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The Emergence of the Hero along

with the Villain

In the deep black scale of the universe lies a planet called the Blues
Globe—a planet filled with countless wondrous things. In this world,
magic… is possible. The Blues Globe is divided into 4 Large Continents
namely The Northern, Southern, Eastern, and the Western Continent.
These continents rank from 1 to 4; 1 would be the highest and 4 would
be the lowest. Among the four large continents, the Northern
Continent stands tall among them all. The Northern Continent was a
home for strong and courageous individuals. In the Northern Continent,
there is a country called WhiteRun, a country that is predominantly
dominated by the church.
In the year 110, the church's Pope had an
epiphany that a child is destined by God to be a
hero, and save the world from impending danger.
However, that child is being held captive by the
Barbarians, a large association that is very much
against any religion and stands on equal footing
with the church; one of the biggest enemies of
the church; an association that likes to spill blood
and wreak havoc everywhere they go.

As soon as the church was informed of the Pope's

epiphany, the church immediately sent a
delegation to discuss ransom for the chosen one.
Although the Church was prepared to pay for the
child's ransom at any amount of money, the
Barbarians slammed the Church with utter decline when they
discovered the child was the chosen one. This made the church furious
and waged war against the Barbarians. The battle took place in a
medium sized village called the RiverWood—a village that was occupied
by the Barbarians. The battle was a true horror—every corner of that
place spelled the word death. The war continued for months and both
sides suffered heavy casualties. The Church can't afford any more
suffering so they deployed their best warriors, The Crusade, to deal
with the Barbarians. The Church finally emerged as the victor and
successfully rescued the child.

Due to the war against the Barbarians, many people died as collateral
damage. Amidst the refugees who fled the village, there was a boy,
who became an orphan due to his parents being killed in the battle as a
collateral damage. This boy's heart, at a young age, invoked deep
hatred towards the Church and the Barbarians, and vowed to
completely eradicate them to avenge his parents, and to bring down
everything that blocks his path.

While fleeing, he got separated from the group of refugees and

stumbled upon the Forest— a forest that neither animals nor other
beings were willing to live in. He entered deep within and saw
something glowing in the distance. As curious as a child can be, he
approached the glowing light further, as he was walking towards it, he
felt chills, an eerie feeling enveloped his surroundings.

Upon taking a closer look, it

resembles an orb. He had seen an
orb before, and he can tell that this
is unlike any other orb, it glows like
a purplish red, and a few little
lightning flashes appear at the
same time.

He knew something was strange.

He felt that it was calling for his
name and wanted him to touch it.
The temptation grew stronger by
the second until he could no longer
resist and grabbed it. As soon as he grabbed the orb, his body
immediately absorbed it. After the absorption, he felt that his feelings
were heightened; because of this, his hatred was further amplified. The
only thing that's in his mind at that moment was to get stronger and to
deliver vengeance for his parents. After a while, he felt rumbling
vibrations underneath his feet; after a moment, a gate appeared.
The Formidable Student from the Prosperous Land

17 years have passed, as the WhiteRun won the war against the
Barbarians. This country is being blessed by the Gods and it became
more rich and prosperous where all of the resources are overflowing
and never-ending. This continent is so stunning: healthy animals and
plants, wondrous flowers and rivers are everywhere. People of this
country are always busy because of their successful businesses and
services: The restaurants are always full of people, the bars are out of
beer stocks, and road traffic because of busy local markets. The country
itself became a trading-port. This is where all the investors from across
the continents buy goods and supplies.

Despite being an open-country to the people, the country became

more secure after the war; laws and guards tightened the security
because of the threat that the barbarians would come back. Despite
the threat, the country's people are assured that they will be protected
by the Church's most strong student—“Lumiere”. Lumiere is very
respected and glorified by their people and became very popular
among women because of his very deadly charm and appearance. He
has a very masculine body with stiff arms with overwhelming strength.
He already imprisoned 10,000 criminals across the continent. He is
feared by the most merciless criminals, dangerous gangs, and powerful
syndicates. He is like hanging out with the women and fellow brothers
from his country every day-off at the bar to enjoy and to ease his stress.
However, he kept wondering despite being honored and glorified by his
people. Why was he that strong and powerful, unlike other normal
people his age? Why was he that special?

Even in his duty, he's still thinking and he was so curious about that.
While he was wandering in the busy city, he noticed something that
triggers his memories. He saw someone stealing goods at the store so
he ran quickly. Lumiere quickly responded and rushed immediately to
the store. With his incredible speed and power, he immediately caught
the thief; carrying with only his two fingers. As he carries the thief, the
people from the busy city were so confused why Lumiere was not doing
anything to the burglar. It turned out that Lumiere was more interested
in the looks and outfits of the criminal than what he does. Lumiere was
not bothered since he believes in his own strength. While he analyzes
the criminal he can't still figure out why was he familiar to him. Lumiere
just suddenly ignores that memory of his that suddenly appeared in his
mind because he thinks that it was just his imagination. After that he
put the thief in jail while begging and crying to give mercy on him;
however, the burglar didn't reach the merciful heart of Lumiere. As the
sunset is approaching, the people from that busy market praise and
clap for him as he returns the goods that the thief stole from the city

The Network Underground

The sun came down and the night be fall into the city. The thief
was in jail now and the stolen goods were returned, but Lumiere's mind
is still with the incident that happened in the afternoon. He can't stop
thinking about the familiarity he felt with the thief and the expression
the man made when he got caught. The horrified and crying face
plastered on his face, as if the death said hello to him, it made Lumiere
confused and suspicious. So Lumiere came back to the jail to ask and
check on the thief, he went inside along with the knight and as he was
approaching to the cell, he heard a muffled scream, so he ran to the cell
as fast as he could but to his surprise, a cold body lying on the ground
greeted him—It was the body of the thief. The knight went inside the
cell as Lumiere was still standing outside stunned and confused. The
knight confirmed that it was the work of a wizard and left to report the
death of the thief. Confused as Lumiere may be, he still went in to
check the body and later realized that he was the man that used to
deliver milks to the church when he was still a kid. He scanned his body
and noticed a piece of black cloth in his hand. He took it in his pocket
while no one was looking, and took a closer look at his body once more.
He saw a magical tattoo on his ankle shaped like a shackle made out of
raven's feather. Lumiere slowly touched the tattoo and it created a
small electricity before it vanished. The knights came and dismissed
Lumiere out of the jail.

Instead of walking back to the church, Lumiere went to his friend, the
known excellent witch named Merlin in the underworld, in order to
track the owner of the piece of the black cloth. He couldn't ignore the
incident because he feels it in himself that this is larger than it seems to
be, and it could be a potential danger to the city. Lumiere continued his
journey in the dark and murky underworld, where the only source of
light were the lantern flies and a few lamp posts. Few more walks and
he entered an alley then stopped in front of a tall brick wall, he placed
a card made out of the bark of a tree with insignia embedded into it to
the brick wall and chanted a few words then entered through the wall.
He was welcomed by the witch and immediately asked the reason for
his visit, Lumiere told her about the incident and the piece of black
cloth he found. Merlin accepted his request of finding the owner of the
piece of black cloth, she started using her floating orb as it senses the
residue of power in the cloth. Merlin immediately found the man near
the border of the Northern continent. Lumiere was sent into the
location and straight away realized that this is the territory of
Shadows of the Barbarians

As Lumiere ventured deeper into the territory of the Barbarians, he

could feel the tension in the air. The Northern continent was known for
its rugged landscapes and its inhabitants. The fierce Barbarian clans
were notorious for their secrecy and territorial nature. Lumiere knew
he was treading on dangerous ground. Guided by Merlin's magical orb,
he followed the faint traces of the black cloth's energy. The path led
him through dense forests and treacherous terrain, and he couldn't
help but wonder why the thief had ended up in such a remote and
perilous place. What connection did the thief have with the Barbarians?

Hours turned into days as Lumiere pressed on, surviving on meager

supplies he had brought along. He encountered few signs of civilization,
save for the occasional primitive campsite. It was clear that these lands
were untouched by the city's influence, and their inhabitants had their
own ways of life. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lumiere
reached a clearing where he spotted a group of Barbarians gathered
around a campfire. They were tall and robust, with tanned skin and
adorned in animal hides. Their fierce eyes and tribal tattoos marked
them as warriors of the highest order. Lumiere approached cautiously,
his heart pounding with apprehension. As he got closer, he noticed that
they were examining the very same piece of black cloth he had found
on the thief's body. It seemed that the cloth had led him to its rightful
One of the Barbarians, a chieftain by the look of his elaborate
headdress, noticed Lumiere's presence and beckoned him forward.
Lumiere, unsure of their intentions, cautiously approached the
campfire. With the help of Merlin's translation spell, Lumiere explained
the situation to the chieftain. He told them about the theft in the city,
the mysterious death of the thief, and how he had tracked the black
cloth to their territory. The Barbarians listened intently, their
expressions unreadable. After a tense silence, the chieftain spoke in a
deep, rumbling voice. Through Merlin's translation, Lumiere
understood that the Barbarians had no knowledge of the thief's actions
or his connection to the city. They saw him as an outsider who had
intruded on their lands.

Lumiere felt a mixture of relief and confusion. If the Barbarians were

telling the truth, then the thief's motives remained a mystery. But the
magical tattoo on the thief's ankle and the black cloth in his hand were
undeniably linked to these people.

The chieftain offered Lumiere a chance to stay with them for the night,
as venturing further into the wilderness at this hour was perilous.
Lumiere accepted their hospitality, realizing that he needed more
answers before he could return to the city. As he settled down by the
campfire, Lumiere couldn't help but wonder what secrets these lands
held and how they were connected to the enigmatic thief. The journey
had only just begun, and the shadows of the Barbarians cast long and
uncertain in his quest for the truth.
The Radiance of Light

As settled down by the campfire, he kept on thinking for possible

clues that could lead him to the connection of the thief from the city to
the Barbarians. As he kept on thinking, he fell asleep. The next day had
passed, Lumiere woke up, startled to discover himself in the middle of
the forest surrounded by different kinds of people. He immediately
raised his guard up, until suddenly, he finally recalled the reason why
he was in that place.

Though the Barbarians around him displayed no signs of hostility,

Lumiere's vigilance remained still as he was in a place full of
bloodthirsty heathens that showed no remorse whilst killing people.
Lumiere decided to go for a stroll. As he was walking by, an old man
was holding a crane, wearing a ragged robe, and seemingly confused,
grabbed ahold of Lumiere's arm and uttered a phrase: "You were just
a baby when I last saw you. I must warn you, a catastrophe will befall.
You must do your role as the light to uncover the darkness that will
soon envelope the horizon! Beware, boy, the world's destruction… is
nigh!". Lumiere stared at the old man, and slowly released himself from
the old man's grasp, and continued to move on. Lumiere thought that
the old man had a troubled mind so he gave no further thought to what
he said. He continues to find clues regarding the black cloth. Hours
passed and he still left with no result, so he judged the investigation at
hand futile and decided to head back home.

After a few days, he finally made it back home at dusk. He'd been away
for a long time, he didn't want to make the church worry, he, therefore,
made the decision to make a report regarding his investigation. Along
the way to report to the church's officials, he heard voices coming from
the staircase that leads to an underground cellar.

He thought that those were just the church's students stealing wine
again so he decided to go after them and chase them away. However,
to his surprise, there was a hidden door that was slightly open. He has
been living in the church for a long time and didn't know that there was
such a thing as a secret room just by the cellar. He let his nosy side win
over him; he took a sneak peek, he saw many documents, and the
church's highest official—the Pope along with other high ranking
officials. They seem to be discussing something very confidential
because the Pope was there, and the Pope will not get involved unless
it is of very importance. Lumiere decided to eavesdrop at their
conversation and heard the Pope mention his name and his title as the
chosen one. He was very shocked. He sneakily skedaddled away lest he
get caught.

Because of what he had heard, he realized what the old man had said
was somehow true. Recalling the situation with the old man, Lumiere
noticed that the old man was wearing a necklace with the church's
insignia attached to it; only those with a certain rank within the church
will be qualified to wear a necklace with the church's insignia. The word
uttered by the old man is starting to bother Lumiere, added to it of
what the Pope had said about him being the chosen one. Lumiere has
many questions. He's now starting to doubt his current identity. In
order to satiate his doubt, Lumiere waited until midnight.

Midnight came, Lumiere returned to the underground secret room,

barged in quietly, there he found many documents. He started to read
the documents related to him. Upon reading, the highest ranking
official within the church, the Pope, entered the room. Lumiere wasn't
aware of the Pope, not until he saw a figure in his peripheral vision.
Lumiere quickly apologized. The Pope gave no mind and approached
Lumiere closer, put his hand on his shoulder, and looked at him with a
smile on his face and said: "Child, I know that you have many
questions. Allow me to show you something". The Pope showed
Lumiere a drawing—a drawing the Pope did himself when he got the
epiphany about the child chosen by the Gods. In the drawings, there
was a child held captive by the most ruthless heathen—the Barbarians.
Though that child was in the most perilous place, that child was
radiating with brilliant light amidst the darkness that surrounds him.
The Revelations of the Past

Lumiere was so shocked and couldn't process anything about what

the Pope had said about the old drawings and scriptures. Lumiere was
so restless, he began to zone out as the Pope kept explaining
everything. When the Pope tapped his shoulders, Lumiere began to
regain himself from the information that he got and the Pope said
“You’re the one who’s appointed by the Gods to ward off the
tribulation that the darkness will bring to us humanity.” Lumiere
replied, “Why am I the chosen one? What should I do? I’m just a
masculine and vigorous ward in our country.” The Pope answered
“Child, even I, I do not know why you are the chosen one. Only heaven
knows the true reason behind this prophecy. But one thing is for sure,
they saw something about you that you can only do.”

As Lumiere heard these messages from the Pope, Lumiere, the one
who's a very vigorous, masculine, and brave man starts to feel the fear
for the first time in his life. He didn't know what to do and he
immediately felt discouraged, which was a new feeling for him. The
head priest comforted and encouraged Lumiere right away, he said, “I
understand you, my son, I know how heavy this burden that you will
carry for us humanity. As your father figure, I also know how badly you
want to live just like a normal kid. However, fate is playful to us, you
may not know the reason right now why you’re the one who was
appointed by the Gods but one thing is for sure, you will be guided by
his grace. Heads up, my child, this is very unusual of you to be downed.
I believe in you and you just need to believe in yourself.”

At the moment Lumiere took in comforting words from the Head Priest,
he cried for a while from the overwhelming revelations in his life. The
Pope wiped his tears away and hugged his son so softly and tightly to
cheer him up. Minutes passed, he began to regain and come back to his
usual self. Lumiere regains his optimistic and courageful being. This
time, Lumiere was fully aware of his responsibility as the appointed
savior of the Gods. The Pope conscientiously instructed Lumiere for his
upcoming adventure as a Savior. Lumiere asked the Pope full of
encouragement saying “What should I do to prevent this upcoming
tribulation?” The Pope replied
“Lumiere my son, you need to
get this enchanted crystal of
purification called “Reinigen”.
Getting this crystal is not an
easy task. I warn you, my son.
This crystal will give you a
prominent power that you will
use to defeat the enemy. As
you travel to get this crystal you
will encounter hardships and
challenges in your path, be
ready, my son. This is the only way and you are the only one that could
prevent this; "The end is nigh". Lumiere was so nervous as he heard the
Pope stating those words coming from his mouth. However, Lumiere
stands still and accepts his prophecy as the chosen one. Lumiere quickly
gathered and prepared his things that were needed for his journey.
Lumiere says goodbye to the Pope and church saying “I will be back
immediately and we will live a life so prosper where no one can hurt us
again.” Every step that Lumiere takes as he goes away from his home
land, he begins to feel the pressure and heavy burden.

As Lumiere takes his journey to take the crystal. Tenebris was already
planning to destroy his homeland as he left the country. Tenebris swore
revenge on the church and the church's constituents. Tenebris' parents
were killed in the midst of the war between barbarians and the church.
He ran into the forest and got the cursed orb where a gate out of
nowhere appeared in front of him where he inherited the power of the
Great Dark Sorcerer of the past, Kraus The Avid. This is all of his wrath
was pumped up until his anger and thirst for revenge devoured him.
Tenebris' rage was growing as days went by after the war, you can’t
see any more kindness within his heart. The innocent child from the
war turned into a complete villain by his own will. He planned carefully
for years and years to seek revenge. He was planning to use the
remaining barbarians that have survived the last paramount war
against the church. He will use the power that he obtained. Tenebris
will be pumped up and relieve the sleeping rage in the hearts of the
barbarians. In short, he was planning to have an all out war against
these two forces. Tenebris waited for the right time to annihilate the
church and its constituents and now is the perfect time for it. “Finally,
all of you will taste my out-raging wrath before your eyes. Let this
world taste the sweetness of pain!” Tenebris said with a villainous
laugh. As Tenebris approached the country with a hundred and
thousands of possessed barbarians by his cursed power. Tenebris used
his power from a long distance to also possess the church's officials and
locals to wreak havoc inside of the country so that they would not be
noticed by the soldiers of the church.
The Exploration and Triumph

The bustling crowds, smell of machinery, advanced equipment and

the human-like moving chump of metals mingling in with the crowds.
This is the setting that welcomed Lumiere in the Country of Talos, after
he departed three countries looking for clues of the location of the
Reinigen. Months of traveling and he still couldn't find any leads on
where it might be, he already explored 3 countries and all of them
failed him. The advanced country of Talos, is where Lumiere placed his
last hope, as it is known for its technology and wide variety of

Lumiere was walking around the town, and couldn't help but compare
the country where he grew up. WhiteRun is a rich country but still the
product of the invention made by scholars, and geniuses of this country
make it seem like he entered a different world. He stumbled upon a
tavern while looking around, it has a huge signage at the top that says
"Ad deos Abyssosque", he went inside and greeted by the lively
atmosphere from the drunk men in the rounded table. Based on their
clothing they also seemed to be travelers and warriors from different
countries, Lumiere sat at the counter and ordered a drink. While
waiting for his drink, he decided to ask the middle-aged man on the
counter a question about the Reinigen. The man seemed to be taken
aback by his question but he quickly composed himself and said, "I
suggest you give up" Lumiere stared at the man and replied

"I can't…or all will be lost" The man stared back at him, examining his
expression, he sighed and replied "That thing is unattainable, but I'll let
you know it's whereabouts". Hope grew inside of Lumiere as this is the
first time someone had an idea about the orb, he asked more questions
and the man answered them with a concerned and warning tone. "Ride
the Sea train tonight and get off at the Mirage Island, then find the
enormous door in the center of that island. I have warned you, young
man" This is the last thing the man said before he left the tavern.

At the terminal, Lumiere already knew what to do since he was

familiar with the Sea train. This train travels the whole Northern
continent and stops at every country to trade and import goods. When
he was still a kid twice a year he would get a glimpse of the train in
their homeland. When Lumiere got his card where his indicated seat
number was on, he went inside along with a few people. He found his
seat beside the masked and fully clothed person leaning in the window.
He stared at the person examining its baggages and clothes. It looked
like it was sleeping. He can’t even see the hair so he can't identify its
gender as it is fully covered. Lumiere was vigilant the whole ride, he can
feel a different aura from his seatmate. The train arrived without any
harm done to Lumiere, he stood up and got off the train but he felt a
presence behind him, he quickly looked back at the same time the train
left, he found nothing. It's as if the presence was taken by the winds of
the leaving train. Lumiere shrugged it off and concentrated his mind on
finding the enormous door in the center of the Mirage Island.
He entered the forest, it is foggy and interestingly silent, no sounds will
be heard, only his footsteps. It looks like there are no animals, even
insects, it has plants and trees but all in all the forest looked empty
without living things present in the area.

Lumiere walked for more hours and at last he found the door. It is truly
enormous; there are even intricate designs attached to it. Lumiere
came closer and scanned the door and looked for its opening, when
suddenly he heard a creaking sound signaling that the door was
opening. The masked man appeared out of nowhere and went inside,
Lumiere was stunned by the appearance of that person. He also went
inside and activated his senses, for when something dangerous popped
up he could readily battle it. The inside of the door leads to a long
narrow downstairs, the path is illuminated by the torches attached to
the brick wall. Lumiere descended the stairs and when he took his first
step an arrow shot down at his side, barely hitting his head. At that
moment Lumiere realized that the stairs were filled with traps, he
traveled the way down with more agility, more traps came before him
and all of them didn't even get to wound him. A blinding light came into
his vision the moment he reached the last step of the stairs, a large
arena filled with 6 doors is the thing that he saw. He walked closer
while looking around and tried to sense if there were any individuals,
aside from him, inside the arena. He walked towards one of the doors
and tried to open it. A loud sound of machinery starting up filled the
empty space of the place, along with this sound was the opening of all
doors spitting out the large clump of metals or also called the "Ruin
Guards". It looked like his action activated all 6 of the Ruin guards, they
stopped moving in front of the doors they came in. Lumiere was
assessing the situation he was in,
when the masked person
appeared and attacked one of the
guards, the ruin guard charged up
and swung its arms, the masked
person evaded the attack, then
jumped up and pierced something
at the top of the head, leading to
the destruction of the guard and
falling of a key. “You won't make
it out here alive, if you keep on
standing there” The masked
person said while removing its
mask, Lumiere didn't expect her
to be a woman.
“Rest assured that I won't, I am only assessing its strength and
weakness,” Lumiere replied “Is the head the weakness of these
Guards?” Lumiere added while looking at each guard, “technically, yes
they have a force core in their heads that allows them to move and
battle, they also hold the key leading to the Hex doors” The woman
answered. “Do all of the doors lead to the Crystal?” Lumiere asked once
more and this time he's at the woman. “Yes, however the paths of each
door are different, it is varied by its difficulties, some are easy to take
and some will cost your life. So best of luck in your choice” The woman
answered and started to walk away but Lumiere ran after her and
grabbed her arms “Who are you? And how did you know all of this?”
The woman snatched his arms away, crossed her arms and faced
Lumiere, “Arcana is the name, My father is a traveler, he had once
embarked this treacherous Dungeon because our country needs him.
He wrote everything he witnessed here, except from the top floor.” She
paused and looked at Lumiere “This dungeon consists of 6 floors,
depending on what door you came in, is the floor you will be in but
none of those doors leads you directly to the top floor.” Lumiere was
absorbing every information she said. “I hope that answers all of your
questions, now if you wouldn’t mind I would take my leave” She said
leaving Lumiere. “Do you also desire the orb?” Lumiere spoke again.
Arcana stopped and looked back “I need it, for my country” she
responded then walked in towards the Fifth door.

Lumiere decided to take on the First Door, as it is not yet confirmed

what floor the Reinigen resides on. The first floor consists of Hobgoblins
who are more intelligent and militant than normal Goblins. They are a
bit handful but Lumiere wiped them out, along with their Leader.
Moving on to the Second Floor, an army of Taratects greeted him, they
are half human and half spider. They wield spider abilities but are more
enhanced. Their Queen Arachne knew that Lumiere would come, she
was delighted that the strong one visited her territory. She proposed a
condition that if Lumiere defeated her, she would reveal information
about the Reinigen. They fought each other fiercely, both of them
exchanged heavy blows until the Queen got one of his feet sliced, she
laughed maniacally at this and commented “Ohh, so this is the strength
of the chosen one” Lumiere stopped for a moment and questioningly
said “How did you know about that?” The Queen replied “We just
know”. The Queen eventually admitted defeat and revealed that the
Top floor is not where the crystal abides.

As weeks and days passed Lumiere continued to ascend floors, he

already passed the 3rd and 4th. The 3rd consists of Sea Monsters
where he gained resources needed for his journey in the dungeon. In
the 4th floor he defeated a Necromancer and attained a book full of
spell casts. Finally, On his way to the 5th floor he met Arcana once
again, however this time she was wounded. Lumiere rushed to her and
offered her help, Arcana looked at him annoyed and said “I don't need
your pity” Lumiere replied “I don't intend to insult you with my pity, I
am merely offering help for someone in need.” Arcana remained silent
for a moment and responded “I am strong and I had been in a much
worse situation before, so I’d much appreciate it if you proceed on your
own and leave me be. " Lumiere acknowledges Arcana for being strong
but her mindset will endanger her. “Being on your own doesn’t signify
that you are strong, because even the king of the jungle hunts in
packs." Arcana stared at Lumiere and realized he does have a point, she
agreed to let Lumiere lend her a hand and told him that she got
wounded because of the Draconic Sorcerer residing in 5th Floor, it is
guarding the Reinigen in its lair. They decided to devise a plan since
rushing in without it would be a suicide. Lumiere lured the sorcerer out
of its lair, he used his speed and strength to evade and deflect the wide
range fire attacks it casts. On the other hand Arcana hid herself and
prepared a spell that would immobilize the Sorcerer. The freezing
immobilization succeeded; Lumiere took this opportunity to slay the
Draconic Sorcerer. At last the Crystal Orb is within Lumiere's reach,
before he could even walk closer to it, Arcana touched it first and it
absorbed all of her mana, including her life energy. Lumiere tried to pull
her away but it's already too late, she fell on the ground lifeless,
Lumiere couldn't help but grieved over her death, he didn't know that
the Orb was this cruel. Fear and Doubts started to cloud Lumiere's mind
but he strengthened himself and remembered his goal, he remembered
each word the Pope uttered before he left. The battles on each floor he
bravely participated in, and lastly the death of his friend. Lumiere
centered his mind on the fact that he is the chosen one, if he is truly the
one, the Reinigen should not reject him. With these thoughts in mind
Lumiere fearlessly touched the Orb. A thundering light appeared and
instantly mana flowed through his body, he can feel the divinity of it in
his veins and his core. After a minute the Orb fell and rolled down at
the ground, the ceiling and the ground started to crumble. Lumiere
quickly fetched the body of Arcana and ascended the stairs all the way
up to the Sixth Floor, he saw the Demi-God Triton waiting for his arrival.
Lumiere thought that the Demi-God would intervene on his way to exit
the dungeon, so he casts a protective spell for him and Arcana, but
Triton spoke "Calm yourself, young warlock, as I am not here to ward
you off, In fact It would be my pleasure to assist you leave this Island"
Lumiere composed himself and responded "I am grateful, My Lord, but
why?" The Demi-God smiled and said "To put it simply, I am merely
amused by the creation of the Higher ones." Lumiere understood it
immediately, he wanted to ask more questions but he doesn't have any
time to dawdle anymore and just like what the Demi-God said he
assisted Lumiere, along with the body of Arcana out of the Mirage
Shadows of Desolation

As Lumiere emerged from the depths of the Mirage Island,

clutching the lifeless body of Arcana, he could never have anticipated
the darkness that had taken root in his absence. The Demi-God Triton
had assisted him in leaving the treacherous dungeon, and Lumiere was
filled with a newfound power from the Crystal Orb. However, what
awaited him in his homeland of WhiteRun was a far cry from what he
had left behind. The sea train carried him back to his homeland, and as
he approached WhiteRun, a dense smog of dust and despair hung
heavily in the air. Lumiere's heart pounded with dread as he
disembarked, rushing through the desolate streets. Once vibrant and
full of life, his hometown now bore the scars of a malevolent force.
Everywhere he looked, he saw the consequences of a sinister power at
work. His fellow countrymen were no longer the people he
remembered. Greed, corruption, and malice had infected their hearts,
turning them into shadows of their former selves. The once-prosperous
land had been reduced to a desolation of moral decay.

Lumiere had no idea who or what had caused this calamity, but he
knew that he had to find the source of this darkness and put an end to
it. The social problems that plagued WhiteRun were a reflection of the
insidious power he had yet to confront. As he delved deeper into the
heart of the city, he encountered those who had fallen victim to this
malevolent force. Families torn apart by greed, friends betrayed by
corruption, and individuals consumed by their darkest desires. It was a
sobering sight, a stark reminder of the importance of his mission.

With every step, Lumiere could feel the weight of responsibility

pressing down on him. He couldn't afford to fail. The fate of his
homeland and the lives of its people hung in the balance. He had to find
the villain responsible for this darkness, no matter the cost.

And then, in the midst of the smog and chaos, Lumiere finally saw a
figure emerging from the fog. It was the villain, a shadowy presence
cloaked in malevolence. Lumiere's heart raced as he confronted the
embodiment of all the darkness that had befallen WhiteRun.

In this eerie atmosphere, they stood at a distance, their gazes locked in

a silent exchange of determination and defiance. It was a moment that
would define the fate of WhiteRun and the destiny of Lumiere.
As the confrontation loomed, Lumiere could sense the overwhelming
power of the villain, a power that could corrupt and consume anyone
who dared to get close. But Lumiere was not just anyone; he was the
chosen one, and he carried the divinity of the Crystal Orb within him.

With his newfound strength and unwavering resolve, Lumiere took a

step forward, ready to face the greatest darkness that had ever
threatened his homeland. The battle for WhiteRun had begun, and the
outcome would determine whether the Light of Hope could overcome
the Shadows of Despair.
Once and for All

Hell has been unleashed on the once-prosperous nation of WhiteRun

as the long day of waiting for our villain finally arrives. Since
lasciviousness, avarice, and the erosion of morality and dignity have
spread throughout the country, the nation is currently in a debauched
state. Now that his hometown is in danger of total devastation, our
hero must exert every effort to prevent it.

Lumiere understands what's in front of him must be taken down as

their gazes are fastened to each other in stillness. Though he couldn't
fix what was already broken, he realized he had to do everything he
could to keep it from spreading to other countries so that people there
wouldn't suffer such fate.

Lumiere couldn't retain his quiet as they looked at each other; he had
to know his reason for ruining countless lives in his beloved country, so
he asked, "What reason do you behold to carry out such a wicked act?
For what goal were you trying to achieve?" Tenebris remained silent.
Lumiere then shouts "Answer me, you heartless being!" Tenebris then
spoke forward and said, "You... want to know the reason? Fine, then I
will tell you." Tenebris then raised his hand, and innumerable figures
rose from the ground. Lumiere stands firm and draws his sword, and is
prepared to battle those who will come after him. Tenebris gives the
order for those figures to assault.
Lumiere dashes with great speed towards and is ready to slash until he
recognizes those figures; they were once the vivacious people of
WhiteRun, now turned into a lifeless puppet. Lumiere recalled his slash,
and stepped back a few meters from them. Tears ran down Lumiere's
eyes as he looked at those lifeless bodies. Lumiere could hear the cries
of those souls entrapped inside the lifeless body, pleading to Lumiere
to set them free. "You cannot do anything but hear their agonies! Ha
ha ha!" Tenebris spoke as countless puppets emerged and surrounds
Lumiere. Lumiere doesn't want to slash through those people—he
doesn't want to destroy those people's bodies even though they are
already dead; he still respects them. So then Lumiere thought of
something, he wanted to try his newfound power to purify their souls
so that they could be set free. And so Lumiere did as he thought, to his
surprise, it works really well. Lumiere then calls it The Divine Light Of
Purification. The souls were grateful for what Lumiere did.

"You're down to one less trick, demon!" Says Lumiere to Tenebris.

Tenebris shamelessly laughed and unleashed his darkness. Everything
that the darkness touches has corroded. Lumiere activated his Divine
Light to shield himself against the darkness, drew his sword and dashed
with great speed. Tenebris forged a sword using his darkness and once
Lumiere drew close to Tenebris, their swords clashed!

As they were exchanging blows, Tenebris quickly grabbed one puppet

and used it as a meat shield against Lumiere. Lumiere slashed so fast
that he couldn't stop it in time and lacerate through the body of a
lifeless man. "No!" Lumiere screams. "You coward demon!" Lumiere
says to Tenebris. "Ha ha ha, how weak, hero. Crying for such a dead
insignificant being" Tenebris says. They continued to fight, and the fight
gradually became more and more intense.

"Do you still want to know my reasons for doing these?" Tenebris asked
to lumiere while laughing maniacally. "Speak." Lumiere replied as they
were exchanging blows still.

"It was because of you and your damn religion! If you hadn't been
chosen by those Gods, My Parents… they would still be alive!" Said
Tenebris. "Because of the previous great war between the Church and
the Barbarians, because the Church intended to rescue YOU, then I
wouldn't be where I am today!" Said Tenibre whilst fighting Lumiere
and at the same time crying. Lumiere couldn't believe what he just
heard; because of him being the chosen one, countless lives were lost
in the process; he couldn't believe that because of him, someone had
lost their beloved loved ones. "From the day YOUR Church and those
Barbarians took my parents away from me, revenge is all that I long for!
These lives are the sacrifice for my parents! And YOU will be too" said
Tenibre viciously. Lumiere felt sorry for Tenebris, however, that's all he
can feel towards him. Lumiere understands his grief and sadness is way
too deep. He wanted to help Tenebris, but looking at him, and all the
things he had done and will do, he knew that he was beyond recovery.
Killing innocent solely for the hatred in your heart—revenge and such is
not proper, and is against the morale of man, and the law.
As their battle continues, Lumiere starts to wonder where Tenebris had
gotten his powers from. Curious from the source of evil power, Lumiere
asks Tenebris. "It was all thanks to the Dark forest that I have such
powers! And thanks to the gate that appeared, a passageway opens up
for me, and there lies the inheritance of the hailed Great Dark Sorcerer
of the past, Kraus The Avid." Said Tenibre.

"Kraus The Avid…" Lumiere left in deep thoughts. After a few seconds
Lumiere finally remembers, it was mentioned in the Church's record
that Kraus the Avid was the Great Dark Sorcerer of the past, and is also
the first demon king that ever walked the surface of the world. But he
was later slain by the first ever generation of the hero, Geraint.

Knowing that Tenebris strength comes from the Demon King, he got
more serious. The demon king's power is a force to be reckoned with as
it once had turned the whole world upside down. Lumiere can't drag
the fight any longer because the longer the battle takes, the stronger
Tenebris becomes. Lumiere moved like a lighting, encircling Tenebris.
Lumiere's lighting moves results in hundreds of afterimages, this made
Tenebris confuse—unsure of which one to attack. Lumiere saw a flaw in
Tenebris, he didn't want this chance to disappear so he quickly moved
and slashed quickly and heavily but Tenibre managed to parry
Lumiere's attack. The parrying made Lumiere's sword snap in half.
Lumiere was starting to lose hope, but as he looked around him, he
couldn't give up. He needs to avenge all the innocent that were lost; he
needs- no, he must do it; he ought to do it as the chosen one—as the
Hero. Therefore he held his broken sword, focused the power of Divine
Light onto his sword, and a very shining bright light appeared and
completed the part of the broken sword. Lumiere got onto his stance
with absolute vigor, his eyes were shining, his body was covered with
brilliant light.

Tenebris was starting to get hyped up and said "Come, Hero!" As he

unleashed more of his darkness. Lumiere replied with "Let us finish this
Once And For All! For the people of WhiteRun!"

Both of them dashed towards each other, however, Lumiere's brilliance

shone more and made Tenebris Darkness to dissipate. Without his
Darkness to cover him, Tenebris was blinded by the Light emanating
from Lumiere. Tenebris was vulnerable. Lumiere got on his piercing
stance, and drove this sword aiming at Tenibre's heart with great zeal.
Lumiere's sword pierced through!

"You have lost, demon,'' Lumiere said as he was looking down on

Tenebris on the ground. Although Tenebris was blinded by Lumiere's
light, you can still see the tears the runs down his eyes. Tenebris
Darkness had completely dissipated. Tenibre then came back to his
original nature. Aware of what he had done, he regretted it very much.
Before his life came to an end, Tenibre raised his hand to the sky and
uttered a few words: "I have sinned, Mother, Father; for that I must
atone with my life! I am deeply sorry!" After these words, Tenebris…
was no more.
Fulfilled Promises

As Lumiere draws his sword back against Tenebris' heart. Lumiere

prayed and begged the Gods who appointed him to be the chosen one
to forgive Tenebris, because of him, the personality of Tenebris was
covered with darkness. Lumiere was blaming himself on behalf of
Tenebris' bitter-ending. Tenebris body shone a very bright light coming
out from his body as his soul got cleansed from his own hatred and dark
power of the orb. As Tenebris dark power got destroyed and repelled
from his body, the curses from those people who got affected by the
dark power are also freed by the death of the user. Those people who
got possessed have no idea what they did and what their actions are.
As they regained themselves, the Pope showed up and he told them
what they did to their own country and own people. When they heard
the Pope’s statement, they felt so sorry for their fellow countrymen
for what they did and begged for forgiveness. The Pope just smiled as
he ignored his constituents and proceeded to approach Lumiere.
Lumiere has mixed emotions and feelings after their battle. He just
stands and looks down as he sees Tenebris' body lying in the ground.
The Pope slowly and calmly approached his side and said “Son, you did
very well. I'm very proud of you, I know you just heard Tenebris story
but that’s his own decision to get eaten by his own thirst for revenge
and anger. We cannot go back to the past and change what has been
done. However, we can change the future. There’s no need to be guilty,
Tenebris' soul got cleansed before he completely died and I know that
he finally reconciled with his Family up there in the sky.” The Pope
tapped his back as he comforted Lumiere. Lumiere’s mood brightened
up and looks around the battlefield. He sees people crying, rejoicing,
and some are on the verge of death. As Lumiere panicked and asked
the Pope what to do, the Pope said this while walking away from
Lumiere “Figure it out, Lumiere, because from this day forward, you’re
now the Head Chief of our Country.” Lumiere was shocked again for his
new responsibility, however, Lumiere remembers that he has the
power of Reinigen. He used its power to restore the lives of those
people who got controlled by Tenebris' power. As the dead come back
to life, those people can’t believe what they saw. He sees his people
crying and rejoicing because of their happiness. While they reconciled
with their loved ones. Lumiere and the Barbarians confronted each
other and say, “Can we just stop now the decade years of war?”
Lumiere said. The barbarians agreed and vowed that there will be no
more war and hatred against each other. Lumiere and the Barbarians
smiled at each other and shook their hands tightly. As the people of
Whiteruns heard their conversation, they get very happy and finally
they can now have a peace of mind—to have a peaceful and
prosperous life away from the strict law of the country.

The Barbarians and the people of WhiteRun helped each other to

rebuild their destroyed buildings and homes from the aftermath of war.
As they happily help each other. The Pope and Lumiere took the dead
body of Tenebris. They are planning to make a proper burial for his
body nearby to where Tenebris' parents died. The Pope called all of his
executives to prepare a burial. As they approached the Homeland of
Tenebris, they saw two beautiful white flowers blooming in the middle
of nowhere and they suspected that this was where Tenebris' parents
died. At that moment, they decide to bury Tenebris' body beside these
two flower; offering a bouquet of flowers as they covered the coffin of
Tenebris with dirt and offered a prayer for his soul. As they walked
away from Tenebris' burial ground, a strong and soft gust of wind
touched Lumiere’s body. He suspected that it was Tenebris way of
showing his gratitude to be buried beside his parents. Lumiere got very
happy and felt some emotions through his body. The Pope and the
Executives proceed to walk away while Lumiere stops and begins to be
emotional. The Pope knew that it was coming, however, he just let
Lumiere gush out his emotions. As the strong gust of wind came again,
Lumiere’s tears were swiped by the wind. It was like Tenebris' way of
telling Lumiere that it was not his fault and he is happy after all.
Lumiere looked up in the bright blue sky and smiled while whispering
“I’m going to create a world where no one needs to kill and sacrifice
each other. I’m going to create a world where there is no chaos.” As the
Pope eavesdropped on his statement, the Pope smiled and proceeded
to walk to their home as he knew that the country was in the good
hands of a new leader.

As the days, months and years go by, The city of WhiteRun became
more and more prosperous than ever. There’s no more strict laws
around the country, you can only see the love, rejoicing, and kindness
of all the people wrapping around the city. No more divisions of class,
no more hatred, and no more corruption in the hearts and minds of
people. As Lumiere stands on the highest peak of the land in their
country, he can finally say that he fulfilled his promise to Tenebris. He
smiled and jumped so high in the valley of the mountain. At the
moment he touched the ground, where a celebration occurred, his
people praised and glorified Lumiere and said “Hail our Chief, Hail our
Savior, Hail the Chosen One” Even though after many years of hearing
their praises, Lumiere is still not used to it. However, Lumiere's kids and
wife approached him and invited him to dance. They begin to sing and
dance to the songs of orchestras.

Lumiere became the Chief of the country and a Father of his family.
They live happily away and free from the chaos. Even though years
have passed Lumiere doesn’t forget about Tenebris, he brought a
bouquet of flowers to him everyday. The two flowers from the middle
of nowhere, now it became a beautiful and sacred garden dedicated to
Tenebris and his parents. The battlefield country has now become like
an alluring garden field with flowers and beautiful animals. The country
and people of WhiteRun became a promised land where all the people
can be free and to be loved by everyone.

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