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Whispers and Rumors
The fae dabble in half-truths, misleading statements
and omission of facts. These creatures rarely lie outright,
though, lest the Wyrd punish them for their falsehoods.
While the Lost have learned to navigate the often-mis-
leading river of truth, even the sharpest among them will
still fall prey to hearing what they want to hear, or be-
lieving things that might be true even if they cannot be

As such, any freehold is going to have its share of

urban legends, campfire tales, Hedge myths and fairy sto-
ries. Some of them are harmless, and some of them are
traps, but you often can’t tell which is which until it’s too

The following rumors are things you can use to fill in

the background of your particular chronicle, or you can
use them as jumping off points for things your players
need to investigate. None of these rumors are required
to be true, however; the only thing that’s certain when it
comes to the fae is that nothing is permanent, and every-
thing changes. So it really is up to you, as the Storyteller,
to decide if any of these things are true, and if so, how
your players discover that truth.

100 Rumors To Hear at The Freehold 7

5. Old superstitions are powerful things
100 Rumors To Hear at when one crosses over into the Hedge. Accord-
The Freehold ing to some of the Lost, wearing an iron nail
1. Somebody is leaving open gateways to the through your top buttonhole wards off ill luck,
Hedge in high-traffic areas where mortals are as well as the gaze of the True Fae while one is in
likely to trip and fall into them. While most of the world between. Some Lost say that the nail
the local Lost figured this was due to careless- needs to come from somewhere specific, such
ness at first, suspicion grew when they asked as an old church, or a place you call home, but
around and couldn’t find who was responsible others say that it’s the iron rather than the loca-
tion the nail was harvested from that gives this

for making all these gates. Whether it’s hobgob-
lins causing problems, or loyalists setting traps little charm its power. While doing this can be
to ensnare the unwary who might step through uncomfortable for many Lost (particularly those
the wrong door at the wrong time, freeholders with a higher-than-average Wyrd), there are
are getting nervous the longer this problem goes many who swear by this superstition, and won’t

unaddressed. leave home without an iron nail unless circum-
stances are particularly dire.
2. Rumors are always circulating about what
glamour harvested from other supernatural 6. Fetches seem to be congregating in the
creatures feels like. There are some changelings area. None of these fetches are locals, according
who state with absolute confidence that they can to the whisper stream, which means they’re com-
always tell what the true nature of a creature is ing in from afar. What no one seems to know,
based on the flavor of its emotions. Many Lost though, is why. Whether the fetches have a plan
roll their eyes at this, viewing these statements of their own, or they’re being controlled by some
regarding harvesting emotions as about as reli- outside force, there are all kinds of theories.

friend, who claims they’ve made contact with

enough other shadow communities that they
able as the palate of a self-professed wine con-
noisseur, but everyone has a friend, who has a

can say with certainty how it feels to harvest

The local Lost are starting to get antsy about it,
though, and some suspect that if the freehold
doesn’t do something quickly then it’s possible
individual Lost will begin taking matters into
their own hands.
glamour from them. 7. Law enforcement has become a serious
3. Local trods have been less reliable than problem of late. Even worse than normal, if one
normal, but no one quite seems to know why can believe that. Cops seem to be targeting the
that is. There are some theories among the Au- Lost and their allies, almost as if someone is
tumn Court regarding what could be causing the feeding them inside information about who’s in
paths through the Hedge to come unmoored, the community, and where they can be found.
but the freehold is urging those who don’t need Whether there’s a traitor in the freehold’s midst,

to travel into the Hedge to avoid doing so for there are loyalists attempting to use mortal forc-
the time being. Because while the trods aren’t es as a cat’s paw or one of the other supernatural
disappearing, there is no telling where these old, communities is playing dirty and trying not to
familiar roads might lead you to these days. show their hand, this is a problem that needs to
be handled sooner rather than later.
4. According to tales told by some of the
Lost, the Hedge doesn’t actually tear your soul. 8. Coded messages have been found spray-
painted on the walls down various alleys all

Instead, the True Fae steal your soul, and use it

to fashion the core of your fetch. While some across town. Every one of these locations has
changelings say this is why you need to kill been near a site of violence that was directed to-
your fetch to reclaim that part of yourself, oth- ward one of the Lost. While the Winter Court
ers claim you need to form a bond with your has made some oblique, non-committal state-
fetch to persuade your soul to come back of its ments that they are looking into the matter, no
own volition. They say it’s only by learning to one can figure out what the messages even say,
see yourself in this creation of the Gentry that much less whether or not any translations would
you can truly become whole once again. Neither have an even deeper meaning to those who un-
proposal is exactly safe, however, since fetches derstood their significance.
might have traps buried inside of them, ready to 9. Remnants of Hedge duels have been found
go off without warning if the changeling they’re around several local trods. There’s always blood
tied to gets too close to them. and broken brambles in the arena, but never a

8 100 Rumors To Hear at The Freehold

body left behind. No one in the area is willing one to gateways back to the mortal world, oth-
to admit to taking part in these duels, or even ers argue that these rumors were started by hobs
witnessing them, but speculation is beginning to (or potentially even loyalists) who want to ensure
spin out of control. Is there some kind of fight that changelings put themselves into dangerous
club among the local Lost? Are differences be- situations when they’re at their most vulnerable.
ing settled outside the rules established by the 14. Never enter the Hedge during a storm,
monarchs and the freehold? Or are these duels or so the local gossip claims. Whether the storm
taking place between beings who are far deadlier draws the Wild Hunt, or the presence of this
than even the most dangerous of the local free- gathering of Lords and Ladies causes atmospher-
hold members?

ic disturbances on this side of the barrier, none
10. A local reporter named John Cutter has seem to truly know. However, if there are strong
been making a nuisance of himself among the winds blowing, rain pounding down from the
Lost. A muck raker with a body of work that’s sky and thunder rolling, most local Lost will stay
mostly made up of tabloid nonsense, he thinks firmly planted on this side of the boundary. Be-

there’s some kind of conspiracy going on, and he cause this rumor might be complete nonsense,
seems to have dialed-in exactly who’s part of it... but it never hurts to wait for clear skies before
even if he isn’t sure precisely what “it” is. While venturing into danger.
many of the Lost think he’s comical, there are 15. The Autumn Court, according to the
others who are saying he needs to be thrown off grapevine, is responsible for funding an out-
the scent (or dealt with in a more permanent sized amount of fearmongering propaganda.
way) before he ends up finding out something While the effect of all these dishonest radio sta-
that will become a problem. tions, crank social media channels, hand-waving
11. Fringe religions are a dime a dozen, and megachurches and ever-present conspiracy theo-

according to the statistics most of them are
started by old white men who are looking for a
shortcut to getting laid. However, the Lost tend
to monitor these cults to make sure they aren’t
being used as fronts by loyalists who can then
rists who paint a world full of chaos and terror
is causing serious harm to the fabric of society,
it is also creating a free-flowing river of glam-
our that’s pouring into the Court of Fear. While
it might be possible to dismantle the operation
kidnap more mortals to feed them to the True with enough facts and logic, it’s also possible
Fae. And if you ask some of the stranger mem- that this monster may have grown out of any-
bers of the Autumn Court, they’ll tell you this one’s control, given how large these operations
practice has been going on for centuries. Which have become.
gods in particular were masks for the Gentry 16. Someone is sharing keys that open gate-
will vary depending on who’s telling the story, ways into the Hedge by laying out the steps in
but all agree this is an age-old tradition that nev- ritual-style creepy pasta stories found on the

er seems to quite go away. Internet. Often described with the tagline “oc-
12. The most valuable commodity you can cult games,” it’s impossible to tell if this is being
trade at a goblin market is something they sim- done by a Lost trying to code their information
ply cannot find in the Hedge, and which would in an innocuous way, if it’s a trap set by loyalists
be too risky for them to acquire on their own hoping to catch fresh prey when someone tries
out in the mortal world. While many among out the ritual or if this is something else entire-
the Lost may take this to mean something like ly. Some of the technologically-inclined wizened

souls or children command the highest prices at have been trying to crack the codes and track
a market, the truth is that one will usually get a down who is posting these “guides” online, but
far better result by offering a 12-pack of brand if they’ve found anything concrete, they haven’t
name soda, bolts of rayon cloth or even a bag of said anything about it yet.
crystal meth. For all of the magic and possibil- 17. Minor articles have been showing up
ity of the Hedge, truly artificial things are hard regarding what the media is referring to as
for them to conceive of, much less create... or so the Plague of Nightmares. While this incident
some Lost claim. mostly affects children, all the individuals who
13. Cats seem to be unusually favored within have fallen under the shadow of this months-
the Hedge. If you find a cat in the Thorns, and it long incident reported seeing shadowy figures in
tries to get you to follow it, you should definitely the corner of their vision, and they were para-
do so. While some Lost claim that cats can lead lyzed for minutes on-end whenever they awoke.

100 Rumors To Hear at The Freehold 9

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