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A primigravid client asks Nurse Joy how the action of hormones during pregnancy affects her
body. Nurse Isabelle responds on the basis that hormones:
A.Raises resistance to insulin
B.Blocks the release of insulin from the pancreas
C.Prevents the liver from metabolizing glycogen
D.Enhances the conversion of food to glucose

2. As early as the 3rd week of intrauterine life, fetal blood begins to exchange nutrients with the maternal
circulation across the chorionic villi. Fetal circulation differs from extrauterine circulation in all but one of
the following aspects:
A.The blood that enters the lungs is oxygenated in fetal circulation while it is unoxygenated in an adult
B.Fetal oxygen in the blood is derived from the placenta while in adult the oxygen is from the lungs
C.The vein (carrying oxygenated blood) in the umbilicus of the fetus carries blood away from the heart and
the artery (carrying unoxygenated blood) carries blood toward the fetus. In an adult, it is the vein which
carries unoxygentaed blood toward the heart and the arteries that carry oxygenated blood away from the
D.In fetal circulation, shunting of blood is present while in an adult circulation, there is normally no shunting
of blood.

3. Maricar asks Nurse Sarah at what age of gestation is the product of conception prone to teratogenic
insults to the cardiovascular system?
A4th week
B.8th week
C.12th week
D.16th week
4. Nurse Nicole discusses the fetal circulation to the students. To check whether the student understands
her teaching she asks, "What is the fetal structure that carries oxygenated blood from the umbilical cord to
the inferior vena cava". The student correctly answers, "It is the:
A.Ductus Venous
B.Ductus Arteriosus
C. Pulmonary Artery
D. Formane Ovale
5. A nurse is working with a particular cultural group in which it is not uncommon for grandparents to live
with their married children and to assist with child rearing and discipline issues. This is an example of which
of the following?
A.Blended familv
B.Traditional family
C. Two-career family
D. Intragenerational family
6. Nurse Isabel is conducting a family assessment to a pregnant client and asks the following question:
"How, as a family, do you deal with disappointments or stressful changes that occur and affect the members
of your family?" The nurse is trying to identify:
A.Health beliefs
B.Family communication patterns
C.Family coping mechanisms
D.Potential family problems

8. During the secretory phase of menstrual cycle, the glands of the uterine endometrium becomes corkscrew
in appearance and dilated with quantities of glycogen and mucin. This activity is
stimulated by which hormone?
C. Glycogen
D. Prolactin
9. A client expresses concern about his son who is a homosexual. He states, "Nag-aalala ako sa kanya, alam
ko sa impyerno ang tuloy nya." in responding to this client, the nurse should consider which of the following
important information?
A.Sexual development is genetically determined and not affected by environment.
B.What constitutes normal sexual expression varies among cultures and religions.
C.Normal sexuality is described as whatever behaviors give pleasure and satisfaction to
those adults involved.
10. The nurse will advise a pregnant client, who is scheduled for amniocentesis, to perform which of the
A.Increase the fluid intake to help aspirate more amniotic fluid during the procedure
B.Lie in side lying-position to avoid supine hypotension during the procedure
C.Ask the client to take a deep breath and hold it during insertion of needle
D.Rest for 30 minutes after the procedure
11. Which of the following statements, if made by a woman who is 12 weeks pregnant, would be essential for
a nurse to further evaluate?
A. "I thought I wanted to be pregnant, but now I don't know"
B."My husband is angry because I got pregnant"
C."Being pregnant makes me feel very tried"
D. "I don't want to get too fat while I'm pregnant"
12. Nurse Monalisa is assessing a healthy neonate upon admission to the nursery. Which characteristic
would the admitting nurse record as normal?
B.Irregular respiratory rate of 50 bpm
C. Head circumference measuring 31 cm
D. High-pitched or shrill cry
13. The nurse has been instructing the parents of a toddler about nutrition. Which of the following
statements best indicates the parents' understanding of an appropriate diet for a toddler?
A."It's unusual for a toddler to be a picky eater"
B."A multivitamin each day will meet my child's nutritional needs"
C."Toddler needs servings from each food group daily"
D."Toddlers should still be eating prepared junior foods"
14. The nurse is assessing a newborn 5 minutes after birth. He has full flexion of the extremities, is
acrocyanotic, has a heart rate of 124, a full, lust cry, and resists the suction catheter. The nurse should
record the Apgar score as:
C. 8
D. 9
15. The nurse in a well baby clinic is assessing a 12-month old child. He is 30 inches tall and weighs 30 lb.
His birth weight is 8 lbs. How does the nurse interpret this data?
A.Normal height, increased weight
B.Normal height, decreased weight
C.Small for age, normal weight
D.Tall for age, but weight appropriate for height
16. The nursery nurse carries a newborn baby into his mother's room. The mother states,"I thinkmy baby's
afraid of me, everytime I make a loud noise, he jumps." What should be the nurse's
initial action?

17.The nurse should refer the parents of an 8- month-old child to a health care provider if the child is unable
to do which of the following?
A.Stand momentarily without holding onto furniture.
B.Stand alone well for long period of time.
C.Stoop to recover an object.
D.Sit without support for long periods of time.
18. Which of the following explains why iron-deficiency anemia is common during toddlerhood?
A.Milk is a poor source of iron.
B.Iron cannot be stored during fetal development.
C.Fetal iron stores are depleted by age 1 month
D.Dietary iron cannot be started until age 12 months.
19. A toddler who has been treated for a foreian body aspiration begins to fuss and cry when the parents
attempt to leave the hospital for an hour. The parents will be returning to take the toddler home. As the
nurse tries to take the child out of the crib, the child pushes the nurse away.
The nurse interprets this behavior as indicating separation anxiety involving which of the following?
C. Regression
D. Detachment
20. The community health nurse should give supportive care to the pregnant mother during labor. The nurse
should do the following, except:
A.Encourage the mother to take a bath during the onset of labor
B.Encourage the mother to drink and eat when she feels hungry
C.Remind the mother to empty the bladder every 2 hours
D.Encourage the mother to do breathing exercises for her to have energy in pushing the baby out of her birth
21. The nurse should assess the progress of labor. She knows that the pregnant woman is in false labor if:
A. The cervix is dilated 4 cm
B.There is an increase in contractions
C. The membranes are not ruptured
D. All of the above
22. Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of menstrual cycle?
a. Initiates childbearing and childrearing.
b.Brings an ovum to maturity and renews intrauterine tissue.
C.Allows a woman to shed off dirty blood from the circulation.
d. Makes a woman achieve positive self-identity.
23.Ana had been married for 5 years, and now has 3 children. Her husband is working in the nearby town. The
type of family that she establishes is known as.
A.Family of procreation
B.Family of orientation
C.Family of origin
D.Family of generation
24. When measuring a client's fundal height, which of the following techniques denotes the correct method
of measurement used by the nurse?
A.From the xiphoid process to the umbilicus
B.From the symphysis pubis to the xiphoid process
C. From the fundus to the umbilicus
d. From the xiphoid process to the symphysis pubis
25. A student Nurse Rey is describing the process of fetal circulation to a client during a prenatal visit. The
student nurse accurately tells the client that fetal circulation consists of:
A.Two umbilical veins and one umbilical artery
B.Two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein
C.Arteries carrying oxygenated blood to the fetus
D.Veins carrying deoxygenated blood to the fetus
26. The developing cells are called a fetus from the:
A.Time the fetal heart is heard
B.Eighth week to the time of birth
C.Implantation of the fertilized ovum
D.End of the send week to the onset of labor
27. After the first four months of pregnancy, the chief source of estrogen and progesterone
A.Placenta. b.Adrenal cortex
C.Corpus luteum. d. Anterior hypophysis
28. A pregnancy client tells the clinic nurse that she wants to know the gender of her baby as Send as it can
be determined. The nurse understands that the client should be able to find out the gender at 12 weeks'
gestation because of which factor.
a.The appearance of the fetal external genitalia
b.The beginning of differentiation in the fetal groin
C.The fetal testes are descended into the scrotal sac
d. The internal differences in males and females become apparent
29. The nurse is conducting a prenatal class on female reproductive system. When a client in the class asks
why the fertilized ovum stays in the fallopian tube for 3 days, what is the nurse's best response?
a."It promotes the fertilized ovum's chances of survival"
b.”It promotes the fertilized ovum's exposure to estrogen and progesterone"
C."It promotes the fertilized ovum's normal implantation in the top portion of the uterus"
D.”It promotes the fertilized ovum's exposure to luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone"
30. Which explanation should the nurse provide to the prenatal client about the purpose of the
A.It cushions and protects the baby
B.It maintains the temperature of the baby
C.It is the way the baby gets food and oxygen
D.It prevents all antibodies and viruses from passing to the baby

SITUATION: Mrs. Marian Aguilar, G2P1 is in the labor room. She is becoming very quiet and irritable.

31.Mrs. Aguilar's cervix is completely dilated but on I, the nurse noted that the station has not progressed.
What is the next appropriate action of the nurse?
A.Palpate if the client's bladder is full.
B.Notify the physician.
C. Document the finding in the client's chart.
d. Request for an ultrasound
32. The nurse transfers Mrs. Aguilar to the delivery room when: soon as her cervix is 7 cm dilated.
B.when her bag of waters ruptures.
C.when on IE she is completely effaced and dilated.
D.when the client says she cannot control her urge to push.
33.In the second stage of labor, the nurse places Mrs. Aguilar in this position to facilitate pushing.
A.Semi-fowler's position
B.Trendelenburg position
C.High backrest
D.Sim's position
34. Normal head circumference of the newborn ranges from?
a. 33 - 37 cm
b. 10 - 13 inches
C. 30 - 35 cm
d. 13 - 14 inches
35.The peripheral circulation of a newborn remains sluggish for at least the first 24 hours. It is common to
observe cyanosis in the infant's feet and hands and termed as?
B.Central cyanosis
C. Peripheral cyanosis
d. Differential cyanosis
36. Which is NOT true in the Schultz mechanism of placental expuision?
a. Most common type of placental separation.
b.Maternal surface appears first.
c.Fetal surface appears first.
d. Side showing the insertion of the cord.
37. Increasing intensity refers to which phase of uterine contraction?
b. Increment
C. acme
d. Decrement
38. Several factors affect labor. Which of the following factors refers to passageway?
a. Size of the fetal head and its ability to mold to the maternal pelvis.
B.The structure of the maternal pelvis
C.The fetal attitude and the relationship of fetal parts to one another.
D.The distance of the presenting part from the ischial spines.
39. Which of the following terms is used to describe the thinning and shortening of the cervix that occurs just
before and during labor?
c. Effacement
b. Dilatation
d. Multiparous
40. Your client asks how long will she be in labor. All of the following factors will influence the length of her
labor, EXCEPT:
a. size of the placenta.
B.size of the baby.
C.mental attitude of the mother
D.position of the fetus inside the utero.
41. The nurse's action that has the highest priority for a client in the second stage of labor is to: the client push effectively.
B.prepare the client to breastfeed on the delivery table.
C. check the fetal position.
d. administer medication for the pain.
42.The mother of a 16-year-old tells the nurse that she is concerned because the child sleeps about 8 hours
every night until noontime every weekend. The appropriate nursing response is which of the following?
а."The child should not be staying up so late at night."
B."Adolescents need that amount of sleep every night."
C.'If the child eats properly, that should not be happening."
D."The child probably is anemic and should not eat more foods containing iron."
43.They are the greatest determinants or influencing factors of an adolescent's behavior:
44. The nurse reviews infant safety. It is most important to teach his mother about preventing which
common injuries among infants?
A.Drowning and hypersensitivities
B.Poisoning and suffocation
C.Auto accidents and burns
D.Aspiration and falls

45.At what age should and infant begin to locate an object hidden under a blanket?
a. 6 months
b.8 months
C. 10 months
d. 12 months
46. When assessing the visual ability of a 7-month-old boy, you should
A.Attempt to place a familiar object in the infant's hand and observe his response
B.Use a brightly colored object and check the infant's ability to follow object
C.Use a mirror to observe the infant's response to his image.
D.Observe the infant's ability to follow hand motions
47.Nurse is preparing to care for a 5-year-old who has been placed in traction following a fracture of the
femur. The nurse plans care, knowing that which of the following is the most appropriate
activity for this child?
A.Large picture books
B.A radio
C.Crayons and coloring book
d.A sports video
48. Which of the following types of play is primarily demonstrated by preschoolers?
49. When preparing a preschooler for hospitalization, you would plan interventions to address which fear?
A.Fear of the dark
B.Fear of abandonment
C.Fear of losing control
D.Fear of loving
50. A child is always talking about her teacher. She always sees to it that all her actions are in accordance
with what her teacher says. As a nurse, you will conclude that the child is under what stage of the
Psychosexual Theory?
A.Phallic stage
B.Anal stage
C.Latency stage
D.Genital stage
51. The mother of a 3-month-old is concerned because her daughter does not yet sit by herself.
Which of the following statements best reflects average sitting ability?
A.Most babies sit steadily at 3 months; she is slightly delayed.
B.Most babies do not sit steadily until 8 months; she is normal.
C.Sitting ability and the age of first tooth eruption are correlated.
D.Most babies sit steadily at 4 months; she is normal.
52. Beginning of verbal communication is one of the most important tasks that infants need to achieve. The
nurse teaches Jane's mother that by 12 months of age she should display which characteristics?
a. "Children this age can usually say around two words, plus 'ma-ma' and 'da-da'"
b."One-year-olds can usually say more words than they are able to understand"
C. "A 12-month-old child can express his or her basic needs verbally".
D."An infant who is this age usually can't understand spoken words
53.In providing guidance for a couple wishing to avold pregnancy, the nurse reviews the record d a client
who has a normal 29-day cycle. On which or the following days would the nurse expect the client to ovulate?
A.Day 5 or 6
B.Day 13 or 14
C.Day 15 or 16
D.Day 28 or 29
54.A client who gave birth to a healthy 8 pound infant 3 hours ago is admitted to the postpartum unit. Which
nursing plan is best in assisting this mother to bond with her newborn infant?
A.Encourage the mother to provide total care for her infant.
B.Provide privacy so the mother can develop a relationship with the infant.
C.Encourage the father to provide most of the infant's care during hospitalization.
D.Meet the mother's physical need most of the infant ware ch coward the infant.
55. Which maternal behavior is the nurse most likely to see when a new mother receives her infant for the
first time?
A.She eagerly reaches for the infant, undresses the infant, and examines the infant completely
B.Her arms and hands receive the infant and she then traces the infant's profile with her fingertips.
C.Her arms and hands receive the infant and she then cuddles the infant to her own body.
D.She eagerly reaches for the infant and then holds the infant close to her own body.
56. A client who is attending antepartum classes asks the nurse why her healthcare provider has prescribed
iron tablets. The nurse's response is based on what knowledge?
A.Supplementary iron is more efficiently utilized during pregnancy.
B.It is difficult to consume 18 mg of additional iron by diet alone.
C.Iron absorption is decreased in the GI tract during pregnancy.
D.Iron is needed to prevent megaloblastic anemia in the last trimester.
57. When educating a pregnant client about home safety, which of the following information is least
appropriate for the nurse to include in the teaching plan?
A.When taking a shower, place a non-skid mat on the floor of the tub or shower.
B.Avoid climbing stairs
C.Avoid wearing high heels.
D.Use non-slip rugs on the floors.
58. A woman comes to the health clinic because she thinks she is pregnant. Tests are performed and the
pregnancy is confirmed. The client's last menstrual period began on September 8 and lasted for 6 days. The
nurse calculates that her expected date of confinement (EDC) is:
A.May 15
C. June 21
B.June 15
D. July 8
59. A woman comes to the clinic for routine prenatal check-up at 34 weeks' gestation. Abdominal palpation
reveals the fetal position as right occipital anterior (ROA). At which of the following sites would the nurse
expect to find the fetal heart tone?
A.Below the umbilicus, on the mother's left side
B.Below the umbilicus, on the mother's right side
C.Above the umbilicus, on the mother's left side
D.Above the umbilicus, on the mother's right side
60. Mrs. Dimaano complains about her morning sickness. The nurse provides health teachings to the client.
Which of the following statements made by the client indicates a need for further instruction by the nurse?
A."I will avoid spicy or fatty foods"
B."I will postpone eating until supper"
C."I will eat small frequent meals"
D."I will eat crackers and dry toast before arising"
61. Mrs. Ruiz is scheduled for a nonstress test. After the test, the result documented on the chart is no
accelerations during the 40 minute observation. The nurse interprets these findings as:
A. A reactive stress test
C. An unsatisfactory stress test
B. A nonreactive stress test
D. The results are inconclusive
62. Another client had a nonstress tests for the past few weeks and the results were reactive. A few minutes
ago, the results were nonreactive. The nurse anticipates that the client will be prepared for:
A.A return appointment in 2 to 7 days to repeat the nonstress test
B. A contraction stress test
C.Hospital admission with continuous fetal monitoring
D.immediate induction of labor
63. A preganant woman is having a contraction stress test (CST) performed. Which of the followjng shows a
negative test result?
A. 50% or more contraction cause a late deceleration
B. No FHR decelerations occur with contructions
C. Decrease in FHR that occurs towards the end of a contraction and continues after the contraction.
D. All of the options indicate a negative result.
64. During her first trimester, a woman experiences many physiologie changes that lead her to think she is
pregnant. Which of the following changes will the nurse likely tell her are normal
changes for an 8 week preonancy?
A. Nosebleeds
B. Colostrum reaction
C. Dysuria
D. D. Dependent edema
65.Following her baby's birth, the woman's uterine fundus is sort, midline, 2 em above the umblicus, and she
has saturated two pads within 30 minutes. Which Immediate need by the
client should be addressed?
A.Be cleaned and have another pad change
B.Empty her bladder
C.Have an Increase in her IV fluids of Ringer's Lactate
D.Have her fundus massaged
66. Nurse Junifer is caring for a woman who is having labor induced with an oxytocin (Pitocin) drip. Which
assessment of the client indicates there is a problem?
A.The fetal heart rate is 160 beats per minute
B.The woman has three contractions in 5 minutes
C.Contraction duration is 60 seconds
D.Early fetal rate decelerations are occurring
67. Mrs. Fortalejo is in labor and taking three cleansing breaths followed by four, slow, deep breaths with
each contraction. She is experiencing much discomfort with her contractions. What action is most
appropriate for the nurse to take?
A.Demonstrate to Mrs. Fortalejo a different breathing pattern during contractions
B.Ask the physician for an order of pain medication
C.Have the man take a break and instruct Mrs. Fortalejo in another breathing pattern
D.Leave the couple alone as they have their routine established
68. Nurse Kristine is teaching childbirth education classes. What topic should be included during the second
A.Overview of the conception
B.Medication and breastfeeding
C.Infant care
D.Strategies to relieve the discomforts of pregnancy
69. Nurse Esther is caring for a woman in labor who suddenly complains of dizziness, becomes pale, and has
a 30-point drop in her BP with an increase in pulse rate. What Is the most appropriate initial nursing action?
A.Turn her to her left side
B.Have her breathe into a paper bag
C.Notify her physician
D.Increase her IV fluids
70. A woman is 25% over her ideal weight of 140 pounds. She would like to lose weight before becoming
pregnant. The woman is 2 months into her weight loss program. Which indicates she is following proper
weight management principles?
A.Carefully selects only carbohydrate and fat choices for meals
B.Has lost a total of 4 pounds
C.Is now 5% over her ideal weight
D.Goes to beginning aerobics for three times a week
71. A 38-week primigravida who works as a secretary and sits at a computer 8 hours each day tells the nurse
that her feet have begun to swell. Which instruction would be most effective in preventing pooling of blood in
the lower extremities?
A.Wear support stockings
B.Reduce salt in her diet
C.Move about every hour
D.Avoid constrictive clothing
81. The normal circulation differs from the fetal circulation because
a. The fetal lungs are non-functioning as an organ and most of the blood in the fetal circulation is mixed
b. The blood at the left atrium of the fetal heart is shunted to the right atrium to facilitate its passage to the
c. The blood in the left side of the fetal heart contains oxygenated blood while the blood on the right side
contains unoxygenated blood.
d. None of the above
82. The nurse in the health care clinic is instructing a pregnant client how to perform "Kick counts". Which
statement by the client indicates a need for further instructions?
a."I will record the number of movements or kicks in an hour."
b. "I need to lie flat on my back to perform the procedure for 3 hours."
C. "If I count fewer than 10 kicks in a 2-hour period, I should walk around a little and count the kicks again
over the next 2-hour."
d. "I should place my hands on the largest part of my abdomen and concentrate on the
fetal movements to count the kicks.'
83. What best describes the pattern of genetic transmission known as autosomal recessive inheritance?
A. Disorders in which the abnormal gene for the trait is expressed even when the other member of the pair is
B. Disorders in which both genes of a pair must be abnormal for the disorder to be expressed
C. Disorders in which a single gene controls the particular trait
D. Disorders in which the abnormal gene is carried on the X chromosome
84. The student nurse is giving a presentation about milestones in embryonic development. Which
information should he or she include?
A. At 8 weeks of gestation, primary lung and urethral buds appear.
B. At 12 weeks of gestation, the vagina is open or the testes are in position for descent into the
C. At 20 weeks of age, the vernix caseosa and lanugo appear.
D. At 24 weeks of age, the skin is smooth, and subcutaneous fat is beginning to collect.
85. With regard to the estimation and interpretation of the recurrence of risks for genetic disorders, nurses
should be aware that:
A. with a dominant disorder, the likelihood of the second child also having the condition is 100%.
B. An autosomal recessive disease carries a one in eight risk of the second child also having the
C. Disorders involving maternal ingestion of drugs carry a one in four chance of being repeated in the second
D. The risk factor remains the same no matter how many affected children are already in the
86. The nurse has performed a nonstress test on a pregnant client and is reviewing the fetal monitor strip.
The nurse interprets the test as reactive. How should the nurse document this
a. Normal
b. Abnormal
c. The need for further evaluation d.
That findings were difficult to interpret.
a twin, she is considered to be:
87. Mrs. Aguilar is on her 5th pregnancy and has a history of abortion and the first pregnancy was
a. G4 P3
b.G5 P3
C. G5 P4
d.G4 P4

89. Cervical soffening and uterine souria ara classified as which of the fallawing?
A.Diagnostic signs
b. Presumptive signs
C.Probable signs
d. Positive signs
An immunologic tests on the pregnant woman (to Identitly fetal risk factors) & on the newborn (to detect if
antibodies vs the teratogens are present).
B.HIV testing
C.Heb B Screen
D.Torch Screen
91. Which of the following common emotional reactions to pregnancy would the nurse expect to occur during
the first trimester?
a. Introversion, egocentrism, narcissism
B.Awkwardness, clumsiness, and unattractiveness
C.Anxiety, passivity, extroversion d.
D.Ambivalence, fear, fantasies
92. A contraction that is barely noticeable, aid in maintaining pressure in the intervillous spaces by closing
off the veins during contraction.
a.False Contraction
b.False Labor
c.Braxton Hicks
93. During which of the following would the focus of classes be mainly on physiologic changes, fetal
development, sexuality, during pregnancy, and nutrition?
A.Prepregnant period
B.First trimester
C.Second trimester
D.Third trimester
94. A nursing instructor asks a nursing student who is preparing to assist with the assessment of a pregnant
client to describe the process of quickening. Which of the following statements if made by the student
indicates an understanding of this term?
A."It is the irregular, painless contractions that occur throughout pregnancy."
B."It is the soft blowing sound that can be heard when the uterus is auscultated."
C."It is the fetal movement that is felt by the mother."
D."It is the thinning of the lower uterine segment."
95.A nurse midwife is performing an assessment of a pregnant client and is assessing the client for the
presence of ballottement. Which of the following would the nurse implement to test for the presence of
A.Auscultating for fetal heart sounds
B.Palpating the abdomen for fetal movement
C.Assessing the cervix for thinning
D.Initiating a gentle upward tap on the cervix
96.In the 12th week of gestation, a client completely expels the products of conception. Becaus the client is
Rh negative, the nurse must:
A.Administer RhoGAM within 72 hours
B.Make certain she receives RhoGAM on her first clinic visit
C. Not give RhoGAM, since it is not used with the birth of a stillborn
D. Make certain the client does not receive RhoGAM, since the gestation only lasted 12 weeks
97 The nurse recognizes that an expected change in the hematologic system that occurs during the 2nd
trimester of pregnancy is:
A. decrease in WBC's
B. in increase in hematocrit
C.An increase in blood volume
d. A decrease in sedimentation rate
98.The nurse is aware than an adaptation of pregnancy is an increased blood supply to the pelvic region that
results in a purplish discoloration of the vaginal mucosa, which is known as:
A.Ladin's sign
B.Hegar's sign
C.Goodell's sign
d. Chadwick's sign
99. An expected cardiopulmonary adaptation experienced by most pregnant women is:
B.Dyspnea at rest
C.Progression of dependent edema
D.Shortness of breath on exertion
100. What is the fetal structure that serves as a bypass or shunt connecting the left and right atria of the
A. Ductus venous
B.Ductus arteriosus
C.Foramen ovale
D.Umbilical arteries

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