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Mighty Krihna and Miracles

In Hinduism, Lord Krishna is often regarded as a divine and powerful figure, and
many miraculous stories and events are associated with him. Some of the most famous
miracles and divine activities attributed to Lord Krishna include:

1. **Lifting Govardhan Hill**: One of the most well-known stories about Krishna is
the lifting of the Govardhan Hill. When the people of Vrindavan were threatened by
torrential rains and flooding, Krishna lifted the massive Govardhan Hill with his
little finger to protect them.

2. **Raas Leela**: Krishna's divine dance with the gopis (milkmaids) of Vrindavan
is a legendary event filled with divine grace and love. It is often seen as a
miracle due to the profound spiritual and emotional experiences of those who

3. **Subduing the Serpent Kaliya**: Krishna tamed the venomous serpent Kaliya,
which had been poisoning the waters of the Yamuna River. He danced on the serpent's
hoods and forced it to leave the river, purifying the waters.

4. **Delivering Draupadi's Sari**: In the Mahabharata, when Draupadi was in

distress and being humiliated, Krishna miraculously extended her sari to an
infinite length to protect her honor.

5. **Bhagavad Gita**: The Bhagavad Gita is a significant portion of the Indian epic
Mahabharata, where Krishna imparts spiritual wisdom and guidance to Arjuna on the
battlefield of Kurukshetra. It is considered a miracle in the sense that Krishna
revealed profound spiritual teachings to Arjuna.

6. **Killing of Demons**: Krishna is said to have slain various demons, such as

Putana (a demoness who tried to poison him), Trinavarta (a demon who took him into
the sky), and many others, demonstrating his divine powers and protection.

7. **Stealing Butter**: As a child, Krishna was known for his mischievous acts,
such as stealing butter from the homes of the gopis. This is often seen as a
charming and playful miracle.

8. **Resurrection of Parikshit**: In the Bhagavata Purana, Krishna brought the dead

son of Abhimanyu, Parikshit, back to life, displaying his divine abilities.

9. **Universal Form (Vishvarupa)**: Krishna revealed his universal form to Arjuna

in the Bhagavad Gita, showing his all-encompassing, transcendental nature.

These are just a few examples of the many miracles and divine actions attributed to
Lord Krishna in Hindu mythology and scripture. Krishna is revered as an incarnation
of Lord Vishnu and is considered to possess immense divine power and wisdom. His
life is filled with stories that inspire devotion and awe among his followers.

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