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Assignment Series 88 2024OD100



1. What is cryptography?

By using codes, cryptography is a technique for encrypting data and communications so that
only the intended audience can read and comprehend it.

In computer science, the term "cryptography" refers to safe information and communication
methods that use mathematical principles and a system of calculations based on rules, or
"algorithms," to change messages in ways that are challenging to read. These deterministic
algorithms are employed in the creation of cryptographic keys, digital signature, online browsing
on the internet, and private communications like email and credit card transactions.

2. Cryptanalysis methods:

The fields of cryptology and cryptanalysis are closely related to that of cryptography. It
comprises methods for concealing data while it is being stored or transported, including
microdots, word-image fusion, and other techniques. But in today's computer-dominated world,
cryptography is most frequently understood as the act of turning plaintext (common text, also
known as cleartext) into ciphertext and back again (decryption). Those who work in this area are
referred to as cryptographers.

3.Cryptography concerns:
Attackers are able to defeat cryptography, gain access to the computers in charge of data
encryption and decryption, and take advantage of shoddy implementations such the usage of
default keys. Cryptography, on the other hand, makes it more difficult for attackers to access
messages and data that are encrypted.

NIST issued a call for papers among the mathematical and scientific community in 2016 for new
public key cryptography standards in response to growing worries that quantum computing's
processing capacity could be used to crack current encryption standards.

Quantum computing, in contrast to conventional computing, uses quantum bits (qubits), which
may simultaneously execute two calculations and represent both 0s and 1s.

Assignment Series 88 2024OD100

4.Purpose of cryptography:

The purpose of cryptography is to protect data transmitted in the likely presence of an

adversary a cryptography transformation of data is a procedure by which plain text data
is disguised, or encrypted, resulting in an altered text, called ciphertext, that does not
reveal the original input. The ciphertext can be reverse-transformed by a designated
recipient so that the original plaintext can be recovered.Cryptography plays an essential
role in
2)Data confidentiality
3)Data integrity

An additional layer of security is provided by cryptography, particularly for passwords

and messages.This was frequently used to encrypt and decrypt passwords from plain
text to encrypted strings.Just so you know, the best practise for cryptography is to use
and rely on the.NET given one rather than creating your own cryptography modules,
API, etc.
It is connected to the idea of networking. Simply said, data is encrypted during
transmission from sender to destination across wires or wireless mediums so that
hackers or intruders cannot see or comprehend the language. The AES-128 encryption
standard is currently the most used. There are a few other types as well.

Assignment Series 88 2024OD100

5.Cryptographic attack:

An approach used by hackers to attack cryptographic solutions like ciphertext,

encryption keys, etc. is known as a cryptographic attack. These attacks try to decrypt
the encrypted data or extract the plaintext from the ciphertext. By identifying
vulnerabilities and defects in cryptography methods, cryptographic protocols, encryption
algorithms, or key management strategies, hackers may try to circumvent the security of
a cryptographic system

Both passive and active attacks on cryptography are possible.

>>Passive assaults:

Attacks using passive cryptography aim to intercept or eavesdrop on public

communication in order to get unauthorised access to sensitive data or information. In
this case, the information and communication are unaltered and unaltered. Only the
data is accessible to the attacker.

>>Active attacks:

include changing the data or transmission in some way. In this instance, the attacker
manipulates the data in addition to gaining access to it.

6.Types of assaults on cryptography:

These attacks can be broadly categorised into six groups based on the type of
cryptographic system in use and the information provided to the attacker:

>>Brutal assault:
In a cryptographic system, public and private keys are crucial for encrypting and
decrypting data. An encrypted message or piece of data is decoded using a variety of
private keys in a brute force assault. There are 256 (or 28) potential keys if the key size
is 8 bits. To use this attack tactic, the cybercriminal needs to be familiar with the
algorithm, which is typically available as open-source software.

>>Text-only cypher attack:

The attacker has access to a group of ciphertext via this attack vector.The attacker can
effectively extract the ciphertext from the collection despite being unable to access the
plaintext. The attacker might on occasion learn the key using this attack method.

Assignment Series 88 2024OD100

>>chosen plaintext attack

The cybercriminal can select any plaintext data to access the ciphertext in this attack
strategy. It makes it easier for the attacker to figure out the encryption key. The
differential cryptanalysis carried out on block cyphers is a well-known illustration of this
kind of attack.

>>Chosen ciphertext attack

In this attack model, the online criminal examines a selected ciphertext that matches the
plaintext. A secret key or information about the system are what the attacker is
attempting to get. The attacker tries to determine the key by examining the selected
ciphertext and comparing it to the plaintext. RSA encryption in earlier versions was
vulnerable to this attack.

7. Conclusion:
We use different types of algorithms to establish security services in different service
We use either private key cryptography or public key cryptography according to

If we want to send message quickly we use private key algorithm and if we want to send
messages secretly we use public key algorithm




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