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Basic 3 Unit 6

Malcolm’s Special Day

a. The pictures below show scenes from the story “Malcolm’s Special Day”.
Number the pictures in the correct order and write a sentence to describe each

a. _______________________________

b. _______________________________

c. _______________________________

d. _______________________________

e. _______________________________

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Basic 3 Unit 6

b. Tell your partner what happened to Malcolm on his special day. Use the pictures
from activity a. to help you.

c. How do the people below feel? Match what they said in column A with their emotions
in column B.
1. “Ah… this is the life! Just sea, sun, and beautiful skies.” ___ a. lonely

2. “I’ll probably never see my best friend again. I’m going to miss
b. exited
him so much.” ___
3. “Wow! When did you decide to paint all the walls bright c. surprised
orange?” ___

4. “I don’t have any friends. Nobody loves me!” ___ d. nervous

5. “I hope I do well in this job interview. I hope I don’t do e. relaxed

anything stupid.” ___

6. “Ooooh, what fun! Today’s my birthday!” ___ f. upset

d. Imagine you are either Malcolm or his wife, Debbie. Write about your day in your

May 15
Dear Diary,
Today started off badly but ended up great!







e. Read your partner’s diary and guess who he/she is.

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