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Salvador Abelló, Víctor Barbera, Eric


Victor: Hey, have you heard about the upcoming tech conference?

Salva: Yeah, I'm planning to go. I've been working on a cool project, and I
will show it there.

Eric: That's awesome! What's your project about?

Salva: I'm focusing on developing a game with hi-tech augmented reality

that will be capable of simulating our world.

Victor: That sounds cutting-edge! How does it work?

Salva: Well, it’s a secret but I will tell it to you. By the time I won’t have
finished it but I did a lot. It works like an increased reality but it’s much

Eric: That's really cool! When do you think it will be ready?

Salva: I've been working on it for a few months now, and I'm aiming to
launch it by the end of next year. I still have some features to implement like
making it user-friendly and some testing to do.

Victor: That's exciting! Are you planning to collaborate with any stores or

Salva: I think I won’t, I am not going to collaborate with brands, only the
project costs a lot of money, I have to save money and I want to get all the
money from the sales.

Eric: I think that's not a smart move. Collaborations can help you reach a
wider audience and provide more diverse shopping options, a downside is
that you will have to give some of the money you earn to the company, but
it’s your project, you decide.

Salva: Exactly! I believe that doing a collaboration is convenient to reach

more people but I want to earn all the money.
Victor: I'm looking forward to trying it out when it's launched. It sounds like
it will revolutionize the market and video games.

Salva: Thanks, Victor! One downside is that it will be costly.

victor: Don’t worry mate.

Eric: Count me in too! I'm curious to see how augmented reality is going to
be more realistic.

Salva: Great! I'll make sure to keep you both updated on the progress of my
project. Let's stay connected and continue to explore the exciting
possibilities of technology.

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