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The social media crisis


Did you know on the planet earth there are 7.8 billion people currently living, and almost all of them
rely on technology in their daily lives, if technology were not as adapted as it currently is it is possible
to say that humans and the way that they behave would be seen as completely different. The people
who take advantage of technology being such an accessible thing is in fact children. There are three
main points that are really affecting us that I will be discussing, it is only when these points are
addressed that we as a society will be able to have a stable grasp on how much time we spend on

PEEL PARA 1 - study’s carried out

The fact that young people spend far too much time on their phones on the daily is a known fact
amongst parents all over the globe, some of these parents worry about the amount of to me their
child spends on a screen, where others do not have as much of a concern about their screen time.
An organisation based in the UK (United Kingdom) called OFCOM estimated that “children at ages 3-
4 years old spend an estimated 3 hours of time in front of a screen per day”, this therefore
demonstrates the awful amount of hours kids spend staring at their screen. The amount of time on a
screen increases by an hour for the next two years to four hours per day, the time increases by half
an hour for the next two years and the amount of time teenagers spend on screens is about six and a
half hours per day, this evidence proves that as we grow up, we are spending more time looking at a
screen. Tests have been carried out to find out the average amount of time a teenager spends on a
screen per day, and results found that “the average teenagers daily screen time exceeds 4 hours”
this data tells us that an exceptionally sizeable percentage of our youth are deprived by the
technology of the 21st century. So, by looking at these statistics do you think that youths are
spending a more than necessary amount of time on their screens per day?

PEEL PARA 2 – progressive increase

Children spend a ridiculous amount of time on social media every day, it has gotten so out of control
that people have had to conduct tests on the amount they spend on these platforms. Tests carried
out by a team of scientists they found that “older children are spending more and more time on
their devices as they get older” this obviously suggests that as children get older, they become
increasingly dependent on technology to entertain them. It is not only a known fact that children
spend a ridiculous amount of time in front of a screen on the daily but also that it is affecting them
mentally, a study conducted in 2016 found that hundreds of teens who logged on to social media.
These teens “were linked with worse sleep quality and higher levels of anxiety and depression” this
data proves that teens are so invested into their devices that it is taking a serious toll on their mental

PEEL PARA 3 – the statistics

The social media crisis


It is not only the youth who are deprived of the realisation of the real world, adults are also faced
with similar problems when it revolves around social media and screens, would it be hard to believe
that “the average American spends over 7 hours per day looking at a screen” the statistics shown
there are horrible to look at and even more horrible to know that they are true. Although it is a
known fact that the United States of America is by far the worst country in the world when it comes
to social media and the amount of time spent at screens, this has to be taken in to consideration
when looking at these statistics, the united kingdom cannot be given any slack though as “the
average person in the United Kingdom spends a substantial six hours and twelve minutes in front of
a screen every day” These lengthy amount of times are truthfully atrocious and there is no surprise
at all why so many people suffer from a countless amount of mental problems such as depressions,
anxiety, bipolar issues etc… As a parent you would certainly not want your child to suffer from any of
these mental health issues would you?.


The topic in which I have been discussing is one which is so difficult to find the positive points that
they are pretty much non – existent, however this does not mean that some misguided people will
argue that social media has changed our lives for the better. In as many ways it has there are an-
equal number of ways it has changed people's lives for the worse. Some would argue that we have
never been more connected through social media; some would argue that we have never been more
isolated. The reason for this is because people spend so much time copped up in In a room staring at
a screen. When people are on screens, they can lose track of what is going on in the real world and
lose track of time. Not knowing what is going on around you is something very dangerous and should
be taken into real consideration next time you decide to stare at a screen for a long time.


Once reading all prices of evidence you shall come to realise that people really are spending far to
much time on their In conclusion I found that the amount of time that the average person (globally)
spend dazing are a screen per day is far over the recommended healthy amount. A person should
only spend less than two hours per day on a screen to maintain a healthy amount of screen time. All
across the globe the screen crisis is a very big problem, people now may not yet realise but in the
future the consequences will face those who spent a ridiculous amount of time staring at a screen.
By now you probably have a better understanding of how bad this problem is and the reality of the
consequences it provides, so with this knowledge do you think that you can start to mend your
personal screen problem by cutting down the amount of hours you spend on your devices?.

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