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Path of Water

Rank: 1
Range: Near
Duration: Immediate
You remove all toxins and poisons from food and water nearby. The foulest rotting kank
flesh is rendered tasteless and edible, the saltiest marsh-water is made crystal clear. You
can use this spell to extend the usefulness of uncooked Meat and Vegetables by one day.
Alcohol is removed from wine. Poison of Potency (Power Level x 3) is removed. Beware
that any poisons carried by your friends should be taken out of range if they hope to use
them! Power Level 1 purifies d6, Power Level 2 purifies 2 x d6 or 1 x d12, Power Level 3
purifies 3 x d6, etc.

Rank: 1
Range: Short
Duration: 1 Quarter Day
You are drawn to water in the wilderness. After you cast this spell, any Forage attempt
to find water that you Help with can be made with a d12 Artefact dice. You can even find
water in Terrain Types that normally hold no water (e.g. Sandy Wastes), although the
Artefact dice is reduced to d8.

Rank: 1
Range: Arm's Length
Duration: Immediate
You can heal damage to Strength or Agility by laying your hands on the wounded. You
immediately heal a number of points equal to the Power Level. This spell does not affect
critical injuries. You cannot heal yourself.

Rank: 2
Range: Self
Duration: 1 turn (15 minutes)
You temporarily turn your skeleton into a malleable and oozy form. Your stretchy body
can change its shape into amazing and freaky new forms, and your muscles work as
normal. You are able to fit into small containers such as jugs, and may be able to move
under doors or through small holes. You can climb. You can also stretch your elastic
limbs and body to triple their normal length, allowing you to reach far. You can make
Melee attacks at Near range.

Rank: 2
Range: Near
Duration: Immediate
The memories of the victim's mind are washed clear. They lose memory of the events of
the last 5 minutes, and may be momentarily confused. The spell cannot be used in
combat. After one hour has passed, the victim may attempt an Insight roll, with a penalty
equal to the Power Level. On a success, they recover the memory of those lost minutes.

Rank: 2
Range: Near
Duration: Immediate
You focus on the silence of the depths and clear minds of dark influences and thoughts.
The target immediately heals a number of Wits of Empathy points equal to the Power
Level of the spell.


Rank: 3, Ritual
Range: Self
Duration: Immediate
You touch the infinite depths and silence of the Source and gradually fill your soul with
resolve and clarity of mind. You gain a number of Willpower points equal to the Power

Rank: 3
Range: Near
Duration: Varies
Intense crushing forces of gravity pin the victim. They cannot move their limbs or speak,
but they are aware of what happens around them. The victim may not take any Fast or
Slow actions while affected, but they may make an Insight roll at the start of their action
each round. Count the number of successes they achieve with their Insight rolls. When
the number of accumulated successes equals the Power Level, then the spell ends and
they can act immediately. The spell has no effect on monsters.

Rank: 3
Range: Distant
Duration: Quarter Day
You are so in tune with the forces of Water that you can summon or drive away weather
in the map hex where you are. You can make a small change such as summon clouds,
cause existing clouds to rain, calm a stiff wind - at Power Level 1. Unusual weather
phenomena such as the sudden formation of clouds and rainfall on a clear day, is Power
Level 2. Freakish unnatural weather such as snow in the desert is Power Level 3

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