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Instruction: In Accordance to your belief or perceptin write TRUE or FALSE on the answer sheet

1. Salvation means that the believer will no longer commit any sin. FALSE – 1 John 3:6
What remains in his is not continues in guilt . Anyone _ continues in guilt is not saw
neither met with _ him .
2. Belief that Jesus is God is a requirement of salvation. TRUE 1 Thessalonians 4:9 4 Should
be let everyone 's dealings be holy and noble one it 's yours husband , [

3. God loves everyone therefore all will be saved. FALSE John 3:16
4. We can be saved and enter heaven if we have more good works than sin. FALSE
Ephesians 2:8-9
5. True belief is manifested by obedience to God. TRUE
6. Hell is a real place and once a person is in hell, it is permanent. TRUE Luke16:19-31
7. Jesus paid for all our sins – past, present and future. TRUE John 19:30
8. To repent is just to feel remorse about our sin. FALSE 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 / Mateo 27:3-
9. In order to remain saved, we need to keep following the 10 commandments. FALSE
James 2:10
10. Water baptism is required in salvation. FALSE

1. Our assurance that we are saved is based on our feeling. FALSE John 10:25-29
2. Believers are adopted children of God. TRUE
3. Without shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. TRUE Hebrew 9:22
4. Penance pays for our sin. FALSE
5. Jesus has completely finished paying the sins of humanity. TRUE
6. Confession to another person is required for forgiveness of sin. FALSE
7. When a Christian sins, not only is his fellowship with God broken but also his
relationship with Him. FALSE
8. The object of saving faith is Jesus Christ. TRUE
9. Aside from Jesus atoning death, we must atone for our personal sins also. FALSE
10. Saving faith results to obedient action. TRUE

1. The Holy Spirit is a Person. TRUE
2. The Holy Spirit has feelings. TRUE
3. The filling of the Spirit is a moment by moment submission to God. TRUE
4. Only believers can be convicted by the Holy Spirit. FALSE
5. The Holy Spirit leaves the believer when he/she sins. FALSE
6. Every believer is given a spiritual gift. TRUE
7. The purpose of our spiritual gift is to serve others believers and non-believers alike.
8. A grateful heart is an evidence of the filing of the Holy Spirit. TRUE
9. The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and Son. TRUE
10. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a distinct and separate experience from being born
again. FALSE

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