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04 Activity

Name Alexie Basil A. Bataan Date 10/31/23

Section BSIT 313 Score

Case Study

Direction: Analyze the following scenario and answer the given questions. Elaborate on your answers. (4 items x 5 points)

Christoph is an IT professional working as an operations manager for a BPO company. For the first half of his
career, he was praised and hailed for his exceptional work by effectively and effortlessly applying management
information systems (MIS) to their operation, further developing their strong data analytics reports. He was even given a
certificate for it.

After a while, the unexpected happened. The MIS was not reflecting accurate and timely information; the fixes he
had used before are not working anymore. He even tried applying other information systems to replace the existing ones
to avoid malfunction, but those did not work. The company started getting delays on the insights and reports resulting in
the company halting some of its operations. After many attempts and various changes later, the issue is finally resolved.
Who did it? Christoph. As expected, he is met with praise and applause just like before.

Christoph knew he messed up the moment the MIS was not reflecting accurate information. Before it happened,
he tried to modify the system to further advance it without telling anybody, and without proper and finalized authorization.
It worked during the first few months, with only minimal errors that he could easily fix. It was too late when the error
expanded more than he could ever imagine.


1. What were the ethical responsibilities that Christoph lacked?

it is evident that he failed to adhere to the principles of avoiding harm and being honest and trustworthy. His oversight in
considering potential consequences led to the unfortunate cessation of the company's operations. By neglecting to anticipate
potential repercussions, he demonstrated a lack of vigilance and a failure to prioritize the well-being of the company.

Furthermore, as an IT professional, Christoph should have prioritized transparency from the outset. By withholding critical
information about the state of the system, he compromised the company's ability to prepare for and mitigate potential issues.
This lack of transparency eroded trust and hindered the company's ability to make informed decisions, ultimately leading to
disruptions in their operations.

2. What professional responsibilities did Christoph fail to accomplish?

Enhancing public comprehension of computing and its implications is crucial, especially for an operations manager like
Christoph. Rather than resorting to impromptu decisions with informal authorization, Christoph should have prioritized
transparent communication within the company and the broader public sphere. It was incumbent upon him to effectively
communicate any technical insights and challenges to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the company's systems
and their potential vulnerabilities.

By fostering an environment of open dialogue and knowledge sharing, Christoph could have facilitated a more informed and
collaborative approach to addressing technical difficulties. Providing the company with a comprehensive understanding of
the intricacies of the systems would have enabled them to make more informed decisions and better anticipate potential
risks. This proactive approach to transparency and knowledge dissemination is essential for fostering trust and ensuring the
effective management of computing resources and their associated consequences.
3. Christoph’s action displayed carelessness, putting harm to the company. How would such behavior affect
a successful company?

Christoph's lack of due diligence in handling the technical challenges has led to a breach of trust and a sense of insecurity
among the employees. The resulting dispute within the company's operations and the potential compromise of client data
could lead to widespread misunderstandings and an atmosphere of uncertainty within the workplace.

The erosion of trust and the compromised data could trigger a domino effect of challenges, ranging from decreased
employee morale and productivity to strained client relationships and potential legal repercussions. The resulting general
dilemma within the workplace could stifle collaboration and innovation, creating an atmosphere of apprehension and
suspicion among the workforce. Such an environment not only impedes the company's ability to function optimally but also
jeopardizes its reputation and standing within the industry.

4. If the company investigated the situation and traced it back to Christoph, how would they ensure that this
behavior is not repeated in the future?

Regarding the company's policies and regulations, it is imperative that any employee found to be involved in violations and
negligent behavior be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions. By implementing a transparent and consistent disciplinary
process, the company can underscore the gravity of such misconduct and emphasize the importance of adhering to ethical
and professional standards. Reporting such incidents not only serves as a means of documentation but also highlights the
significance of accountability within the organization.

Through the enforcement of clear consequences for inappropriate conduct, the company can effectively communicate the
severity of any breaches and reinforce the notion that every individual is accountable for their actions. By emphasizing the
repercussions of noncompliance with established protocols, the company can instill a culture of responsibility and integrity,
promoting a safer and more ethical work environment.

In this particular case, implementing disciplinary measures would not only serve as a deterrent for the employees involved
but also act as a cautionary tale for the rest of the workforce, emphasizing the importance of diligence and adherence to
company policies. It would also play a pivotal role in preventing similar incidents from occurring in the future, fostering a
culture of accountability and responsibility among employees.


Performance Standards Points

The student provided clear and justified explanations. 3
The student explained with at least five (5) sentences. 2
Total 5

04 Quiz 1 *Property of
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