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“The art of communication is the language of leadership.”-James Humes.

The first topic for this week is "The Principles of Professional Communication," which is being
discussed by group 9. Their topics include corporate culture and professional communication,
professional purpose, audience of professionals, professional language, the genres of
professional writing, and lastly, the design principles of professional writing. Because it is
already time, their discussion is not yet complete.

I learned about the social context as they discussed. So, what exactly is the social
context? The term "social context" refers to the many contexts in which individuals are
involved, such as the groups with whom they interact and the culture in which they live. The
corporate culture and professional communication come next. Thus, corporate culture is the
whole of the values, customs, traditions, and meanings that distinguish a company. Third, they
discussed Professional Communication, which is a sort of communication utilized for the
sharing of ideas, information, and messages on a professional level. Its goal is to accomplish
anything within or inside an organization. They also explore and clarify the distinction between
academic and professional writing.

Furthermore, the difference between these two is that academic writing is defined as
writing written in a formal style that is often used in colleges and universities. Research papers
and conference papers are the two most common categories. The major target audiences are
professors and fellow students. It is also to develop new information in a certain academic field.
While working as a professional writer. In a professional environment, it is differentiated
textual communication (such as workplace). Business letters and progress reports provide many
examples of formal writing that may be seen in a professional setting. It is mostly aimed at
business and management professionals. It also has clear and straightforward organization
concepts in a style that is suitable for busy readers.

In conclusion, the topic is all about professionalism. Professionalism entails properly

listening when another person is speaking. It explains how we categorize or know who we do
our papers for or with whom we interact professionally. It can assist us in determining the most
effective communication plan for our target audience. Furthermore, by learning professional
communication, the possibility of misunderstandings may be reduced. When we operate in a
team, we must be able to communicate with one another on a regular basis. We must be able
to listen to other people's opinions while still communicating our own clearly and effectively.

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