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Narative Essay

Gregorius Pratama Kusuma Ahas

Topic : Tell about one of your experiences while making an artwork
Title : My experience while making a cinematic video

Do you want to know what I experienced while making my cinematic videos? Well, there's a
lot of interesting things that I get when I make this cinematic video, and that gives my experience
in making this video memorable. First of all i made this cinematic video while on a pilgrimage
trip and also on a trip to the beach with my friends. There are many fun experiences when
making my cinematic video, because I make the videos while refreshing and traveling and that's
what makes my experience memorable. That's what got me the idea to name my cinematic video
with the title Yogyakarta Cinematic Trip.
I started my trip from home and started filming to make my cinematic opening scene before we got to
the pilgrimage in Ganjuran. Along the way, I was filming a sight that I would later include in my
cinematic video. When i arrived here i feel happy because this is my first visit to a pilgrimage place in
ganjuran. The atmosphere in this place is very calm and shady because it is surrounded by pine
trees. I started to shoot my cinematic video with the concept scene that I prepared beforehand
and there are a lot of things i put into my cinematic videos in this place the cool air makes me
excited to make my videos. My activities there are not only making cinematic videos but also
praying. After I finished praying and took some footage, my friends and I continued our trip to Parang
Kusumo Beach.

After a long trip, I finally arrived at Parang Kusumo Beach. When i got there i was greeted by
the beach breeze. So without any further ado i continue shooting some scenes for my video, and
without waste the opportunity I also filming the sunset and the evening atmosphere on the beach.
After all the scenes have been recorded, I finally finished my cinematic video. after finishing my
video, me and my friends went home. And when I got home I immediately edited the results of
the video pieces so that they could become 1 interesting cinematic video.
and that is my experience when making cinematic video works while traveling. very exciting
and fun because I can make a cinematic video while enjoying the beauty of nature and also
having fun with my friends. So try to make an artwork while traveling to beautiful places
because we will discover many new things and also find ideas and inspiration for the works of
art that we make.

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