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Accounting Policies
Consolidated by: Jemima T. Fernandez, BSACC 2-YA-2
 Specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices and applied
by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.
PAS 7 – STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW  In selecting accounting policies, the hierarchy must be followed:
 Provides information about the sources and utilization (uses) of cash and
o Judgement
cash equivalents.
 Consider the following:
 It helps users assess:
 Requirements in other PFRS dealing with similar
o The ability of the entity to generate cash and cash equivalents.
o The timing and certainty of the generation of cash flows.
 Conceptual Framework.
o The needs of the entity to utilize those cash flows.  Pronouncements issued by other standards setting bodies.
o Also provides information on the quality of earnings of an entity.  Other accounting literature and industry practices.
Classification of Cash Flows  Changes in accounting policy order of priority
o Transitional provision in a PFRS, in any.
 Operating Activities o Retrospective application, in the absence of transitional provision.
 Affects income and expenses; profit or loss. o Prospective application, if retrospective application is
o Cash flow derived primarily from “revenue generating activities”. impracticable.
o Includes cash inflow and outflow on items of income and expenses.
Changes in Accounting Estimates
 Investing Activities
 Purchase and sale of long-term assets and business investments;  Change in accounting estimate is change in realization of expected
only affects the asset account. inflow of economic benefits from assets or liabilities.
o Acquisition and disposal of non-current assets and other
investments. Errors
 Financing Activities  Omissions and misstatements in the financial statements from a failure
 Increase and decrease in cash with corresponding movement in to use or misuse of reliable information. These are:
liability or equity account. o Mathematical/numeral mistakes.
o Those that affect the entity’s equity capital and borrowing structure. o Mistakes in applying accounting policies
Presentation of Cash Flows from Operating Activities o Misinterpretation of facts.
o Fraud or oversight.
 Direct Method – shows each major class or gross cash receipts and
gross cash payments.
 Indirect Method – profit or loss is adjusted for the effects of non-cash PAS 10 – EVENTS AFTER REPORTING PERIOD
items and changes in operating assets and liabilities.
 Events, favorable or unfavorable that occur between the end of the PAS 16 – PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
reporting period and the date when the financial statements are
 Tangible Assets – have physical substance.
authorized for issue.
 Used in business – production, services, for rental or for administrative
 Date of authorization – date when management authorizes the financial
statements for issue.
 Long term in nature – expected to be used for more than one period.
Types of Events After Reporting Period  Examples of PPE
o Held for future plant site
 Adjusting events after the reporting period
o Held for environmental and safety reasons
o Events that are occurring after the reporting date that provide
o Major spare PPE and long-lived stand
evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting
o Furniture and fixtures
o Bearer plants
 Non-Adjusting events after the reporting period
 Examples of not PPE
o Do not require adjustments of amounts in the financial statements.
o Held for speculation or held for undetermined future use
o However, they are disclosed in the notes, if material. (changes in
o PPE classified as investment property under PAS 40
o Held for sale in the ordinary course of business or classified under
Going Concern PFRS 5
o Biological assets related to agricultural activity, other than bearer
 PAS 10 prohibits the preparation of financial statements on a going
concern basis if management determines after the reporting period either
o Intangible assets
that it intends to liquidate the entity or cease trading, or it has no
o Minor spare PPE and short-lived stand by
realistic alternatives but to do so.

PAS 12 – INCOME TAXES  It is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will
flow into the entity.
 Accounting Profit/Loss – is the profit or loss before deducting tax  The cost of the item can be measured reliably.
expense.  Spare parts, stand-by/servicing equipment – recognized as PPE, if it
 Taxable Profit (tax loss) – profit or loss for a period, determined in meets the definition of PPE (expected lifespan for more than one
accordance with the rules established by taxation authorities upon which period).
income taxes are payable.  Safety and environmental equipment – recognized as PPE if it’s
 Income Tax Expense – total amount included in the determination of necessary in obtaining the future economic benefits from other assets.
profit or loss for the period, it comprises:
o Current tax expense (income) – the amount of income tax Initial Measurement
payable/recoverable in respect to the taxable profit (tax loss) for a
 Purchase price includes: import duties; non-refundable purchase taxes;
and/or less trade discounts and rebates.
o Deferred tax expense (income) – the sum of the net changes in
 Direct costs of bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary
deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities during the period.
for it to be used in the manner intended by the management.
 Initial estimate of dismantlement, removal and site restoration costs for  Has remote likelihood of being sold as agricultural produce, except for
which the entity incurs an obligation by acquiring or using the asset incidental scrap sales.
other than to produce inventories.
Measurement of Costs
Direct Attributable Costs
 Measured at cash price equivalent at the acquisition date
 Employee benefits arising directly from construction or acquisition of  If at deferred payment (installment) – the difference between the cash
PPE price equivalent and the total payment is recognized as interest over the
 Costs of site preparation credit period.
 Initial delivery and handling costs  If acquired through an exchange (order of priority)
 Installment and assemble costs o Fair value of the asset given up
 Testing costs gross of disposal proceeds of samples produced during o Fair value of the asset received
testing (the proceeds and the cost of the samples are recognized in profit o Carrying amount of the asset given up
or loss) o If the exchange lacks commercial substance, PPE acquired is
 Professional fees
measured at the carrying amount of the asset given up
Expensed Outright

 Costs of opening a new facility

 Costs of introducing a new product or service
 Costs of conducting business in a new location or with new class of
 Administration and other general overhead costs
 Incidental operations
o Before or during the construction of PPE are not necessary in
bringing the PPE to the location and condition necessary for it to be
capable or operating in the manner intended by management.
o Income and related expenses are recognized in profit or loss

Self-Constructed Assets

 Cost incurred is determined using the same principles as for an acquired

 Excludes internal profits (e.g. savings) and the cost of abnormal
amounts of wasted material, labor, or other sources incurred in self-
constructing the asset.
Bearer Plants

 A living plant used in the production or supply of agricultural

 Expected to bear/produce for more than one period.
INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 Average method formula for inventory estimation:
Consolidated by: Jemima T. Fernandez, BSACC 2-YA-2
Beginning inventory XXX XXX
Net purchases XXX XXX
Mark up XXX
Chapter 8: Inventory Estimation
Mark up cancellation XXX
 Gross profit method – allows expressing and using a gross profit Markdown XXX
percentage based on either cost of goods sold or net sales to estimate Markdown cancellation XXX
inventory value. Goods available for sale XXX XXX
o Based on net sales – net sales = 100%; COGS = COGS/net sales;
GPR = net sales-COGS)/net sales Average cost-to-retail ratio (GAFS cost/retail) XXX%
o Based on cost – COGS = 100%; GPR = net sales-COGS)/COGS;
net sales = COGS+GPR or net sales/COGS Goods available for sale XXX XXX
 Retail inventory method – applies retail (sales price) information to Less: Net sales (sales – sales return) XXX
determine its relationship with costs (cost ratio) and ultimately, the
Ending inventory at retail price XXX
estimated ending inventory.
Multiply by cost-to-retail ratio XXX%
 Conservative method – considers only the price markups and
Ending inventory at cost XXX
markups cancellations.
 Average method – considers both price markups and price
markdowns. FIFO method formula for inventory estimation:
Cost Retail
Net purchases XXX XXX
Mark up XXX
Mark up cancellation XXX
Markdown XXX
Markdown cancellation XXX
Purchases during the period XXX XXX

FIFO cost-to-retail ratio (GAFS cost/retail) XXX%

Purchases during the period XXX XXX

Less: Net sales (sales – sales return) XXX
Ending inventory at retail price XXX
Multiply by cost-to-retail ratio XXX%
Ending inventory at cost XXX
 FIFO method – cost-to-retail ratio is only based on current period
purchases which exclude beginning inventory.
Chapter 9: Investments
Investments are assets held by an entity for the accretion of wealth through
distribution, such as interest, royalties, dividends, and rentals, for capital
appreciation or other benefits to the investing entity such as those obtained
through trading relationships.

Chapter 10: Investment in Debt Securities

A security is an interest or share in a debt or equity of another entity that is
represented in a financial instrument, which is being dealt on capital markets.
Equity securities represent ownership interest such as ordinary and
preference shares, which gives the holder certain rights to acquire or dispose At a premium: EIR < NIR
of any ownership interest, at an agreed or determinable price. FA * NIR PV * EIR IR – II PV – Amort
Debt securities are financial assets that represent the terms of loan between Interest Receivable Interest income Amortization Present Value
the creditor and the lender. These typically includes the maturity value,
interest rate payments, and a maturity date. Issued by a company and sold to At a discount: EIR > NIR
an investor.
FA * NIR PV * EIR II – IR PV + Amort
An entity shall recognize a financial asset or financial liability in its Interest Receivable Interest income Amortization Present Value
statement of financial position when and only when the entity becomes a
party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
These financial instruments shall be initially measured at fair value (all other
financial instruments at FVPL) or at fair value plus transaction cost (all other
financial instruments at amortized cost or FVOCI)

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