
building envelopes by using a simplified thermal model for build- façades.
ings. Wang et al. (2005) worked on optimizing the building shape In addition, in terms of maintainability, Chew et al. (2006) studied
for energy efficiency, whereas Wright et al. (2002) developed a the various risks that occur during the service life of a building façade
genetic algorithm to minimize the building energy consumption. in tropical areas, from design to demolition (according to, e.g., their
In multicriteria design, the designer must consider various (and material, shape, and exposure condition), and assigned a maintain-
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sometimes conflicting) objectives simultaneously. For example, ability score to each façade type by using a neural network model.
offsetting the daylight load might require increasing the WWR,
which would consequently result in increasing the radiant heat that Detailed Design and Considerations
enters the building (Raphael 2014). Thus, in such multicriteria
design problems, it is necessary to find the solutions that balance After selecting a proper façade system, the designer must consider
various design criteria. Radford and Gero (1988) applied this con- all approaches regarding the avoidance or elimination of environ-
cept in optimizing buildings with respect to thermal control, use of mental risks in the second design stage (i.e., detailed design).
daylight, construction costs, and usable area (Wang et al. 2005). Façades are directly influenced by various environmental condi-
Caldas (2008) used a multicriteria approach to maintain a bal- tions such as moisture effects, solar radiation, freeze–thaw cycles,
ance between the energy efficiency and the initial costs of a build- thermal expansion/contraction, degradation from salts or air pollu-
ing. Raphael (2014) analyzed the trade-offs in environmental tants and sealants, and failure of other materials (Wiseman 1997).
impacts of a building by considering the embodied energy of the However, moisture and water diffusion are the key initiators of
materials and the building energy conservations by using improved most façade deterioration problems, either from an aesthetic per-
construction techniques. spective that includes the unpleasant sight of staining and efflores-
In summary, multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) tools offer cence or from structural defects such as the appearance of cracks
a solution to the current challenges faced in conceptual design of and joint corrosion (Das 2008; Moghtadernejad and Mirza 2014a).
façades. Although MCDM has been used extensively in manage- Most moisture and water infiltration issues are due to poor detailing,
ment science, industrial engineering, and economics (Gal et al. such as using a large number of joints and a lack of water tightness
2013), its application in the design of buildings and building and caulking. One way to enhance the system integrity is to maxi-
façades is new and rather limited. Currently there is a need for fur- mize the grid size and therefore reduce the number of joints needed;
ther research on multiobjective façade design because current however, this solution can cause manufacturing, handling, and con-
research and practice lack a consideration of all required design struction problems.
attributes and their interdependence, resulting in a more conserva- Water infiltration into the façade causes durability problems,
tive and less accurate value for the overall score of each design mold growth, and reduced comfort of the occupants (Kyle et al.
alternative. 2008). Understanding the combination of wind, moisture, and ther-
mal load effects would help the designer determine the façade
response and evaluate the hydrothermal behavior, expansions at
Evaluation and Comparison of Available Systems
joints, vulnerability to water diffusion, or deterioration of the façade
As mentioned previously, although the importance of each design system due to the development of such combined deterioration
attribute (i.e., sustainability, durability, maintainability, and cost ef- responses.
ficiency) is evident to designers, there is a need for a systematic The designer must ensure that the connections have the potential
approach for the integration of these attributes in the conceptual to allow structural, thermal, creep, and shrinkage movements. The
design phase. Façade designers and researchers are still hesitant to designer must also allow for construction alterations, such as when
go any further than emphasizing current needs because these design alignment during erection changes from the original design. In addi-
attributes are mainly qualitative and the available façade systems tion, the connections should be able to accommodate the tolerances
cannot be compared with each other with respect to these criteria. associated with the erection process.
Although a system can be labeled as sustainable or durable, one It is best to provide a maintenance plan for a complex façade sys-
cannot truly measure the sustainability or durability of a system, tem during the design stage in order to guarantee proper system
thus making the decision-making process an almost impossible operation after initial commissioning (Zelenay et al. 2011).
task. Ongoing monitoring of the system is necessary to ensure the desired
Consequently, there is a need for further research on the quantifi- performance of the façade. Although postoccupancy inspection and
cation of these performance attributes. The first simple step would monitoring is usually not included in the scope of the design serv-
be to detect the measurable indicators that define or affect each of ices, it is best that the designer cooperate with contractors and build-
these criteria or performance attributes; however, this can be quite ing owners or managers, at least during the first year of its service
difficult. During the past decades, there have been some efforts to life, to guarantee the proper operation of the façade system. This
evaluate the overall performance of façades. Although none have will also help the designer learn how well specific systems perform
considered all required attributes in their performance evaluations, in practice and develop practical solutions to enhance future
the work of these researchers in terms of assessing some attributes designs.
in specific façade systems are quite useful. For example, the energy Currently, designers are provided with building information
performance of glass façades (both single- and double-skin), has models (BIMs), which represent the physical and functional charac-
been studied by Machniewicz and Heim (2013). Recent research teristics of their design. BIMs provide a reliable basis for building

© ASCE 04018033-6 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(1): 04018033

life cycle decision making from conception to demolition in the and testing facilities are essential to satisfying code requirements
form of a shared information resource; hence, they facilitate cost that require testing and approval of façade materials before their on-
evaluation, construction, and project management processes (Smith site use.
2007). Each BIM dimension provides specific information to the Other important considerations for improving construction qual-
model (McPartland 2017). Increasing the dimensions of the model ity include using mock-ups and inspection of the completed work
will provide a better understanding of the project (e.g., how it will (Parfitt 2007). It is recommended to involve the façade designers in
be delivered, what the costs and required maintenance concerns the inspection procedure both during and after finishing the con-
are). struction work.
These intelligent three-dimensional (3D) shared information
models are transferred from the design team to the construction con-
tractor, then on to the owner and the maintenance team. It is the
responsibility of each professional to add or update any related in- Façade Maintenance Requirements and
formation to the shared model.
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The four-dimensional (4D) BIM (construction sequencing) adds
an extra dimension of information in terms of scheduling data
Once façade installation is complete, some degradation mecha-
(McPartland 2017). The data provide accurate information and vis-
nisms commence within a short duration and have a negative influ-
ualizations on the step-by-step development of the project. The
ence on the façade performance. A general expectation is that prop-
five-dimensional (5D) BIM provides accurate life cycle cost infor-
erly designed façades maintain their aesthetical and functional
mation. This model enables the automatic counting of systems or
performance, with minimal costs for maintenance, repairs, and
subsystems of a project and provides notifications when changes
are made. The six-dimensional (6D) BIM, includes the data related rehabilitation. To ensure the proper functional performance of
to the operation and maintenance (O&M) phases such as installation façades throughout their life cycle, planned cleanings and inspec-
date, essential maintenance, proper configuration, and operation of tions must be carried out regularly (Das 2008; Moghtadernejad and
a component for optimal performance, along with decommissioning Mirza 2014a). The costs of these activities depend on the accessibil-
information. ity and simplicity of the selected system. The accessibility of the
Using these models helps mitigate the data losses that usually façade is a function of the complexity of façade shape, and it influ-
occur when a new team is assigned to a project, and they deliver ences the time required to perform repairs and replacements as well
more detailed and comprehensive information on complex projects. as decommissioning (removal work).

Importance of Façade Construction Quality

Preventive Maintenance: Role of Regular Inspection
Constructability of a façade system (e.g., construction flexibility, Over the years, multiple incidents of complete or partial detachment
consideration of details with acceptable clearances, alignments and of façade components have caused disastrous injuries or deaths.
proper sequencing, availability of materials and elements, attainable Barnes (2011) and Moghtadernejad and Mirza (2014b) have
workmanship, seasonality) is a key factor in attaining the required
reported that a façade failure takes place in North America once ev-
performance attributes. To ensure façade integrity and good per-
ery 3 weeks. In response to these failures, several cities in the
formance, façade panels must be mounted correctly (Mahmood
United States (e.g., New York, Chicago) and in Canada (e.g.,
2007; Moghtadernejad and Mirza 2014b). To minimize on-site defi-
Montreal) have ordinances requiring regular inspections. Diebolt
ciencies, designers favor prefabricated unitized or panelized façade
(2015) has provided a list of these cities and the related ordinances
systems whose performance can be tested before installation on
in detail.
site. It is essential for the manufacturer to verify the as-built dimen-
The required façade assessments are typically performed in three
sions and the building frame elevation prior to starting the prefabri-
stages. In the first stage, the related façade documents are reviewed
cation procedure (Popovic and Arnold 2000). Although excellent
quality control and rapid assembly are benefits of prefabricated con- and as-built drawings are prepared in cases where they are not avail-
struction, negative aspects include the small error margin, complex- able. In the second stage, a visual inspection is initially performed
ity of connections, necessity of bracing throughout the on-site as- under appropriate lighting conditions: Sometimes sunlight or shad-
sembly, and, occasionally, a lack of design flexibility. In the case of ing may obscure areas of a building at certain viewing angles
the concrete being cast in-place, the supervisor must inspect the (FEA 2011). In a visual inspection, it is possible to detect element
concrete mixture composition (e.g., air entrainment, use of admix- movements and evident visual defects, such as cracks and spalls.
tures to enhance durability). Due to the inability of the inspectors to detect hidden signs of dis-
Construction quality can be promoted through close collabora- tress and deterioration that are developing, a second survey is per-
tion between the design and construction teams, with a clear defini- formed and it consists of a close-up and detailed inspection of
tion of the responsibilities of the various parties involved. With particular façade elements using scaffolding or other appropriate
good workmanship and quality control on site, it is possible to guar- means and probing of selected elements for hidden deterioration.
antee the safety, strength, serviceability, and durability provisions Some of these assessments can be performed with thermal imag-
that were specified in an original design. However, good workman- ing, laser assessment, or the Smart Virtual Unmanned Aerial
ship and quality control are only conceivable through accurate Vehicle Examination (SUAVE) system (SMARTSENSYS 2015)
detailing and clear specifications of the system (e.g., waterproofing that have the potential to examine sections of façades that have
components, proper drainage, sealants, joint types, spacing). Hence, limited accessibility and hidden elements. In the final stage, the
the use of simple and executable member and connection details is inspector is responsible for evaluating the façade condition and
highly recommended in the design phase. The availability of effi- communicating the results to the building owner and the local
cient and competent personnel to perform on-site work is a key fac- building authority. The inspection records are kept throughout
tor in ensuring construction quality. An appropriate sampling plan the service life of the building for any future assessment.

© ASCE 04018033-7 J. Archit. Eng.

J. Archit. Eng., 2019, 25(1): 04018033

Preventive Maintenance: Façade Cleaning play an important role in reducing building energy consumption
and its annual energy costs. Another issue that should receive
Safety, serviceability, and cleaning requirements vary considerably
greater attention is the necessity of façade design for durability.
for different types of façades. However, the latter depends on the
desired level of aesthetic appearance, building location, and func- Like any other structural element, façades have a limited service
tion in addition to atmospheric conditions (Kadlubowski and life and will gradually degrade over time. It is possible to prolong
Bynum 2001). Aesthetics is the main reason to clean building their service life to an optimal level, with a balance between mainte-
façades, but this also provides the possibility of façade condition nance requirements and any required repair costs. This goal can be
evaluation and repair. Besides, to prevent any acceleration of achieved through integrating the required performance criteria in
façade deterioration, it is important to clean pollutants such as sul- design, construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning
fur, nitrogen oxides, and acid rain impurities from façades. of the façade. It is the responsibility of the designer to consider all
Moisture is the principal cause of panel decay. In the presence of these attributes and adapt appropriate materials and system detail-
waterproof coatings, moisture can be captured inside the façade ing to minimize the likelihood of any premature component deterio-
ration to guarantee a high-performance system. Consideration of all
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panel. However, façade cleaning removes the waterproof coating,

leaving the panel pores unsealed, further facilitating moisture required design attributes to an optimal level requires a systematic
penetration. MCDM approach for façade design, which, unfortunately, is not
Generally, it is more practical to perform façade cleaning before currently available to designers.
any repair work. To do so, appropriate preparations must be made, Along with proper façade design and good construction quality,
including knowledge of the prevailing climate, protection of build- it is important to conduct regular maintenance of façades to ensure
ing materials that should remain without cleaning against damage their safety and serviceability. This maintenance work consists of
during façade cleaning, and performing test cleaning on a small cleaning, inspection, and, if required, repair and rehabilitation.
façade region. Façade cleaning methods include chemical, non- Neglecting to perform the required maintenance work will lead to
chemical (water cleaning), and abrasive techniques and a hybrid premature façade failures that can cause social and economic dam-
approach that utilizes a combination of these. Each façade type ages along with injury or death to pedestrians.
requires an appropriate strategy that must be defined by the cleaning In summary, the best practice to achieve an optimal façade sys-
agency in consultation with the design professionals. tem is to take in-time actions and necessary considerations over var-
ious stages of a façade system life cycle. Application of a 6D BIM
Corrective Maintenance to integrate life cycle stages facilitates this process significantly
while preventing any risk of information loss. Moreover, it is rec-
Corrective maintenance work is carried out as a result of the inspec- ommended to use a proper decision-making method for selecting
tions performed on a specific façade. Corrective maintenance can
the most suitable façade system to ensure its compatibility and effi-
be performed in the form of repair, rehabilitation, or strengthening.
ciency with respect to the design criteria.
For rehabilitation, major repairs are carried out to restore the safety
and serviceability of the façade to its approximate original condition
(Moghtadernejad 2013). Strengthening is implemented to enhance
the load-bearing capacity of the façade and restore its stiffness and Acknowledgments
strength to its original state.
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