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Hi everyone

Very nice to meet you here

I hope you have a good day today, okay ?


At the moment,

I want to entertain you with a very good story

This is a story from... Java...Island..

Today, I want like to tell you story about " The Legends of Roro Jonggrang "

Okey everyone, please listen and enjoy

Once upon a time, there were two Hindu Kingdoms

Pengging and Kraton Boko.

Pengging Kingdom was led by king named Prabu Damar Moyo

To had a son named Bandung Bondowoso.

Meanwhile, Kraton Boko was led by a cruel and easily angry King, named Prabu Boko.

However, Prabu Boko had a very beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang.

Prabu Boko said " Patih Gupolo! I want to revolt and have control over Pengging Kingdom! I want to be
the strongest King in this land! Hahahaha "

" All right, Your Majesty. I will execute your command "

Then, the war between Pengging Kingdom and Kraton Boko happened!

The results, Prabu Boko died in that war.

Patih Gupolo ran away from the battle and reported to Roro Jonggrang, that her father was killed by
Pengging knight name Bandung Bondowoso.

Roro Jonggrang was very sad. But, suddenly Bandung Bondowoso and his soldiers came to Kraton Boko.

" Oh, beautiful lady, who are you? "

" I'm Roro Jonggrang, the daughter of Prabu Boko.

Is that you who have killed my father? "

" I'm so sorry, Roro Jonggrang. i didn't mean to.

Roro Jonggrang, would you be my queen, please? "

" If you want to marry me, you must build a thousand temple for me just in one night, could you? "

Bandung Bondowoso excited the challenge, than he called his genies at night..

" Come to me, my genies army...come to me. I need your help...come.."

" What can we do for you, Lord?"

" Please, build me a thousand temple just in one night! "

" All right to, my Lord "

When Roro Jonggrang found out that the temple would be completed.

Roro Jonggrang, has a trick so that the temple is not completed.

" Roro Jonggrang! I have build nine hundred and ninety nine temples!

I just need one more temple! "

" Now, the thousand temple will be you! "

And Roro Jonggrang turned into a statue.

Ladies and gentlemen

The moral value is, don't be arrogant event though we are strong and smart. Because there will be other
people who are stronger and smarter than we are.

Thanks you so much

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