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1 One of the benefit of effective brand management is customer loyalty
2 A promise that the product will perform as per expectation is the faith on brand
The function of marketing that gives identity or face value to a product is called
This kind of branding aims at connecting with the customers at personal level

Successful brands might be considered to encapsulate the three Brand Ps (3BPs). These
are; promises, positioning and performance

6 A strong brand does not refer to which one of the following? fake ads
Branding involves creating positive attributes as the following except one of these
Which of the following brand strategy gives you the benefit of premium pricing?
Umbrella brand strategy
Which of the following is created by management for the consumer and for the
company through good brands value
10 Tangible aspects of the brand excludes the following transporting
11 The prices of luxury product fall under skimming pricing
When two or more products are launched simultaneously to attract two or more
segments of the market: Multiple-niche strategy
The ability of the consumers to correctly differentiate among various brands is called
brand recognition
14 When a consumer thinks of a brand, he usually thinks of all except competitors
15 Intangible aspects of the brand excludes the following actual prodcut
16 A successful brand does not consider the following objectives ignores values
17 Challenges of the brand include obselence
A set of beliefs, ideas & impressions that a person holds regarding an object brand
19 The ability of the consumers to elicit the brand correctly is called brand recall
20 A linkage which a buyer forms in one's mind about a brand: brand association
An activity of creating a brand offer in such a manner that it occupies a distinctive
place & value in the minds of target customers brand positioning
What consumers have learned about the brand, felt, heard & seen about the brand is
called brand knowledge
23 Choose an example that does not represent brand awareness HUL- Appliances
24 It helps build active loyalty relationships with the consumers brand resonance
25 Aided brand recall is known as brand recognition
26 Which of the following is not a type of brand association health
27 Customer based brand equity has been developed by Kevin Keller
It provides general guidelines about brand strategy & the brand elements to be applied
across all the different products sold in the firm brand architecture
29 Consumer's ability to retrieve the brand from the memory brand recall
30 When brand answers the question for " Who am I "? It is called brand salience
It focuses on the ultimate relationship and level of identification that the customer has
with the. brand resonance

"A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify
32 the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from
those of competitors" defintion is given by
The American Marketing Association
33 It refers to the ultimate consumers perceptions about the brands. brand image
34 It is considered as an act of creating a brand. Branding
35 The legal term for brand is Trademark.
36 Consistency in branding is essential to product success.
Brand management is basically the process of maintaining, improving and upholding a
brand so that the name is associated with positive results.
38 Logo is one of the major components of the company’s brand.
Projective techniques are diagnostic tools to understand the true opinions and feelings of
39 consumers when they are unwilling or otherwise unable to express themselves on these
Brand recall relates to consumers’ ability to identify the brand under a variety of
41 Brand attributes are those descriptive features that characterize a product or service.
Brand performance describes how well the product or service meets customers’ functional
43 Brand feelings are customers’ emotional responses and reactions to the brand.
44 Brand positioning is at the heart of marketing strategy.
45 A brand is defined as an intangible asset
The brand image is a symbolic construction created within minds of the customers about
the product and company.
47 Branding creates trust and emotional attachment of product and company
48 Generally branding brings(builds) name recognition for product(company)
49 A brand identity is the centering idea of business organization
50 A strong brand can make actual product feature insignificant.
51 The branded products own the responsibility for its usefulness
52 Brands save decision making time.
53 Branding exists in all industries
54 Brand tracking studies collect information from the buyers
55 CBBE stands for customer based brand equity
56 Brand positioning would mean to position the brand or product
57 branding helps make purchasing decisions easier
58 Strong brands exhibit the _3C of branding
Brands that live up to their promise have a strong customer support and a universal
Trademarkable devices that serve to identify & differentiate the brand is called brand
1 elements
2 Which of them is not a brand element. Wealth
Images, texts, shapes that depicts the name & purpose of the product & the brand is
3 called logos.
A catchphrase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a
4 product is called slogan.
A catchy one liner that evokes an image of the brand in the minds of the customers is
5 called _tagline.
6 URL stands for uniform resource locator.
7 Just do it- NIKE is an example of the following slogan.
8 A short song or tune used in advertising & commercial uses is called jingle.
The process of designing the product with containers, wrappers & providing necessary
9 information is called packaging.
10 Which of the following is not a component of IMC
Overcrowding of too many advertisments or messages at the same time is called
11 clutter.
Implementation of a strategy through which companies deliver individualized content
12 to consumers personalised marketing
13 They serve as brand ambassadors of a company, product or a service, its called
14 The most effective tool using personal touch in IMC is called personal selling.
A marketing stategy that engages the customer through real-life experiences is called
15 experiential marketing.
A non-traditional marketing technique that advertises goods & services when advance
16 consent is given is called permission marketing.
17 Its goal is to create strong emotional customer connections to lead the business
18 Brand alliance or partnership or dual branding is also called co-branding.
Using a famous personality to promote goods or services on behalf of a company is
19 called celebrity endorsement.
Sponsorship at Olympics is an example of leveraging which kind of brand associations
20 to enhance brand equity secondary .
21 What helps to break the clutter of the brand celebrity endorsements.
22 The concept of 'made in india' refers to concept of origin.
23 It is defined as the road map of a product product strategy.
It is the path by which all goods & services are transported to the intended customer
24 distribution channel.
25 Amul girl is an example of brand mascot.
26 Choose one example which does not represent brand endorsement deals patanjali.
27 It can be seen as a mark of quality & are perceived as credible third party sources.
28 Walt disney leverages secondary brand associations through which mode licensing.
It is an act of using a brand name of the company in the overall advertising efforts &
29 stakeholder communications corporate branding
The following exists on 3 levels namely: physical, logical & emotional perceived
30 benefits.
31 The following leads to renewal snatching cybersquatting.
A web address that specifies its location on a computer network & has mechanism for
32 retreiving it URL.
33 Choose an example of non-perishable products soaps
It helps to distinguish itself from its competitors merely by its logo, one such example
34 is McDonalds.
35 Brand Attitude defines what the brand thinks about the consumer, as per the consumer.
Brand Associations includes all that is linked up in memory about the brand. It could be specific to
36 attributes, features, benefits or looks of the brand.
Brand Symbol includes two visual signals of a brand – its character (e.g. Amul girl, Pillsbury
37 doughboy) and its logo.
Close up, Doordarshan, Frooti, Babool, Fair and Lovely, Band-aid and Ujala are the examples of
38 Descriptive brand name.
39 Whisper, Visa, Tropicana, Surf, Limca, Crush, Denim are examples of Suggestive brand name.
Vaseline- petroleum jelly sold as lip salve and moisturizer, is an example of category related
40 positioning.
A brand promise can be defined as the marketers vision of brand and what is should do for
41 consumers.
Brand Fatigue is the point when visibility, frequency, and emotional effect actually work against
42 the brand instead of for it.
43 The drivers that differentiate and identify the brands are classified as: Brand elements
The activities and steps that inform and engage employees in building a brand is classified as :
44 Internal branding
"Your favorite music, one tap away": An Uber and Pandora Media collaboration that
45 lets Uber riders create Pandora playlists to use during trips is an example of: cobranding
46 Which of the following is not a cobranding strategy? single brand strategy
cobranding occurs when two established brand names of different companies are used on the
47 same product.
A brand extension involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified products
48 in a new category.
49 packaging involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.
Increasing number of retailers and wholesalers are creating their own private brand called: store
50 brand
Name, sign, symbol, designs etc. used to identify the goods or services of one seller and to
51 differentiate it from the competition is known as: branding
52 Trademarked devices that serve to identify and differentiate the brand is called: brand elements
53 Which of the following is not a brand element? Price
A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a clan, political, commercial, religious, and other
context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose, with the goal of persuading members of
54 the public or a more defined target group.
A Logo is a graphic mark, emblem, symbol or stylized name used to identify a company,
55 organization, product, or brand.
A character that personifies your brand is called: (Think of it as the face of your company. It can be
anything: an inanimate object, animal, human, or even a completely imaginary creature.) Brand
56 mascot
57 A brand personality is a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name.
58 logos is a graphic mark which gives instant recognition
59 Changing Brand name in a brand element is the most difficult task
60 Character are short phares that communicate and are Descriptive & persuasive in nature
Integrated Marketing Communication is a concept of marketing communications planning that
recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety
of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency, and
61 maximum communication impact
Personalized Marketing , is a marketing strategy by which companies leverage data analysis and
digital technology to deliver individualized messages and product offerings to current or
62 prospective customers
Experiential Marketing, One to One Marketing , Permission Marketing are ways of Personalized
63 Marketing
1 The brand value chain is a model that was constructed by Keller & Lehman
2 Which of the following is not elements of the customer mindset branding.
3 Which of the following is not a model of dimensions of brand personality
A structured approach to assessing the sources & outcomes of brand equity
4 brand value chain
5 It represents the judgements & the feelings for the brand response
Differential response by consumers resulting in brand equity cannot be seen
6 in quantity
A consumer focused series of methods to evaluate the health of the brand is
7 called brand audit.
It can be defined as the marketers vision of brand and what it should do for
8 consumers. Brand promise
9 It includes esteem & knowledge about the product. brand stature
10 It includes differentitaion & relevance about the product. brand strength
P&G-Project shiksha , Fair & lovely foundations- project Saraswati are
11 examples of which kind of Marketing. cause marketing
Ola share, Ola micro, Ola prime all are examples uses which kind of strategy?
12 value pricing
Dannon Yogurt offers several types of new yogurts, Fruit on the Bottom,
Natural Flavours, and Fruit Blends to name a few. This is an example of a
13 brand variant.
When rasna launches flavoured drinks in milk/ dairy category it would be an
14 example of brand extension.
The model of brand equity called brand asset valuator was developed by
15 Young & Rubicam.
It can be explained as how easily and how often customers think of brand
16 under several consumption or purchase situations. brand salience
17 It is a qualitative method of brand equity measurement. projective techniques
The method to analyse the total effect of brand equity is called Holistic
18 technique.
19 A strong brand commands which of the following intense consumer loyalty.
Marketers make sure that marketing strategies are identical to maximum
20 consumers considering the fact that no two are alike.
When marketers mix & matches various activites to maximise individual &
21 collective efforts, its called integrated marketing
The method developed by Sigmund Freud, the father of Psychoanalytical
22 theory is called free association test.
23 Word association test is a type of which kind of test? projective test
24 Which of the following is not an element of the consumers mindset? Brevity
25 Brand strength is equal to differentiation x relevance
26 Which of the following is not a dimension of brand personality? Cost
27 Choose one example of umbrella branding. Patanjali
Qualitative technique is a method of measuring brand equity which is unstructured and is
28 used to detemine & characterize the types of associations and sources of brand equity
29 Brand Recognition consumers’ ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand
Down to earth, Honest, Wholesome &Cheerful are traits of which Brand personality type
30 as per Big 5 Model. Sincerity
Daring, Spirited,Imaginative & Up-to-Date are traits of which Brand personality type as
31 per Big 5 Model. Exitement
Reliable, Intelligent & Successful are traits of which Brand personality type as per Big 5
32 Model. Competence
Upper Class & Charming are traits of which Brand personality type as per Big 5 Model.
33 Sophistication
Outdoorsy &Tough are traits of which Brand personality type as per Big 5 Model.
34 Ruggedness
As per Young & Rubican BAV model for measuring Brand Equity the four sets of
35 measures include Differenciation, Relevance , Esteem & Knowledge
As per Young & Rubicam BAV model Differenciation & relevance combine to form 'Brand
36 Strength'
As per Young & Rubicam BAV model Esteem & Knowledge combine to form 'Brand
37 Stature'
As per Young & Rubican BAV model Differentiation measures the degree to which a
38 brand is seen different from others
39 As per Young & Rubican BAV model Relevance measures the breadth & Brand appeal
As per Young & Rubican BAV model Esteem measures how well the brand is regarded &
40 respected
As per Young & Rubican BAV model Knowledge measures how familiar and intimate the
41 consumers are with the brand
42 Qualitative research methods are ideal for measuring brand associations
The ability of the marketing program to affect the customer mind-set will depend on its
43 quality .
44 It is brand values which are at the heart of sucessful branding
45 The first step in brand Value chain process Is Marketing Program Investment
46 The last step in brand Value chain process Is Shareholder Value
Projectile_ technique is diagnostic tools which is used to uncover the true opinions and
47 feelings of consumers which they are unwilling to express themselves on these matters.
48 Brand Personality has a set of human characteristics associated with brand
Brand feelings are customers emotional responses and reaction with respect to the
49 brand.
50 Brand knowledge refers to brand awareness.
51 Quantitative research methods are ideal for measuring awareness.
52 There are 4 key components or pillars of brand equity in Brand Asset Valuator
53 Projective techniques are diagnostic tools to reveal the true feelings and opinions of the consumers.
54 The simplest and the most powerful way to profile brand associations is Free association tasks.
55 Brand recognition is very important for packaging.
56 Conjoint analysis is a survey-based multivariate technique.
57 Inter brand is probably the premier brand valuation firm.
58 The Terminal value represents the brand’s expected performance beyond a forecasted period.
59 The brand strength Inversely determines the discount rate.
60 Competitive brands can be useful bench marks in brand based comparative approach.
61 The role of Brand reflects the portion of demand for a branded product.
It is a system that organizes brands, products & services to help an audience access
& relate to a brand achitecture.
It consists of different products within a category that are sold to the similar target
group product line.
A combination of all product lines & items that a particular seller makes available
to buyers product mix.
A graphical representation of a companys products & its brand in an order of
performance brand heirarchy.
A brand or its parent company aligns some of its activities with a social cause, its
called cause marketing.
It is also called as CSR activity to be considered as an obligation of the company
social responsibility.
Marketing of products & services based on environmental factors & its awareness
is called green marketing.
A set of all product lines & items that a particular seller makes available to buyers
is called product assortment.
When an organisation launches new products along with the exisiting ones in the
market is called brand extensions.
Full knowlegde of the product & its complete details of the consumer is called
brand awareness.
Brands need to revive their fortune by returning to their roots in order to recover
lost equity, its called brand revitalisation.
An act of marketing a product under the same name in multiple countries is called
global marketing.
It aims at bringing about a change in the behaviour of the society social marketing.
Choose an example of global branding. Coke.
Consumers who purchase a product for its eco-friendly claims will often pay more
for those benefits.
Green marketing is a part of Social marketing
Introduction of product in large scale in the target market is called:
It occurs when a company's promotional campaign increases profits & leads to
betterment of society. cause marketing
The success & failure of an extended product does not directly affect whom?
parent brand
An increasing demand for organic food products is provided by companies under
green marketing.
Colgate company launched a new set of products of personal care from oral care is
an example of product extension
The wide range of variety of products under the brand name of DOVE is an
example of brand extension.
Choose one example of "Branding globally, Adapting Locally" Apple
Choose any one disadvantage of brand extension. less customers
Gillette razors to gillette after shave is an example of companion product
The most frequently used tool of brand reinforcement is called sales promotion.
When Horlicks launched Women's horlicks in India in 2008 it was considered as
entering new segments.
FMCG stands for fast moving consumer goods.
Volkswagen marketing of its vehicles as clean diesel , earth friendly vehicles is an
example of green marketing.
A clear and concise brand strategy leads to stronger overall Brand recognition.
Brand architecture is the structure of brands within and organisational identity
The brand product matrix is a graphical representation of all the products sold by
the firm
Brand architecture is the structure of brands within an organisational entity
Cause Related Marketing was introduced by Varadarajan and Menon.
Too much of brand extension can confuse the Customer.
Reinforcing brands may depend on the nature of the brand association.
brand revitalization strategy is employed when a brand has reached maturity and
profits begin to decline
Brands revitalizing is only done for brands which are a failure
Managers by instinct and training are always examining the market for customers.
In the Brand-product matrix all products offered under different brands are
represented by columns.
Brand hierarchy is based on the realization that a product can be branded in
different ways depending on how many new and existing brand elements are used
and how they are combined for any one product.
Family Brand level is also called as the range brand or umbrella brand.
Modifier refers to the word, phrase or clause that functions as an adjective or
adverb to qualify the meaning of the other word.
Symbols can also be used for establishing the relationship between the brand and
multiple products.
Corporate societal marketing programs can be a means of improving recognition
for a brand.
Cause marketing helps consumers to justify their self worth to others or
Green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be
environmentally safe.
Brand extension improves the strength and favorability of the product.
The highest level of the Brand Hierarchy technically always involves one
brand—the corporate or company brand.
The Depth of a branding strategy is the number & nature of different brands
marketed in the product class sold by a firm.
The Breadth of a branding strategy describes the number & nature of different
products linked to the brands sold by a firm.
The Branding Strategy for a firm reflects the number and nature of common and
distinctive brand elements applied to the different products sold by the firm.
Brand-product matrix helps in showcasing different brands in any given product
Sub-brands are an extremely popular form of brand extension in which the new
product carries both the parent brand name and a new name.
Brand Vision is management’s view of the brand’s long-term potential.
Brand Architecture is the logical, strategic and relational structure for brands.
In Cause Marketing, company contributes some amount of revenue generated
from product sales towards designated cause.
Product Line facilitates marketers to devise strategy with regards to future
treatment for a given brand.
Brand Extension is the marketing strategy wherein a new product is launched
under the existing brand name.

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