Futuro Contínuo y Futuro Perfecto Simple

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Futuro contínuo

El futuro perfecto continuo enfatiza la continuidad de la acción futura.

Podemos utilizar el futuro continuo (will/won't be + -ing form) para hablar de acciones futuras que:

● se producirán en un momento determinado en el futuro:

When you come out of school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane.

Try to call before 8 o'clock. After that, we'll be watching the match.

You can visit us during the first week of July. I won't be working then.

● que vemos como nuevo, diferente o temporal:

Today we're taking the bus but next week we'll be taking the train.

He'll be staying with his parents for several months while his father is in recovery.

Will you be starting work earlier with your new job?

El futuro perfecto continuo es más usual con los denominados verbos dinámicos o de acción ya que
los denominados verbos de estado no suelen ir en tiempos progresivos.

Futuro perfecto simple

El futuro perfecto denota que la acción o estado estará completado en un momento dado del futuro.
Pone el énfasis en el resultado.

Utilizamos el futuro perfecto simple (will/won't have + participio pasado) para hablar de algo que se
completará antes de un momento específico en el futuro.

The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I'll have finished cooking by then.

On 9 October we'll have been married for 50 years.

Will you have gone to bed when I get back?

Podemos utilizar frases como by o by the time (que significa 'en algún momento antes') y in o in a
day's time / in two months' time / in five years' time etc. (que significa 'al final de este periodo') para
dar el periodo de tiempo en el que se completará la acción.

I won't have written all the reports by next week.

By the time we arrive, the kids will have gone to bed.

I'll have finished in an hour and then we can watch a film.

In three years' time, I'll have graduated from university.

Para las predicciones se puede usar tanto el futuro perfecto, como el futuro perfecto
continuo o el futuro continuo.
El matiz estará en si consideramos la predicción como acabada o si queremos
enfatizar la continuidad de la acción.


He's got a new job in Canada. He'll be ____

living in Vancouver from September.

I'm having driving lessons! Hopefully, I'll have passed

____ my test by summer.

Will you be waiting for me at the airport when I arrive?

We're making a change for the concert tonight! Ali will be singing and Chardine will be playing
____ the guitar.

I'm afraid I ____

won’t be coming tonight. I have a meeting until late.

In three weeks' time I'll ____

be lying on the beach in Sabah. I can't wait!

Let's call Rory. He'll ____

have arrived by now.

Jake can't come to the earlier film showing. He won't have finished
____ work at that time.

Tomorrow I ____ (will have been working/will have worked) for a month.

My younger son ____ (will have been breaking/will have broken) the guitar before his sister plays it.

I ____ (will have solved/will have been solving) the problem by the time you finish it.

On June 5, I ____ (will have been married/will have been marrying) for three years.

Before he goes to work today, he ____ (will have cooked/will have been cooking) for all the week.

The dogs ____ (will have barked/will have been barking) for an hour in two minutes!

After three months living in Ireland I ____ (will have improved/will not have been improving) my

Before 9 o'clock, my parents ____ (will have visited/will have been visiting) my aunt.

At the end of the day Elise ____ (will have decorated/will have been decorating) her new house.

Peter ____ (will have been phoning/will have phoned) his family twice a day at the end of the week.

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